The Great Khali Is The #1 Contender For the US Title

I want to see this.

I saw this

I normally ignore or forget about Main Event but this match has me interested.

Last night I didn't.

When was the last time Khali had a title match?

Last night, pay attention idiot.

How will he do in a Main Event main event where matches are typically longer than what we are used to seeing from Khali?

He did pretty well. There may have been some rest holds and working the leg but it never felt too slowed down. Khali's offense (mostly chops) was pretty entertaining. I especially enjoyed the way Khali hit to get out of Cesaro's holds. It is a far way more believable way than seeing a guy in a sharpshooter type move pull himself across the ring to the ropes.

Would WWE put a title back on Khali?

Still not sure but not yet.

Are they touring India soon?

I don't know, my god you ask a lot of annoying questions.

Can Cesaro make lemons out of lemonade?

He helped make an entertaining match with a guy that a lot of the IWC throw hissy fits over.

Will the WWE continue outsourcing the US championship?

Someone should smack you for asking so many annoying questions. What the hell is wrong with you?

And most importantly, can Cesaro get Khali in a Neutralizer?

He did, it wasn't pretty but it was pretty cool to see.

This is something different, something interesting. It's not just some blow off match in the middle of a feud. I like it. I doubt Khali will win but the possibility still exists. If Khali does win Little Jerry Lawler is going to go ape-shit. My expectations are extremely low for the match but I still want to see it, that is a good place to start for WWE.

The match was more entertaining than I expected. My biggest problem was Hornswaggle interfering. He's pretty harmless, but faces should not be cheating in that scenario. Would have been cool after the match to give the fans a lift but came off as heelish during the match. However, one of my favorite moments of the match came right after as Natayla leap frogged Hornswaggle and got in Cesaro's face. I'm glad I watched. 36 widgets out 968 paper clips.
Like I said when the match was first announced, the only reason it's even happening is so Cesaro can put Khali in the Neutralizer. Main Event is a special attraction show that serves no real purpose other than giving the Raw and Smackdown production crews something to pitch to, to set up segments. There's generally some good wrestling to be found, but I don't really hold it to the same standard of quality as an A or B show.

Khali isn't going to win the title. If he does, I'm going to go on a giant rampage about WWE wasting Cesaro's title run on a useless oaf of a giant that physically can't - and not lot John Cena "can't" - learn more than five moves.

All that being said, this could turn out to be a good thing. This is quite possibly the only thing Great Khali IS capable of doing. Feed him to Antonio Cesaro. Let him get the big man up in the Neutralizer and retain his title. Give him one more thing to brag about; nobody can beat the guy. Not a Funkasaurus, not a legitimate giant, not Indians, or Americans...nobody. I still think they're setting him up perfectly to begin feuding with Jack Swagger. Who's more American than the All-American American?
Cesaro has been overlooked even after he won the United States champion maybe this is what Cesaro needs to spark into his next feud by taking out the giant.

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