the Hart dynasty is nothing without Natayla


seriously,if Natayla was NOT in the Hart dynasty,who would even notice the group.Tyson is not even a 3rd generation star,if my memory is correct,wasn't tyson adopted or something and DH smith,he is a second or third generation star but nothing really stands out about him.Natayla,i think,is what is holding the group together,she's beautiful,strong,one hell of a wrestler,daughter to jim the anvil Neidhart and Niece to legendary bret Hart,she's the one that adds flavor to the group.

so the question is,if Natayla was not in the group,would you even notice this is so called Hart Dynasty?
seriously,if Natayla was NOT in the Hart dynasty,who would even notice the group.

I think there's a lot of people that would still have noticed the group. First and foremost because they are in the WWE. Anyone that works for the WWE as an on-air talent is known by millions instantly. Second, because everyone would just keep mentioning who they were trained by or who their father's were. After a while I'm sure it would sink in the brains of a fan watching. So I think it's very safe to say that without Natalya in the group, they would still be known and recognized by the millions that watch the WWE week in and week out.

Tyson is not even a 3rd generation star,

Who ever said he was? I don't recall anyone ever saying that Tyson Kidd was a 3rd generation star. As a matter of fact if I remember correctly what was said is that he was trained by the Harts in the Hart Family Dungeon.

if my memory is correct,wasn't tyson adopted or something

Again, I ask where did you hear this from? What was said was that he was friends with DH Smith since they were little kids and is considered part of the family even though they don't have the same blood type. It was something like that, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't adopted.

and DH smith,he is a second or third generation star but nothing really stands out about him.

His name alone stands out to someone who watched wrestling in the 90's when his father was wrestling in the WWF or WCW.

Natayla,i think,is what is holding the group together,she's beautiful,strong,one hell of a wrestler,daughter to jim the anvil Neidhart and Niece to legendary bret Hart,she's the one that adds flavor to the group.

I don't see how her being strong and one hell of a wrestler matter since she really hasn't wrestled much since the formation of the group. Also, Davey Boy Smith is the father of DH Smith and Bret Hart is the uncle of DH Smith.

so the question is,if Natayla was not in the group,would you even notice this is so called Hart Dynasty?

Yes, if Natalya wasn't in the group I would still notice the "so called" as you put it, Hart Dynasty.
seriously,if Natayla was NOT in the Hart dynasty,who would even notice the group.

Surely all the people who watch ECW would notice them? Now that they're on Smackdown I'm sure even more people will notice them just by association with a bigger brand. For me, Natalya is a good asset to the group in her managerial/valet type role, but she certainly is not why I noticed them...after all I'm a wrestling fan and the last time I checked it's Tyson and Smith who are doing all the wrestling at the moment...

Tyson is not even a 3rd generation star,if my memory is correct,wasn't tyson adopted or something

Who cares? I certainly don't...the reason he can be a member of the HART foundation is that he claimed to have been trained in the infamous Hart Dungeon. This isn't Legacy here...

and DH smith,he is a second or third generation star but nothing really stands out about him.

I hate saying this about 2nd and 3rd generation superstars but it is true that their surname alone makes them stand out...because of a famous surname they are instantly there's at least one thing that stands out about him...

Natayla,i think,is what is holding the group together,she's beautiful,strong,one hell of a wrestler,daughter to jim the anvil Neidhart and Niece to legendary bret Hart,she's the one that adds flavor to the group.

All of those things you mentioned are correct but I don't see how she is holding the group together on her own...I would say it is Tyson Kidd, DH Smith and Natalya who are making this faction's a collective thing really. All I can say is that I watch this group for the THREE of them not just Natalya...surely I'm not alone on that one.

so the question is,if Natayla was not in the group,would you even notice this is so called Hart Dynasty?

Yes...I think so indeed.
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They wouldn't be nothing without her but she does make them more noticeable. A group composed of a power guy, a high flier and a great female wrestler working together is fairly unique for the WWE. She does lend more name value to the group as well that is needed since the group has Tyson Kidd instead of Teddy Hart.

But to say the group is nothing without her is unfair and it denegrades the talent of Smith and Kidd. She helped them get their feet in the door but from there their talent should be the major contributing factor to getting them over.
The reason they put him with the other two and their referred to as the Hart Dynasty is because DM Smith, and Natalie are directly related to the Harts, and Kidd was the last person trained in The Hart Family Dungeon. Thus the Hart Dynasty.

I think Tyson Kidd would have been noticed with no problem when he came to ECW, the kid is amazing in the ring. I think he would have stood out on his own without the other two.

DH Smith had already been on both Raw, and Smackdown. He was actually pushed on both shows, but was popped with two wellness violations. There were also talks of him joining Legacy before he was drafted to ECW.

Natalie was establishing herself as a women’s wrestler on Smackdown, prior to getting moved to ECW to bring Tyson Kidd in. (they are a in real life couple, I think they said something about them dating for 5-7 years now)
Yes as singles wrestlers I think all three would stand out on their own, but as a group they will be able to help each other grow, and gain more experience in the WWE. I would not go so far as to say Natalie is what makes the group, but she sure as hell doesn’t hurt it. I’m just happy they moved to Smackdown, so they have a larger roster to do more damage to.
I would still definitely still notice The Hart Dynasty without Natalya. For the longest time now, Natalya hasn't really been given much of a chance to showcase her talents, and we all know, she has A LOT! I pay more attention to the tag team of David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd, than I do the actual Hart Dynasty, with Natalya. Sure, Natalya adds a lot to the stable, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that The Hart Dynasty would be nothing without Natalya. I already loved David Hart Smith, back in his debut in 2007, and knew that he had a lot of potential to go far in the WWE. Same with Natalya. As for Tyson Kidd, I wasn't a big fan of him when I saw him in his debut, and I'm not that big of a fan him now, but I guess he's pretty decent.
Look, I won't even bother to disect this poat, as Blade and SavageTaker have, and it would only aggravate me more. Actually in hindsight, it's Chill which I apologize for, as I really like Chill's stuff. Go reade his input on the return of Kane. You'll like it.

Would I know the team of The Hart Dynasty? Of course I would... Because it's got the fucking name "Hart" attached to it. So what if TJ isn't a third generation star... He was still trained by Bret Hart. He went through everything that any other third generation Hart would. Besides that, consider this; if Natayla and TJ are to get married at some point, as they are dating behind the scenes, what exactly would that make TJ?

that's right, people...... A fucking Hart!

Nothing standing out regarding DH doesn't matter... What, do you think that, just because he seems a little bland, Diana is going to cut all family ties with him? Absolutely not, he's still a fucking Hart, for Christ sakes. The man has the family in the blood.

Not only that, but can you honestly tell me what Nattie has done in the WWE to warrant such a feeling? mean, really, what has Natayla done for the WWE that makes these other wrestlers somewhat irrelevant? She's been there for a year more, tops, and that's pretty much it. And not only that, but when the New Hart Foundation formed in 1997, they had a member that wasn't family. Remember this guy at all?


He was a member, and no one gave a fuck that he wasn't a Hart.

Besides that, simply enough, you are being way too harsh on these kids. They've only been around for two months. I mean, Jesus, what do you want them to do? They could walk a tightrope over a pool of raging sharks that are being ridden by bloody thirsty gorillas in thongs, and you probably wouldn't find them interesting, just because of how new they are. Give them time, that's all I ask.
Of course I would still notice the Hart Dynasty. Natalya doesn't really do anything besides stand there and look pretty. She's not even good on the mic and hasn't wrestled in forever.

I could care less if Kidd was a 3rd generation superstar or not. In my opinion, he's the best of the group and they would be nothing without him. I expect big things from the group of Smackdown in the very near future, with or without Natalya.
They are definately better with Natalya, but would not be bad without her. If it were just Kidd and Smith, they would still be good, just not as good as they are now.
seriously,if Natayla was NOT in the Hart dynasty,who would even notice the group.Tyson is not even a 3rd generation star,if my memory is correct,wasn't tyson adopted or something and DH smith,he is a second or third generation star but nothing really stands out about him.Natayla,i think,is what is holding the group together,she's beautiful,strong,one hell of a wrestler,daughter to jim the anvil Neidhart and Niece to legendary bret Hart,she's the one that adds flavor to the group.

so the question is,if Natayla was not in the group,would you even notice this is so called Hart Dynasty?

Quick answer most likely yes or something similar . But the fact that all three of them are trained by stu hart makes the group credible. And is Natayla the glue that holds them together, no as a matter of fact they need to find another wrestler from the hart dungeon and add him and dump Natayla. The original hart foundation was based on skill matt wrestling this one seems to be based on playing the numbers game in their faction, ( which has been done before) but as far as Natayla being the flavor and being the only true hart your wrong the hart's are a group of wrestlers who train in the hart dungeon which they all have.\
seriously,if Natayla was NOT in the Hart dynasty,who would even notice the group.Tyson is not even a 3rd generation star,if my memory is correct,wasn't tyson adopted or something and DH smith,he is a second or third generation star but nothing really stands out about him.Natayla,i think,is what is holding the group together,she's beautiful,strong,one hell of a wrestler,daughter to jim the anvil Neidhart and Niece to legendary bret Hart,she's the one that adds flavor to the group.

so the question is,if Natayla was not in the group,would you even notice this is so called Hart Dynasty?

Hmm who the fuck is Natayla? I thought it was Natalya :p! O.k have you forgotten about DH Smith? Son of the British Bull Dog? That ringing a bell? The group is great with Natalya but they would have been pretty successful without out her because well there Hart's and thats instant credibility! Second of all what makes Tyson Kidd so appealing is that his wrestling skills are amazing and is very much like art! Ringing some bells anyone? Tyson was trained by Bret himself! And his in ring work reminds me a lot of Bret Hart's I have yet to see a bad Tyson Kidd match! Over all terrible thread!
these guys are better off with her. she adds value to the stable. without her they could survive just not great. she can go in the ring. and now that they are on Smackdown she will get to showcase more of that. she makes Mcool look like shit. i just hope they have Teddy Hart come into the group then they truly would be a great force. Now this to me is the real stable to watch in the future. they have way more to offer with name value alone. these guys will go far and i hope they stick together for a long time. so no they are no better without her to answer your question.
i think so. DH smith is going to be a future world champ and tyson will feud in the upper-mid card. everyone knows natalya is one of the few divas that can actually wrestle so she will win the strap on day. as long as they dont get lost on smackdown i think they could be real contenders in the tag team division
Tyson is not even a 3rd generation star,
and that suddenly makes him unimportant??
The guy is good and that`s what matters, not whether his parents were wrestlers too.

Why is he part of the dynasty? Trained by Bret Hart himself. He is Bret`s protege.
Yeah Natayla adds to the group but even if she wasn`t in, I would have noticed Smith and Tyson for sure. There`s some potential in here.
I have to agree with the original poster. While I'm a big fan of both TJ Wilson and DH Smith, the fact is... without Natayla, they'd just be another random tag team that no one gave a damn about. But Natayla brings something to the group. She's charismatic, can cut a decent promo, knows how to work, and plus... us fans have been dying to see managers get used properly again, and Natayla is a great start for that to begin happening again. Valets have always been a wonderful asset for wrestlers to have in their corner to help them get over, and Natayla is just another example of that. I'm very glad she's apart of the group and I'm looking forward to where that stable goes.
Wow some one thinks natayla is good on the mic. While the give her a lot of mic time I have to disagree with you on that IMO. And as for mangers/ vallets being used properly what do you mean like Mr. Fugi throwing stuff in faces or like chyna the big body gaurd .The WWE has been doing that for years they have had mouth peice managers look at Khali's manage look at estrada hell even paul Heyman with brock lesnar . As far as I see it she does not need to be in the group to get over she is good on her own. And as for DH Smith and Tyson they are very talented young guys who I look forward to seeing in the future , but I'd like to see one more hart join the group .

and as for Natayla being the only hart >>> well who ever started this thread is wrong DH smith is brets nephew and all of them trained in the dungeon so that is what truely makes you a hart IMO

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