The #LetsBooBryan / #MemphisHatesBryan movement on Twitter

Regardless of whether you like/dislike/love/hate/have no interest in roman or Daniel how is this any different than the alleged transgressions of the Daniel Bryan fanbase?
How ironic that you just posted that because the account just posted this tweet.
It could be photoshopped, but I guess we will have to wait to find out.

I'm not even going to bother waiting to find out, it is editted I'm sorry. I'm not sure whether to laugh at the effort or to feel sorry for them. I'm leaning towards sorry for them, but then again here I am commenting on it so I'll laugh instead!
I'm not even going to bother waiting to find out, it is editted I'm sorry. I'm not sure whether to laugh at the effort or to feel sorry for them. I'm leaning towards sorry for them, but then again here I am commenting on it so I'll laugh instead!

Agreed, The # on the two is differently colored from the others
My question is why did they have to get the momentum back? Could it be that the movement isn't growing as much as it should be, or do people just not give a shit about it?
My question is why did they have to get the momentum back? Could it be that the movement isn't growing as much as it should be, or do people just not give a shit about it?

There was no momentum Navi! Turns out that it's all editted. I mean it was obvious with the 30 something twitter followers they had and the fact only about 12 accounts were spamming posts with zero retweets or favorites.. so don't get worked up over it :)
There was no momentum Navi! Turns out that it's all editted. I mean it was obvious with the 30 something twitter followers they had and the fact only about 12 accounts were spamming posts with zero retweets or favorites.. so don't get worked up over it :)

Oh I'm not worked up at all, finding the whole thing hilarious. It's the same person over and over again, creating different hashtags. It's a grand old party of 1. I hope we can hear him on Sunday.:lmao:
I fully expect a 90-10 or thereabouts Pro-Bryan crowd which should be consistent with how things have been post-Rumble.
After the CancelTheNetwork farce, I can't understand why anyone would have taken this joke of a twitter movement seriously at all... and to besides, even if it gained any traction, the only result would have been another random crowd takeover which would have spoiled the viewing experience for people like myself. :shrug:
Oh sweet Jesus. The backlash against Bryan isn't growing, it's a bunch if disconcerted Reigns fans who have a hard on for him pissed he's not getting what he deserves. And why does he deserve it, please tell me?

Here's a wrestler who's been in singles competition for about 8 months out of his whole WWE career. If you take off the 3 months he was injured that leaves 5 months. 5 whole months of experience, that we are supposed to believe will win him the Rumble and will let him main event the biggest show of the year. I'm sorry but I can only suspend my disbelief for so long.

The crowd in Philly shit on the Rumble not because of Reigns solely, but because of the way it was booked, and the fact that the crowd favourites where treated like trash. You say that Reigns didn't eliminate Bryan, Ambrose and Ziggler, well you're right he didn't. Kane and Big Show did that for him, while he sat in the corner. Go back and watch the video.

All that aside I do hope Reigns wins the match at Fastlane. I then hope Bryan has a 5 star match at Mania with whoever. I don't want him in the main event.

Then when the main event comes on, the crowd in Levi Stadium will shit all over Reigns and Lesnar. Everyone will see what others have been saying for a long time now, that Reigns isn't ready and can't carry the company. The shame of it is that it will happen in front of almost 100k in attendance and millions around the world. I think I'm the only Reigns fan who doesn't want to see this happen for this very reason.

Reigns isn't going to get booed at Levi's Stadium, I don't think Bryan's cult is that dickish.

And it isn't that Reigns deserved to win the rumble or headline Mania but it's the decision the WWE made, some people are children and for some reason can't accept it.

And the backlash against Bryan IS growing and if he wins at fastlane it's only going to continue to grow.

I'm going to take the wait and see approach, in the end you'll all see I'm right.
I kind of agree with this petersellers guy. Maybe not to the extent he thinks, but Bryan's popularity is slowing down a bit. They've crowbarred him into a storyline that was never meant to involve him, and more than likely gonna throw him in the main event after a "draw" finish where both men go to mania.

He had his glory moment last year and unfortunately couldn't carry it on due to his injury. But that doesn't mean he should just be catapulted back into it.

The thing that made bryan popular was the slow burn of his rise to the top. He was held back by the authority. Whereas now they've just give him what he wants and it feels so forced whereas the first time it seemed such an organic process.

On the topic of this hashtag thing, I can see maybe when it goes quiet, one guy might start chanting he hates Bryan, but you always hear that one lunatic chanting out of sync with the rest of the crowd, I doubt he's gonna set a movement going, even with his 30+ followers.
Reigns isn't going to get booed at Levi's Stadium, I don't think Bryan's cult is that dickish.

And it isn't that Reigns deserved to win the rumble or headline Mania but it's the decision the WWE made, some people are children and for some reason can't accept it.

And the backlash against Bryan IS growing and if he wins at fastlane it's only going to continue to grow.

I'm going to take the wait and see approach, in the end you'll all see I'm right.

Reigns will be booed. The crowd has decided who they like, reigns is diesel 2.0 who was Luger 2.0 so I guess reigns is Luger 3.0. The wwe went with these guys, the crowd wanted hart, hbk and bryan respectively. Even the rocks's orignial push failed he was greeted with "die, rocky , die!" You need a more subtle organic rise to the top. Reigns hasn't earned anything. Sure more people may boo bryan now then before but that's still 1/10th of those booing reigns. Losing to bryan would save reigns career so that's why I hope reigns wins, so he can face plant on the grandest stage of them all. Sheamus ryback diesel and Luger will be proud.
:banghead: This again. The term IWC doesn't mean these are the only people using the internet. There are a collection of common opinions on the internet expressed on these parts. Not UNANIMOUS but definitely COMMON. Cena sucks. Bryan rules. There can never be enough wrestling on a show. NXT is the best thing ever. Guys over 6'2 that didn't come through the indies are being shoved down our throats. Guys with high workrates, anti hero gimmicks, and/or extensive indy backgrounds are where it's at.
No its you perpetuating a stereotype.

First you're "6'2'' guys being shoved down our throats" argument is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. That's you one hundred percent making shit up to purport the lame IWC stereotype you claim exists.

And if the "common opinions on the internet expressed on these parts" is that "John Cena Sucks" please show the preponderance of evidence over the last two years or so that proves that. Newsflash- You can't because you're talking out your ass. A few trolls who hate on Cena are not representative of the opinions of Cena shared by the majority of internet wrestling fans. That's just you feeding a stereotype that hasn't existed in years.

You can call things the majority opinion of the internet crowd, but everyone who sums up the majority of the opinion of the internet crowd, and then spouts off the same lame dated stereotypes that you are spouting are so full of shit that its dumbfounding.

As for a couple of your other arguments, they are a little less fictional, but that's because they are factual opinions. NXT is the best part of the WWE universe currently, and that's heavily because of the work being done by high workrate guys with extensive indy and/or international backgrounds. If that's the prevailing opinion of the IWC then it shows the IWC are some smart and perceptive motherfuckers.

Get it? Now politely :fuckoff:
Reigns isn't going to get booed at Levi's Stadium, I don't think Bryan's cult is that dickish.

And it isn't that Reigns deserved to win the rumble or headline Mania but it's the decision the WWE made, some people are children and for some reason can't accept it.

And the backlash against Bryan IS growing and if he wins at fastlane it's only going to continue to grow.

I'm going to take the wait and see approach, in the end you'll all see I'm right.

He is going to get boo'd at Levi Stadium, he's getting boo'd everywhere else so why should that be any different. Most fans want to see a wrestler earn his position, not be put over everyone else because he is the boss's choice. Yes the WWE wants him as the new face, but do the fans? I would say there is a good percentage of them that don't. They like me don't think he's ready and he's jumped over wrestler's like Ziggler, Ambrose, Rollins and others who have paid their dues.

Lesnar is supposed to be the heel, the unstoppable one, he is the one getting cheered now when he shows up. The tide has changed, people now want him to win over Reigns. And we're talking about the guy who dismantled John Cena in no uncertain terms and beat the streak. He was hated, and now he's being cheered because of who he's facing. There is something wrong there.

Like I said, I don't want Bryan in the main event, I want Reigns to show up and deliver. I will be most disappointed if it ends up a three way. The time for carrying Reigns in matches is over, he has to step it up if he's to be believed. If he can't the main event at Mania will be a disaster. So you're right about one thing, it's a wait and see.
If Bryan's cheers aren't as loud, it's only because fans are getting confused as to whether or not he's playing the face or heel. While they will cheer Bryan, I do think Reigns has mostly won back the crowd thanks to going back to what made him cool in the first place. But I am confused as to where the backlash is coming from.

With Reigns, the warning signs began as early as his PPV match with Orton, where he got a few boos and Orton got a few cheers. Yet I somehow got neg repped for pointing that out and slowly, the backlash became more apparent. So maybe those making these claims are noticing something that the rest of us aren't.
The notion of booing a wrestler, because you don't like how some of said wrestlers fans act, is quite silly, no? Of course Bryan is going to get some boos tonight, due to the fact that there are some people whom would rather Reigns wins.

But, to boo him simply because you dislike how others react to him is just simply being a bad wrestling fan, and it's those types of fans that push casuals away, and also hinder having new fans get into the product. Who would want to give wrestling a try, if all they hear is boos, and people complaining? Why not have dueling chants, in which Bryan's supporters cheer him, and Reigns' supporters cheer him? Instead of the mood killing concept oh having Bryan haters boo Bryan all match, and Reigns haters boo him all match. Why pay money to go be miserable?

Considering this thread is all about that silly movement, like I said earlier, there will be people whom boo Bryan. But, it *should* be because they're Reigns fans, and not because of some wannabe movement, created by someone whom clearly does not enjoy wrestling, on a website of which I shall give no promotion to.
I haven't seen it on Twitter. Don't get me wrong, I don't use Twitter that often but I am following a few WWE accounts and I haven't seen any tweets about. I actually had to search for the hashtag on Twitter to find anything about. And even when I did, there wasn't that much traction around it.

I guess, this is just human nature. The WWE puts itself and it's superstars out there to get a reaction from the crowd - no matter if it is good or bad. And even if 50 people decide to start booing Daniel Bryan when he appears tonight, do you honestly think it is going to be heard over a massive "Yes!" chant when the rest of the fans start? I doubt it. This is just people giving him the treatment that they constantly give John Cena. People just like to go against the grain. But honestly, this is nothing.
Oh this is music to my ears, I told you people the backlash against Bryan was organic and it was building. Nobody wanted to listen to me, nobody believed me.

I told you people were sick of the crybabies and the Philly crowd was off-putting to casual fans. What they did at the Royal Rumble was childish and if that's the rules of the game, if this is how the WWE Universe is to conduct themselves when they have an opinion then let's do it. Reigns had nothing to do with Rusev and Bray eliminating Bryan.

I hope they're loud and clear in Memphis. And to think this is the very place hijack RAW first happened, but even then it didn't come across that well on tv because not everyone was into it.

Even if the crowd is split 50/50 it should wake some eyes up to the BUBBLE you people live in.

I said you people were living in a bubble I posted twitter comments from casual fans and had the thread deleted.

Oh I hope they're loud tomorrow in Memphis!!! #LetsBooBryan!!!

If Bryan weasels his way into a triple threat mania match again the backlash is only going to grow. People don't want Bryan back in the main event of wrestlemania this particular year but his cult doesn't seem to understand that.

The Bryan Tea Party ends Sunday boys!!! Let's take back wrestling!!

You, and the likes of you; watch Fast Lane.

Watch and see what kind of reaction that crowd will give D Bry. People who want to start something to have the credit for starting something are not limited to twitter. They have always existed and now their obnoxiousness has the power of the internet. Go on. do what you people have to do. you deserve your platform too. Too bad its more of a plank really.
DB momentum has slowed. I don't see how anyone can deny that. However, he is still the most over face on the roster. Pitting him against Reigns makes perfect sense if you bother to look forward...

Reigns will win tonight at fastlane, furthering the division of the fans on him. It all leads to the payoff which will be a Reigns/Lesnar double turn at WM.

If I had it my way at WM Brock would win, get viciously attacked by a now heel Reigns after the match, and Rollins would weasel down and cash in to end the show as the new champ.

The next 6 months of TV writes itself after that and is already set up with Heyman and Rollins having a mutual respect, the release and promotion of the falling of the shield, and the purposely horrible booking of Reigns to make it easier to get the fans to turn on him. WWE has played everyone like a fiddle yet again this year.

It is basically a redo of Shawn/Diesel as an earlier poster pointed out. Rollins takes the mic pressure off of Reigns and eventually we will all become fans of Reigns again and, when he's ready, he will take the title off of Rollins. And we will cheer him like crazy for it just like we're supposed to.
The weak writing is forcing the fans to entertain themselves. That's all I see when I hear the crowd hijack the show. Fans can't "hijack" anything, they're either into it or they're not. Roman Reigns being forced is causing them to rebel. Daniel Bryan's weak writing is causing them to turn on him too. Nobody's liking what they see. It's gonna start to show eventually.
Slightly off-topic, but I'm hoping that's the last time Memphis has a show for a while. That crowd sucked.
Slightly off-topic, but I'm hoping that's the last time Memphis has a show for a while. That crowd sucked.

I have never believed in the Sucky Crowd Theory, as I will now call it. Wrestling is a unique genre where you welcome crowd participation, yet people blame the fans for how they react. They react how you make them react. If the crowd isn't in it, you're doing something wrong.
The fans at Fast Lane seemed to be mostly behind Bryan over Reigns so so much for the "backlash".

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