The all things Pokemon Thread

What's your favorite game?
MAN, this is a tough one. I've always been a fan of the Johto based games solely because they had the best aftergame out of all the games. I love them all but as far as my favorite goes, it would probably be HeartGold/SoulSilver but like I said, it's a very tough pick.

What's your favorite generation?
Again, a very tough one. But like I said, my favorite games were the Johto based ones so it's either Generation 2 or Generation 4 with Generation 3 holding a very close second. Generation 5 was very good but it lacked a lot of things from Generation 4 that I missed, the biggest being the inability to rematch Trainers.

What kind of starter do you pick?
When I began playing Pokemon, I always picked the Water type for some reason. Maybe it's because out of all the starters, Water type usually was the neutral type and didn't really have hardships at the beginning of the game that Fire or Grass would usually have. The only downside is that Water types were pretty damn common in comparison to the other two types and it was easy to find a more than suitable replacement for the Water type starter in the main quest for your party.

What is your line up?
I can't remember levels at the moment but I can give you the line ups for my three most recent game playthroughs.


HeartGold (first playthrough)
HM Slave (never got a full time sixth member)

HeartGold (second playthrough)

My second playthrough of HeartGold saw me use a Grass type starter for the first time ever.

How often do you play?
Every day, man. I love the games that much.

Did you pick up black, white, or both?
Got 'em both because Toys R Us had a good deal. I've already beaten White and am in progress of beating Black with a different party.
How the hell have I never posted in this thread? Must have slipped out of my mind.

Anyhow, I just beat the elite four in Pokemon Platinum. I know it's kind of late to be playing that game but I really got pissed off at the distortion world puzzle and did not touch the game for like 6-8 months. That's one of the things that I hate about Pokemon games, these long ass puzzles. I also hate HM's but I guess they do serve a purpose and you can get the useless ones deleted before taking on the elite four via a move deleter.

So this is the team with which I beat the game.

Magmar Lv.50(Lava Plume/ Flamethrower/ Fire Punch/ Faint Attack)
Torterra Lv.51(Giga Drain/ Razor Leaf/ Earthquake/ Crunch)
Golduck Lv.51(Surf/ Dig/ Ice Beam/ Zen Headbutt)
Lucario Lv.50(Rock Slide/ Force Palm/ Close Combat/ Dragon Pulse)
Luxray Lv.52(Thunder Fang/ Strength/ Crunch/ Thunderbolt)
Giratina Lv.52(Fly/ Shadow Claw/ Dragon Fang/ Shadow Force)

Seems like a rather weak team if you look at it by levels by I kind of like to do that. I mean it becomes ridiculously easy to beat the elite four with level 99 Pokemon and I do like a challenge. Though I must admit that in this case the low levels happened somewhat by design. I was confused over whom I should choose as the fire Pokemon of my team. Initially I went with the speedy Ponyta, then the high on Special Attack Magmar and then I flirted with training Houndoom thinking his dual type would be to my advantage. Then I went back to Magmar for his attack stats because I when I looked at it almost everyone on my team had a dark type move, so I did not really need the dual type. I also trained an Espeon to Lv.37 which was also not required though I still feel that it would have been a better choice than having a Lucario on my team. The other frustrating developement was that I missed out on the Aura Sphere while training Riolu as it evolved at Lv.40. I truly appreciated the power of the move when that damn Togekiss of Cynthia's started using it on me.

The toughest elite four battle to me was of Flint. I just scraped home with a Shadow Force from Giratina against his Magmotar. Lucian was surprisingly easy though it might be because of Giratina, Luxray and Torterra with the last two having Crunch.

The champion was a pain in the ass as was expected. Spiritomb went down to Luxray because of Luxray's high attack stats and even Garchomp was easily dealt with by Giratina who absorbed a ton of hits and Golduck with Ice Beam. The real bitch was Togekiss who had Aura Sphere and Shockwave which really pestered Golduck. The trick to this battle was Giratina. All I kept doing was reviving Giratina and using a Hyper Potion on him and kept switching to him. It took like five attacks or sometimes even more to take him down and in that time I revived and restored Golduck and Luxray who had moves to take Togekiss out. Milotic went down with Thunder Fang, not bolt mind you because Mirror Coat would have killed me that way and Roserade went down to Magmar. Lucario went down to Torterra and his Earthquake . I don't know why Lucario is highly rated because Steel types more or less suck. BTW do you guys have any idea whom a steel type is super effective against? I can't figure that out for the life of me.

So, yeah that was my most recent Pokemon story. Also I just started playing Black with Oshawott the water type starter. That's a first for me as I generally take either fire or grass types, mostly fire. Can't blame myself though as most fire types like Charizard or Typholision and Infernape kick all sorts of ass.
BTW do you guys have any idea whom a steel type is super effective against? I can't figure that out for the life of me.

If my memory serves me correctly, Steel is super effective only against Rock.

You've got a pretty good team although personally, I'm usually not one to use a legendary on my team, at least not since the days of the original Gold and Silver versions. Because of that, I never got a sixth member for my Platninum playthrough. I can't remember what levels they were (but they were in the 40's range by the time I hit the Elite Four, they never broke 50):

Bibarel (HM Slave)

I plan to play through the game again eventually now that I have a better understanding of the Pokemon within the game.

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