Summerslam - Main Event


Pre-Show Stalwart
Sorry if this has been done before, but im fed up of hearing all about Wrestlemania 28 main event has annoyed me so much.

I was wondering, what 3 main events do you want at Summerslam?


WWE championship match
World heavyweight championship match
One other 'supermatch'.
All have to be possible matches.
Doesn't HAVE to include current champions, but can do if you wish.

I'd choose:
Edge vs Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Christian - World heavyweight title.
CM Punk vs John Morrison vs The Miz vs Randy Orton (c) - WWE Title
'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs John Cena - Falls Count Anywhere match (Guest Referee, The Rock)
Sorry if this has been done before, but im fed up of hearing all about Wrestlemania 28 main event has annoyed me so much.

I was wondering, what 3 main events do you want at Summerslam?


WWE championship match
World heavyweight championship match
One other 'supermatch'.
All have to be possible matches.
Doesn't HAVE to include current champions, but can do if you wish.

I'd choose:
Edge vs Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Christian - World heavyweight title.
CM Punk vs John Morrison vs The Miz vs Randy Orton (c) - WWE Title
'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs John Cena - Falls Count Anywhere match (Guest Referee, The Rock)[/QUOTE]

how is that match even remotely possible for summerslam? you just went against your own is retired and as far as i know no interest in returning and risking being parayzed....not to mention him and cena have no heat with eachother at yeah lol
a match that would make a whole Lot more sense would to me be

The Rock vs The Miz.... They have had a feud since The Rock has been back and I could see the Rock Laying the smack down on the Miz...

Stone Cold if he ever wrestles ever again it will only be at wrestlemania HAHAHA!!! If youve noticed Summerslam is not the event it once was...
Supermatch - The Rock vs John Cena
WWE Championship Match - Alberto Del Rio vs Triple H
World Heaveyweight Match - Edge vs Christian
Number 1 Contenders Match - The Miz vs John Morrison vs Chris Jericho vs Dolph Ziggler
Number 1 Contenders Match - Undertaker vs Randy Orton
CM Punk vs Wade Barrett
US Title - Daniel Bryan vs Jack Swagger
IC Title - Cody Rhodes vs Ted Dibiase
Tag Team Titles - Sheamus/McIntrye vs Big Show/Kane
Womens Title - Beth Pheonix vs Awesome Kong

Rock vs Cena should be here with the rematch taking place at WM28. They could tie the series 1-1.

I would move Del Rio to Raw in the upcoming draft, build him up and have him take the gold. Triple H should have one last run aswell, so take the belt off ADR here.

Edge vs Christian a no brainer, think they building towards that anyway.

Taker will probably return in a few months now, Summerslam is the number 2 event so have him return here. Move Orton to Smackdown and have him turn heel. He is stale. Great undercard match.

The Miz vs John Morrison vs Chris Jericho as a number 1's contenders match. Jericho will probably return and do battle with Miz. Throw Morrison and Ziggler in to make it more interesting.

I would like to see Nexus revamp. Get rid of some of the deadwood, have them battle with Corre and the 2 leaders battle here with a faction vs faction match at Survivor Series.

Swagger to move to Raw in the draft and start a feud with Daniel Bryan who will be US Champion.

Move Dibiase over to Smackdown and have him do battle with Cody Rhodes as their is history. Keep them both heels.

Sheamus/MvIntyre to join forces. Take the Tag team gold and feud on Smackdown with Show/Kane who have started their alliance.

Beth vs Kong is something we majority of us wanna see.

Rhodes Vs. Orton for the WWE Championship
Sheamus Vs. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship
FFS, we're not even 48 hours gone since WRESTLEMANIA and we've got people predicting Summer Slam's MAIN EVENT... come on be realistic we COULDN'T guess, last year being an example, NO ONE had heard of Nexus, they were competing against each other on NXT yet 5 months later THEIR MAIN EVENTING Summer Slam.
HHH (WWE Champ) v CM Punk

JoMo (WHC champ) v The Miz.

Cena v Undertaker. Since Cena is facing Rocky at mania next year and assuming Taker will be retiring next year after Mnia, There will be no Taker v Cena match at Wrestlemania that mojority of us wrestling fans would like to see, so have them face off at this years SummerSlam.

Now these mathes would be PPV worthy.
HHH (WWE Champ) v Orton

JoMo (WHC champ) v The Miz.

Cena v Undertaker. Since Cena is facing Rocky at mania next year and assuming Taker will be retiring next year after Mnia, There will be no Taker v Cena match at Wrestlemania that mojority of us wrestling fans would like to see, so have them face off at this years SummerSlam.

Another good match for this would be Punk vs Austin
and then at mania next year austin vs miz
cena/rock vs HHH and UT or some variation of that. summerslamm 88 was hogan/savage vs dibiasi and andre the giant, setting up hogan vs savage WM5. I like the idea of incorporating the rock in the big 3 leading up to WM28. have team rock vs team cena in surv. series and involving the rock somehow in royal rumble. don't need to overdo it but recreating the big 4 events would be prudent
ahh this is a good topic!

WWE Championship Match: The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan vs John Morrison (with John Morrison FINALLY winning the WWE Title here!)

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge vs Christian TLC Match (let Christian win the title here)

Supermatch: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk possibly either a last man standing match or i quit match or falls count anywhere but id love to see these 2 face each other its a dream match!

id have cena & orton in smaller matches or maybe even give 1 of them the ppv off :shrug:
These are the matches that imo would salvage Summerslam 2011 and make it a mega event:

Match Card:

Main Event- John Cena, The Rock, Undertaker, and Kane vs The Corre
WWE Title Match- The Miz vs HHH
World Heavyweight Title Ladder Match- Edge vs Christian

Additional Matches:

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk
Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler
US Title- Sin Cara vs John Morrison
Divas Title- Awesome Kong vs Beth Phoenix
Daniel Bryan and Jerry Lawler vs Jack Swagger and Michael Cole (If Cole's team wins, Lawler is fired. If Lawler's team wins, Cole is fired)
Intercontinental Title- Alberto Del Rio vs Cody Rhodes


World Heavyweight Championship Match
Alberto Del Rio (c) Vs Rey Mysterio, Edge or Christian

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs Tough Enough 2011 winner.
Only if the winner is a male. If Not then my other option is Alex Riley

Undercard Main Event
#1 Contender's Match
John Morrison Vs Sheamus, Daniel Bryan or Wade Barrett

Due to WWE which always surprises us. Non of these superstars could even be in the title picture. After Extreme Rules you can forget about Del Rio/Edge, Miz/Cena, Edge and Christian might be a good undercard match, Randy Orton will possibly fued with a rising star like Cody Rhodes. Other than that, the WWE main events will change and we will see superstars who we never thought would be in the title picture. I think Zack Ryder should change his charactor, he has the ability to talk and wrestle.
Sin Cara(c) vs Alberto Del Rio - Us Championship - Ladder Match
(Maybe include Rey in this match but I would rather they save the Sin Cara Vs Rey thing until later in the year)

Can't think of a WWE Title match up just yet..

Edge(c) Vs Wade Barrett - World Championship

(Edge and Christian could build up a fued with the Corre leading up to Summerslam..bring back Gangrel and have The Brood Vs The Corre storyline.. Gangrel and Christian Vs Heath Slater and Gabriel for the Tag Titles could also be on the card. This could help Christian's turn on Edge have even more impact later on in the year leading to a World Championship match between the two at Wrestlemania or sometime before )

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