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The Great Khali: Better BabyFace or Monster Heel??

The Great Khail: Babyface or as a Monster heel?

  • Babyface

  • Monster heel

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Pre-Show Stalwart
When the Great Khali first debuted in the WWE on the Smackdown brand the first SD after Wrestlemania 22. The Great Khali didn't have the red carpet rolled out for him like other wrestlers do when they first debut in the WWE (like Chris Jericho in Chicago in '99). But when we all first seen the Great Khali walk down the walk way on Smackdown to destroy the Undertaker during Takers match against Mark Henry.

During the same year, the Great Khali would go on to win the World HeavyWeight Championship on Smackdown in a battle royal against the whole Smackdown roster due to the WHC being vacated due to an injured Edge. Many people forget the Great Khali's world title reign, since he didn't really have a good run with the title. But in the same year we did see the debut of the Punjubi Prison match. The year of 2006, the Great Khali proved to be a monster heel.

The Great Khali on the "Baby"Face side, well... The Great Khali's "KissCam" segments are just for the entertainment side of the WW-E. And I've noticed that now that the Great Khali is now a face his charactor looks like the one of a goon or a sleeping giant, like the Big Show back when he was in the nWo in '02. It almost makes you think about what Edge had said about Khali to Ted Dibiase on RAW last month. The Great Khali is or can be uncordinated at times and then some.

But what do you or how do you perfer the Great Khali? As a Babyface or as a MONSTER heel??
I believe monster heel.

He was feuding with Undertaker, John Cena, Batista, Mysterio in the first couple of years he was in the wwe, made him look strong.

babyface, he has been boring, teaming with santino and only doing stupid comedy segments and stuff

he is more more better as a heel and should trun heel soon
I think he is better as a babyface. He gets over with the younger members of the WWE Universe and thats the reason WWE is keeping him around even with he bad wrestling ability.

When he was a heel, he was in the main event picture. Yes, he was a world champion. But was he a good world champion? No. He opponents, such as Batista, the Undertaker, John Cena, etc. had to carry the matches because as Edge said, Khail is uncoordinated at time. He definably proved him self as a heel when he debuted because of his size and attacking the Undertaker.

In conclusion, He is better as a babyface because he is not in the main event picture.

I'm going to go on the side that The Great Khali is a far superior comical babyface. The reason I think this is because the man actually gets a good reaction. The kids love him and he seems to give off a very out going vibe when he see him do his little dance thing down to the ring (if you can call it that). It just seems to fit for him to have a low card comedy role because to get a major push as heel doesn't help any one. We all know Khali is abysmal in the ring which is why he hasn't had a serious push in forever.

Therefore they keep him in a role like this where he can still do his thing but not in the main event scene and he has the ability to give credibility to an up and comer that beats him much like Dolph Ziggler last year. This role for Khali is the for the best and he is far more entertaining in this role than just to be a mediocre big man who dominates people. I'll take the Punjabi Playboy over generic (Indian) monster heel any day of the week.
Well, since he as the comedy Face, doesn't get title shots, i will stick with that one!


Honestly, i prefer the comedy one anyway, because as a monster, i didnt like anything about his feuds, so this way, sometimes he can get me entertained. Sometimes.
Honestly, he does not have the ring skills to be a Monster heel. As a babyface he can do "run" ins and if he is happy and making money as a comedy face, let him. Comedy gold when they had him and swaggle be one time members of DX. And the Kiss cam was entertaining, and I love anything with Santino. He couldn't cut it as a heel.
He is way better as a comedy face. He is entertaining to kids with the Kiss Cam and in his dumb segments with Santino and Ranjin, he's easily likable and marketable as the big, intimidating, but kind giant. Plus he's useful as a stepping stone if you want to get a young guy over. He just doesn't have the in ring ability to effectively pull off a monster heel role.
hes better as a monster...why??? it's simple...he's a freaking GIANT....giants are not supposed to be a funny dumb people's...they are scary dumb people's...he shoud go around and smashing and breaking stuffs...you say whatever you wanna say but that's the fact....THE END!!!!!!
Khali may get a better reaction as a comical face, but in the long run, having him as a monster heel works. First, put him back on SmackDown. Somehow some way put him back there and have him raise hell and wipe the entire roster out leading up to the Royal Rumble. In the Royal Rumble match, have someone big on Raw be the one to eliminate him. A higher card guy that won't be a factor in the main event at Wrestle Mania 27 would be the best choice. Have a Raw vs SmackDown match between the two of them. It can be done. If Undertaker vs Mark Henry or Kane vs Khali can take place there, then this can happen.

After the Wrestle Mania match, get Khali drafted or something to continue the feud on Raw and then build him up there by destroying the entire roster one at a time and by this time next year, he's the dominate monster, and Cena or Orton could take him on or someone else of that nature. He's 7' 400 something. He's HUGE! Utilize it and build him up then put over a younger future main eventer or an established main event face and beat him!
Whatever happened to his soul searching in India?

On topic, I believe that he was better as a heel. I say this because it just made him seem more of a threat. Now we see him kissing everyone and dancing in the ring. Sure, the kids may love him but it just doesn't seem right for a huge guy like him to be dancing and kissing. When he is a heel, he is able to destroy everything in his path even if he is boring.
There just isn't room for a Monster heel in WWE anymore... Khali as a heel would be great if he stays unbeaten and unphased for a while but that doesn't happen, even as a heel he'll still be taking FU's from Cena and so it's just not that great for him. It's not like before where Andre would be undefeated for years or even WCWs goldberg or Giant. I think he can play the fun loving Giant part pretty well and so even though I'd prefer the monster heel i think he's best off as the face giant.
Not that he was even great as a Monster Heel. But I would prefer to see him as that than as this Punjabi Playboy. It is horrid to watch. It is so unbelievable and fake. I can't stand it. I don't think he will ever hold the world title again, or he better not at least LOL.

But I would much rather watch him trying to dominate than dancing and kissing chicks. It's just LAME!!
I want to see Khali kick someones ass. So I guess that's saying I perfer the heel version of him , but to be honest I wish WWE would do something with this guy already.

I like Khali, I do. He is entertaining @ times and also is just a giant force to be recon with. But he is always just seen as a "freak" so o say. If the Oddities were around today, Khali would most def. Be involved somewhere with them. No doubt in my mind.

But on the other hand, its painful to watch this guy in the ring. He can barley walk str8, and he is just 2 big for most of the roster too deal with. And that's why he's booked how he is. I understand. But I like Khali, and feel sorry for him. He could easily be doing some work and get more respect because frankly, I don't think most people respect him. He's a jobber. Never has really had any kind of a push or been elevated too more than a. Side show monkey. I'm assuming ppl are just nice because their scared they'd get their ass kicked!

So in all honesty, I didn't even vote. Because I would much rather NOT see him in the ring. Its just plain awful and I hate to see my man go out like that. Had to love him in The Longest Yard. He was kickin ass, and he could easily be making movies and be perfectly fine. There's not 2 many indian wrestlers on the big stage, and most get "profiled" anyway. Or @least when sheik abdul bashir (or whoever the hell he was in the E) pulled the whole terrorist gimmick. Yea, that was TNA.

Anyway, that's my thoughts on the matter. All props to Khali and everything he has accomplished, but WWE would not be taking a loss in him going and Khali could be more than just a monkey doing something else that makes him more money. Its all about the $$$ ..... just ask Big Sexy :)
I liked him him best when he was FIRED for those couple of Months a few years back.

Terrible World Champ.
Boring in the Ring.
Sure he's tall and scary looking, but he didn't entertain me.
I felt his absolute destruction of the Undertaker at Judgment Day was a Slap in the Face to the Deadman
He beat him with a weak kick to a grounded Undertaker. So Stupid.

I apologize. I don't normally get like this, but I just really have NEVER liked Khali.
Giving him the title after Edge's Injury, when Kane should have gotten it.
Just everything. I was so mad when they brought him back.
This is an easy one for me. Seeing him as a monster heel means one thing: he'll have to be featured as a wrestler and if there is one thing that I CANNOT STAND it is the Great Khali in the ring. So, I voted for babyface. If there was an, "I don't care, release his ass." option, I would have jumped on it. :lmao:
Babyface, babyface, babyface!

Come on. If there's one thing we all know, it's that The Great Khali cannot wrestle. As a Monster Heel he'd be getting a proper push, and that means longer matches in higher spots on the card. Who wants to see that?! At least as a face he's relegated to having five minute squashes the lowcard. He's a lot more entertaining during these squashes than he ever was when he was seen as a legitimate threat. You can't deny how much fun it is to see a big guy pick up a small guy and throw him around. This way his shtick doesn't get old and we're spared from seeing him stumble around the ring for too long.

It's a win-win.
I voted for Babyface. He's like the Big Show, he's huge, smiles from time to time. He probably is better as a heel, but at the moment he's doing good as a Face.
I said baby face just because every HUGE guy in wrestling plays the role of a monster heel. It has been used way to much. I think the guy is doing an terrific job of playing a baby face right now. Many giant can play a monster heel. Not everyone could play a goofy baby face. Plus like someone said, as a heel he was in the main event stage where has a face he can stay a midcarder, squash guys here and there and be entertaining.
Khali overall is in a much better position as a comic babyface than as a monster heel. Khali is certainly an intimidating physical specimen, but the guy is extremely slow and clumsy. He hasn't improved all that much, if any, from what I can see inside the ring and the fans were able to see it. There were times fans would start a massive "you can't wrestle" chant whenever Khali had a match. Given Khali's limited ability inside the ring, his size was no longer enough to keep people interested in him as a monster heel.

Now, whenever Khali comes out, he actually gets a pretty good pop and he's being kept away from anything relevant. You have no idea how glad I was when he was taken off Team WWE for their match at SummerSlam. While I personally would have no problem if the WWE wished him the best in his future endeavors, Khali is alright in the role he's got right now.
If there's one thing we all know, it's that The Great Khali cannot wrestle.

Yeah, and the primary reason for that is because he can barely walk. Obviously, he was never going to be trading hammerlocks with anyone but he still might have made an effective heel. However, every time I see this poor guy trying to do anything on those damn knees of his, I find myself wishing we could have seen him before the ravages of time and his gargantuan size brought him down. He's exactly the kind of monster Vince McMahon loves and his physical appearance is probably the reason he's lasted this long.

Sure, he should be a heel and I'm certain the company had great things in mind for him before his immobility killed the push they were trying desperately to give him. He's just too damn big and formidable-looking to have to soft-pedal it as a babyface.

I have to ask: Does anyone know whether he was removed from the Summerslam match with Nexus as a prearranged plan...... or did they really want him in there, only to come to the conclusion he couldn't hack it? Personally, I was ready to enjoy him knocking the crap out of some of the Nexus guys, before being eliminated himself.

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