The #LetsBooBryan / #MemphisHatesBryan movement on Twitter

That N Word

Actively evolving
There is a movement on Twitter started by someone with the username @LetsBooBryan. It was trending worldwide last night after Smackdown on Twitter and this morning. The account has also been tweeting things such as #LetsBooBryan #MemphisHatesBryan and is suggesting there is a plan to boo Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane. This account is not alone there is alot of other accounts tweeting it as well. This is just a report, I don't know what to make of this. Is Bryan getting boo's at Fast Lane or is this movement all talk or in this case tweets. Me personally I actually like the fact that it's showing not just the IWC can hijack a show. But at the same time I find it a bit childish.
Looks trollish. I mean who ever this is has nothing better to do because you know, you can change the world with tweets. As far as highjacking of the show goes, it'll take more than 20 followers on Twitter.
Me personally I actually like the fact that it's showing not just the IWC can hijack a show. But at the same time I find it a bit childish.

How does it show that "not just the IWC can hijack a show"?

Isn't Twitter a Website? Somewhere that the people participating in this potential "hijack" got together and developed the plan on the INTERNET? So by definition wouldn't it be a plan enacted by certain members of the "Internet Wrestling Community"?

Or is this a situation where you get to pick and choose who on the internet represents the "IWC", and who on the internet does not?

It sounds to me like what you're implying is that anyone who is discussing and forming an agenda on the internet who doesn't fit into this box of what your IWC stereotype is, then they are then immune from being lumped in as part of that "community". That is the exact attitude that I hate about all people who down talk the biases and preferences of the "IWC" on forums, social media, and comment sections of the internet. Its a confused and self serving hypocrisy.
It's just childish, hate things like this. What it is, is one person having a bright idea, with "I don't like Daniel Bryan, let's try & get that popular" on Twitter, where nothing will come from it.
This is probably someone who isn't going to even BE at Fast Lane, but feels like he can start a movement from that really worn swivel chair in that dark room of his. To me, it smells the shit of a bull.
Yes I'm sure the person who started the movement, if you can call it that, and his twenty followers will be heard loud and clear from their computers at home. So they can boo all they want, means nothing.
Yes I'm sure the person who started the movement, if you can call it that, and his twenty followers will be heard loud and clear from their computers at home. So they can boo all they want, means nothing.

I'm not sure we should be brushing this off so lightly. When a chant breaks out in a crowd, one that isn't a standard chant that we are all trained to do, it is usually started by a very, very small group of people. Others hear it, remember they saw it trending on twitter or written about in the IWC or just happen to agree with it, and it multiplies from there.

When fans first chanted JBL or Michael Cole for no reason it wasn't because 10,000 people suddenly had the simultaneous thought to chant for them, it was a handful of people that thought "this segment sucks, let's just chant for a commentator to show our disinterest" and it spread like wildfire.

If I were a betting man, I would bet that even if only 20 people started to boo DB or chant against him that it could catch on and easily be loud enough to be heard during the PPV.
How does it show that "not just the IWC can hijack a show"?

Isn't Twitter a Website? Somewhere that the people participating in this potential "hijack" got together and developed the plan on the INTERNET? So by definition wouldn't it be a plan enacted by certain members of the "Internet Wrestling Community"?

Or is this a situation where you get to pick and choose who on the internet represents the "IWC", and who on the internet does not?

It sounds to me like what you're implying is that anyone who is discussing and forming an agenda on the internet who doesn't fit into this box of what your IWC stereotype is, then they are then immune from being lumped in as part of that "community". That is the exact attitude that I hate about all people who down talk the biases and preferences of the "IWC" on forums, social media, and comment sections of the internet. Its a confused and self serving hypocrisy.

So is your entire post. Everything that is popular is talked about on twitter. Anyone that talks about pop culture or current events on twitter isn't reporting "internet news" they're just reporting news on the internet.

The IWC is very obviously and clearly the people that visit wrestling sites like this one, read the rumors and behind the scenes news, and are, in general, your more hardcore wrestling fans. Talking about wrestling on Facebook, Twitter, or any other widespread social media doesn't make you a member of the IWC. Kids that tweet out about their favorite superstar during Raw in hopes that their tweet makes it onto television are not IWC members.

I see this rant over and over on wrestling forums and reddit. I'll never get how intelligent people can fail to understand what and who makes up the IWC. Hint: everyone reading this on Wrestlezone is part of the IWC. If I were to tweet this and you read it because you follow me then you are not necessarily a part of the IWC. If you know that Adrian Neville is being considered being called up with a Mighty Mouse type character you either are a member of the IWC or you know someone that is and heard it from them. Really simple guys.
Lol, the IWC at large is absolutely pathetic. Always wanting to be one step ahead. They were meant to cheer Batista last year, but rebelled and cheered Bryan. Now that WWE has given them want they want, heavily featuring Bryan, they turn on him because it's not credible to cheer the guy.

These people have no opinions. They enjoy nothing about wrestling. They're cred-seeking, kewl pointz-hunting basement rejects.
Suffering succotash! Another Twitter movement?! Here we go around the mulberry bush again, son.

Daniel Bryan is way too popular to get this sort of treatment. Roman Reigns has been getting mixed reactions at best in recent weeks. Society, much like users on Twitter, seek attention and validation: hopping on a bandwagon as controversial as #letsboobryan is one way to get yourself noticed (since the old saying goes there is no such thing as bad publicity). Plus, this is the internet where people wall themselves behind a computer. There could be elements of trolling and to counter what happened with #cancelWWEnetwork when Roman Reigns won the Rumble.

Add the fact of Daniel Bryan's recent visit to a Memphis hospital (look it up), I don't think this will get anything outside of the first few minutes of the show. Remember when the crowd tried to hijack RAW with the CM Punk chants? Didn't last too long... so again I re-iterate: here we go around the mulberry bush on I'm assuming, another cold and frosty morning.
As far as Twitter goes, it can wash my balls with a warm wet rag. If there's anything that's a more worthless waste of time connected with the internet, I've yet to see it. Never sent a Tweet and I doubt that I ever will, nor do I care or have ever cared about what's trending and what isn't. I understand that it's probably here to stay, which is all well & good, 'cuz if people like it, more power to them. However, there are plenty of sheep in the world that'll bleat at whatever they're told with or without Twitter, so what a handful of people wanna do in regards to Bryan makes no difference to me whatsoever.

As far as me being a wrestling fan goes, I think it's fans like this LetsBooBryan person that's doing more harm to wrestling than just about anything else. It's one thing to not be a fan of some wrestlers while being fans of others, but this is someone that strikes me as one of those "fans" that likes to shit all over anybody that's over just for the hell of it. I wish there weren't many fans out there like that but, all in all, there are quite a few. Often times, not always but quite a bit of the time, they'll gripe about someone who they think should be getting pushed but isn't, yet they'll turn on the wrestler after enough time has passed to where it looks like said wrestler is getting a genuinely solidified push. For the most part, these "fans" are usually not worth the time it takes to listen to or read what they have to say. Most likely, after this particular post, I won't give this stuff a second thought.
I'm not sure we should be brushing this off so lightly. When a chant breaks out in a crowd, one that isn't a standard chant that we are all trained to do, it is usually started by a very, very small group of people. Others hear it, remember they saw it trending on twitter or written about in the IWC or just happen to agree with it, and it multiplies from there.

When fans first chanted JBL or Michael Cole for no reason it wasn't because 10,000 people suddenly had the simultaneous thought to chant for them, it was a handful of people that thought "this segment sucks, let's just chant for a commentator to show our disinterest" and it spread like wildfire.

If I were a betting man, I would bet that even if only 20 people started to boo DB or chant against him that it could catch on and easily be loud enough to be heard during the PPV.

You must not have been watching RAW the last few weeks then because Bryan is getting boo'd already. So is Reigns.

Reigns has the more of a mixed reaction than Bryan does because of the Yes chants, but I'm certain he'll get boo'd on Sunday by the pro-Reigns crowd. I'm sure they don't need a twat on Twitter to tell them to do it.

As far as being trained I disagree. When I go to a show I don't sit there and chant CM Punk or JBL, I don't chant anything. Now you have some ******** fans that will do anything for attention, but you can't tar and feather everyone with the same brush. Most people I see there are there to watch the show and enjoy themselves. Sure they boo and cheer their favourites, but most just want to have a good time, not ruin it for everyone else.
For f**k sakes, Internet at Large...

Here we have a continued example of the modern fans inability to enjoy wrestling. I have no issue with people who dislike Bryan or want to boo him, but the "fans" who need to encourage others into sharing their own subjective opinion are really pissing me off! Rather than have discussions or engage spirited arguments about our conflicting tastes in performers, I feel like I have to tune out a bunch of smart asses who desperately need to validate their own subjective preferences.

I love discussing wrestling, and while there are a few contrary examples, WZ is one of the few forums I've ever found where my throat wouldn't be excavated if I called Great Khali my all time favorite wrestler. It's as if this is one of the few last vestiges of the internet that understands that subjectivity is a thing that exists, and this need to validate likes and dislikes isn't measured by the number of people who agree.
So is your entire post. Everything that is popular is talked about on twitter. Anyone that talks about pop culture or current events on twitter isn't reporting "internet news" they're just reporting news on the internet.

The IWC is very obviously and clearly the people that visit wrestling sites like this one, read the rumors and behind the scenes news, and are, in general, your more hardcore wrestling fans. Talking about wrestling on Facebook, Twitter, or any other widespread social media doesn't make you a member of the IWC. Kids that tweet out about their favorite superstar during Raw in hopes that their tweet makes it onto television are not IWC members.

I see this rant over and over on wrestling forums and reddit. I'll never get how intelligent people can fail to understand what and who makes up the IWC. Hint: everyone reading this on Wrestlezone is part of the IWC. If I were to tweet this and you read it because you follow me then you are not necessarily a part of the IWC. If you know that Adrian Neville is being considered being called up with a Mighty Mouse type character you either are a member of the IWC or you know someone that is and heard it from them. Really simple guys.

Do you really think someone who takes the time to start a Twitter campaign against Daniel Bryan doesn't also waste time reading about professional wrestling on dirt sheets like WZ? Is it possible or even likely #BooBryan is too cool for that?

On top of that isn't creating a Twitter hashtag alone supposed to create dialog about said topic? This topic being a professional wrestler.

And when was IWC defined in Merriam Webster's dictionary? Did you study IWC at Cambridge?

Anyway, Twitter is stupid. If you need evidence look at how much WWE promotes their success on it. It only takes one person to start something and just because others look in to it doesn't mean they support it. There are and will be fans who do not gravitate to the most popular superstars. Until I hear or see more than 10% of an audience turn on DB, this isn't worth discussing.

But PeterSellersSTL must be having multiple types of accidents in his pants over this.
typical contrarian IWC.

I'd be curious to see how many of those people are actually in menphys/will attend fast lane.

Seeing how over is Bryan I doubt a couple of boos will impact much, although I do agree that he's been quite awkwardly put into a story-line he doesn't belong.
Read my sig.

If you make a habit of engaging in discussions about wrestling (non Kayfabe), on internet message boards, you are a member of the IWC.

Just because you are against "hijacking" of shows, and would prefer to be force fed people to root for instead of picking your own, that doesn't mean you are not in the IWC. It just means you have a different opinion than a lot of people.

And anyone can start a campaign about anything on Twitter and I wouldn't put any credence into this stupid stunt. People cheer for who they want to cheer for. People who like Daniel Bryan are not going to boo him now just so they can "flip the script".
With each "twitter movement" i care less and less about WWE crowds reactions, it seems they scream for the sake of screaming and don't have any idea what they really want to see, while most of the fans have their individual opinions, thrown together they become a stupid meat mass. I guess this is the consequences of larger demographic WWE got with PG rating, there 0 talents on the current roster who this crowd will 100% get behind, too many different types of fans in it.
There will always be a portion of fans that go against what is popular.

This is how Bryan became popular in the first place. There was a portion of fans that really got behind him because he wasn't popular, and fortunately for Bryan, it grew and spread to the mainstream and more casual, younger fans as well. So now that Bryan is legit over with the vast majority of the fanbase, there of course is now a counter-effect of people who no longer like him.

This has happened to most top guys. Internet fans loved John Cena in 2003-2004. They turned on him once he made it to the top. There was always a smaller portion of fans that rooted against The Rock in 2000 and 2001 - but it was always overcome with the majority of fans who loved him. I'm not surprised this is happening to Bryan... it's the sure sign that you've finally made it to the top.
I can add nothing to this thread that has not already been brought up by someone else.

Therefore, I will answer the OP's queriers in the most childish manner possible.

Will this movement spread like wild fire and effect the crowd at Fast Lane? NO! it's obvious trolling.

Is reigns getting some of his momentum back? YES, due to more logical booking of his character.

Personally, I hope it is a triple threat at Mania with Reigns winning. I like Lesnar but I am tired of the strap being absent from regular TV. I also like Bryan but his booking is starting to get on my nerves. If he has a run as champion right now (or possibly anytime in the future), he will be booked as the constant underdog and probably lose anything that is not a title match.

WWE has come this far with Roman, changing course now would take very creative booking to benefit his character.
Oh this is music to my ears, I told you people the backlash against Bryan was organic and it was building. Nobody wanted to listen to me, nobody believed me.

I told you people were sick of the crybabies and the Philly crowd was off-putting to casual fans. What they did at the Royal Rumble was childish and if that's the rules of the game, if this is how the WWE Universe is to conduct themselves when they have an opinion then let's do it. Reigns had nothing to do with Rusev and Bray eliminating Bryan.

I hope they're loud and clear in Memphis. And to think this is the very place hijack RAW first happened, but even then it didn't come across that well on tv because not everyone was into it.

Even if the crowd is split 50/50 it should wake some eyes up to the BUBBLE you people live in.

I said you people were living in a bubble I posted twitter comments from casual fans and had the thread deleted.

Oh I hope they're loud tomorrow in Memphis!!! #LetsBooBryan!!!

If Bryan weasels his way into a triple threat mania match again the backlash is only going to grow. People don't want Bryan back in the main event of wrestlemania this particular year but his cult doesn't seem to understand that.

The Bryan Tea Party ends Sunday boys!!! Let's take back wrestling!!
A rude awakening for the Bryan cult, if this actually goes down it's going to be fantastic. People keep believing the IWC is some monolith and that the IWC is "turning" on Bryan. No, the IWC has dissenting opinions and some people are sick of Bryan and his cult.

If the crowd boos Bryan man oh man, it will be the best moment of 2015. And the pop that Reigns gets if he gets a win for that crowd? Could be one of the best of the year.

Should be a good match, Bryan should do his job and be a good little hand and make Reigns look good. All of evolution did it for him. It's not your year Bryan, you missed 9 months for crying out loud.
A rude awakening for the Bryan cult, if this actually goes down it's going to be fantastic. People keep believing the IWC is some monolith and that the IWC is "turning" on Bryan. No, the IWC has dissenting opinions and some people are sick of Bryan and his cult.

If the crowd boos Bryan man oh man, it will be the best moment of 2015. And the pop that Reigns gets if he gets a win for that crowd? Could be one of the best of the year.

Should be a good match, Bryan should do his job and be a good little hand and make Reigns look good. All of evolution did it for him. It's not your year Bryan, you missed 9 months for crying out loud.

Well aren't you a peach. Reigns was injured too and missed several months so what did he do to make this his year? His one singles feud with Orton? Obviously bryan would make him look good he makes everyone look good. Reigns is going to get crapped on at mania and he's still going to be a worse wrestler win lose or draw. People will always resent that reigns has been handed everything he hasn't worked or paid his dues. He's just a pretty boy and the rock's cousin who failed at football and fell back on the family business.
A rude awakening for the Bryan cult, if this actually goes down it's going to be fantastic. People keep believing the IWC is some monolith and that the IWC is "turning" on Bryan. No, the IWC has dissenting opinions and some people are sick of Bryan and his cult.

If the crowd boos Bryan man oh man, it will be the best moment of 2015. And the pop that Reigns gets if he gets a win for that crowd? Could be one of the best of the year.

Should be a good match, Bryan should do his job and be a good little hand and make Reigns look good. All of evolution did it for him. It's not your year Bryan, you missed 9 months for crying out loud.

I don't know if you're being sarcastic or serious but either way you made me laugh. There is no chance a twitter following of 39 people are going to cause an arena of thousands to boo Bryan lmao, let alone "rudely awaken" IWC Bryan fans, as you put it aha.

Anyways to the OP, is there any proof of it trending worldwide? I mean I'm not a twitter expert but worldwide is a large scale and considering there were massive football (soccer) game fallout at the time I don't really believe you.. I don't want to call you a liar but you started the thread with no proof and I'm slightly believing you set the account up yourself. Again though, not to be too rude but I doubt it trended worldwide and if that's the case that would mean you somehow stumbled upon the twitter page yourself and decided to set a thread up about a page with under 40 followers..? you hopefully understand why I'm completely not buying this and your motives?
How does it show that "not just the IWC can hijack a show"?
It sounds to me like what you're implying is that anyone who is discussing and forming an agenda on the internet who doesn't fit into this box of what your IWC stereotype is, then they are then immune from being lumped in as part of that "community". That is the exact attitude that I hate about all people who down talk the biases and preferences of the "IWC" on forums, social media, and comment sections of the internet. Its a confused and self serving hypocrisy.

:banghead: This again. The term IWC doesn't mean these are the only people using the internet. There are a collection of common opinions on the internet expressed on these parts. Not UNANIMOUS but definitely COMMON. Cena sucks. Bryan rules. There can never be enough wrestling on a show. NXT is the best thing ever. Guys over 6'2 that didn't come through the indies are being shoved down our throats. Guys with high workrates, anti hero gimmicks, and/or extensive indy backgrounds are where it's at.

Nobody's unfairly lumping anybody together by using the term IWC. Anybody who spends a day on your average wrestling site understands that these are the most prevalent viewpoints. It is typical of the IWC to be upset about the term though. It's the same reason they boo Cena & Reigns. They like to go left while everybody else is going right. To still end up lumped with a group kind of defeats the purpose.
I don't know if you're being sarcastic or serious but either way you made me laugh. There is no chance a twitter following of 39 people are going to cause an arena of thousands to boo Bryan lmao, let alone "rudely awaken" IWC Bryan fans, as you put it aha.

Anyways to the OP, is there any proof of it trending worldwide? I mean I'm not a twitter expert but worldwide is a large scale and considering there were massive football (soccer) game fallout at the time I don't really believe you.. I don't want to call you a liar but you started the thread with no proof and I'm slightly believing you set the account up yourself. Again though, not to be too rude but I doubt it trended worldwide and if that's the case that would mean you somehow stumbled upon the twitter page yourself and decided to set a thread up about a page with under 40 followers..? you hopefully understand why I'm completely not buying this and your motives?

How ironic that you just posted that because the account just posted this tweet.
It could be photoshopped, but I guess we will have to wait to find out.
Oh this is music to my ears, I told you people the backlash against Bryan was organic and it was building. Nobody wanted to listen to me, nobody believed me.

I told you people were sick of the crybabies and the Philly crowd was off-putting to casual fans. What they did at the Royal Rumble was childish and if that's the rules of the game, if this is how the WWE Universe is to conduct themselves when they have an opinion then let's do it. Reigns had nothing to do with Rusev and Bray eliminating Bryan.

I hope they're loud and clear in Memphis. And to think this is the very place hijack RAW first happened, but even then it didn't come across that well on tv because not everyone was into it.

Even if the crowd is split 50/50 it should wake some eyes up to the BUBBLE you people live in.

I said you people were living in a bubble I posted twitter comments from casual fans and had the thread deleted.

Oh I hope they're loud tomorrow in Memphis!!! #LetsBooBryan!!!

If Bryan weasels his way into a triple threat mania match again the backlash is only going to grow. People don't want Bryan back in the main event of wrestlemania this particular year but his cult doesn't seem to understand that.

The Bryan Tea Party ends Sunday boys!!! Let's take back wrestling!!

Oh sweet Jesus. The backlash against Bryan isn't growing, it's a bunch if disconcerted Reigns fans who have a hard on for him pissed he's not getting what he deserves. And why does he deserve it, please tell me?

Here's a wrestler who's been in singles competition for about 8 months out of his whole WWE career. If you take off the 3 months he was injured that leaves 5 months. 5 whole months of experience, that we are supposed to believe will win him the Rumble and will let him main event the biggest show of the year. I'm sorry but I can only suspend my disbelief for so long.

The crowd in Philly shit on the Rumble not because of Reigns solely, but because of the way it was booked, and the fact that the crowd favourites where treated like trash. You say that Reigns didn't eliminate Bryan, Ambrose and Ziggler, well you're right he didn't. Kane and Big Show did that for him, while he sat in the corner. Go back and watch the video.

All that aside I do hope Reigns wins the match at Fastlane. I then hope Bryan has a 5 star match at Mania with whoever. I don't want him in the main event.

Then when the main event comes on, the crowd in Levi Stadium will shit all over Reigns and Lesnar. Everyone will see what others have been saying for a long time now, that Reigns isn't ready and can't carry the company. The shame of it is that it will happen in front of almost 100k in attendance and millions around the world. I think I'm the only Reigns fan who doesn't want to see this happen for this very reason.

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