The Inbetweeners

This show is pure genius, I'm sure every person my age on this board can relate to exactly what happens in this programme, it's captured life as an "inbetweener" at a sixth form perfectly, I should know, I am one. It's comedy but you can actually see everyone of those situations happening in real life, in fact most of them already have. The characters are all believable too, I've got mates that are like every one of them, and it's funnier because of it.

Discuss the genius of The Inbetweeners here.
It is the only programme on tv that genuinely makes me laugh out loud at what is happening. Anybody in Britain who went to school can relate to it, and I imagine that most people whohave ended up being wrestling fans were themselves inbetweeners. Unlike most TV programmes, the gulf in class between the first and second series is practically nonexistant, and it is probably the only TV programme with entirely believable characters. Well done Inbetweeners, especially because you put Skins in its place.
Prolly the best comedy on TV at the moment, Like bith of you have said, You can really relate to it, And the situation's they get into are very believable.

Two of my favourite line's:

My cock is cut!

You bumder

Both fucking classic in context.
I frigging love The Inbetweeners and yes the charicters are immense. Neil is so much like my friend Keir its scary... its brilliant the fact that I can re-cast the show with me and my friends all too easily. I've heard the're making an american version due out soon which will no doubt be pants in comparison.

my faveourite lines...

Bus Wankers

Jay: "It could be worse... you could have aids"

Will: "yes but that would mean i'd have sex"

Neil: "you can get it by fucking a monkey"

Will: "yes and that still means sex"

Jay: "you dad has aids"

Neil "no he doesn't take that back"

Simon: "thats what the monkeys said"

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