The last of the Originals.....


ALLSTAR by day ROCKSTAR by night
I couldn't think of a appropriate title so forgive me if this mis-lead anyone. I live in the NY area and I happen to pick up the paper this morning and as I read it I came across a little tibit that was a little sad from a wrestling point of view. Madison Square Garden is going thru some major renovation during the next yr or longer but one RENOVATION that has already been completed is the "Willis Reed Tunnel" is gone. For those of you who don't know what that is, that is the the famous entrance area in which for you "new schoolers" John Cena stood in his surprise return @the Royal Rumble a few yrs ago or for you "old schoolers" thats the area where HBK went under the ladder on his way to the ring for his famous ladder match with Razor Ramon. Look I understand it might not be a big deal but picture that moment on the generic stage WWE set-up and it kind of loses the feel. one of the things that gave WWE(F) it's charm when it went to MSG was this unique entrance that no other areana in it's day or now could duplicate besides the hammerstein ballroom. In fact MSG was like the Hammerstein ballroom but on a much larger scale.

So I just wanted to bring this everyone's attention and let you know next time there's a PPV or house event @MSG there's gonna be a little charm missing from these events now. Cheers to ORIGINALITY and all it brought and hello to generic as you have taken over.

Also If you like talk below about some entrances or moments you liked with this unique entrance maybe Taz debut. For starters I've always liked the moment after the Hitman beat Yoko for the WWF title @WrestleMania 10 and Owen came out and stood in the aisle while the wrestle's hoisted Bret on they're shoulders in celebration and you could see the fans(since they were so close) pleading with Owen to go in a celebrate the win with his brother, now picture that on a regular stage with no fan interaction close and it loses it's feel for me anyway.
It's hardly major news, but I do agree with you. It's a very memorable and unique entrance-way that captured so many special moments. I imagine MSG events will still have the same huzazz about them, but it will be a little odd seeing them without the famous tunnel.
I too live in the NY area (in NYC actually). Even if the tunnel is no more, from the television audience point of view nothing changes. Go back and re-watch WWE WrestleMania 20. They didn't use the tunnel entrance for that pay-per-view. In fact every single WWE RAW from Madison Square Garden has used the "normal" RAW ramp entrance except for the very last one 2 years ago. Smackdown too. Every single Smackdown from Madison Square Garden uses the long entrance way. So from the vantage point of a viewer watching, there is no difference. Other arenas have the tunnel entrances, but they aren't utilized on television. Have you been to the Izod Arena in New Jersey? They use the tunnel entrance for house shows the same way it's done for house shows at MSG. In fact, the only benefit of using the tunnel entrance is that more fans can be seated in The Garden.
I agree it's nothing crazy but Mania and the TV shows get the usual stage set up but look back as far as you want and every other PPV at the Garden gets the tunnel look and it's something unqiue on TV. This is more a thread for old-schoolers because I figured even without thinking about the entrance at the time it is something we all appreciate about a WWE show at the Garden and it's something we all grew up with and now is just no more.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I've been a fan since 1987, and I've seen all the MSG ppvs. The tunnel entrance does give it that "special" feeling, but with news that this tunnel is "gone", something else has to be there. I don't know if you went to any hockey games at MSG, but the tunnel and the entrance on the opposite side (where Jeff Hardy did the swanton off back at Royal Rumble 2000) are where the hockey players enter and exit. Something has to be there for them. Whatever is there, WWE can always put a set design in front of it.
In the artical it says they are going with a Dallas Cowboy style entrance in the corner of the court and rink where players will enter thru a V.I.P style room protected by plexi glass.
Man, that sucks major left ass cheek! I used to LOVE when WWE went to NYC! IMO, every other arena looks the same, but you knew when they were in MSG. The stage would be that little exit area in front of the camera, and the announcers table would be on the right side of the screen. I have two favorite memories from that stage:

1) When The Rock wrestled HHH for the IC championship at Summerslam '98. That match put those two on the map fa sho! It really helped launch their careers as did the ladder match from 4 years earlier (HBK vs Razor).

2) Royal Rumble 2000. C'mon, tell me you didn't enjoy that taxi cab above the entrance ramp?

Like the OP said, originality! Damn I'm gonna miss it.:disappointed:

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