The Man Who Should Be Behind Punk's "Movement For Change"


Pre-Show Stalwart

Yes for those who do not know that is Paul Heyman. Probably best known for being one of the biggest personnel's of ECW. Heyman is also as we all know by now if you are a WWE fan, the man who helped CM Punk become a top face on the ECW brand. And believe me that is no easy feat. Heyman is not one of the happiest guys to work with that's for sure and has been known to have pissed off a lot of talents within WWE at times. But how much sense would this make as far as this storyline goes.

A lot of you have been saying how difficult the story has been to understand and the usual questions have been:

- Why would Kevin Nash send a text to himself?
- Why would Kevin Nash care if this has nothing to do with Kliq?
- If this was legit why would out of all HHH's friends, Nash have problems with Punk?

and the big favourite....
- What's the storyline's purpose?

Honestly I have no clue what they were thinking and they had so many choices to go with and ended up ending their intrigue of who sent the text. But we still have yet to learn why Nash attacked Punk. Could the answer be that Punk wanted to take down the whole McMahon family starting with HHH having to fire Vince. HHH's friend becoming his foe. And now possibly Stephanie having some involvement. Its all very interesting but where does Heyman fit in?

Heyman was I believe and I do not wish to drag my cursor to wikipedia so I guess that Heyman was assistant GM to Stephanie back in around 2003. There they had a weird relationship where he acted loyal but also strange. Then we had the whole ECW issues and he left the company. What if all this time Punk's quest for change is that everything he wants in WWE becomes his.

His own board of directors being the likes of Heyman, Jim Ross and some other ECW golden oldies. ROH talent such as The Kings of Wrestling, Colt Cabana and even Axel Steel. Also in his shoot back in June/July he noted he wanted more guys like Ziggler, Kidd and Ryder to have TV time. That's becoming obvious to us all that its beginning.

I do not know but I just think we all do not want something obvious like John Laurinatus and Stephanie. I hear Vince might be returning well that would just be a circle as Punk stated a couple of months back.

Oh and also, Punk can't be happy with his boy Claudio Castagnoli being given a different name. He'll probably use that later this year in a promo. Peace and thoughts?
It would be a very interesting storyline considering Stephanie and Heyman legitimately bumped heads on the creative end. Only problem is he does't have legit power in WWE, so he wouldn't fit in as a threat to HHH/Steph/Laurinitis.
Wasn't there rumors a while back Brock was coming back in a non-wrestling capacity? I'd love to see Heyman come back and form a group with Punk.
I think punks work on this angle was good enough in his own. paul heyman might make a bit more sense but unless he had some sort of representative in the ring (which would have probobly been some old washed up former ECW talents) there would have been no way to bring this story into in ring action
Heyman has a few links to the storyline, but I'm not sure it should be anything more than mentioning his name. CM Punk can, and needs to stand on his own. Paul Heyman's involvement would only make sense if Punk was the heel. Punk doesn't need a manager and he certainly doesn't need a boss. That's just contradicting his anti-authority gimmick. And adding him to the other side doesn't make sense unless you want to crush what we all remember Heyman for, which is leading the rebellion we called ECW. Heyman can add a lot to any storyline, but I think adding him to this would end up being counter productive- even if it'd be neat to see the mad scientist on T.V. again.
I think this is a nice idea, especially since Punk mentioned Heyman in his first "real" promo (the first promo Punk cut on Raw where it looked like his mic was "legitimately" cut off -- I think that was the first one where it looked like he was legitimately "shooting" on Vince, Johnny Ace, HHH, etc). I believe Punk said (something to the effect of) had it not been for Heyman, he might not have "made it" at all in the WWE.

Personally, I don't think we'll see Paul Heyman in a WWE ring ever again. I know, I know...never say "never", especially in Pro Wrestling -- but everything I've read about Paul Heyman recently has pretty much implied that he has absolutely no interest in returning to Pro Wrestling in any capacity (WWE or otherwise). If Paul Heyman was given some power backstage in the WWE (and not just an on-screen role), then maybe I could see him returning...but I just don't see the WWE giving Paul any backstage stroke. Vince and company seem to only trust their own family, and not too many other "outsiders" (IE: Heyman).

Didn't Paul Heyman leave the WWE last time because they decided to take what little power he had away from him? I could be wrong, but I thought when WWECW started Paul was in control of that brand. It seemed to me that Paul left when he was no longer "in charge" of the new ECW (or WWECW). Again, I might be wrong on that...but that's what I thought happened. I just can't see Paul coming back, unless he has some kind of creative control over some aspect (whether that be Raw, Smackdown, Superstars, etc). Heyman always seemed like a bit of a control-freak to me, and I thought that he left the WWE (or was fired, or whatever) because he was stripped of what little power he had at the time. Maybe I'm wrong.

I would love to see Heyman become a modern day Bobby Heenan, with a stable of his own...but I think that's all just a pipe-dream. After everything I've heard Heyman say over the past few years concerning Pro Wrestling, I just don't see him returning to the WWE (or TNA, or RoH, or any other wrestling company unless he was given "absolute power" or "complete creative control").

Again, this is a nice thought...but as others have already said, CM Punk doesn't need anyone to be the "puppet master" behind his recent actions. Punk is doing great on his own, and he doesn't need a manager or mouthpiece. IMHO, Punk is the most interesting character on WWE TV right now, and he doesn't need any extra element to make him any more interesting. If anything, I think adding Paul Heyman as the guy behind Punk's recent actions would actually take away from Punk's current character.

IMHO -- if the WWE decided to bring Heyman back, I feel that he would be better with someone who actually needed a manager to get over (someone like Daniel Bryan, or Tyson Kidd for instance). I feel that either one of those guys would benefit a LOT more from having Heyman as their manager than Punk would, I just don't feel that Punk needs ANYONE to further his current character. Like I already said, Punk is the most interesting character the WWE currently has (IMHO). If Heyman were to come back to the WWE (which I doubt will happen at all), I'd love to see him start a stable with both Daniel Bryan and Tyson Kidd (kind of like the "Heenan Family" in the '80s). Maybe they could even add some guys from the current RoH roster, if any of them decided to jump ship to the I think that would be awesome! Just one man's opinion, although I don't think we'll ever see Mr. Heyman in the WWE again...
As much as I would love for Paulie to return, I know it's not going to happen. Paul Heyman doesn't like Vince McMahon and his inability to listen to an idea that isn't his. It's also unlikely because Stephanie McMahon HATES Paulie and wanted him out of WWE long before he left.
all in all punk works better alone. any time he has group it just dosent work. no punk with be his own drummer. he might be a haymen guy but he is still cm punk not wwe .5 version of cm punk.

Exactly what I was thinking. Punk is better alone than in a group. Every group he leads turns into him with a bunch of crappy allies that do nothing but get beat up. SES was suppose to be all about him but New Nexus became SES 2 instead of continuing the Nexus storyline.

I really like Punk right now. Him, with no allies taking on the bosses, not afraid to get his ass kicked is great. The heel within him is shining but at the same time, he's a face. It's a good gimmick that should last awhile. Let's hope WWE doesn't mess it up.
Hey guys, this is my first post in here so don't judge me too much. I was reading this thread and started thinking, "who would be the best fit to be behind the whole 'change the WWE' idea"? And it just occurred to me..... SHANE McMAHON!! Remember he left the company because he saw no future whatsoever. What if he came back to take what was rightfully his? What if he's back to take over Vince, instead of having HHH in that position? Just my two cents.
I think with the options they have the perfect "swerve" would be for Shane McMahon to be the man behind CM Punk. Now, I know by all accounts that Shane is no longer with WWE, but I'm sure he would come back. It would be perfect. Shane could say he wanted to sabotage HHH as COO because it should've been him, but because HHH is married to "the billion dollar Princess" that Vince favored him over his own son. It would be huge and they could set up a million things for it to be the best long term storyline in years.
I like the idea of Heyman back on tv but he wont come back to WWE, at least right now. Also having someone being the mastemind over Punk would ruin what they started to build with Punk.

Also Shane coming back for the reasons stated abouve would make sense but would be way to similar to the Invation storyline just my opinion
I never mentioned Heyman becoming Punk's manager or Punk starting a group. I simply stated that what if Punk wanted Heyman in power and his ROH friends to join even if it meant FCW, SmackDown, Superstars or Raw.
If Paul Heyman was going to come back he would want some kind of power. Vince will give up power when his heart stops beating. Not going to happen even though it is a good idea.
IMO Paul Heyman would never work for WWE again. After all his supposed backstage disagreements with the McMahons and seeing his brand bastardized, he really has no incentive to return. He really had a decent run in WWE, both on SD and in the new ECW, so coming back for one storyline seems farfetched to me.

As for CM Punk, he is better off on his own. Even though it would make sense for Heyman to return or to have Punk lead a ROH faction. At this point in his career, he's had enough groups with the SES and the new Nexus. With all his momentum currently, he's better served as a loner.

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