The Lebron James Mega-Thread

Turd Ferguson

Let's face it, this is going to be the Summer of Lebron. The amount of attention he gets after the NBA Finals ends is going to be unbelievable. It will probably be about as big, if not bigger, than the amount of attention that Brett Favre gets every offseason.

Lebron is going to be the focal point of the summer for two reasons:

1.) Where he winds up going.

2.) The ongoing saga alleging that his teammate Delonte West, was sleeping with his 41-year-old mother, Gloria James.

There were rumors that he wants John Calipari to be his coach, and that it could be a package deal for whatever team that signs him. Then that rumor was denied. The playoffs haven't even ended yet and the Lebron Hot Stove is already firing up.

Here's a list of rumored destinations:

Knicks - It's been rumored about for awhile now, but I don't think its anything close to certain that he'll go there. The Knicks really have no real supporting pieces, and I think Lebron wants to win now.

Cavaliers - It's entirely possible he stays in Cleveland. It's his home state, and ownership always seems willing to spend to bring in the best available pieces for him to win with. It's just that those pieces have underachieved.

Bulls - I think this is the best destination for him. There's Derrick Rose, Joakim Noah, Luol Deng, and Kirk Hinrich there. If Calipari wound up coaching there, he could do some amazing things with Lebron and Derrick Rose, and they'd absolutely be the East favorites, especially if they managed to bring in another high profile player in the meantime.

Clippers - If Lebron wanted to, a Los Angeles rivalry with Kobe would be on the table here. He would also have the opportunity to be the savior of this franchise. There is also a coaching opening for Calipari to fill. This is also a team with a very good nucleus with Baron Davis, Blake Griffin, Chris Kaman, and Eric Gordon. A Lebron James addition would make this one of the best starting lineups in basketball.

And an under the radar pick...

Thunder - They're under the cap. They took it to the Lakers in the playoffs. They have two future stars in Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook, and a bunch of good role players. If Lebron wanted to win so badly, he'd go here. If they were still in Seattle, this would be a slam dunk.

Then there are rumors about his mother possibly sleeping with Delonte West. At first this rumor seemed a little too out there, but this rumor has legs, and it is not going away. It should be interesting to see how this continues to unfold. With Delonte's playing time dropping after Game 3, and the team seeming kind of lost after that point, I really think this might be true, and if it is, it's a juicer story than Tiger Woods' scandal.

Nothing says "Fuck You" more than sleeping with a guy's mom. I would have to say that it has to be worse when it's a teammate.
You forgot one team, that actually has more of a chance then people think.

New Jersey (Soon to be Brooklyn) Nets - The Nets have the cap space, they have the lure of being in New York, they have a young core of players (Brook Lopez, Devin Harris, whoever gets picked 3rd), a celebrity owner who is trying to court him (Jay Z), and an uber-rich russian guy willing to give him whatever the hell he wants. He already said he is going to make the team a dynasty within 5 years.

I personally think that it will be either the Knicks or the Cavs. If he is loyal, he will stay with the Cavs, if he wants the immortality that comes with turning the Knicks around, then he'll go to the Knicks.

And this shit about his mom sleeping with one of his teammates is disturbing, unless she did it to get Lebron so pissed he would leave Cleveland, in which case it would be both disturbing and brilliant.
Damn we're doing this already? I know its going to be the summer of Lebron but we aren't exactly there yet. He's going to get all the attention then, but right now we got confrence finals going on. Lebron can wait.

However since its here and I already started posting, I'll give my two cents and be out.

First off, what makes you believe that winning is his ultimate priority? What have you seen that leads you to think that's what's most important to him? I'm not saying that winning isn't high on his list, or that he doesn't want to win. But I don't think he wants to win as badly as you guys think. When I think of guys who want to win MJ and Kobe stand out. They lived/lives and breathed/breathes basketball. Winning championships, being the best is what drived /drives them. I don't see that in Lebron. He has already said that he wants to be the first billionare athlete. Money drives Lebron, not winning.

Now where does he go? New York. Here's why.

Cleveland- everyone talks about that's his hometown, tthey are willing to spend what they need to on players to help Lebron. Problem is has that worked? No. In 7 years having Lebron, they've been to the Finals, count them, once. Yes they are willing to spend but they have no clue who is good talent. Lebron has tried for 7 years to save this city and win it a championship. Time to move on.

Chicago- while this team may be the most ready for titles if they added Lebron, I don't see it happening. Chicago is and always will be Jordan's town, no matter what Lebron does. Lebron's ego is too big to allow himself to be 2nd fiddle in this city. Really his ego is that damn big.

L.A Clippers- really? The Clippers will always be 2nd to the Lakers. Period. Lebron could try to compete with Kobe, but why compete when you could go to the.....

New York Knicks. Yes everything is set up there. Its a huge media market. Lebron loves N.Y. Imagine just how big he would be when he resurects that city and its team back to relevance in the NBA. He will be to N.Y as what Jordan is to Chicago. The money is all there.there are reports that Lebron could actually buy MSG stock. Could you imagine how much more money he could make once revenues go back up with him there? They can also bring in more talent for him. Remember this is the East we are talking about. With Bosh, David Lee and whoever else they want to bring, it won't take too long to have N.Y on top of the East again.

So Lebron to the Knicks makes the most sense. Be a God in a city that desperatly wants you, make your money and win. I can't stand the guy, but that's what he should do.
New York Knicks. Yes everything is set up there. Its a huge media market. Lebron loves N.Y. Imagine just how big he would be when he resurects that city and its team back to relevance in the NBA. He will be to N.Y as what Jordan is to Chicago. The money is all there.there are reports that Lebron could actually buy MSG stock. Could you imagine how much more money he could make once revenues go back up with him there? They can also bring in more talent for him. Remember this is the East we are talking about. With Bosh, David Lee and whoever else they want to bring, it won't take too long to have N.Y on top of the East again.

Damn, I'm not a LeBron fan but you're really selling him short. I believe winning is his top priority. He has said on numerous occasions that he wants to win more then anything. What better to feed his ego then to win multiple championships? You can't be considered the best player ever without a ring. If LeBron goes to the Knicks there would have to be a guarantee that someone like Bosh would also be signed. Without another big star he's just going to be in a situation that's worse then the one he had in Cleveland.

Even if the Knicks are able to get a combo of LeBron and Bosh their still is no guarantees that it would work out. The Knicks only have 4 players under contract for next year and the team wouldn't be able to afford much after signing two max free agents. The team would consist of LeBron, Bosh, Galinari, Bill Walker, Wilson Chandler, Toney Douglas, a mid level exception player, and then 5 veteran minimum players. As great as Lebron and Bosh are that team doesn't exactly scream championship to me.

If LeBron does want a bigger market I actually think the Nets would be a better destination. He's best friends with Jay Z who is a part owner, the Nets are moving to a new arena in Brooklyn, and they actually have a good young nucleus. Devin Harris, Brook Lopez, a top three pick coming this year, and LeBron would be a solid way to build towards a title.

To me it comes down to four teams and only four teams. Cleveland, Chicago, New Jersey, and New York. I still believe Cleveland has the advantage at this stage but who they get as their new coach and what other moves happen this offseason will all play a role in where he goes.
Damn, I'm not a LeBron fan but you're really selling him short. I believe winning is his top priority. He has said on numerous occasions that he wants to win more then anything. What better to feed his ego then to win multiple championships? You can't be considered the best player ever without a ring. If LeBron goes to the Knicks there would have to be a guarantee that someone like Bosh would also be signed. Without another big star he's just going to be in a situation that's worse then the one he had in Cleveland.

Even if the Knicks are able to get a combo of LeBron and Bosh their still is no guarantees that it would work out. The Knicks only have 4 players under contract for next year and the team wouldn't be able to afford much after signing two max free agents. The team would consist of LeBron, Bosh, Galinari, Bill Walker, Wilson Chandler, Toney Douglas, a mid level exception player, and then 5 veteran minimum players. As great as Lebron and Bosh are that team doesn't exactly scream championship to me.

If LeBron does want a bigger market I actually think the Nets would be a better destination. He's best friends with Jay Z who is a part owner, the Nets are moving to a new arena in Brooklyn, and they actually have a good young nucleus. Devin Harris, Brook Lopez, a top three pick coming this year, and LeBron would be a solid way to build towards a title.

To me it comes down to four teams and only four teams. Cleveland, Chicago, New Jersey, and New York. I still believe Cleveland has the advantage at this stage but who they get as their new coach and what other moves happen this offseason will all play a role in where he goes.

I understand where your coming from and I may have been a little short with him. My dislike for the guy tho didn't come into play with my answer. I know he wants to win a title. Multiple titles. I just don't see the hunger tho from him like I saw with MJ and I see with Kobe. Lebron has many interests outside of winning a championship. Kobe and MJ were focused on one thing- winning a title. You may not agree with me completely, but you have to agree to an extent with that.

And I agree that N.J would also be a good place to go. But I think he's out of Cleveland. For me its N.J or N.Y
Kobe and MJ were focused on one thing- winning a title. You may not agree with me completely, but you have to agree to an extent with that.

Actually that is bullshit. On the court all of those guys are focused on winning a title and winning a title only, but off the court they all have had other interests. To say Michael Jordan was only focused on basketball and winning all the time is a completely ludicrous statement. The man has his own brand built off of Nike. He had his own shoe first come out in 1985 and his brand built from there throughout his entire playing career. Jordan has been the spokesperson for numerous big brands like McDonalds, Gatorade, Nike, and Coca-Cola. It's estimated that he makes over $40 million dollars a year in endorsements. Let's also not forget the little gambling controversy he was involved in during his playing career.

On the court these guys all have one goal and that is to win, but like I just pointed out with MJ, some guys have just as big of aspirations off the court. The only reason things like this are even brought up is because LeBron has not won a title yet. If already had a championship then all of these off the court things wouldn't be an issue. It doesn't mean he has any less desire then Kobe or Jordan.
If he really wanted to win so badly, game 5 would have been played alot differently. I'm not going to go back and forth again on a topic we will never agree on. Game 5 for me helped shaped my view of Lebron. Huge game at home and he fell flat, never showing an interest in the game. Again we will never agree so for me this is pointless. But I don't see the hunger like I've seen with Kobe, there is that better? But Lebron is allowed to do whatever the hell he wants, I don't care. Its just my own humble opinion.
First off, if winning truly is LeBron's top priority and he doesn't really care about the money or anything else, he'd sign with the Lakers for the mid level exception. That'd guarantee him a championship. Obviously, this isn't happening. LeBron wants to win, but in the right situation and location. As for the possible destinations.

Dallas- This has been out there for some reason, but I don't see it happening. Not sure why, just doesn't seem like the right fit. They'd be a damn good team though.

Clippers - LeBron and Kobe in the same city would be one of the most interesting things ever. The Clips have a decent enough team as well, with Baron Davis, Eric Gordon, Blake Griffin, and Kaman. Plus, they have a coaching vacancy, meaning they could bring in whoever LeBron wants. However, it's the Clippers, so I don't see this happening.

New Jersey - With the possible influence of the Russian Mob and Mutant Mark Cuban, this is a possibility. Combined with Jay-Z and Brooklyn and all that, who knows. Devin Harris/Brooks Lopez just isn't a lethal enough combo to interest LeBron though.

New York - This is one of the top 3 choices, as I see it. If LeBron wants immortality, he's go here. There's no bigger oppurtunity in basketball at the moment that bringing an NBA Title to a completely distraught New York Knicks franchise. If LeBron went here to win, he'd be forever remembered as the guy who brought the title back to the Knicks. But can a LeBron/Bosh/Gallinari/random role player team win a title? Not sure.

Chicago - If LeBron wants to win and still get paid, this is the best choice. Add LeBron to a core of Derrick Rose (A top 5 PG) and Joakim Noah, a young guy who actually gives a crap, along with guys like Deng, Hinrick, etc, and you have one hell of a team. If it wasn't for the whole "MJ used to play there" thing, this'd be a slam dunk.

Clevland - I feel like this is where LeBron is eventually going to end up after this whole thing is over. He's from Clevland and I just can't picture him going anywhere else. Mike Brown may be out the door soon, opening up room for LeBron's guy in charge. The team wouldn't be much better than they were this year, but I feel like LeBron thinks he can win with the Cavs for some reason.

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