The Greatest Game of all time #8


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
So here is is...Game 8;
Game 10
Game 9

As ever I'll do the spoiler running total and don't forget ONE GAME IN A SERIES.

FlameLeeUK ; Kingdom Hearts
KB; God of War
Der; Banjo Tooie
MVP; Silent Hill 3
Iscariot; The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time
Darkshot; Soul Calibur IV (seriously?!)

#8 Kingdom Hearts

Format; Playstation 2

Genre; Action RPG

Release date; November 15, 2002 (UK)

Plot;Something about a lad on an island, Donald Duck & Goofy and lots of Disney characters.

Why number 8?
Imagine a world where the heroes of Disney collided with some guys from Final Fantasy, but you make it a complete unique game...

That was me sold, and it was the reason I bought my PS2, just for this game. If you buy a console for a game, it deserves to be in the top 10 methinks. The gameplay is smoothly brilliant, the plot is fantastic, and I just love going to all the Disney worlds and feeling like a kid again.

many regard Kingdom Hearts 2 as the greatest in the series, as good as it was there were far too many cut scenes, hence why I've gone for Kingdom Hearts 1.

KH is coming later on for me. Absolutely great game though.

My choice is God of War. I went and played this in my friend's dorm and we were up almost 9 hours straight on it. The plot is surpisingly good, but this game's strength is just in its violence. Massive blood shed, and just overall mayhem. You rip limbs off, you impale, you decapitate, all with good amounts of blood. All kinds of power and weapons and ways to kill things make this nothing more than a bloodshed game, but you get a rush out of facing Aries at the end. Just a great game, and Kratos' sex scenes are just classic.
Recpping my Top 10...

10. Diddy Kong Racing
9. Final Fantasy X


It's not Banjo Kazooie, it's the sequal, Banjo Tooie! This game had so much stuff in it, secrets, it was cartoony in an excelent way, it was just jam packed with stuff to do. I loved it, I can't even explain how much I loved it. Being able to seperate, the transformations, everything. There are no ammount of words that can describe how I feel about this game. I wish X-Box didn't have to go and ruin it, but what are you gonna do?

And wether your huge fan of thi game as well, or you never played it, everyone needs to watch this video. It somehow makes this game a billion times better...


My number 7 game is quite possibly one of the oldest games ever, and if it don't make any other top ten lists, it should be on everyone elses Honerable Mentions list... And it's not Mario...
8# Silent Hill 3

Just typing this brings back some bad memories. Why does silent hill make my number 8? Simple all the mental torture it provided me. As many may know silent hill is a a survival horror game arguably the most popular next to RE. Their are currently 6 silent hill installments but i chose silent hill 3 since till this day i still find it the most scariest of the 6. Silent hill to me is a game i don't like playing controls are pretty meh and bad camera can really screw you over at times. What saves it? The fucking amazing story and atmosphere. To understand the story you would probably have to read up on a silent hill 1 or play it. But its completely worth it. Out of my whole list i will say silent hill has the best story to it. Then comes the atmosphere. The game will provide you with cheap scares but what will really scare you is the fear of your virtual life. The atmosphere makes you feel like you can be attacked at any moment or some bad shit is gonna go down. Any little creak or sound will make your heart jump. Personally i was scared shitless when i first picked it up and always felt like i was gonna hurl. But i could not put it down i just had to get to the end of the story it was that good.

A game that I have no doubt will rank alot higher with others, this to me is the greatest of the Zelda game series. The storyline was fun in spite of being as predictable as anything, the time-travelling dynamic was simply incredible, and the gameplay itself was simple but challenging. And there was just so much to discover, it was a game in itself trying to find every Gold Skull-bug creature and shoot it in the face.


This game solidified Nintendo as THE game producers of the 90's. Sony might have had a hit here and there with the bandicoot and Lara Croft, and Sega might of still liked to believe that Sonic was a major player, but Link stood tall with Mario and my #7 (hint hint) pick and showed that Nintendo dominance wasn't ending anytime soon.

#8: Soul Calibur IV


Welcome. I shall grant you death.
-Raphael Sorel

I love fighting games, and Soul Calibur is one of my favorites. Every game has gotten better and the newest installment is no exception. The gameplay is smooth and the expansive story mode and tower of souls mode make for long amounts of playtime. All of the characters are cool in their own ways plus the addition of The Apprentice and Yoda/Vader and a very different feel. I have found this to be one of the most enjoyable fighing games that I have played, cause this game has what Street Fighter, and Tekken lack: Weapons.

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