The IWC can stop crying about Macho Man not been inducted


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Time and time again a huge proportion of the IWC cry tears over WWE not reaching out to Macho Man about a HOF induction!!!

Mean Gene has spoken the truth and cleared it up. It was a sulking Macho Man who said no. The know it alls have egg on their face again.


Legendary wrestling broadcaster "Mean" Gene Okerlund joined Inside The Ropes this past Thursday and divulged that the late Randy Savage declined WWE's multiple invitations to join their Hall of Fame.

When asked why the "Macho Man" isn't in the Hall, he responded, "Are you telling me that the WWE hadn’t made an overture to Randy about being in the Hall of Fame? That’s BS. They asked him many times and he declined. For whatever reason, that’s what I’m still trying to figure out."

Okerlund also gave his thoughts on Savage's rival Ultimate Warrior.

"He did have a look, that’s about as far as it goes. He couldn’t talk, he sure as hell couldn’t work in the ring, that was very marginal. I think one of the worst matches I’ve seen in my life was between Warrior and Papa Shango. What a disaster of monumental proportions," he said.

Okerlund also explained how WWE's pay-per-view frequency has changed the promotion.

"I personally think we have way too many pay-per-views," he says. "I don’t think we get the chance to adequately develop the storylines with the guys and gals between pay per views. I’d like to see us down to about eight pay per views a year."

In this ninety-minute interview, Okerlund explains the real reason he went to WCW in 1993, his views on "Rowdy" Roddy Piper not being given enough credit for WrestleMania, hating an angle Vince Russo scripted him and more. Visit and check out for upcoming shows and guests.
If those are his wishes, then props to WWE respecting them even in death. But just because he didn't want to be in the Hall of Fame doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to be. People aren't exactly crying about him not being in the Hall of Fame. They're mad at the fact that guys like Drew Carey and Tyson get reserved spots in the Hall of Fame and Savage doesn't. I mean, if Flair can get inducted twice, somebody like Randy Savage should get inducted once. Period. Exclamation point.
Mean Gene has spoken the truth and cleared it up. It was a sulking Macho Man who said no. The know it alls have egg on their face again.

You mean the legendary Mean Gene put egg on everyone's face. He's a mega arse kisser who always defends the big wigs with whomever he works. I know this to be true because there have been numerous interviews around the net with numerous people who've worked with him who've said so. Thus there's egg on YOUR face for taking the gospel of St Gene on his word alone!!

In all seriousness, no idea why it never happened. Bad blood, those nasty rumours about Macho and Steph, or whatever. Fact is he belongs in there and, no doubt, will get in there one day.

Chances are it'll be at Mania 30 (if Bruno doesn't snuff it before then) as then can do the whole Savage family (just to keep them sweet) and everyone's a winner...well, us fans who actually care about the HOF are.
The IWC will still moan about Savage not being in the HOF, and with good reason- he SHOULD be in there, and if that is true and Macho refused entry (as with Bruno) then its a shame, as it would be a nice way to pay tribute to a memorable career.

But for you to say the "Know it alls" have egg on their face and they can quit whining etc is utter bullshit. When a legend like Savage isn't in the HOF, especially after he passed away last year and knowing there are some rumours about "issues" with Vince McMahon, then its understandable for people to think that Savage isn't in the HOF because of a grudge.

Bottom line is, whether or not ass kissing Okerlund is right or not, Randy Savage should headline a class in the HOF, but if he didn't want to go in, then WWE should respect his wishes.
last few years it was common knowledge that he refused the HOF because he wanted the family, not just him, inducted. why wwe wouldn't do that is the real question. they have inducted people for no real good reason so why not induct Savage and the family? no offence but Rocky Johnson and the High Chief? both had decent careers but when you consider most of Rocky Johnson's titles were NWA titles and he only won the wwe tag titles once, why would you put him in the HOF other than to keep The Rock happy? surely Vince can suck it up and induct the whole family to keep Savage happy.
Why cant people realise that Drew Carrey and Mike Tyson are in the CELEBRITY WING!!!

People need to stop maoning about Savage. He turned it down. Now they have his transgender Brother saying he wants inducting with Macho Man. Not WWE's fault.
Why cant people realise that Drew Carrey and Mike Tyson are in the CELEBRITY WING!!!

People need to stop maoning about Savage. He turned it down. Now they have his transgender Brother saying he wants inducting with Macho Man. Not WWE's fault.

I always thought Tyson was deserving considering his angle helped turn the WWF around. Drew Carey's Rumble moment was actually pretty fun at the time as well.

As far as Savage...I'm of the belief that eventually he would have gone in. Shortly before his death he started showing up in quite a bit of WWE related projects so the relationship was obviously getting better.
If the IWC should stop crying about Macho in the HoF I'd like to make a similar plea to ex-wrestlers, announcers etc. whining about the Warrior being so over

He's one of the most popular of all time, they should accept that and stop trying to tear it down
This whole topic is a great example of net hypocrocy at its finest. These people such as Sammartino or Macho Man have earned their places in history and with that the right to choose. If they don't believe the WWE Hall-of-fame is legit, who's to say otherwise? It's their choice to decline if they want and they earned that with their blood, sweat, and tears over many years and dedication. People seem to forget that pretty quickly.

I think Savage will be a HOF'er someday. The question is when? Guess we'll find out eventually.

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