The Great Khali WHC Thread

I think Wwe just gave Khali the belt just to continue the Khali vs Batista, it gave the feud a great lift them fighting over the title is better then them fighting over nothing . i see batista winning at Summerslam and losing it to who ever comes back first Taker or Edge
I think that Khali will probably retain the belt at summerslam & end up dropping it to rey. Once rey returns they will try to build up his character again & might do some sort of giant killer storyline.

Did any1 else find it amusing when khali was dancing on smackdown this week? LOL :)
The Great Khali adds a great amount of shame to the WH Title. This giant has no wrestling skills AT ALL ZERO!! cant walk properly and lets not even talk about mic skills, he cant even speak english!

The only reason he has the title is simply for transition!

Injuries Galore

Look at all the former WHC that are currently injured on SD:
Edge, Rey, Undertaker

All of those are current fitting champs, but they are all injured so Khali was the best option belive it or not and yes, u might say what about Kane or Batista? Batista has had his chance and he was supposed to carry SD, but he is curently not doing a great job and Kane (i did vote in a poll that he should be WHC) his age and weight is killing him, but i think it was a toss up khali/kane and khali, the HUGE giant as vince loves those, is now the Champ

Huge Match In The Future

The only bright spot i see about Khali is that when one of the returning stars beats him, it will be a phenominal match, and whoever beats him will be TREMENDOUSLY over with the crowd. Beating a 7 foot giant would be a great accomplishemt, even in the WWE. I see Khali losing the Title at Summerslam, for it is a HUGE PPV for the WWE and Khali is after all, (i hope) a transitional champ.

My worst nightmare would be Khali getting a Looong title reign on SD...he just plain crap!!

rey mysterio wrestled last tuesday in a dark match so rey will be returning in like a week or two but as khali stand he will lose the world title at summerslam to batista there is no way rey could ever beat khali he is way to big and if rey couldnt defeat the big show then he definatly cant defeat khali and khali looked so dumb on friday dancing lol
Well while I hate Khali just as much as the next person and think he is talentless just as much as the next person, I think it was kind of smart making him a transitional champion.They are putting the title on him and calling him unbeatable only just to make someone look great when they defeat him.
I don't think Batista will take the title away from The Great Khali. I believe when The Undertaker returns, he'll feud with Khali for the World Heavyweight Championship and take that very title from him.
Khali a World Champ, big surprise, really. I know how WWE need to give vaiations to who get a title reign. They have had Batista, Taker, King Booker and Rey. I find it natural to go to a new type of wrestler and thats Khali to spice things up a little.

Although people think that Khali's in ring abilities suck, i dont. A good in ring performance is not about how many moves you can perform and how hard they are; a good in ring performance is about how each move you make affects the match and the viewers. I think Khali does a good job at that.

By the way, I think the Great Khali have this really long chin that sticks out, similar to Crimson Chin from Fairy Oddparents.
I just read that they've been turning Batista vs Khali matches into tag team matches involving Kane and Finlay. I find that hilarious that they can't seem to put on a good showing in a singles house show match, yet they expect them to put on a good show at Summerslam.. It seems that I found my snack time match for Summerslam. I don't blame Khali for the evident poorness of matches. I can see Batista trying to do all the same moves he uses on opponents that are his size. Khali is simply too big to Batista Bomb, and if the spear is going to be Batista's finisher against Khali, then I'm sorry, but that's just sad.
Khali on the other hand I do not blame. Sure the guy has next to no talent in the ring and he can't cut a promo, but no one can deny that whoever beats him for the title will get crazy crowd reaction. For someone like Khali if your that big you don't need much in the way of mic skills, or wrestling skills for that matter.
They're doing a deal at house shows where Batista vs. Khali matches end via DQ when Finlay interferes, setting up Batista & Kane vs. Khali & Finlay which ends with Batista pinning Finlay). The reason for the tag matches is that apparently the Batista vs. Khali singles matches are so bad that they can't even have them do extended singles matches on houseshows, yet they expect them to do an extended singles match at SummerSlam.

Thought i'd post this from

This is why WWE is so shit right now and going down the drain. On the 2nd biggest show of the fucking year they go and put these two in the main event of SD! and they can't even work a decent singles match together!!!. Unbeliveable how stupid creative and WWE really is right now. Khali as champ is bad enough and at SS. It's going to be a train wreck.

Boretista will win it though no doubt in my mind. As you just said A7 whoever takes the title off a giant like Khali is going to get a huge pop and the new champ will have alot of momentum. Boretista will be back to boring us soon on SD!. They better add a stipulation to this match or it's not going to be worth a piss. Maybe a no holds barred or something of that matter. Hell maybe even add Finlay and Kane somehow. We still have 4 weeks.
The reason for the tag matches is that apparently the Batista vs. Khali singles matches are so bad that they can't even have them do extended singles matches on houseshows, yet they expect them to do an extended singles match at SummerSlam.

Seriously man, I can't not find this hilarious. It's just so damn bad but I want to watch just how bad it is. It's like a car wreck, you can't help but stare. An extended match at SS is impossible, they'll have to do a Cena/Khali Judgement Day match or something. Shit, if they can't even do it at a house show, unless someone else gets involved it won't work. Khali is too damn big but you can't help wanting to see him. Batista, well...not so much.

Either way, again, it's fuckin' hilarious, and unfortunately it in my mind makes Khali kind of good. I thought it was terrible at first. Now I just can't help but laugh at them.
This is why WWE is so shit right now and going down the drain. On the 2nd biggest show of the f*cking year they go and put these two in the main event of SD! and they can't even work a decent singles match together!!!. Unbeliveable how stupid creative and WWE really is right now. Khali as champ is bad enough and at SS. It's going to be a train wreck.

Bah, What none sense. They are one step ahead of you. I believe the reason they give Khali a title reign is because 1. they want to surprise the fans(?) and draws them to Smackdown and 2. Khali is the new face and a main event ready guy.

Now, i know you none intelligent people(?) are thinking, how is he the main event if he cant even wrestle and speak English? His in ring ability is just fine to me; compare him to the Undertaker or Big Show, neither can entertain you throughout the match. Big people are used to be the ultimate obsticol they put for pushing smaller people; a good example is John Cena's absolutely berserk rampages(?).

Conclusion, Khali is perfect. If he can bring up a bigger heat than he can right now, he's the top guy. His charisma is great since he can make people laugh(dont deny it) and his in ring abilty is on the right track, he can always improve
Bah, What none sense. They are one step ahead of you. I believe the reason they give Khali a title reign is because 1. they want to surprise the fans(?) and draws them to Smackdown and 2. Khali is the new face and a main event ready guy.

Your wrong...1 They aren't a step ahead of anyone they are a step behind. Instead they go and shove their head up each others asses and trade Mr. Kennedy to RAW even with the injury there wasn't any sense in moving him to RAW..Kennedy vs Edge was perfect a hell of alot better and entertaing than Boretista vs Khali. 2. He draws because of his huge size. 3. He was the only real choice left due to injuries and the biggest heel on SD!

Now, i know you none intelligent people(?) are thinking, how is he the main event if he cant even wrestle and speak English? His in ring ability is just fine to me; compare him to the Undertaker or Big Show, neither can entertain you throughout the match. Big people are used to be the ultimate obsticol they put for pushing smaller people; a good example is John Cena's absolutely berserk rampages(?).

If you don't think Undertaker cannot put on an exciting,entertaing match then you my friend aren't very intelligent. Undertaker is 10 times the big man Khali is. He also has a career full of great matches and feuds to show for it..

Conclusion, Khali is perfect. If he can bring up a bigger heat than he can right now, he's the top guy. His charisma is great since he can make people laugh(dont deny it) and his in ring abilty is on the right track, he can always improve

Agreed he is getting more heat than anyone on the SD! roster. His charisma sucks if you can't speak english get off the mic and no I do not laugh. I sit there disgusted at what WWE is doing with SD! and the champion. It's a waste of time. His in ring abililty is the worst I have ever seen. I don't give a rat's ass how big you are. It's pathetic and not watchable. He's there to put Batista over as SD!'s superman and a quick short time replacement for Edge. So no he isn't the top guy on SD! He really isn't even the top heel I'd say MVP gets more heat than he does...
Your wrong......

I know, I know they just wanted something different. Like would you remember the match that HHH won his 7th World Champ? Of course not, but you will remember Khali's victory in that battle royal. You know, people wont remeber that Khali was a no talent no charisma guy years later but they might still have that flashback of Khali winning the Title.
Khali isnt as bad as he's people may make him out to be.The irony of "big man" wrestlers is that while we all say they can't wrestle,the only reason they become draws is because of the'r power moves and size,wrestling ability's never the factor.People ripped Batista for not "wrestling",but when he put a guy in an armbar or half-nelson,people sit on their hands and keep quite only to markout when he hits a spinebuster.I do think SD! has been ruined,but not because of Khali.While the injuries to Taker&Edge may have been unavoidable,no excuse can be made for HHH decision to have Kennedy drafted to RAW so that he could have heels to beat up on.Even with all the injuries Kennedy would have saved SD! Kennedy vs. Batista/Rey/Matt Hardy would have madse better SS mainevents than Batista vs. Khali.
Bah, What none sense. They are one step ahead of you. I believe the reason they give Khali a title reign is because 1. they want to surprise the fans(?) and draws them to Smackdown and 2. Khali is the new face and a main event ready guy.

Now, i know you none intelligent people(?) are thinking, how is he the main event if he cant even wrestle and speak English? His in ring ability is just fine to me; compare him to the Undertaker or Big Show, neither can entertain you throughout the match. Big people are used to be the ultimate obsticol they put for pushing smaller people; a good example is John Cena's absolutely berserk rampages(?).

Conclusion, Khali is perfect. If he can bring up a bigger heat than he can right now, he's the top guy. His charisma is great since he can make people laugh(dont deny it) and his in ring abilty is on the right track, he can always improve

I notice that this guy's banned, but I feel like throwing my opinion on it anyway. 1.) I'm fairly sure that once we saw Khali in the ring we knew that he would win it, the only people *besides Batista cause he's that cool X_X* that would be able to stand up to Khali is Mark Herny and Kane. Mark was tossed out of he match pretty early and Kane was not involved.2.) Iwouldn't call Khali the new face, but he is main event ready just for his sheer presence.

Undertaker not entertain??? I don't know where that comes from since every match I've seen Taker in I've liked, but I do agree that bigger people... Not including Taker and Kane, but guys like Big Show, Umaga, Khali and Mark Henry even can be used to really put over a smaller guy like Cena X_X

In conclusion... Khali is the best option for WHC on SD! at this time. The SD! roster is not as full as the Raw roster on terms of talent IMO. I hope to see Khali keep the title for a while, until Taker or Edge come back, then drop it to ether of them. Another thing I wouldn't mind seeing is Finlay, Kane, MVP get onto the main event scene against Khali. However I have a gut feeling that after Batista is done with Khali and should Khali retain we could be seein a David vs Goliath with Rey vs Khali...
I like the Great Khali character even though he looks like he old man when he walk to the ring he give that presence of a dominating superstar and giving him another move the claw proves my point but unfortunately once he done beefing wit the top superstars in the WWE will they do to him wat they did to the Big show at one time and mid card him or lower
well hopefully (& I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THIS), khali can do a JBL number & shock the hell out of us, because that is exactly what JBL did in 2004, JBL carried smackdown in 04 & really surprised me.
Well JBL carried his end in promos. And I think Khali's promos rock so I see where your coming from. The only problem I see is that while JBL is a shit wrestler and Khali is a really shit wrestler. But JBL had the oppertunity to go over and defeat the likes of 'Taker, Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Angle etc. Khali has Batista and err? That's it. Unless Matt Hardy suddenly becomes a megastar.
Well JBL carried his end in promos. And I think Khali's promos rock so I see where your coming from. The only problem I see is that while JBL is a shit wrestler and Khali is a really shit wrestler. But JBL had the oppertunity to go over and defeat the likes of 'Taker, Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Angle etc. Khali has Batista and err? That's it. Unless Matt Hardy suddenly becomes a megastar.

......what rocks about Khalis promos. he stands there and then speaks in his language and then his transloator says "khali says you cant beat him cause he is far too strong and tall". JBL defeated all those guys because he bacame a huge heel and the crowd hated him because of his character. the fans hate khali because he has about 4 moves and is as stiff as a board.
well beside the undertaker guys khali IS the best whc on smackdown yet in a while

and im glad khali beat the crap out of batsita and on saturday main event is concerned it took smackdowns STRONGEST guys to just take khali down. and then at summer slam orton gonna kill cena and batista gonna die i guess ill see for my self when i go there (im going to it) hhh will murder booker-t mysterio will beat chavo the panzy
well beside the undertaker guys khali IS the best whc on smackdown yet in a while

what happened to Edge he was the best champion in a while IMO

anyways back to khali i dont think khali is a good champion not at all. But i think he plays his role really well he i mean everyone complains about his lack of moves but with his character the way it is how can you expect a crazed punjab giant to be a technically sound wrestler hes supposed to destroy people not go out and put on classic matches and he does that pretty well
......what rocks about Khalis promos. he stands there and then speaks in his language and then his transloator says "khali says you cant beat him cause he is far too strong and tall".

Take them on comedy value and there amazing.

JBL defeated all those guys because he bacame a huge heel and the crowd hated him because of his character.

JBL defeated those guys because that's how WWE booked it. They wanted to make him a success so they had him gain victorys over top superstars. And to say the crowd hated him because of his character is right. He was a heel after all.

the fans hate khali because he has about 4 moves and is as stiff as a board.

And because he's been built up as a huge monster heel. There isn't a heel in WWE as over as Khali. the fans despise him, which is the idea. You cant say the same about Orton. At Summer Slam the WWE CHampionship will have a mixed reaction. For the World Championship match almost everybody will be in Batista's favour.
^^^^^ That is very true. There will be a mixed reaction for the WWE title, but it is not because Orton is not over with the fans. It is because people are sick of cena holding the title. People will favor Batista because he has one move more than Khali.
I don't know if some people really want Batista as the world champ. We've seen this match too many times and it's become boring to care. We've seen him as champ and it's become boring. Batista vs. another giant doesn't play out to be a great match. But because the roster is so slim right now due to injuries, I guess this is the best match available. They could have played out a Batista vs. Kane feud instead and have Batista turn heel. His personality makes him seem heelish anyways so it wouldn't have been a bad idea. It would have been great to see someone like Matt Hardy or even have Kennedy move back to Smackdown and become a face to feud with Khali. Khali reign may be really uninteresting but it could be better if he has a good mouthpiece. If Estrada wasn't the new ECW GM, he would have been a great mouthpiece. I think they could do more with his title reign because he does draw a lot of heat and is a attraction for the WWE.

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