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The Guest Host/Star Concept: WWE Has Sunk To An All Time Low

This news is absolutely amazing, I marked out for lack of better word when I heard The freakin' Muppets were going to be on RAW! Oh snap, imagine the possibilities? They are endless but all lead to hella funny times! Sorry for all those too serious or think they are "too old" for the Muppets, but they are awesome. Its nostalgic, its fun, its harmless.

It's not a big deal to me. I love the Muppets. They were a big part of my childhood and to see them on TV in any capacity is more than enough reason for me to tune in. Them appearing on RAW will make me want to tune in that much more. Sure the segments will probably be stupid but whatever. I would tune in simply for the nostalgic factor. C'mon, Jack-Hammer! Be more optimistic, man!
In reading this thread, I guess JH and I are the ones that are out of touch because it seems like everyone is on board with this idea.

I understand it's entertainment, I get it. But I like at least some semblance of realism. Bringing in the muppets, even for nostalgia's sake, just seems too ridiculous to me. What's next Seasame Street invades RAW?
Dude, the Muppets are awesome! How can anyone really be anti-Muppets? That's like saying "I hate Pizza", or something. Obviously anyone who thinks the Muppets are just for little kids, are complete idiots who have never seen the original "Muppet Show" or any of the Muppet Movies (btw, the first movie: "The Muppet Movie" is my favorite one).

I could understand your anger if it was the Teletubbies, or Barney the Dinosaur hosting Raw instead...but this is the Muppets! They're hilarious! I can't wait to see a Sheamus confrontation with Beaker! It's gonna be hilarious!
To risk throwing myself onto the sword, I agree with the OP.

It's not about whether or not you like the Muppets; I loved them too. It's about the fact that this is a pro wrestling show. You know, pro wrestling? That thing that didn't used to be a kid's show? That thing that used to at least mask its blatant commercialism? I'll watch the episode, because I always do. I'd probably watch the show even if Hornswoggle had a title match because I've always watched it and I doubt I'll stop, now. But, bringing the Muppets (or any of the other guest hosts, for that matter,) on your wrestling program is basically saying, "Well, we give up. We can't book wrestling shows, anymore, so let's just cross brand ourselves with other guest spots from shows that have nothing to with our show." These are the things that TV shows do when they've run out of good ideas.

If anything, these stupid guest spots make me worry about the future of the WWE more than anything. More than low PPV buys, more than low ratings, because this is the result of blatant desperation to increase these things. To the WWE: We don't tune out of your show because of the lack of celebrity. We tune out because it's boring. Instead of hiring the Muppets to fill time on your show when you've run out of ideas, why don't you just put on wrestling matches? Guilt free, drama free wrestling matches. Give two or four or however many guys on your roster 10-15 minutes to just go out and wrestle, and maybe we'll pick out a few to care about. Sorry, but blatant commercialism always gets this out of me and your company just looks like it's trying way too hard to get a clue.
I, too, will enjoy the Muppets on Raw. However, as far as the whole guest host segment goes, I just hope WWE don't over do it like before. One special guest host a month, or every four weeks would be enough for me, personally. Less can be more.
Lol I can hear R-truth now like "these little muppets gon get got" haha. Beaker and sheamus doesn't seem very funny because he's a face now and please let orton give on of them a RKO. I also hope the wwe doesn't bury one of their superstars by letting a muppet win a match.
To risk throwing myself onto the sword, I agree with the OP.

It's not about whether or not you like the Muppets; I loved them too. It's about the fact that this is a pro wrestling show. You know, pro wrestling? That thing that didn't used to be a kid's show? That thing that used to at least mask its blatant commercialism? I'll watch the episode, because I always do. I'd probably watch the show even if Hornswoggle had a title match because I've always watched it and I doubt I'll stop, now. But, bringing the Muppets (or any of the other guest hosts, for that matter,) on your wrestling program is basically saying, "Well, we give up. We can't book wrestling shows, anymore, so let's just cross brand ourselves with other guest spots from shows that have nothing to with our show." These are the things that TV shows do when they've run out of good ideas.

If anything, these stupid guest spots make me worry about the future of the WWE more than anything. More than low PPV buys, more than low ratings, because this is the result of blatant desperation to increase these things. To the WWE: We don't tune out of your show because of the lack of celebrity. We tune out because it's boring. Instead of hiring the Muppets to fill time on your show when you've run out of ideas, why don't you just put on wrestling matches? Guilt free, drama free wrestling matches. Give two or four or however many guys on your roster 10-15 minutes to just go out and wrestle, and maybe we'll pick out a few to care about. Sorry, but blatant commercialism always gets this out of me and your company just looks like it's trying way too hard to get a clue.

Great post. I totally agree with you. I actually like the Muppets it's just I don't want them on RAW for the exact reasons you stated. WWE has struggled in recent years, IMO because of the story telling. Why not write better, more compelling stories for main eventers or even midcarders rather than bring in celebrities or the Muppets? By doing this, they're simply trying to get ratings. But if you have to bring in The Muppets to improve your ratings, what does that say about your show, your product? This episode with the muppets will be a throw away. How are they going to advance any storylines? It will basically be nonsense for a night. If WWE was at its peak, I'd say, what the hell throw it in for good measure, it will be funny. However, in this case it's like Vince is just using the Muppets to get the older fanbase to watch RAW for one week. Just because the Muppets appear one week, is that going to make someone watch again the next week when the Muppets aren't there?
The big thing I don't understand about the few who don't like this idea is simple. You can have a serious wrestling show and have the Muppet's as guest hosts of the show, if the Muppet's get 15 minutes of the show they still have PLENTY of time to build towards the PPV and build storylines, matches and anything else they want to do.

There have been PLENTY of guest hosts that have only gotten 10-15 minutes of air time and it didn't really affect the show WHATSOEVER. WWE is entertainment, the Muppet's are entertaining so why does it really matter if they get time to plug their movie, do some funny shit that would make the audience laugh and potentially bring in some viewers with them? It's not like it's gonna be a total Muppet-fest for 2 hours (although I would love that personally but I love The Muppet's that much) they will probably get 5-10 minutes to promote the movie, have a few 2-3 minute backstage segments and the rest will be business as usual.

Also the argument that people tune out due to these celebrities is the stupidest thing I've ever heard (even for one's that D-Lister's). They aren't losing any ratings, if anything they will gain a few in the process. The truth is it's Halloween, kids won't be watching much RAW anyways (they will be on a sugar rush all night) and about 90% of this thread (and the other in the GSD section) are all on board for this, some even said they will watch it JUST FOR THE MUPPET'S so obviously its a good idea. The Muppet's are big, much bigger than anyone on the WWE roster and most of all it won't destroy the progress of building to Survivor Series. Fan's of the Muppet's will see the Muppet's, wrestling fans will see a show building towards SS so everybody wins.
When I first heard about this, I thought this was going to be horrible. But after reading some comments here, I actually don't think this will be horrible. Obviously they won't show up in the ring, but the backstage segments can't be much worse then what we've been having. R-Truth arguing with someone is just going to be fucking hilarious.
Sounds like a new high to me actually. The muppets is exactly what the PG era has been missing. Entertainment that everyone can enjoy. WWE seems to continually show that they do not know how to mix entertainment for both kids and adults well. If the Rock is on that show I might even watch it live. Sure there is potential for some trainwreck segments but there is at least equal chance of something hilariously brilliant. Seems like the muppets are a hell of a lot better than those dancing with the stars rejects they were trotting out.
I think putting the Muppets on Raw on halloween is a masterclass

I mean, who doesn't love the Muppetts? SERIOUSLY

This will be a ratings magnet, I can assure you of that and I for one (someone who hates guest appearances) cannot wait!
I'm more concerned that this will damage the love and respect that I have for the Muppets more than my love of WWE (respect for WWE flew out the window 20 years ago). Muppets and Sesame Street are the two things from my youth that I am trying to pass on to my kids (besides ritual sacrifice). I may have to record this to show to them some day.

If the segment(s) are done well I have no problem with this. Unfortunately WWE has done a shit job with celebrity guests in the past.

- Swedish Chef with have a conversation with Khali
- Kermit will sing a song with R-Truth (R-Truth will be ok with this idea since frogs eats spiders)
- Miss Piggy will knock a Diva the fuck out
- Gonzo will do a stunt (Gonzo's a spot monkey)
- Fozzie will make bad jokes with Cena
- Heath Slater will find out he is Beaker's long lost brother
I am 30 years old and I still love the Muppets and I am very pumped for this. The Muppets were a staple of my childhood (much like the WWF/WWE) and, like it has been said already, are still widely popular with a lot of adults (and clearly from what I see on this thread, A LOT of wrestling fans). They are without a doubt the biggest guest hosts to EVER appear on RAW and will probably be the most entertaining. Now I will say this, I am not a huge fan of the whole guest host idea but, this is a HALLOWEEN episode! Personally (and this is my opinion, but attack me if you must) the people who have a problem with the Muppets being on the show just take themselves way to seriously and can't just sit back and enjoy it. Like I said, I am 30 years old, but I have no problem being able to enjoy things from childhood.
This kicks ass!! The muppets miss piggy kermit the frog this kicks ass!! There gonna be funny as hell havent seen the muppets in years!! I cant wait for monday night raw this might be the best guest hosts funny wise they have had in a long time!! I am older tahn most of you on here so i grew up with the muppets i cant wait to see them
I just hope its kept to minimal backstage segments. Its not possible...well it is, but it'd be hard to do in-ring segments with puppets controlled by men from under tables or sets.
Im glad this is getting mostly positive responses here except the ones who think the WWE is out of touch. Again its harmless fun and its Halloween so why not have some fun with it. As I said I will be at that RAW so im looking forward to some of the Segments involving them.
jack-Hammer. Really? Really? REALLY!? REALLY!!!? Dis'en the Muppets like that? I don't know about most of the people on these Forums but me I've been watching WWE since before WM 1 was out, I was at WM2 and every WM thats been in Chicago. I grew up watching them. I can't wait to watch something from my childhood.
First post, and to see the Muppets on Raw would be hilarious.

I want to see the Swedish Chef :) He alone would make Raw for me. Bork bork bork! :lmao:

That being said, can't wait!

Be Loud, Stay Priceless.
look......i liked the muppets just as much as the next person did as a child, but even the most educated person, can see that this isn't right....... halloween or no halloween they could have had the wrestlers dress up in costume, and do some silly skits, i remember watching an old youtube clip of wwe back in the 80's where they had hogan, savage, elizabeth was still new to the company back then, captin lou and the rest were all dressed up in costume and they were competing in a bunch of silly games, may have been a bit crazy, but it was still a hellva alot better than the muppets.
I look forward to seeing Animal with the Divas shouting "WOMAN!!! WOMAN!!!" like he used to do in the movies. And as anyone else said, any segment involving Santino with ANY of the Muppets would be funny. The obvious would be Sheamus and Beaker in a segment. I would have loved to see this back in the day...

Could you imagine Austin doing WHAT??? with Animal? Or Jericho with Fozzie? Miss Piggy thinking Divas were hitting on her Kermie...
Yeah, the Muppets are hilarious, so I do look forward to this coming Raw. I just hope that they do the segments well and not too cheesy. They should be pretty easy to write for, so creative can't really screw this up, can they? Having Sheamus and Beaker together, Truth and anyone, etc., it should be funny.
The whole guest host concept is just endless shilling. I'm not gonna watch a 15 minute commercial for a muppet movie, the same as I would not watch a 15 minute commercial for Toby Keith's new album, Pee Wee's stage show, Al Sharpton's politics, etc.

I'll just watch something else.
It's just too bad the Muppets didn't have a bigger part in WWE at the height of their popularity in the 80's. I like Jim Henson's original muppets. These, I'm not so sure of. It will probably be really cheesy or hilarious. The muppets were original meant to be an adult show, but I'm sure we will get a G version here. It depends on how the audience will react to them. WWE is in Atlanta that night so that usually isn't a smarky city. You would probably hear boring chants anywhere else like Philly or New York. I'll keep an open mind since there isn't anything interesting going on Raw nowadays until The Rock comes back for Survivor Series. I do feel your pain though Jack-Hammer considering how lame some of the guest hosts have been.
Have to agree with Jack-Hammer and say it won't be smart. Honestly when you think about it at the end of the day they are only puppets and this on screen will only look extremely funny. I understood some nostalgic sentimental value some posters may find with the idea, but overall I just don't see this working out well. I don't know how they do this without making everyone seem stupid.

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