the main event affect


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this is something i noticed a while back and it got me thinking. "why do i hate jeff hardy, HHH, john cena, randy orton?" soo much when apparently the rest of the WWE universe loves (or loves to hate) them. when Jeff hardy one his 2nd world championship i was starting to dislike Jeff hardy. mainly because no matter who he's against the fans will boo anyone that lays a finger on him, this started happening when he started to become a main-eventer. even now i'm starting to not like CM pun as much as i did about 3 months ago (howeve CM punk is still my favorite wrestler) but ever since he won the world championship again i've started to notice his flaws more frequently (his hair is really greasy, he actually at times looks like he doesn't shower)and i'm starting to sway towards john Morrison as a favorite. yet this is because he is on the verge of becoming a main event player. yet if he wins the world championship is he going to get the same reaction punk did? or even jeff to some? i

i'm wondering if this feeling happens to any other fans out there? so my questions to this thread are?

-do u feel the same way about main eventers?

-do u think you will feel the smae way when morrison wins a world championship?

-how do we prevent this feeling of main event loathing?

your thoughts on the subject please?
I have to agree with you with the C.M. Punk thing. Since his debut on ECW, I was a big fan. I continued to be a fan up until the time that he won the Intercontinental Championship tournament. Since then, he's won the Intercontinental Championship, qualified for the Money in the Bank match, won the Money in the Bank, and cashed it in and won the World Heavyweight Championship for the second time. I've completely lost a lot of the love that I once had for C.M. Punk and i'm thinking it has to do with the insane amount of pushes he's getting.

Same with Triple H. I started off as a fan of HHH, but that only lasted a few months. At the time that I started watching WWE, Triple H was only a 7 time World Champion. I continued to hate Triple H up until the reunion of DX, which at the time, HHH was already a 10 time World Champion. Then the quad injury came along. I couldn't wait for his return, and then he won the WWE Championship again and then lost it the same night, luckily. I started to not like HHH anymore around early 2008-ish. This is about the time that he re-started his selfish quest for the WWE Championship and he's won it two times since then, maybe even a 3rd at Night of Champions. I hate everything about Triple H, except for his wfie, brother-in-law and father-in-law.

Now... other main-eventers like John Cena, Randy Orton, and Batista. I don't mind seeing them get so many pushes. I'm a fan of all three and I would rather see them as champ than Triple H or C.M. Punk anytime. But why don't they also add the more of the talented people as champ, like The Undertaker and Chris Jericho? Why is Undertaker a 6-time champ and his longest title reign was only 5 months? Why hasn't Chris Jericho been champ for a long time?

John Morrison? I'm not a big fan of him, but he do respect what he does in the ring. He's a very talented superstar and can do a lot of amazing things in the ring. Do I think he's ready for a World Title? Sure. For a long period of time? Not too sure. He improves every single week and continues to look more and more like a champion. Will I feel the same way about him when he wins the World Title? I don't know. But if he continues to get these corny pushes like C.M. Punk and Triple H. I'd say so.
I like the way Punk's heel character is being developed. He's getting more confident talking and that double-underhook back breaker he did the other night was a cool move to add to his arsenal. I don't think Morrison is quite ready even though he's being pushed to the moon by going over the champ twice, and going over every week it seems like. He's an acrobat. I also dislike the Cena, HHH, and Orton being over-saturated in the main event. If they laid off those guys or mixed it up a little I would take to them better. Seeing the same match out of those guys every time they wrestle really gets old fast.
It sounds like you simply don't like guys because they are in the main event. Of course you'll notice CM Punk's flaws more often; he's getting a lot more time on TV and PPV becasue he's in the main event. That's just the way it goes. If you see the same wrestler enough times, you're going to find one or two flaws. But just because he's in the main event that doesn't mean CM Punk can't still be your favorite.

Personally, I don't not a huge Morrison fan right now anyway. I think he's much better suited as a heel than as a face. He probably won't be a main eventer for at least a year anyway. But, if you like him now you shouldn't dislike when he becomes a main eventer, that's just being cynical.
i completely agree with cool_guy_12 and Slam Master. It's really not that they aren't talented but it's the over exposure of the main event and the fact that it's the same people they face repeatedly because they have so few M.E. on each brand. If they would move a few more people on each show up from the Mid to the M.E. then they could have different fueds every few months...not and endless fued of 5-7 months like they have with Triple H and Orton. I'm sick of it and really hope Randy wins at N.O.C. and FINALLY gets a new challenger for the title..possible a short one or two months fued with Ted to build him up. that would be perfect in my opinion
I agree that overexposure is the issue. Raw has been Orton, HHH, Cena and Batista. Can we name the last time someone else was in the title picture besides them? Jericho was the last one and that was last December and it seems like a blip on the screen. I am glad Edge is injured only because he is no longer in the title picture. We really need new faces in the picture which is why I hope MVP and Morrison start getting looks and Hardy can get a title run. I also see guys like Swagger getting shot someday and honestly Mark Henry may need to get a look in the near future because his face character is slowly starting to catch on.
:wtf: Okay...So you're sounding like an egalitarianist. You probably just don't like people who are getting the spotlight, because they are obviously better than you, and cut it in a sport you might self-conciously wish to compete in. You're jealous of them. You covet what they have, money, fame, power. So you pick them apart piece by piece looking for a flaw, just like a perfectionist, thinking "Oh this guy is so much better".

Then the next guy works his ass off, climbs the ladder step by step while millions of people try to beat him down. With the weight of the world, the men like CM Punk, AJ, Christian, HHH, Shawn Micheals, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, John Cena, do I really need to go on? Climb the ladder, rung for rung. All the while people like you, egalitarianists, chant "Power to the people" as they climb. Once they reach the top, they land their hands on that title, recieving glory, riches, media attention. You realize, hey, I'm still a peasant, and you're way up on that ladder gaining everything you deserve. So, you start to quibble at their every mistake, and decide you just don't like the guy because, hes better than you.

Well, thats just my theory on it, but what do I know?
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Did i read thet first post correctly???? CM Punks two flaws are that his hair looks greasy and he looks like he doesnt shower sometimes. Unbelievable. it is comments like that that make me log off this site. I suppose stone cold was horrible to watch cos he sometimes spilled beer. And hogan ripping his own awful.get a grip and start watching the expertise these athletes have (love or hate the characters they are fantastic athletes) and stop looking at their hair!

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