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The Greatest Heel of the decade


Well, who do you think it is? From 2003-2013, who is/was the best heel? Obviously, there are a lot of valid options, CM Punk, Y2J, HHH, Randy Orton, etc., but in my mind, there is only one heel who blows all others out of the water and that is...wait for it...Edge. No doubt in my mind. He was one of my favortie wrestlers and I actually started to hate him at one point. I personally think he cut promos as good as Y2J's and HHH's, and that he was better at gaining heet than Y2J and HHH (remember, anything before 2003 is not considered) were, I think Edge is a top 10 heel of ALL TIME.
This is a toughie. I'm torn between Edge and Triple H.

As much as I loved Triple H's heel run in the Attitude Era, I enjoyed his heel run as the leader of Evolution even better. He was THE man. Held the World Title pretty much the whole time, created Evolution to make sure he stayed the Champion, and it showed just how cunning and cold he can really be. His feuds with Benoit, Orton and Batista was some of the best stuff from that time period. And how can I forget how he pummeled William Regal just to teach poor Eugene a lesson. Triple H was the ultimate badass and somehow, he always found a way back to the top. He did whatever was necessary to become World Champion. That is a true heel.

And then you have Edge. He made being a heel cool again. The Rated R Superstar, the first Mr. Money in the Bank, the man who had a live sex celebration on RAW, the man who slapped the taste out of John Cena's dad, and the man who took Lita away from Matt Hardy. Edge was the perfect mixture of being the cowardly heel and the ruthless heel. Everything worked for him. His best stuff was with John Cena, but people underrate his mic work during the Matt Hardy feud. He verbally beat Hardy down no matter what, work or shoot.

Tough choice indeed. I'll go with The Game. Edge's heel run was better, but Triple H accomplished more during his.
I'm actually torn between Jericho and Edge, with Triple H coming close to.

Triple H's heel run was amazing, no doubt. Casual fans and "smarks" both hated him like poison, so the character was successful. But he always had a full on stable to back him up, it felt redundant at times

But I don't know, Jericho and Edge were just fucking weasels, which I loved. I liked stuff like unforgiven 08 and no way out 09 where these guys weren't even booked in world title matches and just came into the match and stole the title. That like devious look they have as the ppv ends...priceless.

Then promo work. Stuff like Jericho's contract signing with hbk, or calling the fans parasites. With Edge there is the sex scene which is most notable, but then theres the stuff like making out with eddies wife which got so much damn heat, I always found his scumbag factor hilarious.

So I'm giving it to edge, just cause of that humor factor. But shit it is hard to pick a best heel. Other ones were good but the character/success never lasted long enough: 03 Rock, 05 HBK, 09 Punk, 04 JBL, etc
Good thread, there are good options. Edge in his run against Cena was great, he actually managed to make Cena likable! Triple H is overrated past his 2000 best for me, he was hot then but that does not fit into your category. Michaels and The Rock in their small heel run's were damn entertaining, but they were far too entertaining to be hated. Jericho during his run against Michaels and Mysterio was superb as a heel, but for me CM Punk during his Jeff Hardy feud, and subsequently the Straight Edge Society was my personal favourite. People booed the hell out of him and covered the ring in debris on several occasions.
Randy Orton- He was a heel for a long time, 2004-2010 and he just about did everything that he could do with a heel character. From locking The Undertaker in a Casket and setting it on fire, to delivering a DDT to Stephanie McMahon.

Orton did it all and in my eyes he was and soon will be the best heel in Wwe at the moment.
Randy Orton's Legend Killer & Legacy Run

I've considered Rated R Superstar Edge and Evolution Triple H, but Randy had 2/3 heel runs this decade that were noteworthy
You can call out the guys who have done it the best in the WWE in that span (HHH, Angle, Jericho, Edge, Orton and Punk) but to pick one it comes down to personal preference. For me there are two ways of looking at it.

1) Who carried the show as not only the top heel, but the top draw?

The quick and simple answer is HHH. He was the man on Raw back in 2003-2005 and while buisness was not the same as it was in the years prior, the show was still good and drawing well. Outside of Hunter, Orton comes to mind. While he spent most of that time alongside Cena, he did have some substantial time when Cena was out where he was the focal point and he did well.

2) Who was the top heel for the top face?

In this timeframe Cena is that top face. So when looking at his greatest rivals its a list that includes three men. Edge, Orton and Punk. Those where the guys who brought out the best of Cena in the ring and were able to carry long fueds with him.

Now only one name appears twice and that is Orton so that's who I would give the nod to. He was not only able to carry a fued with the top face, but he also was able to be the top guy as a heel while Cena was out.
Triple H for me. I mean he was hated so much during the attitude era and the when he was turning on Shawn and the again when he had Evolution. He cut good promos, he made me hate him.
However, if we are talking greatest heel on the number of boo's then why has no one said Vickie G? She has been booed constantly since roughly 2003 has she not? Thats 10 straight years of still getting large amounts of boo's and sometimes the biggest boo's of the night. I mean I know she isnt like a wrestling heel but she is a heel character.
This is definitly one tough question, there are a lot of great heels with different styles, Triple H would definitly be my top choice, but he´s like before 2004, but after that, i´m thorn between Edge and CM Punk as wrestlers and Vince McMahon and Paul Heyman as either managers or evil bosses, Edge had a way on getting on people´s nerves and getting his way, CM Punk is very oportunistic, methodical and an evil genius, so are McMahon and Heyman, not to mention ruthless......
For me, it's HHH and JBL.

HHH was an awesome heel in the Attitude Era, but in 2002/3 he really stepped his game up and became a great heel. He became more ruthless, sinister, cunning and colder than ever. If you thought running over Stone Cold Steve Austin at Survivor Series was worse, he put on a mask and performed necrophilia with a mannikin just to frame a PPV opponent, he manipulated a ****** and used him just to get the world title back, he screwed over many of his friends when they posed a threat to him and his world title, hell he'd probably deliver a sledgehammer to his own grandmother if it had meant getting or keeping the world title, that's just the kind of heel HHH became, he'd go to any lengths and cross any line if it benefitted him. He really pissed fans off especially when holding the title for so long and taking out the WCW legends. People wanted somebody, anybody to take the title off him. He was a unique heel, a complete badass, pure evil, he was THE MAN. And if the King Of Kings gimmick didn't speak volumes of how big his ego was then I don't know what does. Also his run and what he did with Evolution was absolutely brilliant.

JBL's transition from APA to JBL is easily one of the best reinventions in WWE history. JBL was a throwback to oldschool heels, he was so cocky & brash and was fantastic at drawing heat to the point where he also drove fans crazy and they wanted to see someone take the belt off of him so badly. He was a character people loved to hate. His promo work became better than ever aswell and he had an amazing run as WWE Champion.
Wow good thread indeed OP! First of all i have always loved the heels! But Edge was the ultimate heel. He was controversial,cheated to win always and had some of the best mic work i can remember even better than Trips IMO. Edge stole Lita from Matt Hardy,gave him some of the worse beat downs whether work or shoot.

Plus he trashed Matt on the mic wherever the WWE went. Of course, HHH accomplished more but Edge by far was the better Heel IMO! Live sex celebation slapping the taste out of Cena's dad mouth and berated Mick Foley!

Edge also was the first MITB as we all know! Definitely edge
Triple H for me.

No other wrestler that isn't named Hollywood Hogan has ever made me hate him more. The combination of being genuinely one of the top superstars in the business coupled with massive backstage stroke brought out the mark in me more times than other great heels this decade has seen like JBL, Edge, Angle, Rock and Lesnar.

In the 10 years between 2000 and 2010 Triple H stayed on top of the pile and had angles like the McMahon-Helmesley regime and Evolution and battled the top faces in Goldberg, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Kane etc.

He really did remind me of Hollywood Hogan for a time, where you knew he should be on top but you really hated him because you thought he was using his stroke backstage to stay there.
It has to be Edge. While Punk, Jericho, and HHH did fantastic as heels from 03-13, Edge was consistently the sleaziest and rudest heel on the roster. Even when he was a face, some people disliked him. Now, a lot of this can be contributed to his relationship with Lita, but he ran with it. Slapping Cena's dad in his own home...Classic. Such a dick.

I was going to say Randy Savage because I believe him to be the greatest heel of all time. Then, I realized how long it's actually been since he was around.

Since we're being asked to name the best heel of the past decade, I say Triple H. I gauge this by measuring how much I hated/admired the guy. He needed to stand up to scrutiny on both those qualities because just doing dastardly deeds while people don't give a damn about you hardly makes you a successful heel. As much as I hate to say it, I believe a good example of that is Drew McIntyre. Before 3MB, he was as evil and ill-tempered as it gets, yet those traits didn't translate to a large following. You need more than a nasty attitude to make a top heel.

At the same time, the best heel is the guy most folks want to watch on their TVs. Given the body of work Triple H has done over the years.....and how much I cared about that body of work as it was being performed......I don't believe anyone can stand up to him when it comes to defining "best heel."
I can't really see how it could be anyone other than HHH. Edge was good and so was Orton, but come on. HHH in Evolution was more hated than both of those men put together, and I am just talking about his time in evolution. HHH helped create Batista during that time, and also Randy Orton. An important part of being a great heel is helping get top faces over, and HHH did that. Another thing I look at is how he held onto the title during that time. Lots of help from Evolution. When Flair had the Horsemen who didn't want someone, anyone to take the belt off of him. The same can be said for HHH. All things considered I think he is really the only answer.

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