The Kofi/Orton botch on Raw

I agree with CynicSteve... It wasn't just Kofi who messed up. Rhodes and DiBiase definitely messed up their timing in interupting the match. The first time Kofi was on top of Orton in the corner is when they were supposed to make their run in. They clearly missed their mark and Kofi had to mount him a second time in the corner. He was definitely supposed to get punted to finish the match, and im hoping he didn't screw up a storyline by not getting punted. That RKO was probably one of the nastiest ones I've ever seen.
@ Anonymous Mozzarella

how old are you???

I'm 20. What does that have to do with anything about the thread, or even anything in your post? Is it supposed to be insulting? My age is displayed on top of every post I make.

in stage acting it is easy to forget lines...but in wrestling the most important thing to remembr is the finishing of the match...and it would not be hard to remember a finish with orton delivering a punt,plus these things are rehearsed and talked about b4 the show even starts, and kofi is at fault.

How do you know? Were you there? Do you have the match rehearsal on tape? You have no idea what really happened, and this entire thread is nothing but speculation. For all we know, that outburst could have been something done in character.

Anyway, the important part of a stage play is to make sure you're always in character. If someone botches something, you help and and attempt to fix it, not act like a brat on stage in front of the viewers. Same thing applies here. If something was scripted to happen, Orton should have used the time he had after the match. That two minutes was more than enough time to set something up.

Side note: Lines are rehearsed for weeks and weeks, possibly months before a play even starts. You have no idea what you're talking about.

randy orton is onli human, he must get angry because kofi botched it TWICE, and if orton had to deliver the punt AFTER the match, ppl would ask why is john cena not helpin out and why is he knocked out so long...kofi needs to go to smackdown and take the light off him so he can learn to cut promos and not become the next john cena with only five - six moves

Cena got DDT'd off the ropes, one of Orton's semi-finishers, then "taken care" of by Legacy behind the referee's back. He was done with the match.

If you're going to make a comment about my age, learn how to spell basic second grade words like "only" and "people."
Randy really overreacted here. When Orton pushed Kofi down, he was just a little out of position for the punt. I'm sorry, but if he can't believably hit Kofi with a punt where his head was positioned at, he shouldn't be a wrestler. He clearly lost his temper.

On top of that, Kofi's head did hit the mat.

I also think that Orton wasn't yelling Stupid at Kofi because of the botched punt, but because of how he took the RKO.

I could be wrong, but that's what I'm thinking.
Orton was saying "Fuck" while pounding his fists and talking to himself before the RKO. I don't think the curse words would be in character when the show is aimed at 7 year olds. I remember when he was in RATED RKO when they face DX at Unforgiven 2006, Orton turned to the crowd, stuck the middle finger up, and said "fuck you" while waiting to be tagged. That was him in character because they were still aiming at the older crowd. Regardless, if it is something serious it will be a news article eventually listed.
After watching it for the 300th time, Kofi was suppose to block the punt, then hit Trouble in Paradise, Randy was suppose to block that & then RKO Kofi. Ted took to long to jump the security wall to get to the corner & hit Kofi in the leg, he hit Randy instead:wtf:& then Randy starts acting like a damn 5 year old banging the mat, saying F**K cause he didn't get to do the stance before hitting his RKO, hits the move while trying to break Kofi's jaw at the same time. After that Randy is still trippin' calling Kofi "stupid" acting like a baby. I think Randy was really unprofessional, & made Kofi look bad. Kofi's still learning, he still a rookie kinda. Randy its called a mistake even you made them.
Thats very true, ive seen Orton and a lot of other big name wrestlers botch moves. The match still turned out to be a decent one, even with everything that went wrong. But i really dont think Orton should have acted like that or even broke character to yell at Kofi. I'm not really sure what's going to happen with two heels going at it for the WWE title. Im sure the crowd will be more for Orton than Sheamus considering the majority of the WWE fans, including myself, dont think Sheamus has done enough or has been pushed enough to be the champ. I'm still convinced that Sheamus really messed up at the PPV and didnt break the table he fell onto to call the match a draw.

I'm all for the younger stars getting pushed because i think everyone, including myself, is tired of seeing the title rotate between Orton, Cena, and HHH, but Sheamus was not built up or pushed correctly to win that title. I think the #1 contenders match on raw should have somehow ended in a no contest so there could have been a fatal 4 way at the Rumble with Orton, Cena, Sheamus, and Kofi... Any thoughts?
Been reading this thread with interest.

My first thoughts when i saw the match were that Kofi looked like a fish out of water. Admitedly, triple threat matches probably take a bit more ring experience to pull of convincingly. He seemed to nearly miss the double suplex with Cena on Randy.

Then once Cena had been taken out by Rhodes i thought "where the hell is Ted?"
Then when he entered the ring and kofi fell from the corner i thought "did Ted even touch him?"
Then i was convinced Randy was going to punt him. Then when he delivered what looked like harder than normal RKO and got the pin, i simply thought "that seems a reasonable way to end the feud and get Randy back in main event matches."
On reflection Randy probably was pissed off with the situation but because he's a heel he could vent his anger in the ring without it damaging his character.

Also, without seeing what delayed Ted's ring entry its maybe a bit premature to blame him. There might have been some jerk in the crowd getting in his way.

p.s. i hate to sound like the spelling police but several of you seem to have trouble with the spelling of definitely
i didn't read all that into it when i first saw it. I thought it was really unusual, and honestly i didn't hear the swearing just the STUPID!. But reading this and viewing the video i would have to agree with the majority of the people on this thread.

Randy was going for the punt but Kofi got up too quickly. he cracked the shits and took it out of Kofi. delivering that hellish RKO.

To all the people saying why would they put Kofi out? Maybe they wanted him to have a royal rumble return. whether that be in the royal rumble match or interfere in Randy Ortons match. and cost him the title. Who knows. he could come back at NWO/Elimination Chamber. Who knows. Not us.

But one thing is clear. and that is that Ted was late. but like buckfast67uk said. it could have been some jerk in the crowds fault. so we cant blame the second generation superstar.

I think that if Orton was meant to go for the punt and take out Kofi they might just completely take a different direction with the storyline OR have Randy take out kofi this week in some form. Maybe like they did with Batista or just your everyday punt. i just hope that Kofi stays on the roster.
Did u all notice after the rko orton took his time b4 pinning him... thats the ultimate insult and something u never see...

randy and wwe creative had spent alot of time tryin to get kofi over and orton took a straight pinfall at survivor series to him.. kofi is very lucky to have been paired with orton in a fued...wwe has invested too much time in kofi of late to really punish him...that wouldnt be good a good bizness move.
I saw the little silly video. the only "botch" that happened was Ted DiBiase hitting Orton on the stomach that created a "wtf" moment. Everything else flowed smoothly. Orton yelling "STUPID STUPID" then after winning, mouthing "Stupid fuck." If you think about it, this fits his character quite well. Some angry violent dude who swears. I don't see why this is discussed THIS heavily. But ok.
its talked about so much because imo "smart" fans love "real" pro wrestling moments...and its really evident that what went down was the real deal...

it just makes orton that much more believable as a badass....

the other great moment from that show was in the 1st segment. when the cena sucks chant erupted cena perhaps sensing kofi may be thrown off or just feeling the need to mention the elephant in the room sais " dont pay attention to them i never do ".

after that watch cenas body language..u can tell it bugs him.
Holy Shit, this thread has received 100 something plus responses for a botch, which in the grand scheme of things, was one of the most minor botches I have ever seen in my entire life. Seriously, this clinging to anything to be pissed at or make fun of the WWE is getting out of hand, even for the most cynical of smarks.

Go on youtube, watch a few botchamanias, and tell me that this botch was anything worse then anything you see on those videos. Raw the last I checked, was the only live weekly wrestling show. Not ECW, not Smackdown, not TNA. With the exception of ECW, those other shows have the benefit of several day sof editing and putting together good camera shots to make the guys look much better then what they actually are.

Seriously, this thread is beyond stupid at this point.
Well what makes this botch interesting is the fact it may have completely altered a potential storyline that could of came out of it. Say WWE wanted to take Kofi off of RAW to repackage him and maybe throw him into another program with Orton after his "recovery" and the pay off to Orton (and Sheamus) would be to build the tension for the RR title match. Not to mention this would make complete sense since Orton v Kofi has ran its course for the moment so why not give it a climatic ending to allow room for Orton v Sheamus?

Instead we're given a rather questionable finish which really didn't benefit neither Kofi nor Orton going into RR. Infact when the match was playing live I truly did believe that Orton was going to punt Kofi, and the fact he teased the idea of punting Bret just week prior really hinted one was coming if not Bret but to someone else.

I wonder though if this was intentional on Kofi's part on the other hand. Did Kofi not want to put Orton over having to of lost to him as much as it was? Or did Kofi really make a mistake and not aware of his timing or surroundings.
Like it's probably been mentioned before, it's funny that if Orton hadn't have reacted the way he did, we probably wouldn't have even noticed anything went wrong. And we never will know for sure what exactly was planned here. Kofi could have potentially messed it up for himself more than we know. THIS and the fuckup in the promo at the beginning of the show, are good reasons to wait at least a year, but usually more, before putting mid-card guys into main event level fueds. Shaemus hasn't messed up yet, maybe he won't, but I think it's way too soon for him. I would put all these guys in big midcard fueds, and let them do A LOT of mic work and complicated spots to end matches to get the practice. Personally, I"d have this Miz/MVP fued go on for quite a while, then give one of them a bigger push.

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