The Great Khali WHC Thread

Why do wwe keep bringing in super-heavyweights nobody cares about?i mean the guy cant wrestle..well we know he cant cut a promo.The only good thing khali has going for them is that vince loves Tall men.They couldve picked a better champ. and he do remind me of Giant Gonzales.
I cannot stand Khali in any form or fashion. When the idiot recieved the belt, he wouldn't even hold it right side up. Yes he has 4 moves: Headbutt, Chop, Double-Handed Chokeslam, and now the Claw. HE SUCKS plain and simple. The Big Show was more agile than he was. They need to bring back Brock Lesnar and let him unleash that F5 on the Great Garbage.
The truth is, Khali will only be champ until Unforgiven most likely. Survivor Series the latest. After the finish of the match at Summerslam, I'd expect a Khali/Batista rematch, this time with some stipulation added to hopefully make the match more bearable. Batista would probably win then, defend it in October against Khali, and then fued with a returning Edge. I don't see Khali really lasting as WHC much longer because he really isn't over. The crowd was DEAD for his match with Batista, and I promise you, it's not because of Batista. Khali is boring in every aspect of the business. His in ring skills are terrible, and make Vince McMahon look amazing in the ring. His mic skills are even worse, and his translater is a terrible mouthpiece for him. Plus, the few moves he does do, he does terribly. The fact that the WWE writers are afraid to have him do LIVE matches is bad. He's on Smackdown for a reason. Editing ability. They avoid lengthy matches on PPV's for him because of his ability, or lack there of.

A rematch with Batista would probably be in a cage, or be no holds barred, simply to add the elements of big spots to the match, with Batista winning after dropping Khali in a big way, either off a stage, or a big Batista Bomb somehow with a cage, or through tables or something of that nature.

Khali could get over big if he had a good mouth piece, however. Had they had Paul Heyman be his mouth piece, then he'd have been a huge success, and the fans would hate him more on his gimmick than his lack of ability. Heyman has the ability to get fans to hate him/people he manages. Look at Rhyno, Lesnar, etc. He managed them and they were over as heels.
This should be a Khali is crap thread. No I do not think Khali handles himself well at all anytime when he is in the ring. His character is too one dimensional I could see if they gave him more freedom had he spoke English, but his main job is to look big and intimidating that's all he has since he doesn't have any in ring ability. I mean clothes line clothes line head squish that's all he's got. Oh and a boot to the face whoopty doo. He's not entertaining he's just big. That's all
Yea, Khali's handler isn't helping Khali in any way, I mean, I respect the guy outside of WWE, because he is an accomplished weightlifter and body builder, as well as a pretty awesome guy in person from what I've heard, but he just can't move. The best I've seen from him was at The Bash, against Batista and Kane, when he did a spinning round kick to kane.. I was literally in shock, and gained a bit of respect for him, but it didn't work, 'cause the next night? He laughed like an idiot.

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