The Generation game...Sixth Gen


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
This generation is the only time the big four went at it, one would rocket to stardom, one would be almost dead hanging on for dear life, one would make an impressive debut and the other would just be too damned good.


Sega Dreamcast


Nintendo Gamecube


Sony PlayStation 2


Microsoft Xbox

PlayStation 2 sold 140 million
Xbox sold 24 million
GameCube sold 21.74 million
Dreamcast sold 10.6 million

Whilst the Dreamcast was a revolutionary console, it failed...epically. Xbox burst onto the market with the legendary Halo, and Nintendo just mucked up. Whilst I think the GC is the most underrated console ever, with such classics as Smash bros, Mario Sunshine, Zelda windwaker, Fire just couldn't hit those heights.

So stand up Sony with your amazing graphics and DVD capabilities, you deserved to win this round...I could spend all day listing the classics, but I won't. You can tell it's a testament to how great it was when they are still sold today AND when people buy a PS3 they always ask if it plays PS2 games.
Nintendo Gamecube

This is the my least favourite of the four. The only two things which drew me to this console was the exclusive Mario games, which I'm a huge fan of, and, at the time, the exclusively released Resident Evil 4, which was eventually lead to being released on other consoles. Metroid Prime was another fun game, but ultimately I feel there was a lack of great games, the controllers weren't great and overall failed in comparison to its predecessor, the Nintendo 64.

Sega Dreamcast

My favourite game of all-time Shenmue was released for the Dreamcast. For that alone, this is one of my favourite consoles. The graphics were far better than anything at the time of its release, and at the time, had a slew of great games, including Crazy Taxi (originally Dreamcast exclusive), Sonic Adventure, Soulcalibur and several Resident Evil games. The Dreamcast also pioneered online console gaming and some consoles had the ability to play DVD/VCD's. While it was the least best-selling of the four, it would rank among my top three consoles of all-time.

Microsoft Xbox

I was late to the party with the original Xbox, as it was well over a year after its release that I bothered to get one. I have never liked the controls for this console, perhaps my least favourite of any. A huge advantage was having a hard disk drive to store games which was great. Xbox had a very rich and diverse release of games including Halo, Splinter Cell, Fable and Project Gotham Racing. While later Xbox consoles would allow DVD play, they were largely faulty (I remember mine being faulty, among most of my friends consoles too). The graphics were great, but the ultimate winner here is...

Sony Playstation 2

The PS2 is probably my favourite console of all-time. It had the ability to play both CD's and DVD's, was backwards compatible with Playstation 1 games, smooth controls, had online play, awesome graphics, and probably the best library of games in the history of gaming. The Smackdown series, the GTA series, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, and the list goes on. There's no wonder why it's the biggest selling console ever, because it's just that great, and is the winner of this round.
This one is a no brainer. PS2 hands down.

Dreamcast- From Marvel vs Capcom 2 to Powerstone and a couple of others. The dreamcast held some of the most enjoyable multiplayer games. Sadly it couldn't compete with the PS2's capabilities and exclusives.

Gamecube- Another system with enjoyable multiplayer games, though i didn't enjoy them as much as dreamcast multiplayers. Only reason i even really bothered to get one was for the Resident Evil remakes.

Xbox- To be honest i really have no clue why i picked one up. Just decided to pick one up one day, probably due to the few yet interesting titles the console had. Definitely my 2nd favorite console of the 6th generation. I can probably only name 6 or 7 games i enjoyed on the Xbox, but that was more then enough with such titles as Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. When i look at the amount of hours i blew on KOTOR, i sometimes can't even believe it.

PS2- What can i say that isn't already known? Greatest game library to date, Quality machine, replay value with the PS1 which also has a fantastic game library, and great graphics. To this day PS2 games are still being made and like Lee has said, when people buy a PS3 and ask if it can still play PS2 games, it shows how great the PS2 truly was and still is.
Nintendo Gamecube : seemed to be a kiddies console. there was a load of childrens games out for it with the execption of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil Zero(i think)

Sega Dreamcast : To be honest i vaguely remember this console, i dont remember anything that was released on this and think it could quite possibly be the worst console of all time.

Sony Playstation 2 : had some wicked releases which the evolution of Final Fantasy to the Pro Evolution Soccer series (which was much better than Fifa) the awful metal gear 3 was a disappointment though.

Microsoft Xbox : Was very close to beating the PS2, came with great releases like Halo and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. It was the first console that successfully made a decent console version of Championship Manager. It was awesome just the PS2 was better
MGS; Twin snakes, Eternal Darkness, Windwaker, Battalion wars. Killer 7, Timesplitters2, Star Wars rogue squadron, Metroid Prime, Soul Calibur 2, Beyond good & Evil, Prince of Persia, Fire Emblem.

Hardly kiddie games. I don't know where this GC stigma comes from of kiddie games. You can have classics like Mario & Mario Kart,, Star Fox, Luigi's Mansion and Smash bros which are technically kiddie games, yet are some of the greatest games ever.
While at this time I had almost retired from gaming actively, PS2 wins this in a roll for me. I really had fun with this, mainly due to games like the newest Smackdown offerings and perhaps the greatest game I've ever played: Kingdom Hearts. For those that haven't played it, Final Fantasy meets Disney. How sweet does that sounds? Based on the library of games, I have to go with PS2 here.

Never personally owned one

Playstation 2:

An amazing system with a huge amount of great games such as Ratchet and Clank, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Final Fantasy the list of great games just goes on and on.
The controller design was fantastic, it's the kind of controller that you could hold for hours and never have sore hands.
The online wasn't that great, but hey, at least it was free.
The only complaint I have about this system was while being able to play dvd's was awesome, it killed your ps2 really quickly, I don't know if it wore out the optical or what, but I've 3 ps2 in my life, and I've never once played a dvd on my current one, and have never had a problem.


This system has always surprised the most at how much success it reached, with it's limited selection of decent exclusives, (really it jus's halo, KoTOR and PGR) Extreamly poor controller design, I could never play the for more then an hour with out my fingers getting sore.
The redeeming thing for this system was the online, which is something I've already ranted on alot of times,


The most underrated system ever, the gamecube has the best games I've ever played on a single system, Killer 7,, Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine, Ocarina of time master quest, Star fox adventures, pikmin, just all awesome games.
The gamecube controller is the easily the most comfortable out of all the generations controllers,
The analog is the loosest without feeling like its broken, the controller has such a fluid motion when you play games, and you can play it for hours without it feeling numb.
And while the gamecube did have online play, it would only work with a few different games.
(and if you were good at hacking, it also worked for smash bros melee)
I could've swore I posted on this, but apparently not. This was the hardest test to me, because at the time xbox was new and I was amazed with how great the original Playstation had become.

This is the only console war I would have to say "tie" regarding. Both the PS2, as well as the X-box, were equally played to me.

Playstation 2: I used this console to play my Final Fantasy games, as well as the Smackdown series. But outside of that, I didn't own any off-shoot games for the system.

It still had limitless play because of how much I loved the two above mentioned franchises.

Xbox: This was the console that I truly got hooked on playing Madden on. But it didn't stop there. I fell into a world of all-pro sports games. Ranging from the 2K series for Basketball, Baseball and Hockey.. to X-Men Legends, and other games in that genre.
Playstation 2 easily. I remember getting it at Christmas, and I went crazy. I think I did 8 hours on that thing without taking a break. :lmao: I still have it today, and still play on it all the time. The PS2 had great games, Kingdom Hearts, Ratchet And Clank, Jak and Daxter. I remember playing each of those games for hours trying to beat them. The controller is great, and no matter how much i've tried my Xbox one, it just doesn't feel as good as the PS2 controller. That is still to me one of the best controllers ever. To me, this console has everything that a gamer could want, and was the best sixth generation console by a landslide.

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