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The Hardy Boys... Who Cares?


Dark Match Winner
My first posting so if it's a bit off...I'll learn and improve.

Someone please explain to me what the big deal with EITHER of the Hardy Boys anymore? This is not a WWE vs TNA kind of thing and I do understand the cult following they have with the internet. I was a big fan of Matt Hardy, but that was about 10 years ago. Jeff did have his moments in the past but that is almost forgotten by now with his legal problems.

The whole part of wrestling is believing in the characters. Does anyone believe that if (BIG IF) either Hardy had a world champion match they would win? Even if they did, does anyone really think either of them are on the same level as other champions? HHH, Edge, Orton, Sting, or Angle
Does anyone believe that if (BIG IF) either Hardy had a world champion match they would win? Even if they did, does anyone really think either of them are on the same level as other champions? HHH, Edge, Orton, Sting, or Angle

Oh, you mean like how Jeff did...five times :disappointed:

This post is almost completely pointless, and despite how you feel about either Hardy they'll always have fans on the internet or otherwise, get over it.
it looks like i agree with the O.P.they are no where close to what they were (by they i mean jeff), and they just seem to come out and accomplish anything but destroying their legacy, and by their i mean Jeff. matt hardy will always be mediocre compared to jeff (maybe when jeff was doing insane drops from a ladder,you should have done more than a leg drop off the 2nd rope), but they got over and were well liked. i think of jeff hardy as a one notch above mick foley, in that all he has ever done was jump off something.(but i suppose im just too old school).

as the 2nd post stated, jeff did win a world championships multiple times,but hell jeff jarrett did too (and countless others that meant nothing). and i can't think of anything that stands out with his reign besides c.m punk being awesome. it does amaze me that a guy like that (meaning jeff) could win the world title and wwe title and guys with so much more skills like Morrison are kept at a midcard-high midcard status. but then again that is what happens when the kids love you (see John Cena)

i dont think anyone needs to get over anything, except for those few moments in the early 2000's where they amazed us. i obviously dont care for them, b/c they havnt done anything to make me care for them. bottom line is that they had a great following and oppertunity (by they i mean jeff) but they pissed it down the toilet (or sniffed it) and clearly are losing their appeal,which is the shame b/c they dont have much talent to fall back on (by they i mean Jeff)
I'm not sure to be honest but I would assume the numbers are pretty vast given that they are one of the (or even the) greatest tag teams of their generation (or possibly ever).

I for one am looking foward to the day The Hardys return as a tag team in TNA. I've been waiting for that to happen since Matt debuted and hopefully it's not too far away. And what kind of a saddo even gives a crap about what they do outside the ring? Not me. I couldn't care less what they do in their own time, I'm only interested in them as professional wrestlers.
It's not secret to the people around me that I was a huge Hardy boys fan growing up....

and you know what? I STLL AM.

These guys are the victims of the IWC'ss ignorance and hypocrisy. First off, they continually Bash Matt hardy for being "Fat" when he is actually in very good shape for a man who is pushing 40, much less a wrestler. Second, they like to make Jeff out to be some horrible and evil human being just because he has drug problems, which is something that millions and millions of people across the world have to deal with every single day.

I understand that some people just want him to get clean and sober, but don't make him out to be some worthless, evil person...when we all have flaws and problems.

Now, as far as them being Main-eventers? No, I don't think they belong in the Main-event scene. They are one of the greatest TAG-TEAMS the WWE has ever seen, and they will always shine brighter when they are together then they do apart. Of course, the day's of the Hardys ruling the Tag-team division are most likely long gone, but the stuff these guy's accomplished will never be forgotten, whether you like there personalities or not.

Gimme a heck yes.
I care about the Hardy Boyz.

I was a huge fan growing up, as I have said many times on these forums. I hate to see how Jeff is fucking his life up, when he still has the talent to be a big star in wrestling. I was hoping that being the main guy in Immortal could take him to the next level of being THE guy in a company, but obviously he screwed that up...

Matt Hardy isnt fat, he got out of shape but he obviously had a heath issue. Since then he has got himself back into pretty decent shape, and I hope to see him push on and make an impact in TNA, I was a fan of his in WWE but he was becoming stale and boring towards the end of his run and needed a change of scenery.

I just hope the 2 of them can sort their lives out and get back to wrestling, and wrestling well. I loved the Hardy Boyz as a tag team, they are one of the big reasons I became such a huge wrestling fan and I hope to see them teaming together again sometime soon, with a motivated Matt and a clean and healthy Jeff.
Who cares? I wish I didn't have to. I wish Matt Hardy would just cancel his Youtube video's and Jeff would just get clean. Until them, I have no respect for either one of them.

It just baffles me that these guy's even have fan's anymore. One guy was happy to be released from the biggest company in the world to work for a medicore company so he can continue to live in the shadow of his brother. The only time he was even remotely relevant in his single run was when he had the fued with Edge in 2005. Since them he turned to a worthless whiner who just want's to tag team with his junkie brother so he'll actually be somewhat relevant. The fact that Tyler Rek's was treanding on Twitter after Matt Hardy made his debut in TNA with his braid's show you how relevant he is.

The other is a well-known junkie who traded World Title run's and fan's for drug's. Much less to the fact that he robbed people out of a main event at a pay perview beucase he was high off of his ass. I still have no clue why he's still employed by TNA, just show's you how brainless TNA management is. Add that to the fact their calling Victory Road "controversial," it's not controversial, it's a downright disgrace what took place at that pay per view.

In my opinion, the hatred they get by me and countles other's is justified, they both brought in on themselves.
Once upon a time, Jeff was in that "top level." He was one of those guys. He was always one big move away from igniting the entire crowd. He was a big deal during his last run with WWE. He was the #2 babyface in the company.

Do I buy into him today? As in, 6 months ago? No. Physically, he is nowhere near what he was two years ago. Something is missing. That spark is gone, and he's much slower. He doesn't seem to have that drive anymore. Is this due to drug use/abuse? Who knows, who cares. Prior to the Victory Road nonsense, he still wasn't doing all that well. Can't say for sure what the reasons are, but, he isn't the same guy.

Matt was never a big deal. Matt was Jeff's brother. Always has been, always will be. He wasn't as terrible in the ring as some make him out to be, but he didn't stand above anyone either. Mediocre wrestler, no question. If Jeff hadn't kept plugging away, increasing his star power, Matt would have been forgotten a long, long time ago.
I also care.

One of the greatest tag teams of all time. Plus no matter what you say Jeff in his final run in WWE was getting some of the biggest pops in wrestling today if not the biggest. While Matt in TNA is getting a lot fitter and putting on some good matches. People are just blinded by a wish to dislike them.

I want Jeff to get clean. I've had family members with problems of addiction and it's horrible so that's all I wish for him. If he gets clean and never wrestles again I'll be happy.
The Hardys had and may still have all the potential in the world, but they have blown opportunity several times. It's not the Internet's fault or the the fans. It falls on them.

Jeff had how many wellness violations in WWE? Despite two violations, WWE gambles on him and still gives him the world, and Jeff still decides to leave. That's fine. If he wanted to leave for a while to recharge the batteries, I have no problem with that. If he wanted to retire and enjoy life, I have no problem with that. Nope, a few months later, he gets arrested for having a shitload of drugs in his home.

So.... TNA a few months later decides, "hey! let's bring him in!" It took a while, but they finally got what they deserved when Jeff showed up at the PPV main event a few months back and was in no condition to wrestle. Hmmm.... who's fault was it that Jeff decided to F himself up prior to a main event match on a PPV?

Matt Hardy - the guy who starves for so much attention that he has to post videos and say outlandish things on Twitter to get people to talk about him. He doesn't have to resort to such shenanigans because a lot of people already like him.

The guy lets himself go towards the end of his WWE run, looks terrible, and starts mouthing off again begging to be released. He gets it. Shows up in TNA, and to his credit, has gotten into great shape and seems to be doing well on camera. Yet you now have him posting stupid videos of him and Jeff obviously messed up, playing around with a taser!

Right, when someone like Jeff has federal drug charges hanging on him and obviously has a problem (see the TNA PPV earlier this year), it is SO SMART for someone like Matt to go drinking with his brother, film themselves riding on tractor and playing with a taser, and then POST IT ON THE INTERNET!

The Hardys do a lot of silly and sometimes, just stupid things and people are going to talk about it. I don't see anything unfair about that.
does anyone really think either of them are on the same level as other champions? HHH, Edge, Orton, Sting, or Angle

Yes I do , have you not actually watched the Hardy boys during a PPV , especially Wrestlemania or anything involving no DQ?

They are top tier entertainers/wrestlers and that is unquestionable

I'd rather watch the Hardys have a match than everyone you listed TBH (With exception of Orton whos as entertaining as them)

Go youtube their match against each other at Wrestlemania if you want to see whats so good about them thats a good way to see them both at their best at the same time
What I don't understand is why everyone all of a sudden seems to despise Matt Hardy for what? Not being a main eventer? For being a career mid-carder? I remember when being a mid carder was not a reason to hate somebody. Matt is a strong worker and has been very influentional when it comes to ladder matches and tag teams in general. But the funniest thing of all are all the wankers that call him "fat". I would bet anything that 2/3 people who write that about Matt are in fact fat arse's themselves.

And as for Jeff? What happened at with him and Sting at the PPV was a load of bullshit. I'll agree with that. I don't believe he will EVER be able to return to what he was before the incident. In fact, TNA should make sure Jeff never gets ANYWHERE near the World title or a PPV main event, because people won't trust him. And so what if he has some "legal issues". I've never seen Jeff seriously hurt anyone nor have I seen him put anybody (besides himself) in any real danger. So he likes some drugs, who are we to judge. Everyone has a vice of somekind. Some get addictied to coke or crack, and others get addicted to slinging shit at people of the internet.
What I don't understand is why everyone all of a sudden seems to despise Matt Hardy for what? Not being a main eventer? For being a career mid-carder? I remember when being a mid carder was not a reason to hate somebody. Matt is a strong worker and has been very influentional when it comes to ladder matches and tag teams in general. But the funniest thing of all are all the wankers that call him "fat". I would bet anything that 2/3 people who write that about Matt are in fact fat arse's themselves.


This picture to me says at least 9/10ths of those who call Matt fat are not in as good shape as he is

(Realistically I bet 10/10 are not in that kind of shape and we have to expand the number up to like 99/100)

And yet nobody says anything about Brodus Clay? :shrug:

This picture to me says at least 9/10ths of those who call Matt fat are not in as good shape as he is

(Realistically I bet 10/10 are not in that kind of shape and we have to expand the number up to like 99/100)

And yet nobody says anything about Brodus Clay? :shrug:

If Matt Hardy is fat, then Brodus Clay is Goldberg.:rolleyes: For satan's sake why do people hate the Hardys so much, is it because they do stupid things? Nah evebody does stupid things in their lives. Is it because Jeff does drugs? Maybe, but then again so do a lot of people around the world, enough people that the drug cartels in Mexico are at war. I think the problem is that The Hardys are not in WWE thats why there is so much hate on them, because they are not brainwashed by Mcmahon.
If Matt Hardy is fat, then Brodus Clay is Goldberg.:rolleyes: For satan's sake why do people hate the Hardys so much, is it because they do stupid things? Nah evebody does stupid things in their lives. Is it because Jeff does drugs? Maybe, but then again so do a lot of people around the world, enough people that the drug cartels in Mexico are at war. I think the problem is that The Hardys are not in WWE thats why there is so much hate on them, because they are not brainwashed by Mcmahon.

Why do people dislike the Hardys? Well let's start with Matt. He pulled stunts with WWE while they were overseas, then took to youtube to spin it in his favor, acting like a child.

Then he left WWE, waited out his non-compete clause, and during that time made more really goofy youtube episodes that were barely understandable. All the while trying to sway fans to see him as a victim of VKM when Matt was always his own worst enemy.

Jeff Hardy. Do I REALLY need to tell you why people don't care for Jeff? Really? Multiple suspensions in WWE for drug abuse issues. Comes to TNA, and promptly gets busted by the police for multiple drug offenses. Then shows up for work, not once, but twice high out of his mind. I mean really dude, why do we even need to explain this?

To top it off they make yet another goofy youtube video where a clearly high Jeff Hardy zaps Matt and his girlfriend with a taser. These are grown men acting like teenagers.
I happen to care. The Hardys will always be remembered as one of the greatest tag teams in the history of the WWE. They made ladder matches what they are today (with the help of E&C and the Dudleys).

To see what Jeff is going through now is just sad, I hope he gets clean and returns to wrestling.

As for the Matt haters who call him fat, look at the majority of people his age and compare him to them... While he was somewhat big a year ago, he has gotten back into better shape then most people can only dream of at his age...
Why do people dislike the Hardys? Well let's start with Matt. He pulled stunts with WWE while they were overseas, then took to youtube to spin it in his favor, acting like a child.

Then he left WWE, waited out his non-compete clause, and during that time made more really goofy youtube episodes that were barely understandable. All the while trying to sway fans to see him as a victim of VKM when Matt was always his own worst enemy.

so you just hate him 'cause he left the 'E. Got it.

that's actually pretty much why everybody hates him. During the last months of his run there he had nothing going for him, no storylines and crap matches. Also, he was kind of out of shape then too.
yet everyone liked him...you didn't see this hate towards him back then, actually you'd see people saying he deserves a push, for all he did for the company and yada yada.
The way he got his release only shows that he's an intelligent bussinesman. Matt Hardy sells and the WWE were making money off of him so Mat had to work to get his release.
And as for that release being a good idea, well, he needed the time off so he could get back in shape, also, he needed that time off because he had a nasty injury and he was given, what, 2 months off? sounds about right.
His matches being of low quality you could say were his fault but you try wrestling after your appendix burst and if that's not enough try a broken hand too. To top that all off, he wasn't in any sort of storyline after the one with his brother so pretty much you have to wrestle with these injuries and have to be motivate yourself and put out everything you have for 5 minute openers with people you're not even working a storyline with, could you do that. And to give Matt credit he did have some good matches here and there and at last years Mania he was the only one in the MiTB match that actually took bumps and tried to entertain.

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