The Literature Thread


WZ's Resident GameStop Advisor
I'm kind of shocked that there is no thread or even section for books on this forum, but at the same time I'm not.

So here are a few questions to get this rolling.

What's your favorite book/series?

What's your favorite genre?

What are you currently reading?

Who is your favorite author?
Currently I'm re-reading Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis. It is an excellent book. For those of you who don't know, it is an autobiography about Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The book itself is a gritty look at life in Los Angeles from his point of view. He doesn't hold back at all, he really let's loose with the stories and it is a brilliant book.

I recently read a book by Michael Strahan, former NFL all-pro defensive end. It was written in one of his final seasons, so it focuses on what NFL life for him was like, at that point. It was a nice read.
What's your favorite book/series?
The Cirque Du freak series for a book, And Band of brothers for the book. I loved the whole Cirque Du Freak Series, it took vampires up a notch in my book. Then fucking twatlight came out and got big. I love history books, I also love reading about war. I stole this book from my School library because I wanted it lol. But I ended up taking it back in shame.

What's your favorite genre?

What are you currently reading?
Still Around the World in 80 days. I've read it about 6 times and it never gets old. I love the whole story and plot to it. Phileas Fogg is one of my favorite charicters of all time.

Who is your favorite author?
Darren Shan because of the Cirque Du freak series.
What's your favorite book/series?

The Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett

What's your favorite genre?

I didnt want to say fantasy, but having looked over my last few read books (The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy again, Unseen Academics, Jimmy The Hand) it seems it swings that way.

What are you currently reading?

Just finished reading Unseen Academics, and like all Pratchett and Discword books it is fucking fantastic.

Who is your favorite author?

Once again, Terry Pratchett. Funny as fuck, and also a great story teller, I always marvel at the way he has this little world evolving in his head all the time.
What's your favorite book/series?
Famous Five by Enid Blyton. The first series I've ever read and that was when I was 7 :')

What's your favorite genre?
Historical Fiction and bits of other genres.

What are you currently reading?
Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.

Who is your favorite author?
Don't have a specific one :)
I'm kind of shocked that there is no thread or even section for books on this forum, but at the same time I'm not.

So here are a few questions to get this rolling.

What's your favorite book/series?

What's your favorite genre?

What are you currently reading?

Who is your favorite author?

My favorite book is titled Deadline and is written by Chris Crutcher.

Because of my job, I read a lot of young adult fiction. I love realistic fiction, science fiction, and biographies/autiobiographies (especially about pro wrestlers).

Currently reading Tietem Brown by Mick Foley and absolutely loving it...

Favorite author is Chris Crutcher. Also really like Mitch Albom, Rich Wallace, Isaac Asimov.
What's your favorite book/series?

My favorite book has to be To Kill a Mocking Bird. It is such a fantastic book. It is written so well. It has humor, suspense, drama and so much packed into one. Truly an astounding book that really makes you think about the severe segregation in those days in parts of America, and it sickens you to hear about it.

What's your favorite genre?

My favorite genre would have to be drama or history. I love a book that can just take over what you’re doing, and you have those nights where you find yourself saying; "One more page", countless times during a night. Drama and history books do just that.

What are you currently reading?

Currently I am reading Treasure Island, again. The first time I read it, I was only 11, so I decided to read it again now, so I can take much more of the book in this time. It was a very enjoyable book, and now that I'm reading it again, I’m picking up on extra little things that are making for a very enjoyable read this time round.

Who is your favorite author?

My favorite author has to be Roald Dahl with his Children’s fiction classics. I don't read any of his books anymore, but this guy right here provided me with endless books to read as a child. I read so many of them, I couldn’t count. They were so understandable for young people like me to read. A truly remarkable author. (RIP)
First off, great thread.

What's your favorite book/series?

My favourite book is American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. Very raw book with tidbits of humor mixed in. The character of patrick Bateman is a strange one and his odd fascinations and sociopathic nature makes the book more attractive.

What's your favorite genre?

Horror. Simple as that. I've read books by Clive barker, Stephen king, Egdar Allen Poe(who isn't really scary in comparison to today's horror.) and H.P Lovecraft. Horror is just the best genre for me as it can fit just about any age range.

What are you currently reading?

I am currently reading "The horror in the museum" by HP Lovecraft. It is a collection of shortstories he wrote for "weird tales" which was a pulp magazine that published his horror, thriller and sci-fi tales.

Who is your favorite author?

My favourite author is HP Lovecraft. He's probably the best and most influential horror author besides possibly Poe. For a guy who wrote his stories In the 1920's his stories are much more intense than some of today's(albeit some are over the top.)
Thought I'd change the direction of this thread a bit, hope you dont mind, if you do, just call me a cunt somewhere where its allowed.

I thought I'd review a book that I read a while ago called Fevre Dream and it was by a chap called George R.R Martin. First off, I'd recommend this book if you like missisipi river boats, vampires and stories that seem to last forever. "Vampires are shit now" I hear you say, well I'll agree, in fact I always thought they were shit, this lot are nowhere near as shit as that broody fucking twat from Twilight though. "How are Missisipi river boats and stories that seem to last forever good qualities?" you say, well, look just fuck off and read the book okay. The only way I can put it is, its not what you'd expect, theres none of this vampire slayer stuff, few epic fight scenes, its more of a horror story.

It is told from the point of view of two humans who have contact with vampires, one is the protagonist Abner Marsh, a 300lbs of pure fat steamboat captain who takes aboard a mysterious passenger called Joshua York, of course by mysterious I mean he sleeps during the day, is never seen eating, has superb night vision, is strong as an Oxe, that kind of mysterious you know. The other is a guy called Billy Creel (I think), this is a chap in the employ of a very mysterious (the same kind of mysterious as Joshua York) fellow called Damon Julian, Billy takes attractive slave girls to Julian's castle to have their blood sucked. Chuck in a prophecy, lots of other likeable characters, a little bit of politics, and an epic struggle of wills and you have this story. It's a slow burner thats nasty, tense, sometimes brutal, funny and oddly likeable. Cracking stuff. Like I said, I recommend it.

In short, the only reason I am watching Game Of Thrones is because it is by the same author, oh and because Sean Bean's in it obviously.

"That wasnt really a review" you say, what do you think I am, a journalist? Just read the damn thing.
I was wondering why I hadn't seen this thread started earlier myself and then here it was right here. I have to be honest I am pretty lousy at reading. But from time to time, I'll find a book that I just have to read and can't put down.

What's your favorite book/series?

I tend to like history, science fiction, self improvement, civil rights etc., wrestling books. Favourite book is rather hard to say just one. I read Bret Hart's autobiography. I loved Dungeon of Death.
I love the Star Wars books. I read Star Wars:path to Destruction, Rule of Two, Dynasty of Evil. Star Wars books that detail the life of a sith lord long before the star wars prequel trilogy.

What's your favorite genre?

Sci Fi, Civil rights, History, Self improvement, wrestling bios etc.

What are you currently reading?

Malcolm X: A life of Reinvention by Manning Marable

Who is your favorite author?

Can't really say I have a favourite author. I tend to go for the subject matter more than the writer itself.
What's your favorite book/series?

When i was younger i diddnt read many books but the one series i was hooked on was the cirque the freak series by darren shan. I remember going crazy for a while when i couldnt get number 10 in the series but it all sorted itself out in the end.

What's your favorite genre?

I dont really have a favourite to be honest i tend to read biographys a lot though. Any biographys to do with Liverpool/WWE/or favouite musicians are worth the read in my opinion.

What are you currently reading?

The girl with the dragon tatoo by steig larsson. I heard alot of the publicity around it and deceided to give it a go, almost finished it now and is definatly
a worthwhile read i already have the other two books in the series bought.

Who is your favorite author?

I would have to say Darren shan because when i was younger i only proplerly read about 18 books and most of them were his so he deserves credit for that.

Great thread btw
What's your favorite book/series?
The Cirque Du freak series for a book, And Band of brothers for the book. I loved the whole Cirque Du Freak Series, it took vampires up a notch in my book. Then fucking twatlight came out and got big. I love history books, I also love reading about war. I stole this book from my School library because I wanted it lol. But I ended up taking it back in shame.

What's your favorite genre?

What are you currently reading?
Still Around the World in 80 days. I've read it about 6 times and it never gets old. I love the whole story and plot to it. Phileas Fogg is one of my favorite charicters of all time.

Who is your favorite author?
Darren Shan because of the Cirque Du freak series.

I ended up meeting Darren Shan not too long ago at a book signing here. He done a reading from Lord Loss and Ocean of Blood which was released recently. He was a very nice and genuine person and signed everything that we brought. He even signed 23 books this one guy brought with him.

He signed a personal message in my 'Vampire Blood' and a generic signature in the other 3 trilogies.

I should post pictures.


What's your favorite book/series? Children of the Lamp. As much as I loved the Saga of Darren Shan, CotL is my favourite by far. It's about genies, more specifically in the story, Djinn who can grant wishes and centers around two kids, John and Phillipa having to save the day from the bad forces in the world.

What's your favorite genre? Fiction. I love fiction and imagining all the settings and situations and different creatures etc

What are you currently reading? I'm not reading anything at the moment. I am actually waiting for Jericho's new book to be ordered in because no book stores have it here, it's gonna take about 3 weeks.

Who is your favorite author?
Well I would like to say Phillip Kerr because of the Children of the Lamp series but I havnt read anything else from him. I would also like to say Darren Shan because he is able to really create a good image of everything and he wrote some amazing characters and left me craving more.

I'll go Phillip Kerr though.
I say "cunt" alot, when it used to mean something certainly, now everybody uses it seeing as its been adopted by many of the Americans that post here, its still a good word but among my lot its almost the norm now, so I've fallen back on "wanker and wank" depending on the circumstances.

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