The Kliq

No way. Shawn never tried to get out of his contract with the WWF, especially never to go to WCW. I don't know where you got the idea from but it isn't true.
Wow, you're reaching on this one. So Shawn was more loyal to WWE then Bret because you believe he wouldn't have taken a WCW contract if offered one.

I'm not saying who was more loyal here. I couldn't care less. But I firmly believe Shawn would never have gone to WCW.
If the money was right and there was the possibility of joining his mates Hall and Nash in WCW, possibly joining the NWO, I don't see how he would have turned it down. The only thing Shawn Michaels cared about during that time was Shawn Michaels. He was the most selfish, cocky, arrogant guy in all of wrestling.

At Wrestlemania 11 he was supposed to do the job for Nash, but instead of being a good professional he tried his best to make Nash look like crap. That was the main event of wrestle freaking mania. Against his best friend. And he just didn't give a shit. He wanted to show that he deserved to be champion, and in the process made Nash look like an unworthy champion.

Do you call that "giving" to the business? I sure don't. He was only ever out for himself. He never cared about making his opponents look good, he always wanted to come out of a match looking better. Bret Hart is notorious for wanting to make his opponents look just as good as him in every match he ever had. HBK was simply a cancer to the WWE in the 90's.
This thread is a joke this is just an accuse to bash the kliq no one is objective in here. Granted everyone makes good points but the thing no one knows for sure what would of happened. Hbk losing to stone cold passed the torch and let to austins big push. People say hogan single handedly push the nwo which is not true nash and hall had a big role in it whether u like it or not that reason wwe was losing in the ratings. DX on the other hand was definately a mjor part of the era because along with austin they push the envelop and were entertaining. Dx didn't make austin but they sure help the era. Explain why the dx reunion was so over?
Um, Shawn Michaels doesn't own the rights to his name, so what exactly was he going to be in WCW? Michael Hickenbottom, should sell some seats I guess.
At Wrestlemania 11 he was supposed to do the job for Nash, but instead of being a good professional he tried his best to make Nash look like crap. That was the main event of wrestle freaking mania. Against his best friend. And he just didn't give a shit. He wanted to show that he deserved to be champion, and in the process made Nash look like an unworthy champion.


How did micheals make nash look bad. Nash kicked out of the superkick at like a one count. shawn did exactly what he was told, and if he really showed how unworthy champion that nash is then why did nash hold on to the belt until that survivior series?
How did micheals make nash look bad. Nash kicked out of the superkick at like a one count. shawn did exactly what he was told, and if he really showed how unworthy champion that nash is then why did nash hold on to the belt until that survivior series?

Nash himself has gone on record saying that Michaels purposely tried to blow him out in their match so that he'd look better than Nash. He simply wanted to show Nash up, which is completely unprofessional. Instead of trying to help get Nash over as champion, he was only looking out for himself. That year long reign ended up being one of the worst drawing reigns in history. Which proves that Nash was an unworthy champion.
well ive never heard that but u may be right........

but even though the kliq did use backstage politics to stay on top, so what? that has always been apart of pro wrestling.
i respect both for their great in ring abilities but i am not at all a fan of how they are out of the ring.

shawn was widely known for being impossible to work with. he'd yell at vince when he didnt get his way (vince said that in the heartbreak and triumph dvd), always was in vince's year politicking, and as has been discussed showing up your best friend at your companies most important event. that is the most selfish thing one can do because it makes everyone look bad. shawn also had a weel known substance abuse problem which didnt always leave to be working in the best condition. one example was how he was planned on being part of the invasion angle but was so far from sober he was sent home and not used. undertaker got sick of his act quick and im sure many others have as well.

bret hart may have only missed two lays as a previous poster has said but he was well known for showing up late constantly. also he couldnt handle the change of times in the world of wrestling with the good guys getting booed and anti-heroes like austin get cheered and complained about being a heel constantly. also i do not care where you are from and if you dont like who you are supposed to lose to.. you do what you are told in wrestling when it comes to wins or losses its not your job to make those decisions its yoru job to go out and put on a damn good show. he didnt do what was right for the business and someone who prides himself on being a wrestling traditionalist thats being hypocritical

stone cold steve austin is the reason for the attitude era not the kliq. while HHH breakin kayfabe may of given austin his spot as KOTR champ it was his austin 3:16 speech and bad ass persona was what led to the rise of austin and the beginning of the attitude era. if he dropped the ball we'd be watching wcw right now
Let's see... the Kliq.

One is a politicking asshole with talent turned born again Christian.
The other is the true ultimate opportunist who is way past his prime and therefore bland, but is so full of himself due to his backstage stroke.
The other is a tall, untalented hack with just enough charisma to hold a World title and politicking asshole.
The fourth is a talented, but undesciplined drunk and politicking asshole who never hit it big because he couldn't control his demons.

Yeah, not a very impressive group but nobody can argue their success. Some have to reach the top slitting throats and stabbing people in the back.
HBK from the mid-nineties is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, but still.... Bret Hart > Shawn Michaels. Absolutely no one could tell a story like the Hitman. He is, in my opinion, the greatest in-ring worker of all time. HBK does come in number 2 on my list though.

Diesel, Razor, and 123 Kid.... I was a huge mark for all of them. They will probably always have a soft spot in my heart, lol.

People are forgetting to mention Justin Credible, probably the worst ECW Champion of all time. He was in the Kliq during his Aldo Montoya gimmick.

And HHH IS overrated, plain and simple. Good wrestler, but not half as great as he and his fans make him out to be. The dude is just horrible on the mic, and his intensity has always come off as a forced, fucking joke. Also, he's one lazy fuck these days. Has been since 2003. But I must admit the dude can pull a great match out of his ass when he wants to. However, like someone mentioned, for that to be possible, there has to be a gimmick in the match.

But lastly, how the fuck was the Kliq a faction? They were NEVER on TV with one another. All they were, were friends, and you wouldn't have known they were friends unless you had an internet connection or subscribed to a dirt sheet. Just because they hung out back stage does not make them a faction.

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