The imminent split of....


The Show himself
Brodus Clay and Sweet T ...uh.. I mean Tensai. I know that most of us are actually paying a lot more attention to all the main event stories out there. But down there in lower card, this one thing has been developing. We're seeing an aggressive side of Brodus. He's been turning into more brutal monster than just the happy go lucky Funkasaurus (did I spell that right?). It has reached a point where it's just matter of time Clay turns on Tensai. While personally I won't be thrilled about Clay vs Tensai program, I am just happy that they have a story running in the undercard.

So my question is how do you see this going? What would be life like for Brodus Clay and Tensai after their split? Where do they end up? I was kind off liking their comedy act and it almost seems that these two would be lost in the shuffle and may just end up being future endeavored. The roster already has its share of monster heels, so another one in form of Brodus wouldn't bring anything new to the table.

What do you guys think?
For now, there might be a battle for the girls. Originally, they "belonged" to Brodus, but since he seems to be the one turning bad, he and Tensai could find themselves at odds over them.

On Monday night, Brodus was furious that the girls chose to dance with R-Truth and what's-his-name rather than accompany him up the ramp. Meanwhile, I was wondering what Tensai was doing while the girls and guys were dancing in the ring. The camera never showed him.

After a while, when the issue of whom the ladies will accompany is settled, we'll have to see what happens to the guy who doesn't get them. If Tensai loses, where does he go from there? Does he turn heel again, which didn't work before.......or does he try to go it alone as a face, which probably won't have much success, either? I think he needs a partner to make it.

And Brodus? With or without female companionship, it was predicted long ago he'd be a brutal heel monster, as he was when backing Alberto Del Rio, remember? He could sooner go it alone than Tensai, so it seems.

I agree; it's good to see some interesting storylines written for the mid-card.....and this might turn out to be one.
Did you miss their match last night? Brodus Clay turned on Tensai last night during their tag match against Rybaxel. He refused the tag and delivered several splashes to Tensai after the heels scored the win, via Ryback hitting Shell Shocked. R-Truth and Xavier Woods were on commentary out there and ran in to help Tensai, knocking Clay out of the ring with a double dropkick. Clay took off, referring to himself as the "main event playa" and calling everyone "a buncha haters."The ending of the sequence was pretty ridiculous with the Funkadactyls out there checking on Tensai before accepting invite from Woods & Truth to get in the ring & dance. So Tensai gets his ass kicked and the Funkadactyls are dancing with two other dudes a couple minutes later.

With tag team wrestling becoming more & more of a focal point in the coming year, I figured that the days of Tons of Funk were numbered. Before too long, I'm guessing we'll either see a break up of 3MB or they'll be repackaged as more of a legit faction. As far as Brodus Clay goes, I don't see him amounting to all that much as a singles guy right now. I think he's mostly going to stay in the lower to middle mid-card picture as I simply don't see him challenging either Big E. or Ambrose for the IC or US titles anytime soon. He'll feud with Tensai for a while, something that might be fairly decent if they decide to cut back on the campiness associated with Tons of Funk.

Clay's a hard worker and, like it or not, he put a lot of effort into the Funkasaurus character. He also has a lot more ability on the mic than most 350 pound guys you'll see in wrestling, but I see 2014 as a year for Clay to lay the groundwork for his singles career. He might make it to the mid-card title picture at some point, MAYBE even into the WWE WHC picture if he's able to pull off being a dominant monster heel.
Did you miss their match last night? Brodus Clay turned on Tensai last night during their tag match against Rybaxel. He refused the tag and delivered several splashes to Tensai after the heels scored the win, via Ryback hitting Shell Shocked. R-Truth and Xavier Woods were on commentary out there and ran in to help Tensai, knocking Clay out of the ring with a double dropkick. Clay took off, referring to himself as the "main event playa" and calling everyone "a buncha haters."The ending of the sequence was pretty ridiculous with the Funkadactyls out there checking on Tensai before accepting invite from Woods & Truth to get in the ring & dance. So Tensai gets his ass kicked and the Funkadactyls are dancing with two other dudes a couple minutes later.

I did miss it. RAW airs here on Thursdays and I did not catch any Internet stream for last night's RAW. I just read somewhere that something happened between them on yesterday's RAW. I did watch their TLC match against Xavier Woods and R-Truth and Clay's match against Xavier Woods (I think from Smackdown) where he was calling himself "main event playa."

I have no doubts that Brodus is a hard working guy. I am very sure half the roster would've bitched and moaned about this kinda gimmick and wouldn't have put half the effort Clay puts every night. What I do think though that seeing how many monster heels we already have on the roster, Clay might not simply get the chance.

I do have a hunch that may be, just may be, WWE is preparing him to take over the role of Mark Henry. I am not sure how much Mark Henry has gotten left in him. His recent string of injuries also raise question on whether Mark can go much longer. Clay may be a candidate to fill that role or being prepared as one if/when Henry hangs up his boots.

PS. Just an interesting thing from what you said. I haven't noticed 3MB for a while on the show. Is it just me or they are actually there showing up somewhere else?
I would rather have seen a Brodus/T heel tag team first before the split. Now they have Sweet T saying how despicable it is to just beat on someone. Really? Let me bash some amnesia into my head first. There you go. Now it makes sense.

You guys brought up 3MB. There is a golden opportunity here for them. Although it will probably be the Wyatts, why not have 3MB go over on the Shield leading to their break up from the embarrassment.
Considering this is the Brodus most people thought he would redebut as, this entire storyline with him being a dancer was a waste.

But anyway, I can see Brodus in a storyline with Tensai, Truth and Xavier in the future. I like Brodus. I think he can put on some pretty decent matches with guys like Show, Langston, Henry, etc.

As for Sweet T, this was his last ditch effort to make any sort of impact. He'll be in a program with Brodus, likely lose and go back down to midcards then eventually released.
I'd say the Funkadactyls (sp?) will wind up with Woods and Truth (Hoping they become a tag-team called "Truth and Consequences").

As for Brodus, I think he'll go on a monster heel run at the mid card for awhile and that will be the litmus test for if he can go higher. I don't know that he's going to get the push/backing necessary to surpass some of the other guys, but he's got a shot. I do like that he's turning into more of a "beast" though. The midcard needs focus, too.
It's about f***ing time. The Funkasaurus gimmick has been GOD-AWFUL from day one, and I'm very glad to see it finally die. Clay has some potential as a lower midcard heel, and a few decisive wins over Tensai could push him there.
In my opinion, bringing Matt Bloom back to WWE as Tensai and NOT A-Train or Albert or any of his other past names was a huge mistake, let alone nicknaming him after a freakin' beverage. But now that Brodus is turning heel again, here's my DREAM scenario that will not happen:

1) Brodus/Tensai will keep losing tag team matches to Truth/Woods until the latter is seen as a viable tag team.

2) Eventually, Clay/Tensai will lose The Funkadactyls and their music to Woods, who will start using it permanently.

3) Tensai pulls Clay aside and gives him a talk. "I tried training you and following your lead, doing what you were comfortable with. But this is NOT what I'm comfortable with. At the Royal Rumble, you're gonna enter MY comfort zone."

4) Royal Rumble 2014. Brodus Clay vs. A-Train. A-Train is immediately face after the pop he'll get for reverting to his old name and theme and smoke pyro and all that jazz.

5) No matter who wins, the two go their separate ways and see where their careers take them.
Clay has to destroy sweet T, Woods and Truth all at once I don't care if it absolutely buries the fucking shit out of them Clay has to become a total monster if he is to have any chance to become a credible threat and not become a crappy kahli
Im looking forward to this feud between Brodus and Tensai, for one thing. To push Tensai. I watched some of tensais matches as a face and he has alot of moves you would normally see lighter guys doing. Also brodus is better as a heel because it would be much easier for him to hide his weakness which is hes limited in the ring.
Oh Man i have been counting the days down when Brodeus Clay would turn into the monster Heel he was destined to become. I love the new attitude that clay has. Hopefully when Clay meets Apollo Creed (Forgive me i cant think of this name),he will squash mr creed... I think Brodeus eventually wont give a rats ass if the girls leave or stay.. He already has shown that attitude so i doubt them leaving will make a difference..

He has worked his ass off to make this horrible gimmick work if he can be a dominant monster heel i can see a major title in his future
Brodus Clay and Sweet T ...uh.. I mean Tensai. I know that most of us are actually paying a lot more attention to all the main event stories out there. But down there in lower card, this one thing has been developing. We're seeing an aggressive side of Brodus. He's been turning into more brutal monster than just the happy go lucky Funkasaurus (did I spell that right?). It has reached a point where it's just matter of time Clay turns on Tensai. While personally I won't be thrilled about Clay vs Tensai program, I am just happy that they have a story running in the undercard.

So my question is how do you see this going? What would be life like for Brodus Clay and Tensai after their split? Where do they end up? I was kind off liking their comedy act and it almost seems that these two would be lost in the shuffle and may just end up being future endeavored. The roster already has its share of monster heels, so another one in form of Brodus wouldn't bring anything new to the table.

What do you guys think?

Best case, I could see him being a fresh face in the IC title division. Defeating Truth and Tensai would be a good look.

I could see Tensai joining Woods and Truth, to compete in comedy matches against 3MB or an entertaining bout against The Wyatt Family, The Shield, etc.

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