The greatest ending to a television series, EVER.


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From Six Feet Under. I guess if you intend to watch this show sometime in the future, avoid this video, but if you have no intentions of ever checking the show out, then sit back and watch the greatest ending to a television show that will ever be produced. Even if you don't know any of the characters or what the show was about, hopefully you'll still be able to appreciate the greatness of this montage.


I don't know what came over me when I saw this for the first time Friday night when I wrapped up Season 5 on DVD, but never, and I mean NEVER, have I cried while watching anything from movies or television like I did when watching that final scene. I literally cried like a little bitch, and even when I rematch it I still get a lump in my throat. I can't explain why this is so powerful, but it is.

Also, I'm not saying this is the greatest show ever (Seasons 1, 2, and 5 were fantastic, while Season 3 was mediocre and there wasn't much I liked about Season 4), but man... the finale to this show was simply incredible, as was everything leading up to it with the final 5 episodes or so. I don't see how it could ever be topped, not even by Breaking Bad.
I have not watched Six Feet Under since about the middle of the third season but this was very enjoyable and moving. As with many of these montages, the choice of song makes all the difference. With Sia - Breathe Me you do not know whether it is meant to be a sad or happy song and from what I remember of Six Feet Under that blurring works perfectly with the mix of normal family drama and black humour.

It also helps that it is intercut beautifully and something that could be very morbid and tasteless - "Hey everyone, all of these characters are going to die and many will not get the pleasure of dying peacefully in their beds like the rest of us" - becomes a celebration of the character's life and loves.

Can definitely see why it has been voted highly in the best episodes/finales ever
I thought the original ending for Only Fools And Horses was great. The Trotters finally became millionaires, but the show was later brought back for Christmass specials ect. and Del Boy and Rodney ended up losing the money after investing in markets that crahed (I think). So instead of Only Fools And Horses I'm going to go for....

Cheers. The place where everybody knows your name and where, for eleven seasons, we watched the comings and goings of our favourite Bostonians. Like all good final episodes, there are plenty of big events: a wedding, job opportunities and the return of that one great love that got away. All these events tied into what, essentially, was a love letter to this hugely successful show and a happy and honest ending for its characters.
Three season until Mad Men tops it. Enjoy the moment while you can, SFU fanatics.
Барбоса;3362914 said:
I have not watched Six Feet Under since about the middle of the third season but this was very enjoyable and moving.

Curious... why did you stop watching? I know the 3rd season wasn't as good as the first two, but I wouldn't think that could be enough to just stop caring about the show and the characters all together.

Roseanne was the biggest mind fuck of a tv show ending that I have seen.

Nah, Roseanne finale ruined the entire series for me. Now you have to rewatch and think, "Is this real or fake?" Seriously, switching boyfriends for Becky and Darlene was fucking ******ed. The entire last season sucked to be completely honest, and while the finale was definitely the best episode of that season, it was a complete cop-out for the rest of the series. Typical "It was all a dream!" horseshit. That's not original or mind-blowing, if you ask me.

Three season until Mad Men tops it. Enjoy the moment while you can, SFU fanatics.

3 seasons, huh? Since the show is on AMC I guess that gives us 6 more years of enjoying the moment, if not longer.

Boy meets world in feeney's class.


Definitely the best ending to a sitcom, no doubt about it.

Fixed that for you.

Also a good ending, but nowhere near as good as Boy Meets World.
3 seasons, huh? Since the show is on AMC I guess that gives us 6 more years of enjoying the moment, if not longer.
Or as it's known in the television industry, "three thirteen episode orders split into five eight episode orders with a clip show as the penultimate broadcast."
If you count the final episode of Season 8 of Scrubs as the finale, I think that has to rank up their. One of the most emotional endings to a show evar.
LOST. My inner fanboy will not allow me to say otherwise, but I also truly believe it.

I had to skip the first page pretty much because I have a couple seasons of SFU and have been meaning to start it.
Holy. Fuck.

So I just finished Six Feet Under for the first time. Had never seen the show before, but picked the box set up a few weeks ago. Went from thinking the show was utterly fantastic during the first season to thinking that the show had become utter shit and had completely forgotten what it was supposed to be about during season five... but that ending.

Holy. Fuck.

I actually shed full blown tears during the final scenes, which is something that television hasn't achieved since I saw the death of Simba's dad when I was six. Fucking unbelievable, makes me totally forget all the bad stuff the show did during it's later seasons and puts it up there as one of my favourite pieces of television of all time.


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