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The Hart Dynasty Discussion


Gone but never forgotten.
Last night, the Hart Dynasty stayed loyal to the Hart family and sided with Bret to be part of the group of "Hart-lumberjacks" that would help Bret gain a victory over Vince McMahon. This was a sudden babyface action and seemed a little strange, considering the fact that they are supposed to be booked as heels.

I believe a change was needed for them and, given the recent events surrounding Bret Hart and the crowd's support of his fight against McMahon, a babyface turn could be good for their careers right now. They could start a nice program with ShowMiz for the tag titles and I really feel that people would want to see it.

What do you guys think? Has the Hart Dynasty officially become a babyface faction now, or was last night a one-time-only occurrence?
I'm hoping they stay face. With the whole Bret vs. Vince storyline, now is as good a time as any to play up their relation to Bret as much as possible and to throw them into the tag title hunt. They were a big part of a major Wrestlemania match, and it would be foolish not to capitalize on their momentum.

They should be thrust into the tag title picture immediately. They are a legit team, with a great entrance,and are related to a Hall of Famer and arguably one of the greatest of all time who has just closed a storyline that was 12 years in the making.

This could be a shot in the arm for their careers.
Actually, I asked Doc this same question on MSN last night. Everything said so far has been right on the money. With a lack of face tag teams with enough credibility to face Showmiz right now, The Hart Dynasty could be the perfect solution. They got a great pop when they attacked Vince McMahon, so why not continue that feud? They could very easily now be on Vince McMahon's "Hit List". In my opinion, they should ride this thing until they can't right it any more. They might end up with some gold at the end.
Im looking at this as a long term deal...

Bret said that he wanted to help the Dynasty get over, I think their turn last night braught them to the main stage and gave them the push they deserved, the wwe brass need to keep the momentum going and allow Vince to target the Harts and hopefully add the tag champs into the mix.

With this scenario we could see the harts securing the Tag titles and elevate them to main event tag team status, thats if Vince does allow them to recieve that push, many a wrestler has had their pushed stalled after receiving a huge rub so i am torn on this one, only time will tell if The Harts get the push they deserve.

Lets hope so.
somebody said it up there, i think this could be GREAT if they do it right. have vince come out and make their time on smackdown complete hell because of what they did to him at mania, and start a mini feud. he could recruit a couple guys (like miz and big show...or maybe batista after promising another title shot at cena the next PPV, i dont know) to come and "take care" of the remaining harts once and for all. i think theyve been criminally underrated so far and this could be just what they need.
I think they should stay face where Vinne Mac would put them through hell after being traded to Raw with DH and TK fighting in 2 on 3 handicap matches and Natalya fighting 1 on 3 handicap matches. Eventually they will face tag teams consisting of Jackson and Koslov and get beat. Then they face again and winner receives tag title shots at Extreme Rules in a TLC match. They win against ShoMiz and take the gold. Also Natalya would beat Maryse for the title.
When Bret Hart Decided to return to the WWE i among many fans couldnt believe it. But i was disappointed when i saw no Natalia, Tyson kidd, or D.H.Smith. But then Last Sunday at Wrestlemania, I was pumped when i saw the Hart Dynasty get into this McMahon-Bret Hart Situation. I was even more excited when i saw that They werent Working For Vince. And Then i was watching RAW, and i see that The Hart Dynasty beat ShoMiz. Thus making them a "face" tag Team. Now im really hoping They Face ShoMiz at eXtreme Rules and Become the New Unified Tag Team Champions.

I wanna know what your guy's feelings towards the Hart Dynasty joining Bret and seemingly getting the biggest push they've had thus far in their career. And im thinking that a lot of the younger adience really starts to cling to these guys. Cause as amazing as Bret is, he isnt gonna be in the WWE much longer. But The Hart dynasty are young, and very talented. So i just wanted your thoughts on the New Hart Dynasty
I hope they can bring the excitment into the tag division once again that the Hardys,Edge-Christan, Dudleys once brought.

I Think bringing Legacy,ShoMiz,Hearts,Truth and Morrison into weekly fueds would make the show more interesting (That include title stipulations).

I think they just waste the Belts.
Well the Hart Dynasty is considered one of the real tag teams wich I believe is true. They should win the unified tag team champions because they were just thrown with nothing in common at all. DH Smith and Tyson Kidd have good chemistry with both I guess being technical wrestlers. I've always been a fan of tag team finishers and for them to have one is another reason why I like them. To me they should've one it a long time ago. But this time I hope there time will come.
Ok but were is Teddy ? He's been saying that he's going to the WWE, he's hanging with Bret but not with the rest of the family at mania or on Raw. For the Hart Dynasty to truly be great they need to 1. Use Natalya more as eye-Candy (like she did with Khali) or an influence, Get more Tag-Team moves, and to Fucking Bring up Teddy Already. He can handle the main event and mic. Bret could manege Teddy as to not tire out Natalya or cut promos for Teddy without Teddy being their. And Bret is giving them the much needed rub of life (not like that). They needed it they were going nowhere. They were losing matches left and right.
Bret coming back was a good thing for the Hart dynasty. Honestly I don't think most people even cared about them before. But now that Bret came back and has now left, they got some exposure and the crowd now knows more about them which will help them in the long run I think in the company.
They've turned face hopefully. It was terrible to see them wasted on Smackdown as as heel team. At this point there is far more money to be made with them being faces and riding of the Hart name then there is using them as heels against random teams. They now have the support of one of the biggest names in wrestling history and you best believe that Vince smells green here. Without the Hart name, they look like they would naturally be heels. You have the small, fast, technical wrestler in Tyson Kidd and the big, strong, intimidating muscle of the team in Smith. That's some classic heel tag team construction there. Hell, that's what the Hart Foundation originally was. They simply added the name Hart and there's almost nothing they could do but use them as faces. It's pointless to let the name go to waste by using them as heels. Especially with Bret working with the WWE again.
This could be the beginning of something great. I don't now how long Bret Hart plans to stay around (I expect he didn't leave tonight because of HBK's farewell), but he could help set them up for a great face run. Having another legitimate tag team in the show helps give some credit to the much maligned tag team scene. Getting a face run with Hart gives Hart something else to leave the (sorry I'm going to say it) WWE Universe and gives The Dynasty the kind of rub they need to get going.

Triple threat Tag Team Match @ Extreme Rules?
Harts vs ShoMiz vs R-Morrison? Or even Tastu-Dust?
Finally the E found out what to do with the Hart Dynasty these guys are really talented dudes man and guess what they are an actual tag team, have wrestling in their blood, surprisingly and i thank god for this they have an actual tag team finisher when was the last time we saw that.
But yes that was and is in fact a face turn for the Hart Dynasty which is probably is a sign for great things to come for these guys come on WWE grow some balls and push tag teams again. So yes a baby face faction indeed.
I didnt see Mania- but I read the results. Too bad the results didnt say anything about DH Smith & Kidd being part of the 'Hart family' that were lumberjacks at Mania. I found that out last night on RAW.

As soon as I saw Miz & Show come out to interupt Bret- I knew what was about to go down & I absolutely Loved it! This was w/o even knowing about them being involved at Mania.

Great move here IMO- especially since im a big fan of tag-team wrestling. I hope they get the titles soon. It at least looks like they will have a shot soon. Cuz I assume there will be a rematch after the 'ShowMiz walk-out' on RAW lastnight. Im glad WWE is using Bret for all he's worth before he rides out into the sunset. I thought his contract was only thru last nights RAW- but that could have changed already.

Teddy- I dont know alot abou the guy. Everything i've read about him, says he's pretty much an asshole. Wasnt he in WWE developmental not too long ago...& did something to piss someone off...& was let go from the contract?? Vince doesnt seem to be the guy big on 2nd chances, unless of course you can make him money. Can Teddy stay out of trouble & make Vince money? I dont have a clue. Would Vince even be willing to bring him back? I dont know the answer to that either. But if there is another 'Hart' to bring into the dynasty- I like the idea. Just not sure VKM would.
I wish Teddy Hart could somehow be with the Harts, but that's probably not gonna happen... at least for now. I have my fingers crossed.

This seems like the perfect time for the Hart Dynasty to turn face. Brett is still loved by the fans and what a better time for the Hart Dynasty to make a splash, then to "defend" one of the family on the flagship show. I was always looking forward to see this team since i heard online that they were forming down in FCW. They did nothing on Smackdown much to my chagrin but getting to RAW and making a name for themselves with Bret Hart will only lead to success.

Now i hope that they get a chance to first beat some lower tag teams and show the fans their abilities. Then, hopefully they get a chance at the tag titles. Once they win, I really want to see Natalya perform in the diva division more. She can actually wrestle and I'd love to see her against Beth Phoenix. This team has a lot of promise. 2010 is going to be the year of the Hart Dynasty.
WWE is lacking in decent Tag Teams, they need to get some more out there for me so I'm really glad the Hart Dynasty are finaly getting push. I expect them and Show-Miz to work a lengthy program I have no doubt they will trade the belts back and forth. I hope Bret sticks around for a while longer to push these guys abit more I actually think the Hart Dynasty would be better off losing to Show-Miz at Extreme Rules, they need a lengthy feud to build some heat so that when the Hart Dynasty finally win the belts it will mean alot more.
The Hart Dynasty was doing an awful job as a heel team, Now as a face tag team I really think that they will finally get the push that they deserve, Also I'm pretty sure that they will have a good face run and it seems like the crowd is giving them huge pops. And I'm very happy about that.

So now I guess that yesterday was the beginning of a feud between Hart Dynasty and ShowMiz. This feud IMO is going to be one of the best feud this year, And I see The Hart Dynasty coming up victories and winning the Unified Tag Team titles..
This could be the best thing that ever happened to them because I've been saying that the tag team division is in need of another face tag team and this could be it. The question I have will be when Bret stops appearing weekly whenever that is. Will the Hart Dynasty be able to keep that momentum? I expect them to fight ShoMiz at Extreme Rules and win the titles so they need to strike while the iron is hot.
This could be the best thing that ever happened to them because I've been saying that the tag team division is in need of another face tag team and this could be it. The question I have will be when Bret stops appearing weekly whenever that is. Will the Hart Dynasty be able to keep that momentum? I expect them to fight ShoMiz at Extreme Rules and win the titles so they need to strike while the iron is hot.

Here's the thing if Bret sticks around too long it could hurt them, I think he should staty with them for a few weeks. I disagree with them winning the titles at Extreme Rules, they should have a lengthy program trying to get those belts. Build up the tension and have them win the titles in a few months.
I think that the Hart Dynasty are finally looking like they could be the future of the WWE now because of Bret Harts guidance. What the hart dynasty are really lacking at the moment is a solid run as a tag team and some storylines. The past year the hart dynasy have done nothing and I think that the WWE have finally woken up and seen their talent. What I think the hart dynasy need right now are the tag team titles and sometime in the future, a solid singles career for both of them
Last night, the Hart Dynasty stayed loyal to the Hart family and sided with Bret to be part of the group of "Hart-lumberjacks" that would help Bret gain a victory over Vince McMahon. This was a sudden babyface action and seemed a little strange, considering the fact that they are supposed to be booked as heels.

I believe a change was needed for them and, given the recent events surrounding Bret Hart and the crowd's support of his fight against McMahon, a babyface turn could be good for their careers right now. They could start a nice program with ShowMiz for the tag titles and I really feel that people would want to see it.

What do you guys think? Has the Hart Dynasty officially become a babyface faction now, or was last night a one-time-only occurrence?

I didn't find it strange at all their all related to Bret Hart in some kind of way and regardless that Vince is their boss Bret's their Uncle and family always comes first. And after watching Raw yesterday as The Hart Dynasty took on ShowMiz and actually won with Bret Hart at their ringside I think its official that the Hart Dynasty are officially now faces. I've been waiting for their face turn for a while I honestly thought it was going to be the Hart Dynasty with Bret Hart vs DX with Vince McMahon for the Unified Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania 26 but with the crowd today theirs noway their going to cheer the Hart Dynasty over DX I mean half of the audiance didn't even know who Bret was until WWE brought him back up and the same can be said for Austin. None the less back to the point I think we will see a Hart Dynsaty and ShowMiz fued soon if not now. However that is if the the ShowMiz and MoTruth fued is over.
The Hart Dynasty should have a full face turn at this stage, with Bret sticking around to manage. They should feud with ShowMiz for the tag titles, eventually winning. Eventually, one of them should turn heel and turn on their partner, preferably Kidd. Harry Smith has a huge future in the WWE as a top face and if he could become as strong as his father, he could probably gain notoriety by slamming the Big Show (he could probably do it now). DH Smith is a future main eventer, IMO.
Bret Should stick around to help the Hart Dynasty in the feud with ShowMiz. What a great chance to get this tag team out of the darkness they've been buried in it seems for a little while now. Tyson Kidd is VERY intense and his style is a dying breed and can put on nice matches even for someone as green as him. DH Smith is a stud and if he's even a 10th of what his dad is, the guy has a good long career ahead of him.

Who better than the Hart Dynasty to carry the tag titles and run with them?
I hope that they can stay face even though I liked them as heels. They constantly got screwed out of the tag titles and I was initially disappointed they were left off the Mania card [until obviously...].
I liked the whole feud on raw this past monday with ShoMiz and can see a title match upcoming hopefully at Extreme Rules.
They do have the opportunity to expand with Teddy Hart etc which is set for a storyline down the road [e.g. DH Smith and Ted turning on Tyson as he's not related etc etc] but good times should be ahead and I hope a move to mondays is permant during the draft.

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