The John Tenta Memorial Invitational

Our Next Match features Nailz, our favorite convict, going one on one with the guy wearing a thong, not named Rikishi.

Big Dick Johnson, we knew you well.
Our Next Match, once again, is former partners once again!

On one side will be Adam Bomb, who was played by Bryan Clark. His opponent, who was originally supposed to be Bryan Adams, his partner in Kronik, is the Demon.

My God, how did Kronik not make it?
This might turn out to be a horrible horrible experience of a tournament.

But I'll be looking forward to debating you Tenta.
Our next match will probably be the battle of the Worst Giants in the History of Professional Wrestling, as you have Kurrgan taking on The Giant Gonzales.

Can anyone give me a site to build this bracket on?
Bracketmaster I believe we used for the Wrestlezone one.

Sweet. Hopefully should be fun. Won't be nearly as good as the actual WZ Tourney, but should be some good time killers, and also bring alive the Old School.

I have to just laugh at the next match.... Though I feel like I should cry.
And, in a real test to my sanity, our next match features The Punjabi Playboy, The Great Khali, taking on The Dicks.
Next one isn't so bad:

The only wrestler to have one match before his gimmick was cut off, against the man who took absolutely for fucking ever...
Phantasio vs. Glacier is actually pretty cool. Those were guilty pleasure gimmicks more than anything.
Ed Leslie bracket?

Eh, Brutus Beefcake. I've yet to see a guy with so many bad gimmicks thrown on him.

To round out the Ed Leslie Bracket, we now see an actually decent match between Super Liger, and Diamond Dallas Page.

Then, we follow it up with perhaps the worst match of the tournament, between Colin Delaney, and TL Hopper.
I still don't get why the brackets have names like that?

Beats me. I enjoy it, though.

And thus, we begin the Glenn Jacobs bracket with Xanta Claus, going one on one with the Red Rooster, in a battle of who's most red
Eh, Brutus Beefcake. I've yet to see a guy with so many bad gimmicks thrown on him.

To round out the Ed Leslie Bracket, we now see an actually decent match between Super Liger, and Diamond Dallas Page.

Then, we follow it up with perhaps the worst match of the tournament, between Colin Delaney, and TL Hopper.

My face while reading this post:

Beats me. I enjoy it, though.

And thus, we begin the Glenn Jacobs bracket with Xanta Claus, going one on one with the Red Rooster, in a battle of who's most red

Yeah it's pretty okay. Was just curious why you had names for the brackets.
What about Kung Funaki? And I know you're not doing stables Tenta, but I want to hear your thoughts on 3 Count. You know, the horrible R&B stable formed during the dying days of WCW which had Shannon Moore, Gregory Helms ,and Evan Karagias. Oh, and let's not forget Tank Abbot. He was the fan/manager/enforcer of the group:disappointed:


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