The Global Championship

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
So EY's big announcement was that the Legends Title is no longer, and it is now the Global Championship. He said it won't be defended on American soil, and he will only defend it against non-Americans. This does wonders for him as a heel, and actually gives the belt a little bit of credibility.

Now TNA has a true mid-card belt, with the X Division belt actually being a lower main event belt. I'm sure they'll amend the rules about where he'll defend it, but it would be nice to see it get some real TV time, and not get handed around by a bunch of has beens or never will bes.

What do you think?
His announcement causes a huge problem though: All Impact episodes, and most pay-per-views, are held in the United States. Unless someone comes out and screws with his rules, EY theoretically defend the title. I agree it is an excellent heel move and makes the belt seem more important, but that tweak in the rules causes a lot of potential problems.
I doubt they're going to let him keep the rules that way. Next week someone will cut a promo, saying he has to defend it on American soil...

This could also be a build-up to the England tour. Let EY carry the belt as a prop for a few weeks, and then once the new year hits, have him defend the belt in England, and lose it. Who's English, and getting a mega push? Desmond Wolfe.

I just thought of all that mid-post, and I'd definitely buy into that.
I like the fact that they drop the Legends moniker as it has run its course. TNA is very keen on noticing when something is getting stale or needs to be revamped. Great heel trait to say he will only defend against non-Americans, but I am sure it will be tweaked somehow. Someone will end up getting a shot and it will make for great television.
Great idea.

1) The name "Legends Championship" limited it and made it seem like it couldn't be a legit midcard title on par with the IC/US, as who could really buy some newcomer who can't break out into the main event being called a "legend"? Calling it the Global Championship gives it more of that IC/US feel.

2) As others said, it's a heel move, which helps Young's character get over as a heel. Always good to have a heel actually do something noteworthy and villainous.

3) NSL brings up a great point about an England tour. Great way to bend the rules. They could also go the way of having Hernandez win it instead of Nigel, as if the tour isn't for a while, the fans will be craving for someone to take it from EY, and Hernandez seems to be in line for a push but that they don't want to pull the trigger and put him in the main event, so why not put him in this spot instead and give him an upper midcard type push which can legitimize their future main event spot for him?
Great idea.

1) The name "Legends Championship" limited it and made it seem like it couldn't be a legit midcard title on par with the IC/US, as who could really buy some newcomer who can't break out into the main event being called a "legend"? Calling it the Global Championship gives it more of that IC/US feel.

2) As others said, it's a heel move, which helps Young's character get over as a heel. Always good to have a heel actually do something noteworthy and villainous.

3) NSL brings up a great point about an England tour. Great way to bend the rules. They could also go the way of having Hernandez win it instead of Nigel, as if the tour isn't for a while, the fans will be craving for someone to take it from EY, and Hernandez seems to be in line for a push but that they don't want to pull the trigger and put him in the main event, so why not put him in this spot instead and give him an upper midcard type push which can legitimize their future main event spot for him?

You could be on to something, because Young and Hernandez still have unfinished business, and he was tied into the Global Title storyline. It would make perfect sense and would definitely help Hernandez's push. I would like to assume that they will not do anything internationally for some time (on television) so it gives Young time to build his character and add some prestige to the title for when he actually loses it.

The "Legends" moniker was very limited, and Nash had a very good reign but it was time for a change.
Great idea.

1) The name "Legends Championship" limited it and made it seem like it couldn't be a legit midcard title on par with the IC/US, as who could really buy some newcomer who can't break out into the main event being called a "legend"? Calling it the Global Championship gives it more of that IC/US feel.

2) As others said, it's a heel move, which helps Young's character get over as a heel. Always good to have a heel actually do something noteworthy and villainous.

3) NSL brings up a great point about an England tour. Great way to bend the rules. They could also go the way of having Hernandez win it instead of Nigel, as if the tour isn't for a while, the fans will be craving for someone to take it from EY, and Hernandez seems to be in line for a push but that they don't want to pull the trigger and put him in the main event, so why not put him in this spot instead and give him an upper midcard type push which can legitimize their future main event spot for him?

I agree, if the new name has officially become "The Global Championship" it has much more of a Intercontinetal Championship/United States Championship feel. TNA has needed a true mid-card title for awhile, and I'm glad to see them moving in that direction. They have people who could benifit from that sort of title. The main person who I think could use a run with a mid-card title is Hernandez.

I see EY's rules for the chamionship just being a heel move, and not being permanent rules.

If the "global championship" name lasts, I would assume it is probably now the equicvalent to the Intercontinenal Championship and now TNA's official "mid-card" title. If you go by the names of the IC title and the Global Championship, they pretty much mean the same thing.
the TNA Global Championship, I like the name and I think this is an appropriate title that could build some prestige over time. Smart move by TNA, now only if they keep those Japanese title belts in Japan.
To be honest, this makes significantly more sense as a mid-grade title in TNA than a "Legends" title. That seems very limiting. That moniker served its purpose, though, of allowing a variety of established (some might say "old") stars to hold this belt, giving it credibility, before switching over to a name which would clearly indicate it's a secondary title. When you think about it, though, what is the difference between a "global" championship and a "world" championship? I guess it's just a matter of perspective and knowing the World Title is more prestigious. Technically speaking, though, they sound the same.
I love retiring the Legends Championship.

I almost called this move--I had guessed International Championship. I was saying that you had to beat someone from another country either to win the title or to qualify to fight for the title.

They could hold up the title until January, or they could sneak in a defense in IWA Puerto Rico or Canada. Or just have EY claim he made a successful defense of the title in Rio De Janeiro.

Jeez, I just made the connection--he could defend it in Australia on the Hulkamania tour.
I've been suspecting the Hulkamania tour connection myself, John. As it stands, I fully expect TNA to send some of their talent on the tour with Hogan.
To be honest, this makes significantly more sense as a mid-grade title in TNA than a "Legends" title. That seems very limiting. That moniker served its purpose, though, of allowing a variety of established (some might say "old") stars to hold this belt, giving it credibility, before switching over to a name which would clearly indicate it's a secondary title. When you think about it, though, what is the difference between a "global" championship and a "world" championship? I guess it's just a matter of perspective and knowing the World Title is more prestigious. Technically speaking, though, they sound the same.

Yes I agree. Global and World technically are the same term. Im was just gonna let it ride, but it truly doesnt make sense to have a World Championship and a Global Championship. Then again, it didnt make sense for WWE to have the Intercontinental Championship and a European Championship.
I like the little perk in the rules. If TNA are clever, they will exploit that for great action.

Lets say EY starts making vignettes about how he won't lower himself to defending this against the worse athletes in the world (Americans), he makes jokes and he starts visiting landmarks and mocking them, (Think EY standing infront of Mt. Rushmore or the Abe Licoln memorial with a megaphone preaching about Americans being lesser than him.)

Then one day he goes to the border of Mexico and America, preaching about how people are trying to sneak into USA when they should be fleeing it, suddenly, someone like Hernadez kicks him around, and pushes him across the border into Mexico, que Referee appearing, and the hardcore match is on.

Just an Idea.
The Global Championship is exactly what TNA needed for a legit mid card title. Since Booker T left, there is no reason to call it The Legends Championship. There aren't many legends in the company to begin with. With it being revamped it has that IC and US title feel to it. The X Division title was always more of a cruiser weight title to begin with.

I think it's good since you can have 2 categories of people, the new and young guys going for the X Division, and the mid carders going for the global championship.
I like this move. Yes, I said I like something that TNA has done! Finally.
Never liked the Legends Champion was just stupid IMO.
Kodos for making the product better.

I like pepsiboy's idea on the US/Mexico border....I can just picture EY clawing through the dirt to the US border so he can't be pinned for the title. OH! what happens if he's pinned ON the border line? could be lots of fun stuff to do with this
I like the little perk in the rules. If TNA are clever, they will exploit that for great action.

Lets say EY starts making vignettes about how he won't lower himself to defending this against the worse athletes in the world (Americans), he makes jokes and he starts visiting landmarks and mocking them, (Think EY standing infront of Mt. Rushmore or the Abe Licoln memorial with a megaphone preaching about Americans being lesser than him.)

Then one day he goes to the border of Mexico and America, preaching about how people are trying to sneak into USA when they should be fleeing it, suddenly, someone like Hernadez kicks him around, and pushes him across the border into Mexico, que Referee appearing, and the hardcore match is on.

Just an Idea.

i love the idea my only problem with the global title is where else could they defend it and still bulid tons of moment for EY (fantastic heel)
I like the move, the Legends belt really didn't have any importance anymore, as if it had any to begin with. There were only so many legends to pass the thing around anyway.

Renaming it and changing the stipulations of its defense gives the title instant credibility. When TNA tours out of the States, stars will be eager to take it from around Young's waist. They of course could have him defend it against Desmond Wolfe or Hernandez, instant money matches in my opinion.

Hopefully there will be a redesign of the belt. The Legends belt was a pretty kickass design, so it will be interesting to see how they try to one-up that one...
The Legends Championship needed to go. It was a joke of a title from the start with Booker T just "debuting" it as his own like that. This is also a way for TNA to move past the Booker T connection to the belt itself by re-naming it.

Though it might be semantics, I'd wish they called it the "International Championship" instead of the "Global Championship", for no particular reason other than that I think the word international has more power.
To be honest, It's probably a load of bullshit that he won't defend on American soil. But an interesting note to ponder is that he can refuse to wrestle, thus losing via countout or disqualification, but he retains. The rest of world elite can be used to get him disqualified straight after the bell. Retaining, without really defending. Not only will it further him as an anti American heel, but also as a cowardly heel.

But then I hear you ask Oh but then they can just force him to wrestle under no DQ rules." Well, that could be a problem, except for two solutions. 1) If it's no DQ, it gives the World Elite a free ticket to interfere, giving Young the upper hand. Whether he wants to defend it is his choice. ) I bring you back to Destination X 2009. Beer Money vs Team 3D. Beer Money get themselves disqualified purposely. Cornette then announces that the match will be restarted, under no DQ. And what do beer Money do. They grab their titles, and leave. they fucking walked away. Can Eric do this. Can he do it while the WE hold his opponent and security back. Certainly.

Another question you have to wonder is since when do wrestlers get to decide on when, where and who they can compete against. Can Amazing Red decide he will refuse to defend against X division wrestlers. No, because it's in the X Division. He can't decide he's only going to defend the title on dates ending with 2 and 4. He can't decide he'll only defend when he's in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Eric Young has no basis to decide on the rules. However, I do agree with making his own rules to abide by, where he can instegate more of a policy rather than a rule, in that he refuses to defend.

I like the name change. I hated the legends title. It cut down on competitors viably able to compete for it, and then starting to change holders willy nilly. How many times did foley and Nash change hands on Impact. The global championship has the right name and concept also. It follows the intercontinental title as less prestigious then the world title, despite meaning the same thing. It gives TNA their much needed mid card title, leaving the X division and tag team titles for their respective titles. It will act as what all mid card titles are supposed to do, and what the X division has tried it's best to do (to limited avail). And that's create main eventers.

Now, as for the English tour. Does anyone really think that TNA is going to change the title on a house show. If they do, yes they have found a way of bending his rules, but to what avail. That they can make a huge storyline change that's gone on for months, away from the cameras. Unless they tape it, which I highly doubt.

All in all, I like the name change a lot, and have mixed reactions about the concept.
I like the name changes, though I'm not sure how the concept is going to play out. On the surface, it gives EY some legitimate heel heat and furthers the general anti-American stance of the World Elite.

However, I doubt that TNA will be able to keep the no defense on American soil aspect of the situation going for all that long. If I'm not mistaken, didn't Young state that he also intended to not defend the title against any American wrestlers as well? If the plan is to have EY have a lengthy run with the title, and the non-American policy is continued with the title, then I think there's a good chance that the title turns into a meaningless prop that Young carries around and touting while doing promos eventually. Then, by the time it is taken off him, I don't know if it'll have quite the same feel to it.
Yeah, the namechange was definitely needed. I'm curious as to where they're going with this. I do see Desmond getting the belt soon since he's getting a serious push and all. I'm not sure. I'm glad EY has the belt, glad TNA is finally pushing him well. It's been well-deserved.
Congrats to johnbragg for calling the renaming, though it was a different name than what he called. Anyway, this will definitely cement EY as a heel and he may be a top heel soon after his run with the Global Championship. He's a great guy on the mic and has some solid ring work to back up his mic work. He will easily bring prestige to the title, especially with an enforced defense against Kevin Nash at Turning Point. It's obvious that Young will win, letting Hernandez get into the hunt for the title, eventually bringing in Dezmond Wolfe.
It's a good idea, but I expect somebody to win it off him in a technicality on the English Tour and then rename it again as the American Championship or something similar. It was a brilliant device for making the title more accessible, and also for making Young look like a better heel. I expect that this reign will last a while, but then it will become a true midcard title, with the X division returning to its high flying roots and the bigger guys that have been deployed there stepping up.
Why, you ask? l'l tell you...

As if the legends title didn't make any sense whatsoever, now these ********s (sorry but they are, ask A.J. and Joe) have decided to rename the championship to the "Global Championship".

First of all, what the fuck is the difference between a WORLD title and a GLOBAL title?

And secondly, does this mean that only international wrestlers can wrestle and hold the title? If so, how many wrestlers in TNA can currently vie fo it, and does this mean there's gonna be a completely new mid-card scene for it?

Really, does it make any sense to you?

EDIT: just realized there's a topic for this which covers these points, feel free to delete, mods.
TNA's answer to intercontinental title-Global title,mid-card title.

but the belt not being defended on US is kinda weird but not ******ed. It can pick up some good storylines if done correctly.
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