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The Greatest Story Never Told

This is a no-brainer.

Owen Hart's future career. If Owen never died, he would probably be getting a great retirement angle within this time period. He would have been a World Champ.

Another thing... What if Vince never killed off WCW? WCW could have been used as the "B" show and we could have had a WWE vs WCW type PPV (Exactly like Bragging Rights)
Last year, when Carlito and Primo were the first unified tag team champions, The brian kendrick and carlito had a couple of matches. Then The Brian Kendrick said he would get a secret partner and would win the tag titles with this partner. Who was this partner going to be?

He would try a couple people out like goldust, and festus but nothing ever went from this angle
It's a tie.

Hulk Hogan (in his heyday) vs. Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen. Good guy alone vs. bad guy and his henchmen. Could have culminated at a Wrestlemania and broken buyrate records.

DX (HBK, HHH, followers) vs nWo (Hall, Nash, followers) with Pac as the wildcard. Blame Hall getting fired just before Michaels returned to the ring, or those stupid AOL/Time Warner contracts that carried over from WCW, but at the right time... this could have been the biggest thing going. It would, of course, have to end with them all joining up and the 5 of them forming "The Kliq".
Ill have to agree with the post above me..even though it technically happened later in 94 when they were waqyyy past there prime, hogan and flair in 90-91 when he invaded wwf with the wcw whc..all the proponents were there and this could have gone down as the biggest fued in all of wrestling..but sadly it never went through til they were in wcw and it was not even that good because of all the stuff that covered the match, Mr. T and Shaq, hogans long behind entrance, they just oversold the match...
The best storyline never told????

Thats easy for me, it was back in 2006 and the storyline was between Beth phoenix and Mickie james. Beth originally made her debut in 2006 and she aligned herself with Trish Stratus against pyscho mickie james. Beth kept attacking mickie every week and one week she said "mickie, I will never forgive you for what you did to me, YOU PYSCHO". In the following weeks, mickie revealed that her and Beth use to be best friends, they went to Middle school and High school together but then Beth became very "mean". This was supposed to be a BIG storyline but it never finished and was dropped because Beth broke her jaw and was out of action for the next year.

Beth re-debuted in 2007 as a heel this time because mickie had turned babyface and the storyline never continued. I always wondered what would've happened with the storyline, it looked awesome and I was very curious about what happened between mickie and beth in the past, I guess we'll never know.....
for me, back in 1998 when DX turned up at Nitro and they shut the gates on them, it would've been the craziest thing ever if they'd actually let them in the arena and had them on Nitro. That would've made the best viewing of the Monday Night Wars to me
have to agree with the GTV storyline that never played out...

Goldberg being such a bust in WWE... would have loved to have seen him as dominant as he was in WCW, just running through the roster...

Two words: The Mummy!
Awesome thread... This is easy for me. When Evolution turned on Randy Orton.Don't get me wrong, this was a great storyline but it could have been built better. Imagine if they made a storyline where HHH was proud of Orton for winning the title and they gave hints for weeks that HHH was going to turn on Orton. Then at the PPV Orton has his 1st title defense and HHH costs him the title. This if done correctly, could have set up a very long feud with RKO vs. HHH. I think this would have worked better then rushing the feud and having HHH beat Orton so quickly.
i'm all aboard with whoever said the Santino storyline. I was so pumped for the "Honk-a-Meter" every week. the WWE effed that up big time. It would have been awesome.

I think they could have gotten a lot more out of Muhammad Hassan and his feud with the Undertaker, but people today can't differenciate between a make believe television show and real life.

Kane and his mask could have been another great story, and you know people wanted to see him come back with the mask.
A lot of previous posters brought up some good ones. To me they should have waited a while to do the invasion angle after they bought WCW. Most of the top guys were under contract to AOL/Time Warner and not included in the sale.It could of been and should of been the biggest angle ever. Instead for the most part it was a flop.

Booker T and DDP were the biggest names from WCW that came right away. It would have been so much more exciting to have Stiener, Hall, Nash, Hogan, Flair, Mestireo, and Goldberg who all joined WWE later representing WCW rather than having to have their own guys switch to the WCW side. Since most of the talent they got with the sale were mostly young guys no one ever heard of.
One storyline that I loved at Wrestlemania 20 was Chris Jericho (w/Trish Stratus) vs. Christian. We all know Trish turned heel at the end of the match, but it seems like this storyline was quickly scrapped afterwards. Instead of being escorted to the ring by Trish, he gets a mysterious bodyguard (Tomko). I thought that the Trish/Christian alliance could have went much further. Lita and Trish were "good friends" back then and Lita could have sided with Jericho feeling sorry for how Trish treated him. I just thought this had so much potential and I felt the WWF/E dropped the ball on it big time.

Also, digging way back, I really thought the WWE had the chance to bring Jake "The Snake" into the main event, even potentially a title holder, with the feud of Jake vs. Ultimate Warrior. It seems after the cobra bit the Warrior, he disappeared for a while and Jake was over as a heel. However, he wasn't catapulted into the main event like I wished he would have been.

Great thread idea!
How about this one. Remember a few years ago when The Hurricane beat The Rock? Then went one to beat Ortan and Flair, back during Evolution days? Just imagine the story that could have been built from there.

Also, probably the best match of the decade. Ric Flair vs HHH for the WWE Championship on RAW. I know, when I was watching it, I wanted Flair to win. I know allot of other people did too. Just imagine where this could have gone.
Does anyone here remember the 2005 sensation Muhammad Hassan? They built him up to where no one had pinned him for the longest time. And then at The Great American Bash of that year I think 'Taker beat him and you never heard from him again.

I don't know, to me that didn't seem right. I'm sure backstage there was more to the story of why Hassan was gone, but from a kayfabe point of view they could have done more with Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan. Not saying Hassan could contend with The Deadman, but he was already pushed fairly decent for a guy that was never pinned previously. They could have kept the feud with more of an American Badass feel the next go around but no they let the fly-by-night longshot Hassan go. Shame, I thought he was average in the ring.

EDIT Storm316 had the same great mind that I did on post #34. Sorry bout that but you get rep from me.
Does anyone here remember the 2005 sensation Muhammad Hassan? They built him up to where no one had pinned him for the longest time. And then at The Great American Bash of that year I think 'Taker beat him and you never heard from him again.

I don't know, to me that didn't seem right. I'm sure backstage there was more to the story of why Hassan was gone, but from a kayfabe point of view they could have done more with Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan. Not saying Hassan could contend with The Deadman, but he was already pushed fairly decent for a guy that was never pinned previously. They could have kept the feud with more of an American Badass feel the next go around but no they let the fly-by-night longshot Hassan go. Shame, I thought he was average in the ring.

Good post I would of liked to see where they were going to go with his character. Unfortunately they did take it a little to far when they had masked men that looked like terrorist help him against Undertaker. To make matters worse it aired the same day as a terrorist attack over seas. Even though it was taped a few days before WWE took a bunch of heat for it. The networks they were on at the time banned him from TV. So WWE had no choice but to end the gimmick.
Remember when Santino was IC champ and proclaiming himself to be the greatest IC champ of all times? Well at Cyber Sunday when he faced the Honky Tonk man there was thought of having Honky win & immediatly after have Charlie Haas run down impersonating(He was going through this gimmick at the time) the ultimate warrior and win in 8 seconds. hiow freaking awesome would that have been? He had already won a slammy at that point for best impersonation although he was the only person nominated but for 4 differant outfits. :lmao:

Remember in 2002 when WWE attempted to turn Jeff Hardy heel by constantly having him attack Shawn michaels? it didn't work as Jeff always got cheered and fans began to treat Shawn as a heel. How awesome would it have been if Jeff successfully got over as a heel? how great a fued would he and michaels had? It would have been much better as i only see Jeff as the less talented of the Hardy's when it comes to Charisma as the guy can't work a heel one bit whereas Matt can work both.

What about the Steve Austin/ Vince & Shane ladder match at King of the ring 1999? Whenever Austin tried to grab the briefcase they moved it away! Was it ever explained?No. Am I the only one here who demands an explanation? Please WWE be consistent!

I can barely remember what year this was(Late 2003 i think) when in the locker room Booker T got a note which read "I still remember". The next week they just forgot all about that. Frankly WWE annoys me with shit like that as i kept on thinking "Is wwe bringing Stevie Ray to WWE?".

Does anyone here remember the 2005 sensation Muhammad Hassan? They built him up to where no one had pinned him for the longest time. And then at The Great American Bash of that year I think 'Taker beat him and you never heard from him again.

I don't know, to me that didn't seem right. I'm sure backstage there was more to the story of why Hassan was gone, but from a kayfabe point of view they could have done more with Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan. Not saying Hassan could contend with The Deadman, but he was already pushed fairly decent for a guy that was never pinned previously. They could have kept the feud with more of an American Badass feel the next go around but no they let the fly-by-night longshot Hassan go. Shame, I thought he was average in the ring.

EDIT Storm316 had the same great mind that I did on post #34. Sorry bout that but you get rep from me.

Actually at the Great American Bash Hassan was supposed to say something like how this PPV is racist and if he beats the undertaker then he becomes no. 1 contender to the World Heavyweight title. Hassan would go on to win the match & get the title match at Summerslam.
Honk-a-Meter fallout far and away.

That story line had all the makings of one of the funniest of the decade had he continued to win and retain the IC belt week-after-week for the full duration only to eventually end up facing HTM for the strap, likely at a PPV where he'd likely have lost, falling just a week short of the record.

The Honk-A-Meter was absolutely hilarious – I'm actually quite upset they dropped it like they did.
Honk-a-Meter fallout far and away.

That story line had all the makings of one of the funniest of the decade had he continued to win and retain the IC belt week-after-week for the full duration only to eventually end up facing HTM for the strap, likely at a PPV where he'd likely have lost, falling just a week short of the record.

The Honk-A-Meter was absolutely hilarious – I'm actually quite upset they dropped it like they did.

It had potential to go on a little longer than it did for sure, but really...would want to see it going on for that long? HTM held the title for more than a year and Marella was only a little more than a month into it and peope started to stop caring. It definitely had more legs than they gave it though.

I'll go with one that had no real significance at all, but has a great deal of nostalgic value to me. It was really at the height of the Attitude era and Stone Cold mania. The higher power of the ministry was going to be revealed and my mind was racing with possibilities. I was maybe 12 years old and tahis was before I had ever ventured into a wrestling news site and had real no idea of anything outside of kayfabe, though I knew it was scripted television. My mind had settled on Jake Roberts being the higher power for some reason and seeing that he was one of my all time favorite I was estatic.

Of course I had no idea what kind of state Roberts was in at the time and a wrestling appearance for an ongoing storyline seemed a little difficult to accomplish. Nonetheless, I was eagerly waiting for his reveal; to see him snap a ddt on Austin and capture the WWF Championship. Of course none of it happened and it was revealed to be Vince, a much more obvious and fitting character. The storyline ended up only going on for maybe a month afterwards and it was forgotten about.

Definitely a strong memory in mind if only for the nostalgic value of a much simpler time in wrestling.
Actually at the Great American Bash Hassan was supposed to say something like how this PPV is racist and if he beats the undertaker then he becomes no. 1 contender to the World Heavyweight title. Hassan would go on to win the match & get the title match at Summerslam.

Are you sure Hassan beat Taker at The Great American Bash?

wikipedia on GAB '05The fourth match was between The Undertaker and Muhammad Hassan (managed by Daivari). During Hassan's entrance, men in masks accompanied him to the ring to represent his Arabic culture. The masked men proceeded to interfere in the match, but Undertaker retaliated and removed all of the masked men from the ring. Midway through the match, Undertaker attempted to use a Tombstone piledriver on Hassan, but Hassan escaped the move and attempted to hit Undertaker with a clothesline. The Undertaker countered by chokeslamming Hassan. Undertaker scored the pinfall on Hassan to win the match.

Now I know wikipedia isn't the most reliable source of information, but it is still one of the most popular. Sounds right to my recollection, and I guarantee you there is no talk of Hassan on the Smackdown after GAB.
Someone else already mentioned it, but I always wanted to see the whole HBK in the nWo story go on. Nash and HBK call out HHH, demanding he join the nWo, but Nash tore up his quad and the WWE version of the nWo was gone and never mentioned again. It is a shame the nWo never really did much in the WWE. I think they turned Hogan face way to quick, and then you had Hall get drunk on that flight and get the axe. I also really wonder what would have happened if Hall had stuck around for a while.
Carrying on with the Muhammed Hassan Storylines. The whole deal with him 'Vanishing', came with the Masked Men assualt on The Undertaker. The Storyline was working in his favor, Until the Tragic 7/7 bombings in London. Smackdown was being aired 3 hours after the Bombings took place and the show couldn't be edited in time. In the end, WWE came under fire with loads of critism about the lack of sympathy for the London victims, even though they could not control what happened. Therefore hassan was kept of screens and eventully released.

What would of happened though, Hassan WAS written down to Become No.1 Contender and beat Batista at the next PPV. Unfortunate ending to a great heel superstar in my opinion...I'm Just Sayin.

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