The Joseph Park Story Line Where's it Headed?

I'm not sure if this really counts as spoilers (even though it must be common knowledge) so I'll try and be vague

You know when I first saw Joseph Park I had no idea of his true identity, honestly he did such a good job convincing me, I don't read the dirtsheets (I only browse their forums :p) unfortunately i was spoiled, and I was pretty shocked, though I'm sure I'd have figured it out eventually.

Anyway Joseph Park, he has finally ran into Bully Ray in what seems to have taken forever, by the way I liked that little segment he did with Gunner where he got serious.

How do you think this storyline is going to come to a head? Personally I thought he was going to call out Bully Ray during the Open Fight Night, I'm still convinced he will do that at some point. I hope he actually wrestles with this lawyer gimmick!
Same boat as you... upon arrival I had no idea who Joseph Parks was. It wasn't until I looked away from the TV, recognized the voice as Abyss, turned around and saw that it was Parks that I realized what was going on.

I like how TNA has not rushed this. They haven't dedicated a ton of TV time to the angle, but have kept it consistent week in and week out with recurring segments. This piques interest and was the way to go in my opinion.

As for where it's headed, I'm not exactly sure. My best guess is a split personality gimmick where Parks will wrestle "straight" as his current persona, then essentially morph into Abyss when the situation arises.

Honestly though, I'd like to see the Parks character develop some more before re-introducing elements of Abyss into the equation. There has got to be something TNA creative can do to flesh out that side of the character some more. I hope this is just the begining for Parks.
I kind of like it. Personally, I feel the Abyss character has gotten stale over the past couple years. The whole "Hogan's Hall of Fame" ring storyline was weak and then he just sort of shifted to Immortal then to feuding with them and then back to them.

I like it when Joe Park goes like "You know, my brother Abyss?" and then he puts his hand up like he's taller then him.
Yeah i think whats gonna happen will be similar 2 what happened with mankind goin into royal rumble 2000 vs triple h but tna have done this a few times but i'm looking forward to how this storyline develops (if it does that is)
I like that they've had the ingenuity to try something like this and I like that Abyss has been able to pull it off completely successfully with many beforehand questioning his speaking ability. As some have said, people have been able to actually not be alerted to the fact that it was him, myself included for the first couple of weeks actually. It's definitely freshened him up massively and it's not certain where it's going, that's the best position to be in as a fan.

It's been sustained successfully now for a couple of months whilst still being able to evolve albeit slowly. It's now gradually coming to a head with the recent encounters with Gunner and Bully Ray and we'll see where it all goes. But until now, it's been great, flawless, it's created plenty of interest in a guy who was darn stale and uncared for and turned him into something both new and interesting. Applause on this one TNA. It always seems to be the thing they care least about in TNA that does really well.
LOL Wow ok so I must be the rube here cause I didnt know Parks was Abyss. Now it just makes me more interested in what happens.
I feel like Abyss was torn between if Immortal cared about him at all. As weird as it sounds, his character seems pretty emotional. I think he'll kill what's left of Immortal when none of them know that Abyss and Park are the same guy. They spent so much time together and nobody in Immortal recognizes him. I think he did this to see who his friends are. I really hope there is a more interesting story here, but that seems like a logical theory.

Another theory is that Immortal beat Abyss down and he suppressed Abyss and released another persona, his fictitious brother, Joesph Park. He'll have dueling personalities until someone pushes him and the monster comes out.

However it ends I think Abyss will eventually return as Abyss, but I think he'll remain unmasked.
This could be an awesome storyline, and I hpoe it turns out to be. But right now, it just kinda reminds me of when 'Chris Parks' was being councelled by 'Dr Stevie' Richards. Unfortunatley, I see this getting a similar, disappointing 'pay off'
Right now the thing that bothers me most about Mr. parks is if he goes to wrestle, you can't really hide The missing teeth RVD kicked out, or the tattoos that well unless your going to put him in a suit, or Arm sleeves, and in terms of move set Abyss was very limited so its more likely that his alter ego could be worse IMO, but I guess will see if it goes that far...
The Joseph Park Storyline – Where's it Headed?

I've been thinking the same thing for a few weeks now, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere and i'm over it, it's become the anonymous Raw GM all over again, and who was that? well we still don't know other then assuming it was Johnny Ace all along lol

so lets see what "Joesph" has done, nothing really he's just bugging people getting more and more interupting the interactions. Maybe that's the point, Abyss had well and truly lost any momentum he had and Joseph is trying to steal spotlinght.

The other obvious thought is he's leading to a final confrontation with someone on the roster and blaming them for being the catalyst for Kane oh wait i mean Abyss losing his monster persona. and then will go on a rampage of getitng people to Embrace the Hate. oh wait didn't we just? nvm
I hate to be mean but how the hell did nobody release who it was? The voice, the size, the fact that he was looking for his "brother." I didn't need Scott Steiner to fill me in on that one.

As far as the booking I have no idea. It's been what 3 months since he's been hanging around backstage. In all honesty I'm just wondering if they have a plan to finish this or if it becomes Samoa Joe kidnapped by ninjas all over again.

I was thinking maybe they would bring back Mitchell and he makes him realize he is who he's supposed to be. Either way it seems like an amnesia angle which has never really worked out well for anybody. But then again if he had amnesia why would he believe he's his own brother? In other words I have no idea.
I REALLY like this storyline. It's good to see a storyline that evolves slowly over a series of months. It's a breath of fresh air and I enjoy seeing this character as it is such a stark contrast to Abyss.

I see this storyline going in two directions. Either Abyss is suffering from "amnesia" after his Monster's Ball match with Bully Ray and he really believes that he is in fact Joseph Park, Abyss's brother, or he's fooling everyone to get back at Immortal. Either way, something will happen and Parks will snap at some point. We'll begin to see a more and more aggressive side from Parks, which we've started to see in the past two weeks, and I think this will climax with him attacking some member of Immortal. I don't think he'll actually wrestle in his suit and tie, but I do think he'll start whipping up on Immortal some time in the next 3-5 weeks.

This is the best storyline TNA has right now and they should do more slow-burn stories like this. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how it develops.
I hate to be mean but how the hell did nobody release who it was? The voice, the size, the fact that he was looking for his "brother." I didn't need Scott Steiner to fill me in on that one.

As far as the booking I have no idea. It's been what 3 months since he's been hanging around backstage. In all honesty I'm just wondering if they have a plan to finish this or if it becomes Samoa Joe kidnapped by ninjas all over again.

I think the fact they've come this far and it's gone on for so long means they must conclude it, if it did vanish like Joe's did I would be very disappointed.

Who DIDN'T realize this? Sounds to me like you just realized it yourself, Op.

That he was Abyss? I knew after his first appearance after I read a youtube comment. Haha well I was trying to be a bit vague in what I was typing because I thought it might count as spoilers. But since everyone here is talking about it lol guess it's not a problem.

I guess I'm not as astute as you guys. When I think of Abyss I think of the mask, the long hair, the tatoos and the laughable promos. Joseph well when I first saw him he reminded me of Penn Jilette more than anyone, the suit, the slicked back hair, and his mannerisms. But like I said earlier I think I'd have probably worked it out somewhere down the line.

He was also on Spin Cycle the other week interacting eith Magnus, he was pretty funny.

And I just wanna say I couldn't stand Abyss especially in 2010 but I like the Joseph Park character and I hope Chris Parks himself is enjoying it too.
Does anyone else thing this story of his Abyss' brother is going on way too long?
Joseph Park will eventually find his brother and the people who kidnapped Samoa Joe thats my take on it otherwise it's another TNA storyline that served no purpose.

But in all honesty the only way i think this can end up is that Abyss has a split personality, i don't see how else they can end this storyline.
I think what they should do is down the line have Hogan being taken out and have Parks becoming the new GM of Impact Wrestling(implying of course that he's the one that took Hogan out). It would be fit his role perfectly as an official of some sort. He would be some sort of evil official who plays the card of a well-spoken gentleman.
I can't understand TNA's lack of direction lately. They did something surprizing with the Joseph Park storyline and have pretty much wasted all potential with it thus far. I hope they continue it and give it a fitting end or at least a sensible continuation. Either wouldn't surprize me, though.
I can't understand TNA's lack of direction lately. They did something surprizing with the Joseph Park storyline and have pretty much wasted all potential with it thus far. I hope they continue it and give it a fitting end or at least a sensible continuation. Either wouldn't surprize me, though.

Hey Storm I'm curious to know how do you think this storyline has wasted its potential? Sure it may be taking a while but I don't think they've made any particular mistakes with it yet.
Totally agree about Penn Jillette haha.

I do have to say that I'm tired of wrestlers with multiple feuds. Bully Ray almost has three right now:
Austin Ares
Joseph Park
and kinda Devon who called him out despite that program being done months ago.

I'm afraid this isn't going to end without some multiple personality/amnesia bs revelation. Maybe they'll do Abyss was just pretending to be his brother to fool Bully Ray but to what end. At least it's something that I don't know where it will end.
Bully Ray thinks Joeseph is a soft, fat lawyer, not an insane killing machine that loves playing with thumbtacks, broken glass and barbed wire. Ray is soon going to find out who Joeseph really is when he revelas himself in a vicious, blood thirsty rampage of revenge!!!!

When Abyss wins the day, he'll have a new look, maybe one without the mask or an entirely new mask (like Twoface perhaps) and be thought of this insane but incredibly intelligent and powerful competitor worthy of a world title shot / main event spot...
Hey Storm I'm curious to know how do you think this storyline has wasted its potential? Sure it may be taking a while but I don't think they've made any particular mistakes with it yet.

Let's see? How has this been wasted on potential? Where to start? Why so many questions?:shrug:

Quite honestly, this storyline has been kind of minor focus despite Abyss being a TNA original. It isn't continued every single week and doesn't get as much attention as some of the crappier storylines do. Add the fact that they've been dragging it out and it just seems wasted. I'll reserve any further judgement though, until I see where this eventually ends up though I already have suspicions it's nowhere good.
I like how Impact is changing the looks between Joseph & Abyss to fool people into thinking it's two different people. Joseph with the suit, haircut, and teeth. Abyss with the wig under the mask and missing teeth. At least that shows they are putting some effort into it. Maybe they'll do right by it and make it enjoyable. I especially liked how Joseph kept reminding Bully of his losses. An antagonist in a suit.
it was obvious to me that Joseph Parks was abyss because not only did his figure give him away but also his voice.

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