The Joseph Park Story Line Where's it Headed?

I think this angle really shows how talented, gimmick wise Abyss can be. I remember seeing quite a few posts when Joseph Park first showed up, can't believing that was actually Abyss. Not any wrestler can have that trait of pulling off these different gimmicks. Mick Foley, and Bully Ray are good examples too. Unlike these bores like Danny Bryan that has to rely on the stupidity of "The E" fans" to get over this Yes crap. What? was bad enough. But Yes is just embarrassing. Joseph Park holding a bag of popcorn has more personality that Bryan, and any of those other "E" duds that the IWC blow their loads over. Ring wise, Abyss may not have much skill, but lets be real. He's a brawler. He's not suppose to be Mr. Technical. It'll be interesting to see where this angle goes after Slammaversary.
Worst case scenario:
Park gets injured so badly at Slammiversary that he goes missing .. then week after flipping week we get Abyss doing promos of "I'm looking for my brother", *holds hand way below head height*, "you know .. Joseph ?!".
I just see a split personality thing going. Joseph Park gets beaten up at Slammiversary, the lights go out and Abyss appears (Joseph's gone) he beats up Bully Ray, the lights go off again and Jospeh Park reappears and wins.

They'll drop hints that Abyss and Joseph Park are the same person until it culminates at a PPV (maybe Bound For Glory)
I can't understand TNA's lack of direction lately. They did something surprizing with the Joseph Park storyline and have pretty much wasted all potential with it thus far. I hope they continue it and give it a fitting end or at least a sensible continuation. Either wouldn't surprize me, though.

Putting him with Bully when Abyss already had been involved with Bully when Immortal was still there made it very boring real fast to me. They should have kept him being Joseph and make him do something new.
I honestly dont care where they take this angle next. In my opinion, this is the best storyline in wrestling for the last five years and I have been totally captivated by it. Joe Park is a wonderful, believable character and he plays Abyss to perfection, with a cracking promo and a side of hardcore in his repertoire.

I'll probably sit back when this is all done and dusted and just appreciate how awesome all these competitors have been. By the way, Bully Ray is probably the best thing in wrestling at the moment. Can job on PPV's but people still hate him as he is so great on the mic.

Great job all round TNA.
This storyline is overrated, just dumb as fuck. You wanna know where it's headed? Down the shitters. Joseph Parks will obviously reveal himself as Abyss but why? What is exactly the point of Abyss walking around as Joseph Parks? At first I thought it was just to get Bully Ray in a match at Slammiversary then during the match he would reveal himself as Abyss and defeat him, getting his revenge which would've been the only logical explaination but since they haven't done that and he's now done with Bully Ray I assume, where does this storyline go from here? They should've just done away with the storyline at Slammiversary. And the whole "Joseph Park gets beaten up, the lights go out and Abyss appears (Joseph's gone) he beats up Bully Ray, the lights go off again and Jospeh Park reappears and wins" was ridiculous, how could he get changed so quickly underneath the ring, is he The Undertaker now with magical powers?
And the whole "Joseph Park gets beaten up, the lights go out and Abyss appears (Joseph's gone) he beats up Bully Ray, the lights go off again and Jospeh Park reappears and wins" was ridiculous, how could he get changed so quickly underneath the ring, is he The Undertaker now with magical powers?

Well shouldn't you be complimenting how fast he changed? I was pretty impressed I gotta say.

And since Bully said "No frickin way. It's you?" or something along those lines, he will surely rumble Joseph, unless Bully is too injured to speak, but that would be a lame way of doing it since he's been through far worse than that.

What I do wonder is if Joseph is "aware" of his true nature or not. Will he find out he is Abyss, or did he already know and plan it all along?
I admit this story actually has me interested in watching TNA again - Abyss is doing such a fantastic job with the facial expressions and promos.. even going so far as to do a great job as a trained wrestler to move and bump like an untrained wrestler without hurting himself. It's a surprise the man has wrestled for so long under a hood.. I know he's butt fugly but his rubberface tells a hell of a story
As for the quick change stuff - I'm confused a bit because of the shock of him 'changing' so quickly - am I misreading or was the Crimson Chokeslam not an obvious enough giveaway that Abyss and Joseph are going to "tag" for a while?
As for the quick change stuff - I'm confused a bit because of the shock of him 'changing' so quickly - am I misreading or was the Crimson Chokeslam not an obvious enough giveaway that Abyss and Joseph are going to "tag" for a while?

What, you're saying it was Crimson that was dressed as Abyss? Wow I'm trying to picture it now, if I was one of the fans sitting where I could see Crimson's face in a fatsuit as Abyss with a hood up :lmao:
I think after watching his rematch with Bully Ray that Joseph Parks and The Abyss are one and the same. After Bully Ray jumped him from behind at BFG and beat him down, The Abyss, not being able to cope with it, subconsciously created another personality being Joseph Parks, his nonexistent brother. As he fights Bully Ray, The Abyss personality becomes more bold and confident again, and eventually, Joseph Parks will be discarded and The Abyss will return to his old self.
It would seem that this is heading towards a split personality thing ala Mick Foley. Now, before we get a "well Abyss was already a Foley knock off" tangent, that's not what we need to talk about. That said, I do want to compare the two.

There is a major reason that the Foley stuff works better than the Abyss/Joseph Park stuff currently. It's very simple really, and no one is talking about it. All of Foley's characters were Foley off the bat. Everyone knew they were him. Even more, everyone knew Foley was A WRESTLER and thus, every one of his characters was a wrestler. Be it hippie lover, crazy barbed wire guy, deranged lunatic, or lovable oaf, they all were Foley and we always knew they could wrestle. As of now, Joseph Park has been presented as a different person than Abyss, as his brother. Therefore, he is presented as NOT A WRESTLER. That means that even though Abyss the guy can wrestle, the character can't and if that character has a match, he has to do nothing. That's problematic.

Even if it becomes a split personality thing, why would Joseph Park suck in all the previous matches if he was always Abyss? I think in theory this idea is better than its reality.
When this storyline first started, I thought it was going to suck. Badly.

But the longer in has carried on, and a round of applause to TNA for sticking with it, the more I have begun to enjoy it. It does have similarities to Mick Foley's "Faces of Foley" in WWE, but its different in the fact that the opponent dos not know that Joseph and Abyss are the same person. The man playing both roles is doing extremely well to make it look realistic that the 2 characters are different people,

I expect it to end with Joseph revealing to Bully Ray that he is infact his brother by doing something like pulling Abyss's mask out of his pocket and putting it on, and ripping off the sleeves of his suit or jacket so that we get to see the well known tribal tattoos that Abyss has. Then Bully will recognise who he is facing. He will freak out, and then run into a Black Hole Slam on thumb tacks. 1-2-3 and its over.
I like this storyline, it may be one of the two best going on in TNA right now. I am actually interested in the product again. Bully Ray has really been able to be become a star in this feud and Abyss has been able to show he has the IT factor to be a superstar.
This storyline didn't interest me one bit until I saw what happened last night on IMPACT!

I'll throw in my .02, I think perhaps TNA will not go with the split personality angle but will instead play it out that Joseph Park has the same "darkness" inside of him that Abyss does. So this leads to Joseph becoming a revamped Abyss or some new character altogether. The Abyss character has grown stale and this could be TNA's way of making it fresh again.

It seems silly, but so does Park revealing to be Abyss all along even though there has been a faux Abyss(Supposed to be the real Abyss in kayfabe)
It would seem as if TNA are going with the cliche explanation that Joseph Park has split personalities, with one of them being Abyss. This could be interesting if done correctly. I would like to see James Mitchell return and be the antagonist to Park getting him to admit that he's Abyss. That would make for interesting television.
I don't know where this storyline is headed, but it has definately made me take interest in Abyss again. Before I thought he was kind of one dimensional, but he actually has came off as highly intelligent and I believe "Joseph Park" could indeed be a lawyer. Needless to say his promos have improved and this adds another layer to his gimmick. I also applaud how slowly TNA/IW has been building this. In most cases, their storylines are rushed and ineffective. This however, is a great example of an exception and I hope they can draw it out and eventually get Abyss back into the main events where he belongs. I'd like to see a World Title match between Abyss and Bully Ray once Austin Aries has a nice run as champion....
It's a great angle, Bully Ray is just such an amazing heel, and Park does impeccable facial expressions.

The ring psychology to their match last week was fun for me to watch, I was interested the entire time. Park didn't act or move as if he was a trained wrestler, he took bumps and such like a noob, and that made the match seem realistic
You know what's weird? You know what I never expected to say? I was sitting there, watching Impact, watching Bully Ray and Joseph Park's match, and I said aloud, "What? Why isn't this match on pay-per-view?" I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. I'm amazed at how I've actually become invested in the story, and the match was very well executed. I don't want to be this enthusiastic, but this is where we've found ourselves. Not pleasant, is it?

My guess at where this is going: it's going to be a weird play on dramatic irony - where the audience knows something which the characters don't. The majority of us have known since the start that Abyss and, ahem, Mr. Joseph Park Esq. have been played by the same man, but Joseph Park and Bully Ray have been oblivious to it. The big reveal is (dun dun dun) Abyss and Joseph Park are the same person. Multiple personality disorder stylee. And you know what? I'm OK with that.

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