The line in the sand is being drawn.


With the safety off!!
After reading reports that people were threatened with being kicked out or change their clothing. Yes there already is a thread dedicated to that here.

I read another report that Daniel Bryan signs were being confiscated at the door at last nights RAW in Des Moines, Iowa. The excuse being given was that they already had enough inside.

Now when I go to a show, I see lots of people with signs, usually they are rolled up with elastic bands on them. I've never ever seen security ask someone to take the elastic off, read the sign and then take it away. These people are just ushered through like everyone else. Never seem them count the signs either.

Now I find this strange that at one show fans are having their signs taken away, and being asked to change clothes. What the hell is going on here? The WWE is just taking this a little too far in my eyes. As long as you pay your money, show up and be respectable, then what does it matter what sign you have (as long as it isn't rude) or what you're wearing. This has gone beyond ridiculous now.

Oh and I did notice that the "Daniel Bryan is a Turd" sign managed to make it in.
the sign didn't say Daniel Bryan is a turd it said "you're a turd". As for the costumes meh, stop trying to be part of the show, my personal opinion. It didn't help that they were in the front row.
I think besides fans trying to hijack shows it's also something all sports do to try to avoid something popping up on live television that will warrant a call from sponsors and the FCC. Personally I don't care what your sign says but if you're blocking the view I paid for then I'm not going to be a very happy person and even less nice to you.
the sign didn't said Daniel Bryan is a turd it said "you're a turd". As for the costumes meh, stop trying to be part of the show, my personal opinion.

Oops I made a mistake. But I think everyone in here knows who the sign was referring too, as Ambrose called Bryan a "turd" last week. If it wasn't Bryan then who else would it have been.

I think besides fans trying to hijack shows it's also something all sports do to try to avoid something popping up on live television that will warrant a call from sponsors and the FCC. Personally I don't care what your sign says but if you're blocking the view I paid for then I'm not going to be a very happy person and even less nice to you.

They were only taking Daniel Bryan signs, not anyone else's according to the reports. All other signs were being allowed in. So if they don't want people's view blocked then don't allow them at all, not just for one particular wrestler. That's stupid.

And quite honestly at shows were I've been too, most people put the signs down once the wrestler hits the ring. They aren't ignorant.

EDIT: I would say this regarding any wrestler whose fans were having their stuff taken away. It is our right as fans to support whomever we want not the WWE's right to tell us who to cheer for. If it was Cena, Reigns, Rollins or anyone else, it's setting a bad example for everyone.
Considering we don't know what their signs said it's hard to tell. Every time a fan says WWE takes their signs they never tell you what the sign said only what performer it was in relation to nor do they tell you the size of the sign (was it some huge obnoxious sign?).

I think people tend to forget that other people also paid to see the show and they being large signs that block other's view. I'm not saying this is what those guys did but it's something to consider.

When I go to WWE shows they typically take signs that are about other promotions, that are vulgar etc, so again we don't know what these signs they had are about or why they were taken.

I understand it's natural to take the fan's side but WWE is a business and they can't let individuals in the crowd take over the show or distract from the show.
Also consider a lot of these dirtsheet sites and podcasts suggest people bring certain signs to the show. These signs usually promote said podcast/site but they could also be a reason WWE takes a guy's sign.
But I think everyone in here knows who the sign was referring too, as Ambrose called Bryan a "turd" last week. If it wasn't Bryan then who else would it have been.

I took it the same as Navi, figuring it referred to Daniel Bryan.

It's interesting to read that WWE would want to limit the number of Daniel signs, of all people. With his popularity, you would think they'd want as many of them as possible, yet if it's true the signs were being confiscated, it might very well point to a change in direction coming for the Daniel character. Already, there's some evidence of this with the Ziggler/Ambrose reactions to him.

Of course, if WWE is actually trying to coordinate the audience make-up to fit the current storylines (Who's the head of WWE Creative....George Orwell?) it makes me again wonder how many of the crowd chants ("Cena sucks!") are actually orchestrated by people planted in the audience, as opposed to the chants that generate spontaneously.

Still, in the heyday of WCW, I remember the WWE announcers inviting folks to come to WWE shows and bring "whatever signs they want."

Times change when competition fades, I guess.
I once read a report that Sting was coming to WWE. That was approx. 4 years ago. I read another of the same about 2 years ago. Shit, I bet if I looked hard enough, I could find a report saying Chris Benoit is still alive and head of creative.

Point is: unless you actually know all the facts, you're just a mark for the dirtsheet sites.
As some people said, one can't judge the incident without knowing what exactly was written on the sign board. There is never stated that what was written on the sign board but, they only tell that the sign board/clothing was ejected. As for it being "You're turd", its offensive. There are some people who feel offended on these type of signs. If someone wants to direct Daniel Bryan then, he should state it in his signboard. "Daniel Bryan is a turd" can be allowed but "You're turd" IMO is an offensive comment for some folks.
Yeah, I don't believe this for a second. Maybe it is slightly different in the old US of A, but I've been to a few WWE events in my life and the security have never been told to check signs and remove them. The only instance I can see this being a problem is if the sign is profane in some way; swearing, nudity etc. Never in my life have I seen signs being taken away because they are too popular.

This is nonsense.

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