The Great Khali Is The #1 Contender For the US Title


On Main Event last night, Khali won a 20 man battle royal to become the top contender for the WWE United States Championship. As a result, Khali will have his title shot on next week's episode of Main Event.

Like most people, I see no real reason why WWE made Khali #1 contender. From a wrestling standpoint, it's easy to believe that next week's match will easily be the weakest to be featured on Main Event. Let's be honest, Khali can't wrestle. He's a huge, slow, lumbering, clumsy 7+ footer who looks as though he can barely move. The big chop to the chest, the overhand chop and the chokebomb comprise pretty much all of Khali's wrestling ability.

The only reason that I think this came about is because, in my opinion, Vince simply wants to see Antonio Cesaro put Khali in the Neutralizer. It'll look impressive if he does so. It just seems like a waste of time though because Cesaro needs a real feud in my opinion.
I like this idea. Cesaro has been going through small midcarders for his entire run as champion and a victory over a big man will re-establish his dominance, which has been waning in recent weeks. This is most likely just delaying Jack Swagger's return as I think that they might want to be saving a Cesaro/Swagger match for Wrestlemania.

The match itself will be nothing to write home about, and with how much time the advertised Main Event matches get, this might very well go over 10 minutes. There's not much Khali can do unless he's in the ring with the right guy, so I'll be skipping next week's episode.
This will not be a wrestling clinic by any means, but I think Cesaro needs to go over a big guy like Kahli. It seems like they are having trouble getting Cesaro into decent feuds, and I am sure this is just a time killer inbetween Cesaro's next opponent so why not pick the biggest guy out there to make the champ look good. Like jack Hammer said this will probably be the worst featured match since Main Event has been on, but if Cesaro goes over decisively then I would say some good will come out of the whole thing.
On Main Event last night, Khali won a 20 man battle royal to become the top contender for the WWE United States Championship. As a result, Khali will have his title shot on next week's episode of Main Event.

Like most people, I see no real reason why WWE made Khali #1 contender. From a wrestling standpoint, it's easy to believe that next week's match will easily be the weakest to be featured on Main Event. Let's be honest, Khali can't wrestle. He's a huge, slow, lumbering, clumsy 7+ footer who looks as though he can barely move. The big chop to the chest, the overhand chop and the chokebomb comprise pretty much all of Khali's wrestling ability.

The only reason that I think this came about is because, in my opinion, Vince simply wants to see Antonio Cesaro put Khali in the Neutralizer. It'll look impressive if he does so. It just seems like a waste of time though because Cesaro needs a real feud in my opinion.

This is clearly a way to help put over Cesaro's power. As soon as everyone was in the ring it was quite obvious Khali was going to win. No other face in the ring has done anything even close to relevant on TV. Yeah, Khali pretty much just squashes jobbers, but every face in that ring was a jobber.

Khali still gets TV time every week, which is more than a lot of guys can say. If you argue with that, then I completely understand. But to argue with him winning because of that doesn't make sense.

And yes, seeing him pull of putting Khali in the Neutralizer would be impressive. Cesaro is fairly tall, and he's going to need long arms for it.

On a side note, I actually enjoyed Cesaro last night. Too many posters come on here and love heels strictly because they're heels, but Cesaro is getting much better at what he does.
Poor Khali! The guy is the ultimate jobber. You might argue with that statement because jobbers are there to lose, nothing else.....yet, Khali sometimes wins.

But that's the point; Khali is as fearsome.....or as the writers need him to be. When someone needs to be put over, they stick Khali in there and let him chop the big guy down. Yet, to elevate Khali to the point he'll look important enough to give someone else a boost, they'll have Khali win a few matches to make him appear dangerous. At the same time, Khali can go on an extended losing streak for the sole purpose of making others look good. To me, that's an ultimate jobber; it's his only purpose, even when he occasionally wins. The sole aim of Khali's involvement is to have him kick someone else's career up a notch.

So, now it's Cesaro. Shouldn't be a problem applying his signature move since Khali is lighter than Big Show, even though he's taller. Antonio wins, it looks visually impressive, and everyone goes home happy.

In all, I kind of enjoy Khali. Only problem is that when watching the poor guy walk like Frankenstein, my own knees start to hurt in sympathy. Even when he's dancing, only his upper body moves.

Life goes on for the jobber.
Khali has been winning basic matches lately. Cesaro has been displaying his power finisher on big opponents lately. Khali is the biggest guy he's fought yet. Now Khali gets a title shot against Cesaro and the question is can Cesaro hit the Neutralizer on him?

That my friends, is called booking a match. This isn't going to go long term, the title isn't likely to change hands, and it gives both people something to do for the next few TV shows. Also, it gives us a few weeks worth of build up with this being the payoff. It's a basic booking strategy and it gives us something logical and short enough to not be offensive. That's why this happened and WWE would be VERY well served to use this kind of booking again in the future.
The only reason that I think this came about is because, in my opinion, Vince simply wants to see Antonio Cesaro put Khali in the Neutralizer. It'll look impressive if he does so.

I completely agree with this statement.

There is no way that Khali is winning the United States Championship. When Cesaro has kept bragging in multiple languages and stated that no american will be able to defeat him, then it needs to be an american who finally does dethrone him. Also, Khali as United States Champion? That sure seems like a random choice. The guy is huge so he'd still be somewhat believable as a champion even if he's far from gifted in the ring, although I think having him be US Champion would be a waste of time. Cesaro retaining against him would make him look stronger with Khali being a former World Heavyweight Champion (I know, hard to believe sometimes these days!) and seeing Khali in the Neutralizer would be cool!

If for whatever reason he did win, I'd still give the title reign a chance. I doubt anything significant would come from it or that it would last long though. It would just be a "thank you" reign if anything. Cesaro should feud with someone who he can get great matches out of, and preferably an american so that he will lose to someone he claimed could never defeat him. That would make the face who he feuds with look a lot better in the process. As for Khali? I would rather a different contender have gotten the opportunity honestly. Give Khali the title shot, let Cesaro retain, and then we will all move on with our lives.
I want to see this. I normally ignore or forget about Main Event but this match has me interested. When was the last time Khali had a title match? How will he do in a Main Event main event where matches are typically longer than what we are used to seeing from Khali? Would WWE put a title back on Khali? Are they touring India soon? Can Cesaro make lemons out of lemonade? Will the WWE continue outsourcing the US championship? And most importantly, can Cesaro get Khali in a Neutralizer?

This is something different, something interesting. It's not just some blow off match in the middle of a feud. I like it. I doubt Khali will win but the possibility still exists. If Khali does win Little Jerry Lawler is going to go ape-shit. My expectations are extremely low for the match but I still want to see it, that is a good place to start for WWE.
I think it will be a one off and not a real fued. I do have too say I think that Battle Royal might have been the best match I have ever seen Khali in. I was hoping that there might be a heel turn soo for Khali when they shook hands where he acted as AC's bodyguard. Well that got dashed when Antonio attacked him in the back :/
I for one think this is a huge waste. What is the purpose of putting Kali in any match at this point. He can barely move and is not a credible threat. Plus, we've seen Cessaro Neutralize Brodus Clay and that is far more impressive than Kali who is one bad fall away from being cripple.
The Great Khali is the biggest waste of TV time in the WWE (actually tied with Swoggle). Please get rid of both of these losers immediately.

I do not want him in any title programs. Cesaro needs a real feud. Not with mushmouth who can't walk or hardly move in the ring.
I for one think this is a huge waste. What is the purpose of putting Kali in any match at this point. He can barely move and is not a credible threat. Plus, we've seen Cessaro Neutralize Brodus Clay and that is far more impressive than Kali who is one bad fall away from being cripple.

I don't think it is a waste, if anything this could push Cesaro to a different level. Why? He could come out and say he is sick of being challenged by US wrestlers who simply can not take the title of him, so is seeking new opponents from across the world. Build it up that nobody in the world can beat him for the title. More heel heat and a great opportunity to build up a face character to take the title off him and create a proper feud (something that lacks in the midcard titles). They could save and rebrand Swagger, giving him a new lease of life or create a new face. Who knows making a feud like that could push both to World title feuds.
I feel sorry for Khali in a way! He cant wrestle worth a lick guy is slow clumsy and looks like a snail could beat him in a race! But he is very loveable people all over like this guy! Cesaro has said over and over again that no american can beat him for the title/

Last i looked Khali is not american. Yes Khali is a jobber but he wins sometimes so does that qualify him as a jobber? Yes and no. I also agree with JackHammer in saying the only reason why this match is gonna happen is because,Vince wants to see Cesaro put Khali in his Neutralizer!

That in itself is gonna be impressive this CeSaro is probably the strongest guy pound for pound in the E! I fully expect Cesaro to retain i see no reason why Khali should go over in this match
I'll go with the unsupportable opinion and say Khali should win.

Before I get into that I will say this. Cesaro isn't getting over at all. This is something I have said for a while, as technically sound as he is in the ring, he is still learning to work a WWE crowd. A lot of indy darlings have that issue when they get to the WWE. The crowds and the match styles are different. Because of that I would have held off on putting the strap on him for a while.

Now back to what I set out to do. Guys like Khali will always have a place in wrestling. The guy is seven feet and you can build a lot of psychology around his size. When you are that big you don't need more than a few moves. You can build those up as huge. Plus Khali has been on a bit of a roll recently and he gets a decent reaction. People in the crowd dance along to his music, and his pairing with Hornswaggle is good for the younger crowd. Khali is a guy who was at one point a big name, and based on his size alone he can get there again. Chances are Cesaro will never be there, so Khali needs to go over and build his way back to main event status. Indy darlings don't have the best track record in the WWE. Punk and Bryan are the exception rather than the rule. Cesaro says no American can beat him, so let the Indian beat him. So I say Khali wins and has a decent reign on his way to being build back up one last time as a contender for the WHC.
I'm sure Cesaro will be bigger than Khali, even if he never acts in an Adam Sandler film. Cesaro looks a bit like a clever caveman - I'm glad he doesn't shave his chest or head clean, it's something different.

Cesaro will most likely go over Khali, but Swagger's slow return is making my balls blue over here... Antonio needs a feud. We know who he is now, we've seen what he can do, now give us a feud, Mr MacMahon!

I'm firmly on the Cesaro/Ohno-bandwagon, would love to see these two go against Hell No!
Even if The Great Khali is impressive in stature, I don't find a victory over him impressive anymore. I probably would've found it impressive had he continued as a destructive force, but he has been relegated to jobber status for the majority of his career and especially after he dropped his World Heavyweight Championship. Yes, Cesaro will benefit in strength showcasing, but that's really it. To me, he looks more impressive beating guys left and right as it is. Beating a giant isn't going to change a thing in my eyes. Now, if it was the Big Show, that'd be another story since Big Show has been built as being destructive for the past several years. The Great Khali shouldn't wrestle anymore. It's far too unbelievable seeing him lose as much as he does. It's the limit to my suspension of disbelief in wrestling.
I for one think this is a huge waste. What is the purpose of putting Kali in any match at this point. He can barely move and is not a credible threat. Plus, we've seen Cessaro Neutralize Brodus Clay and that is far more impressive than Kali who is one bad fall away from being cripple.

It's almost guaranteed Cesaro will go over here, and I am sure Khali will have a very quick feud with Cesaro for the title. This, at least, gives Cesaro a big win since Khali is a former World Champion and still gigantic in stature. A win from Cesaro would be seen as impressive due to both factors.
This seems kind of pathetic on WWE's part... Khali's prime was pretty much never... the closest thing to his prime was maybe his short run with the WHC. No one really would want to see him as a champion but rather as a comedy bit that shows up every few episodes. If they wanted to throw a big man at Cesaro they had much better choices like Big Zeke or Tensai or even Mason Ryan (even though he hasn't done anything at all). No one is going to expect Khali to win, but if Big Zeke or Mason Ryan came through a 20 man battle royal and won the right to face him.. it might give people to question if Cesaro's title reign is in trouble.
This seems kind of pathetic on WWE's part... Khali's prime was pretty much never... the closest thing to his prime was maybe his short run with the WHC. No one really would want to see him as a champion but rather as a comedy bit that shows up every few episodes. If they wanted to throw a big man at Cesaro they had much better choices like Big Zeke or Tensai or even Mason Ryan (even though he hasn't done anything at all). No one is going to expect Khali to win, but if Big Zeke or Mason Ryan came through a 20 man battle royal and won the right to face him.. it might give people to question if Cesaro's title reign is in trouble.

Still though in terms of credibility Zeke and Ryan don't have the cred of Khali. Sure Khali's best days are behind him but those two never had much to show to begin with.
They needed someone to carry the mic work. Cesaro was painful to listen to on commentary last night (so was Miz). At least Khali's funny on the mic these days.
There are tears coming to my eyes right now.

If I can't have Khali as the World Heavyweight Champion, then this is the next best thing. I would love to see Khali hold gold again but it'll come at the expense of Cesaro, who I am actually starting to like. I'm sort of torn here. Even if Khali doesn't win, I'm glad that he's getting a shot at a title. Plus, it would be cool to see if Cesaro can at least attempt the Neutralizer on him.
This seems kind of pathetic on WWE's part... Khali's prime was pretty much never... the closest thing to his prime was maybe his short run with the WHC. No one really would want to see him as a champion but rather as a comedy bit that shows up every few episodes. If they wanted to throw a big man at Cesaro they had much better choices like Big Zeke or Tensai or even Mason Ryan (even though he hasn't done anything at all). No one is going to expect Khali to win, but if Big Zeke or Mason Ryan came through a 20 man battle royal and won the right to face him.. it might give people to question if Cesaro's title reign is in trouble.

You mean Tensai who jobs to everyone in sight?

You mean Zeke who still couldn't get over after winning a title?

You mean Mason Ryan who was just pitiful?

Khali is more over than all them scrubs times a hundred. Nobody gives a shit about any of those three so Cesaro's reign wouldn't be in trouble.
To be honest i thought that u could've brought Jack swagger in the battle royal and have him win it and get a win next week by count out and build up a feud until mania because they really don't have no one else to really feud with him.
Ok so don't yell at me for this..... But what if Khali wins & it's a way to build him up for another world title run? He's been a crappy Face for ages now so why not get him to makes his way to the top again?
I'm not saying I'm for it, just putting a different point of view in. Character wise- he is pissed about being used as a face gimmick so starts picking his way through mid card to get noticed again & makes his way back into the title picture.
Yeah it's stupid but it could happen.
If the Neutralizer doesn't work out, they could always have Cesaro pull out a new submission finisher in the match as a plan B. I think Cesaro with a submission finisher is bound to happen eventually, this match would be a good opportunity to introduce it. Plus if Swagger is gonna face Cesaro for the title once he returns then Cesaro would have a counter to his Ankle Lock.

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