The Hardys: Becoming Broken Imminently?


Dark Match Jobber
On tonight's Raw, we heard the Hardys make their most blatant references to their "Broken" characters. Could we finally be seeing the full emergence of "Broken" Matt and Brother Nero, or is this just another tease?
It's hard to tell and for me personally, I don't really care as the whole Broken thing never really did anything for me. I'm not slamming Matt Hardy for doing something different and thinking outside the box and taste is always subjective. For me though, just because it's different doesn't mean it's good.

I especially would hate to see the Revival used as fodder for them as they're much too good a team to waste.
It's probably another tease but hopefully not.

I love the Hardys, but they need something besides that tag team who used to be here.

Fortunately the Broken gimmick could be just that.

I'm just hoping they get the rights for it and let the Hardys have full control over it.
Clearly its happening. They have to change things up after failing to regain the belts, and the Revival attacking and The Club pinning them on Raw.
I see the Hardy's talking about the Broken WWE Universe, this will be their way around things, legally.
For a second I thought they might attack Balor on the stage.......looking forward to what they do here
I think they shouldn't go full on Broken. I think that the Broken Universe is was way to cheesy in TNA and in WWE it Will be even more cheesy and i can't see it be over in the long run. It will be over for a couple of months then probably become a midcard comedy act and the HArdy's deserve more then be a comedy act in WWE.

The way they are doing it right now which is a balance between the 2 universe (Normal & Broken) is a better way to execute this. You could bring the broken universe when you need it to end a feud or something like they are doing with Finn Balor and the demon character but bringing the broken characters all the time will flop after a few months.
They don't necessarily need to go "broken" per se. To some degree I would like to see that sort of edge to their characters, but it might need to be reigned in a little. I'm not sure teleportation to Mexico or wherever they sent themselves will go over too well, but there is something that could be done. The more they tease the revival of the broken thing, the crazier fans will seemingly get about it. Every time it is mentioned, the question is naturally asked. It's a matter of time I am sure, but so long as people are intruiged by small references, I don't know if WWE will feel the need to rush into it, if at all, and even if they do, I don't know if it will be exactly what fans think it will be. It will probably involve a gear and accent change, and that's about it.
I just hope they become broken. I just want to hear DELETE coming from Matt's mouth on a mic while he swipes his arms from side to side. Not to mention the accent.
It's interesting that Jarrett is claiming they don't have the rights still...

The Hardyz may have done something very smart though... if they don't "know" it's days away they probably did know about the ADR situation and the bad publicity coming down on GFW/TNA right now as a result... Matt may have gambled on them not wanting to fight fires on 2 fronts and them actually letting the rights go to avoid fan backlash on both ADR AND The Hardyz front, which right now could be pretty terminal for their business.
From the way it sounds, there seems to be a mixed opinion from the Hardys and Jarrett about what is going on with the Broken gimmick.....the latest rumor is that part of the deal is Reby gets fined 5K if she talks bad about the former TNA does seem like that was part of the deal considering that Reby hasnt talked much about it until recently. my guess is that they'll eventually come to a deal, WWE wants to use the gimmick as much as the Hardys do and really what is Jeff going to do with it anyways??? he cant find another Matt and call him Broken Matt and name some random guy brother Nero without the fans hating it for all the bad reasons. i think they should come to a deal and move on, Jeff needs to worry about other messes in his company like putting the title on a guy who's got a ton of personal problems
I think from what I saw from slammiversary is that they want to use elements of it going foward so I think that why anthem is playing hardball with the hardy's. Technically, they do own the characters and the whole universe because of the fact that so many peoples in the company worked on creating the universe but they could go on and find a compromise which it think they are trying to do.

Now with reby opening up her big mouth again, I think it makes this deal a little bit more difficult to happens. The biggest problem with all of this as been reby since the beginning you take her out of the equation, I think the deal would have been easier to get.
I kinda realise why reby and matt are so gun ho with bringing the broken universe to wwe. That's because they want wwe to hire reby since she a big part of the universe and you can't do the whole broken universe without her and her dad.

The problem with while wwe might be interested in the whole gimmick, I doubt they want to bring in somebody as unstable as reby sky. The fact that's she use to be a wrestler and wwe never shown interest is kind of a indication how much interest they have to bring her in for this.

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