The Greatest Game of all time #5


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
So here is is...Game 5;
Game 10
Game 9
Game 8
Game 7
Game 6

I keep forgetting to do the spoiler running total so I shall stop.

#5 Ōkami


Format; Playstation 2/Wii both are great!

Genre; Action-Adventure

Release date; UK February 9, 2007


Why number 5?
The most beautiful game of all time? Yes...The best, not quite.

If you have never played this game, go out and but it. You can get it on wii for £15 and on PS2 for about £5 and it is brilliant. It's one of those hidden gems that doesn't sell well but boy is it good.

Story, lovely game play, awesome visuals, an amazing soundtrack...just wow!

10. Diddy Kong Racing
9. Final Fantasy X
8. Banjo Kazoiee
7. Tetris
6. Super Smash Bros Series


I own GTA4, but I will always love this game miles ahead of it. San Andreas has so much more land, more vehicles, more everything. Sure, 4 has online and alot more detail, but who cares about the small stuff when San Andreas is so HUGE! The story is the best GTA Story I have ever seen, the charecters, I relate to more then the other games, And did I mention the landscape is huge?

Plus, me and a buddy have come to a conclusion that if they'd make a Vice City Stotries and Liberty City Stories, they "might" do a San Andreas Stories for P3, with online... One can hope...

My number 4 game is a new game, and one of the most popular games ever right now. Anyone that nows me knows I spent way to much time playing it.
#5: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


I serve.... a higher authority....

If you like Mario and RPG's this game is a dream come true. Both realms combined perfectly in a smothe well exicuted game. The musical styings of both Kondo's and Uematsu's are featured in this game. It offers an intereisting story where Mario is the silent protagonist along the way he is joined by two new characters Mallow and the ever amazing Geno, and some old friends in Peach and Bowser. His mission to restore star road and give wishes back to the citizens of the land. Simple turn based game play, creative weapons, a good tech system, and the critical hit timing feature make the battles not to complicated and still quite interesting. This is a great game, worthy of any RPG or Mario fan.
#5 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic


This is truly one of the greatest games i have ever played. I wish i could have given it a higher spot on my list but i can't move down any of my other games on my top 5.

The game takes place 4,000 years before the galactic empire. That's about all i will say about the story since i don't wanna ruin anything. But basically you create your own jedi. You get a good selection of face choices for your jedi but not the insane customization you get from some other games. The real customization comes in when you actually play. You have to make choices threw the game that effect your alignment. Cruel/evil answers will turn you more towards the dark side. And good/nice answers turn you more towards the light side. Each has its benefits. As you level you get a whole list of abilities between dark side ones to Light side ones. You can use both but its more recommended to stick to one alignments abilities.

You will find this game has tons of replay value. Aside from the choosing what alignment to go each new file and which abilities to focus on or not. You also have to choose a class. There are different types of Jedi's. Some combat focused others Force focused. Same goes for the sith(dark side) classes. Overall amazing game. You will find yourself going threw the game multiple times just to explore the other options for your character.
My #5 is the original Megaman. THis game is great for a variety of reasons, but my #1 is the music. This music is just 8-bit greatness all around. The levels are challenging but not impossible, the weapons and boss fights are fun, and storming the castle at the end never gets old. The endless string of sequels don't do the original justice though, as the game makers had no idea what they had on their hands when they made this gem. Classic old school game all around and largely forgotten over the years, which is sad.

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