The Hardy Boyz Best Match Ever!!


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
A tag team consisting of real life brothers Matt and Jeff. They teams together for many years and made it big in the WWE from 1999 to 2002 and then returned as a team in 2007..

They have had many great tag team matches, but I want to know is what is their best match ever??

I would have to go with... No Mercy 1999 vs. Edge & Christian in a $100,000 Terri Invitational ladder match, where the winners also got the managerial services of Terri Runnels.

IMO, this is the match that made tag team ladder matches what they are today, because of this match, we had those amazing TLC matches and all 4 superstars showed us what it meant to be in the WWE. Hardyz, then known as The New Brood got the win as well..

Here are some highlights.. >>> [YOUTUBE]BNrInsbQjlU[/YOUTUBE]

What would you say??

There is no doubt in my mind that this is the best tag team match the Hardy Boyz have ever participated in. In my opinion it is one of the best matches in Wrestlemania history. It might not have been the first TLC but it certainly was the best. It seems like everything clique between the three teams that night and was an amazing outing. Wrestlemania 17 in my eyes, is the best Wrestlemania of all time. There were some classic matches that night and the TLC match made it that much better. The Hardys, Dudleys, and Edge & Christian were the top three tag teams in the WWE at that time and from 99-01 these teams truly re-defined tag team wrestling.


I still mark out everytime I see Edge's spear to Hardy that high up. The Dudley Boyz walked in with the WWE World tag team titles and Edge and Christian walks out with the belts. One of my favorite matches of all time.
Hm, its really hard to pick, and Im trying to think of their best tag match that isnt a TLC/ladder match since just about everyone picks them. I guess to be different Id pick their Tables match against The Dudleys, first ever tag team tables match, and like the first tag team ladder match they picked up the win also. Id really love to pick a non-gimmick match as their best tag team match ever but, well The Hardys were/are spot monkeys, that was about it sadly lol
It definitely wasn't any straight out wrestling match that's for sure. :lmao:Any match that involved danger no question. IE ladders, tables etc. Maybe WM 17 as you mentioned when Jeff got tackled from the hanging belt thing. That was a holy shit moment for sure.
A tough decision, as the Hardy Boyz were my favourite wrestlers back in the late 90s-early 2000s, when they were at their extreme best.

There are quite a few choices here: The first ever tag team tables match vs The Dudleyz at Royal Rumble, either of the TLC matches with EC & The Dudleyz, or the triangle ladder match between the 3 teams. It is obvious now that we were watching the golden age of tag-team wrestling in those few years. It was a period of one great match after another between some of the best teams of all time.

However, my pick would be one that has already been mentioned and that is the first ever Tag Team Ladder Match vs Edge & Christian at No Mercy 1999 in the Terri Invitational Tournament. For me (and Mick Foley) that is the night when 4 stars were born. It is interesting to note that in that match you have 4 guys who have at least 15 World Titles between them now, and close to 50 major championships in total.

The match itself blew my mind, I had never seen action like that before. The way the ladder was used was fantastic. We saw a reverse DDT, a downwar spiral, a twist of fate, a neckbreaker, a powerbomb, a hip toss- all from the top of the ladder, and as JR said on commentary, the men "looked like they had been ejected from a car wreck" by the end of the match. There were so many risks taken, many that had never been done before, and even the way Jeff fell from the top of the ladder after grabbing the bag was brutal.

A brilliant match, one of the best tag team matches I have ever seen, and probably will ever see. It is a shame how both Hardyz have ended up, but that match really did make the 4 participants into stars, it catapulted them to the next level.

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