The J.O.B. Squad: Hell's Unemployed Line


The Sunflower Samurai
Not since Milli Vanilli has such a poorly-devised and generally shit group attempted to wreck havoc on the general public.

Though only around for a few months, they enabled to severly annoy the Bar Room, forcing them to put their force into mobility. However, even they were unable to cure this cancer. Bar room threads began to gobble on Ron Jeremy's balls and hope was fading away faster and faster. But finally, their white knight appeared.

After vanquishing the foe known as wwetributes, a certain Widowmaker set his sights on the ill-fated J.O.B. Squad. When an opportunity to put the group into (General)
disarray, Macca pounced like a cougar in heat.

Al-Leafy, who had a case of Frankenstein's remorse, decided to resign and attempt to escape like a adulter into the night before the Party Van parked outside his house. As soon as news of this broke, the Squad, as a collective, danced around like a headless chicken, wondering "Where is our God now?!" And before they could say LOLWUT?, he appeared.

Arriving by community bus, flanked by SMB, Macca announced that he was the new God, saviour and Booker of the J.O.B Squad. Immense butthurt followed.

Many jobbers had a decision to make: follow Macca and do something with their e-lifes or run away and try to make a living off the scat pornos they call posts. Like the gutless wonders they are, they took the second option and fled to the hills...

These days, the Squad can be found stinking up various threads across WZ. While some show regret and appear to show promise (Scotty, TLC), some continue to be shit *****, quite frankly (Al-Leafy, Kill-Joy, etc), They are not hard to find, look for the trails of un-warranted self importance.

Send death threats, flames, and overall negative feelings to these knobjockeys here.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1789000 said:
I expected a much better thread title from you Macca. Where's the passion?

I expected humanity to be more compassionate and abort ugly faeces-covered babies like you. Aren't we all disappointed?
Now this is the type of passion the title needs. I seem to spark your epicness. That's not a compliment either.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1789032 said:
Now this is the type of passion the title needs. I seem to spark your epicness. That's not a compliment either.

Oh please. My epicness starts when I wake up every day with morning glory. It just seems that every tim I begin laying waste, you and your job buddies try to jump into the fray and do what you do best: ride on my coat-tails.

The fact is without me, you would have been deemed irrelevant ages ago. You may as well have just bent over, called me over and said "Your dick. My arse. NOW.
Oh please. My epicness starts when I wake up every day with morning glory. It just seems that every tim I begin laying waste, you and your job buddies try to jump into the fray and do what you do best: ride on my coat-tails.

The fact is without me, you would have been deemed irrelevant ages ago. You may as well have just bent over, called me over and said "Your dick. My arse. NOW.

You had to start an insult with "Oh please."? Seems like you're losing your touch, but the more correct theory is that due to me being offline, you cannot fathom anything relevant.

Shame, you were really starting to make me proud from the achievement I created in you.
Ahem. I believe you have your story quite wrong. You see. The "foe", tributes..was never vanquished. He still stood strong, defeating Macca in his everless rants of stupidity. That was then, Wwetributes devised a plan. Offer to join the JOB squad, in hope their leader would personally lose his mind, and quit the group. Where Macca swoops into the scene, takes the Job of leading the Job squad, Wwetributes is put in confinement, and sometime after that, Macca wreaks havoc on the Bar room, where he is then put in the prison of evil.
FalKon, the only achievement you made in your measly, acne-ridden life is that you allowed your family to gain disability rewards by your birth. Hell, the only reason you and I are conversing is because you've convinced your social worker to type for you at the special home.

Cry your little ****** tears over the Squad, the fact is, it did little to mask the smell of shit coming off your breath.
Ahem. I believe you have your story quite wrong. You see. The "foe", tributes..was never vanquished. He still stood strong, defeating Macca in his everless rants of stupidity. That was then, Wwetributes devised a plan. Offer to join the JOB squad, in hope their leader would personally lose his mind, and quit the group. Where Macca swoops into the scene, takes the Job of leading the Job squad, Wwetributes is put in confinement, and sometime after that, Macca wreaks havoc on the Bar room, where he is then put in the prison of evil.

Fuck off, you were jam-fudged by my cock, and all because the girl you were stalking wouldn't come home and suck your dick over a game of Halo.
Fuck off, you were jam-fudged by my cock, and all because the girl you were stalking wouldn't come home and suck your dick over a game of Halo.

Oh Macca I'm impressed. Very good comeback. Yet, it never had anything related to my response.

Please note, for the seventh time now..I wasn't stalking her. If you read the entire thread, you would be aware of that. Also, I hate Halo. It's a crummy game, with terrible graphics. Plot sounds kinda intreasting, but game wise, it's not for me. Plus, they don't make it for PS3, and i'm not converting too microsoft for a piece of crap game like that.
You're going to have fun in here IWTSOO with Macca running around. He can't post an insult without resorting to swearing to make himself look somewhat relevant.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1789104 said:
You're going to have fun in here IWTSOO with Macca running around. He can't post an insult without resorting to swearing to make himself look somewhat relevant.

Is that positive, or negative on my part?
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1789104 said:
You're going to have fun in here IWTSOO with Macca running around. He can't post an insult without resorting to swearing to make himself look somewhat relevant.

You are by far, one of my favorite posters.
Oh Macca I'm impressed. Very good comeback. Yet, it never had anything related to my response.

Please note, for the seventh time now..I wasn't stalking her. If you read the entire thread, you would be aware of that. Also, I hate Halo. It's a crummy game, with terrible graphics. Plot sounds kinda intreasting, but game wise, it's not for me. Plus, they don't make it for PS3, and i'm not converting too microsoft for a piece of crap game like that.

lol, the mistake you make is you think people care about the details of you obsession. We don't. The reason you are in here is because everybody had their fun and games over you and got bored. So you were sent here so nobody had to see you anymore.

Level with me here though. After you got finished raping her, her mother, and this puppy you were gonna buy her, who was next? My bets are on the chick with glasses who nobody talks to because she smells like pee. Have at 'em, my little pussy/arse tormentor.
Oh Macca I'm impressed. Very good comeback. Yet, it never had anything related to my response.

Please note, for the seventh time now..I wasn't stalking her. If you read the entire thread, you would be aware of that. Also, I hate Halo. It's a crummy game, with terrible graphics. Plot sounds kinda intreasting, but game wise, it's not for me. Plus, they don't make it for PS3, and i'm not converting too microsoft for a piece of crap game like that.

Fuck off you cunt. Halo rules.

Go get owned by Macca you fucking bitch.
Ah TLC, I can honestly say you were the only one in that group that realised the crimes he had commited and turned over a new leaf. Don't end up like FalKon, sad and callous because I pick up at the clubs and he doesn't...
The reason you are in here is because everybody had their fun and games over you and got bored. So you were sent here so nobody had to see you anymore.

Maybe that's the reason your in here too? I for one, was in here because I had an offensive signature, and then created multiple accounts.
Maybe that's the reason your in here too? I for one, was in here because I had an offensive signature, and then created multiple accounts.

The reason I am in here is because of the fear of an e-revolution.

You're in here because rape isn't legal. They have lethal injections for people like you where I come from, you know.

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