The Greatest Game Of All Time #2


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Game 10
Game 9
Game 8
Game 7
Game 6
Game 5
Game 4
Game 3

Oh dear oh dear this have proven to be the hardest choice, which game of my favourite two franchises do I pick, and most importantly which order do they go in? For this I narrowed down my top three of each and replayed them...the game I enjoyed the most will be next weeks number one. This game was a close second and it is from the Legend of Zelda series. A hard decision to choose the top one, after all there are so many good games as can be found in the Legend of Zelda History Thread.

So did Lee go for The Legend of Zelda Orcarina of time? No, no I did not!

The Greatest game of all time #2; The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past.


Format; SNES

Genre; Action RPG

Release date; UK; 24th September 1992

To save Hyrule, Link is required to rescue the seven descendants of the Seven Sages from dungeons scattered across the Dark World.

Why number 2?
If you have never played this game SHAME ON YOU this and OOT are two of the greatest games ever made, the reason I chose this over OOT is there were too many glitches that annoyed me on replay on OOT whereby ALTTP was smooth sailing!

I had a very tough decision to make here, as the other game I had in mind was No Mercy, but then I remembered this game from the back of my mind, and the greatest wrestling game of all time drops a slot. In its place is Turtles In Time. This game is the epitome of the beat em up genre. The replayability is second to none, the graphics are great, the plot is basic but works just fine. The tiny bits of comedy in it are what makes this game work the best though. Falling in a manhole and the turtles wondering where they are, Bebop and Rocksteady still never being able to do anything right at all, the turtles crashing into things, just all around classic. You can beat the whole thing inside of 40 minutes, and it's one of the funnest 40 minutes you'll ever spend. Simply classic.
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#2: Marvel vs. Capcom 2


Leave it to me.

Greatest fighter ever. Period. MVC2 is the epitomie of the perfect arcade fighter. Large character selection, basic controls, no plot, and multiple character selection and changing in and out makes for amazing gameplay. I have had the mosdt fun playing this fighter by myself, or with a friend. 56 characters, choosing three at a time, lead into infinate possibilities and stratagies. With so many characters everyone will find one they like. This is the best figher ever bar none and worthy of my number 2.
10. Diddy Kong Racing
9. Final Fantasy X
8. Banjo Kazoiee
7. Tetris
6. Super Smash Bros Series
5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
4. The Rock Band/Guitar Hero Games
3. The Zelda Series (later games)


I was going to pick Goldeneye here, but then I got to thinking, and as much of a classic as Goldeneye was, this game was simply better. I used to sit for hours, HOURS playing this game. Wether I was doing missions, screwing around on multiplayer, or just going on Meatsim killing sprees, this game was one of my all time favorite games... I wish I still had it...

My #1 game is one of MANY games in a single series, and it is NOT Mario, dispite what many of you think...

BTW, Lee, are we doing honerable mentions bfore or after #1?
I love the fact that Perfect Dark made an appearance. It had the best bot system of any game ive played. I could never kill that damn Darksim when I was a kid. Not to mention Elvis was one of my favorite VG characters...
Omg i cant believe tomb raider hasn't been on this. number 2 has to be the best non zelda adventure game ever made. it was so hard but cool at the same time. my dad actually said if i completed it he would give me $50 dollars. sadly i haven't got that fifty dollars yet.
Final Fantasy VII.........Best game...ever...of all time! There hadn't been a game in the series like it before and there hasn't been a game in the series like it since.
I agree with Zelda, but not that one. Ocarina of time NEEDS to be number 2, if not number 1. Ocarina of time just had so much depth to the game that it could be played for hours & hours on end, without the player getting bored at all. Intreguing (sp?) storyline, fantastic characters, awesome array of weapons and awesome landscape. How it isn't 2nd or 1st is beyond me.
#2 Metal Gear Solid


It was tough to choose what game i would put in my number 2 spot. Metal Gear was not my first thought for the number 2 spot, but how can i not put my favorite non rpg game at number 2? Metal Gear is one of the few games that have it all. Music,Gameplay,Story, you name it and Metal Gear has the best of it. Along with the most bad ass game character in history Solid Snake, you have one of the greatest games ever created.

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