The Great Khali WHC Thread



This might sound a bit random or odd, but does anyone else think that the Great Khali handled himself well in terms of selling being scared of Batista on Smackdown this week?
I think they should let him develop a character more, I think he's more than capable of it, and I think the small time that they had him on this week proved it. Anyone agree?

P.s. I am not a fan of his in ring-abilities, though I think he should be given more freedom with his character and move set and he could have great potential.
i think he should jus be taken off tv. if ur putting a monster like Khali on tv, he should hold a title maybe, to show his dominance. i think cena's wins over him were just silly, as Undertaker is better than Cena but still lost to Khali.

so maybe ye, Khali's character should be developed a bit more but it would just be too unrealistic for him to lose to Batista, but it could be done.
If he beat Batista, he'll make him lose credibilidy, and they are working on building back his credibility since he couldn't win back his title against Edge. They started last week when he beat Edge. So it's safe to assume that he'll probably crush Khali.
batista crushing khali? hes got a better chance at winning the lottery. batista is going to try to spear khali and its gonna be batista running into a brick wall. thats whats gonna happen. because yeah, i know stuff lol.
Khali probably is going to do some train wrecks with Batista, a short feud with Kane maybe down the line and that will be it for him. I cant see him on the TV screen next year.
Khali could be used properly but i doubt it, i hope Batista gets beat up at least then i might feel sorry for him.

If he beats Khali then that is stupid!

Taker is worse than Khali but better than Batista
Batista is worse than Taker but better than Khali

How could Batista not beat Taker but beat Khali if according to WWE Taker is worse than Khali.

They might want to keep Khalis brick wall image as a unbeatable giant.

They only let Cena beat Khali coz he is more of a cash cow than Taker and Batista and it makes Cena look like hes better than Taker and Batista which is HIGHLY DOUBT is true.

Khali should be some sort of Champion according to the wins hes had.

Hed be a cool Tag Champ imagine he could learn a suplex and use it to suplex one of duce and domino through a table in a table match.

Then after a while of being unbeatable have 2 tag teams decide to team up and take him out to give each other an actuall chance of winning the tag titles.

It would be a good reason for Khali loosing and keep his monster image as it would be like woah it took that many guys to beat him!
Well Khali is the new WHC, I'm hoping it's a short reign. Hopefully he loses it to Kane in an inferno match. He goes to do the pujabi chop, but kane moves and he chops the fire instead. Then we can have Edge vs. Undertaker vs. Kane, hell in a call triple threat match. That would be kick ass.
I hope the Great Khali is only a transitional champ. The guy has on character or charisma. The only draw he has is Y2 Jake. Maybe WWE is doing this to make people look forward to Cena.

P.S. am I the only one see Khali hold the title upside down after he won it.
Personally speaking, I have a huge problem with Khali being the WHC. My problem is that the WWE had this problem once before, and you'd think they'd have learned the lesson the first time, but you'd be wrong.

The year was 1993, and The Undertaker (in his deadman phase) was running through the roster like a hot knife through butter. WWE needed a big "monster-type" wrestler to enter the promotion and challenge him to a big blowoff match at WM IX. The man selected for the job was Giant Gonzales. Remember him? No? Well, let me briefly describe him for you.

The man was clumsy as could be, couldn't cut a promo to save his ass, and he was still given a Wrestlemania match against Undertaker. To say the match was horrible would be an insult to all things horrible. The match was 6 steps down below horrible, it was that bad. The big man (Gonzales) could barely move, then when he did, he botched moves left and right, and was basically a joke in the ring.

Immediately after his WM match, Gonzales was let go and never seen in a wrestling ring again. This scenario has reared its ugly (no pun intended) head yet again in the form of the Great Khali.

Khali debuted against the Undertaker, attacking him, and basically leaving him for dead (sounds redundant, doesn't it?), by wrestling standards anyway. Soon afterwards, it was announced that they'd face off on Pay Per View. All fine and well, until the moment Khali set foot in a wrestling ring, and proceeded to display copious amounts of suckitude not seen since the days of Ed "Man without a Name" Leslie.

Khali should have experienced the same fate as Gonzales. He should have been shipped back to wherever the hell he came from, because he sure as hell can't wrestle, cuts promos that makes the Ultimate Warrior sound like Albert fricking Einstein, and literally moves so slowly that I could swear I see grass growing under his damned feet.

In short, The Great Khali isn't "Great" and sure as hell does not deserve to be the World's Heavyweight Champion.
Khali may not be the greatest in ring technician ever, but he fits the bill for what WWE loves in big men over 7ft tall. He just an attraction and well he wouldn't be still be in the business if he wasnt 7ft plus tall. His gimmick works as he dont do much and for awhile he dont appear in long matches except the Cena feud.

He fits what they need right now and that is a guy to be a transitional champ for awhile that does no damage for holding the belt and just makes who ever defeats him looks great and overcame the odds. SO i'm ok with it as he is so bad its fun to watch him mess up. In all way he will champ prolly till summerslam.
Well that was pretty awful seeing him win the belt. Hopefully they let Kane or even though I hate seeing him as champ, Batista beat Khali on Sunday. I don't see either of them winning though since if the WWE wanted them to be champ they probably would have won the battle royal, but who knows. This whole situation sucks.
It seems as if the mods here are fans of whoever the current World Heavyweight Champion is. Thats beside the point.. Khali does his job well. He is a clumsy giant who has no wrestling ability whatsoever. He is a monster. Pure and simple.

The World Heavyweight Championship is supposed to be an honor. Although Khali makes for a great monster, it is a disgrace to the title. I do not agree with him being champion. He should be nothing more than what he is. A midcard dinosaur who draws attention because of his size.
I disagree Khali has the potentail to have a long credible champion. If you remember Yokuzuna in the mid 90s, he was also limited in the ring but still had a lengthy title run.
Latley the WHC has been abit of a curse, the last 3 people befor khali have been injured and made to drop it, an even kennedy who were going to win it wi his MITB got injured so he had t drop that chance. maybe the wwe are hoping that Khali will injure himself in a match an they can get the belt off him that way an get him out of the company so they don't have to pay that much is serverence pay?

hell, am probably wrong, but twere a idea no?
Latley the WHC has been abit of a curse, the last 3 people befor khali have been injured and made to drop it, an even kennedy who were going to win it wi his MITB got injured so he had t drop that chance. maybe the wwe are hoping that Khali will injure himself in a match an they can get the belt off him that way an get him out of the company so they don't have to pay that much is serverence pay?

hell, am probably wrong, but twere a idea no?

How do you injure someone that barely moves around in the ring, and doesn't wrestle for more than 5 minutes before they have him win? It's really stupid and Khali is one of the worst wrestlers I have ever seen. Hopefully Rey will save Smackdown! cause Edge tried, but he got injured.
Latley the WHC has been abit of a curse, the last 3 people befor khali have been injured and made to drop it, an even kennedy who were going to win it wi his MITB got injured so he had t drop that chance. maybe the wwe are hoping that Khali will injure himself in a match an they can get the belt off him that way an get him out of the company so they don't have to pay that much is serverence pay?

hell, am probably wrong, but twere a idea no?

Khali doesn't do anything in the ring so his chances of getting hurt are slim and none.
WWE continues to defie belief, first they ship Booker T from main eventing SmackDown to Mid Card at best at Raw, leaving Smackdown with hardly anyone who can actually wrestle, and lets not forget they shifted Kennedy to Raw as well from Smackdown.

Then to top it off they give seriously discredits the WHC belt by giving it to a (and i use this term extremely loosely) 'wrestler' who does all of 3 moves max (even them 3 moves he cant pull of properly). Khali is nothing but a big waste of oxygen. Most definatley no in ring skills, no mic skills, hell he cant even walk properly, he walks like he's crapped himself. The 'Great Useless Lump' (catchy new gimick that should be used for Khali, fits him perfectly.) is that type of person that you watch to see who he serously injures first, not because of his techincal prowess (as if, LOL) but because he just seems to stand there and then completely botch up a move. It's clear as day that he is being carried through each and every match due to his blatently clear inability to even slightly wrestle.

Christ, they may as well top it off and bring in Zac Mcgowen and gave him the Championship instead. At least it would have been slightly more believeable than the 'Great Useless Lump' being Champion. Even i could beat Khali, think about it, just wallop him to the ground and because he's so slow and stupid it would take him 30 secs to realise that he's being pinned, and i only need 3 secs to pin him.

Round of applause to the WWE, not only were they contempt in destroying ECW (which could have rocked given the right direction). But they have just killed off SmackDown, Well done Vince i hope your proud.

Khali & my future wife

More to the point, how the hell did 'The Great Useless Lump' wind up with someone as sexy as her? It almosts makes me want to be the worlds worst 'wrestler' (and i use the term 'wrestler' VERY loosely when it comes to Khali) if thats the prize at the end of it :p

I really hope she didnt hit the bottom of the barrel and go home to be 'chopped' by the big useless idiot, that would be a massive injustice to the worlds society and enough to make me lose all respect for women.
Well Sladey, Khali probably has a big Johnson, and his wife probably can't keep her hands off of it. I mean, look where her hand is probably going, that lucky bastard.

I really don't understand the hate on Khali right now. Its like John Cena, who else is going to get the title?

Batista, why they hell would you want Dead Air Dave sniffing a world title. His promos are horrendous, and the talentless lump got Ariel fired.

Kane: Many moons have passed since this guy was world champion material. He is slow, and old and hardly a monster anymore.

Matt Hardy: Hahahahahahahahaha.

Ric Flair: See Kane.

Khali is the right choice, why? Because there is no other choice. Khali draws, even if it is for the sideshow effect, but he draws.
Well shockmaster, I think you are forgetting about Chris Masters!!! Chris Masters would be an excellent WHC because Hes young, and Vince McMahon has been pushing him lately so i wouldn't be surprised at a future PPV this year Chris Masters gets a title shot. Also I don't think Khali is WHC material, Wwe Tag team champ at best. I think Khali should team with Mark Henry, and win the Wwe Tag titles
Well shockmaster, I think you are forgetting about Chris Masters!!! Chris Masters would be an excellent WHC because Hes young, and Vince McMahon has been pushing him lately so i wouldn't be surprised at a future PPV this year Chris Masters gets a title shot. Also I don't think Khali is WHC material, Wwe Tag team champ at best. I think Khali should team with Mark Henry, and win the Wwe Tag titles

Masters? Chris Masters? We are talking about the same Chris Masters yeah? hahahaha.... you have to be kidding me. The same guy that has been going nohere and has been nothing but a jobber for sometime. That guy? The same one who is obviously on roids again and is completely useless in the ring and is as balnd as a white piece of paper?? That Chris Masters??

As Shocky said, Khali like it or not is the best choice for the WH title atm. I mean look at how SD! has been decimated latley. Rey, Edge, Taker all injured. Booker, Kennedy and hell you could put Lashley in there all moved brands.

Batista needs to keep as far away from the title sa possible. Kane has passed his used by date, Matt Hardy not ready, MVP ditto, Fliar see Kane and times it by 1000. So basically Khali is the man.

What is more relastic than a giant man crapping all over the smaller guys? Nothing at all. Khali will make an ok champ, not good or great but ok. He will do the job they have him there to do, that is be the monster. Imagine how over whoever beats him will be?
Khali is there to fill a roll, and like it or not, he has been in big time matches. Now, whether or not he was enjoyable in thsoe matches, you be the judge.

However, Chris Masters is completly unproven and can't seem to keep him self out of the Wellness Programs failure side. He has zero promo skills, and his matches are just horrible.

I would rather watch a 7 plus footer being as stiff as wood, instead of a 6'2" guy that can't move, at least the 7 footer is believable at being immobile, not immobile because the steroid induced muscles won't allow his joints to bend.
man the great khali is awesome, who wouldve thought that the wwe would give us champion who needs his blabbered translated for us to here it, i kinda felt he let down his guard when he won the title, he shouldnt of smiled and crap, when the undertaker won at wm23 there was still no smiles just an expression of relief, the problem with khali is that its soo hard for the opponent to get the upperhand. the only time i see an opponent have a chance to turn the tables on him is when he does his thing where he gets his arms stuck between the top 2 ropes, man ive seen that done too many times to the point that i laugh my ass off because its soo bull
WWE messed up when they shifted Mr Kennedy (He was top on Tom Green the other night btw) and Booker T over to Raw, there was no need, theres enough top stars on Raw as it was. They should shift both back to Smackdown and give the title to Mr Kennedy i'd say. Both will be so underused on Raw where as they could dominate on Smackdown, doesnt make sense really.
I can see either one of three scenarios playing out, either he drops the belt at summerslam to either Batista or Kane(i hope it would be the latter), or holds onto it long enough to drop it to either Undertaker or Edge when they come back from injury. I dont see Rey winning the belt, or at least not winning the belt from Khali. I see it all eventually leading up to Edge/Undertaker for the title at Wrestlemania

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