The Future of the Knockouts; Leading to One Simple Question...

When will Taryn Terrell wrestle?

  • Soon, before 2013

  • Sometime in 2013

  • Never

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Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
When will Taryn Terrell wrestle?

To me it seems inevitable. With less and less focus on the Knockout's Division, sooner or later it seems they'll turn it into more like the Diva's Division: eye candy. The matches seem to be shortening up. The more over Knockouts are leaving. We've got Mickie on the shelf, Velvet gone, Angelina gone, Winter gone, Gail Kim barely visible, Madison Rayne has since disappeared since she lost the belt and ODB is more of a comedy act. Who am I missing? I'm sure someone, but I can't think of them so do they matter right now anyways?

The main, or I should say, only storyline going on involves Miss Tessmacher (c) feuding with Tara. One is mostly eye candy (though she's definitely better than she used to be) and the other has always been a great wrestler, but let's face it, she's not getting any younger.

Don't bother trying to make a case that the "Knockout's Division still has potential," because really at this point it doesn't. It's nowhere even close to what it used to be and it's supposedly not being supported much at all by management anymore. Long since are the days when Mickie James main evented Impact against Tara.

Without much support from management, to include an influx of some new blood, this leads me to that one simple question:

When will Taryn Terrell wrestle?

She was brought in for a reason. While the primary reason at first might have been eye candy, something different for TNAs' women's division, etc, she's eventually going to get involved in a storyline I think. My guess is it will eventually happen sometime in 2013.
It doesn't matter. From what I remember, she was never that great. I think having an individual KO's ref is a pretty cool idea. Even if they don't let her compete anytime soon, keeping her as a ref would be perfectly fine for me.
It doesn't matter. From what I remember, she was never that great. I think having an individual KO's ref is a pretty cool idea. Even if they don't let her compete anytime soon, keeping her as a ref would be perfectly fine for me.

No she wasn't, but I don't think that's going to matter in the end. Hell, Velvet Sky wasn't very good in the ring. While I say she's definitely better than Taryn, she still wasn't exactly Tara either. That didn't stop her from getting way over.

Also, I agree that them having their own referee is actually a nice change. That doesn't change my opinion on my original statements though.
They're going to probably put Taryn in a match sooner or later. With the roster dwindling, it seems to be a reasonable assumption. Top KO's like Velvet and Angelina gone and Mickie injured doesn't really give TNA many directions to go. And who knows if anyone is ready to move into a spot out of OVW.
They'll probably put her in sooner or later, but I can't say that it'll matter all that much. If the reports are true, then Bruce Pritchard isn't a fan of women's wrestling at all. There's been overall less emphasis placed on the Knockout Division for several months now. Ordinarily, that might not sound like much of a problem but the Knockouts frequently have the biggest drawing segments on TNA television.

Like others have pointed out, the Knockout roster is dwindling or several once prominent Knockouts just aren't being featured anymore. They're going to have Taryn get into some sort of feud eventually. Just having her referee in a tube top and bicycle shorts is sort of a waste of time. Sure she looks hot but, then again, so do the other Knockouts. They'll eventually have her mix it up with someone like Tara or Gail Kim or someone along those lines.
Does anybody get the feeling that women's wrestling is finally dying out in mainstream pro wrestling? I've never seen such an exodus of long-time female wrestlers leaving their products, or simply being unhappy with the way women's wrestling is being handled.

The Belle Twins: Reportedly bored with how they were being handled, and wanted to pursue other endeavors. Clearly they don't just want to quit wrestling, because they've done some independent work since not renewing their contracts.

Maxine: Not a long-time wrestler or anything, but she still quit WWE due to frustrations with the company.

Beth Phoenix: Here's probably the biggest hit to wrestling, the loss of Beth Phoenix. She's not gone quite yet, but she will be soon. Monday may have actually been her last match.

Natalya: Still around, but reportedly very frustrated with WWE and her role. Some of her friends have been let go, and Tyson is barely used. I wouldn't be surprised if she's gone by the end of 2013.

Kharma: Different case. She had a miscarriage, and it really messed with her. She'll be back around one day, and I don't blame her for taking some time off.

Angelina Love/Velvet Sky: Two of the Beautiful People bored with TNA and the handling of women's wrestling. They're both doing indie work too.

Mickie James: Still in TNA, but she hasn't been used in months, and rumor has it she's been thinking about leaving due to frustrations and a lack of use.

Kelly Kelly: Probably WWE's biggest draw in the Divas division quits the company to pursue other interests. And she was one of the few getting decent attention. Probably because she was giving it right back, backstage...

This is a lot of talent to be currently unemployed, or on the verge of being so. Back in the day, if a talent was frustrated with their role in a company, they had options. They could go to WCW. They could go to another territory before that. But there's nobody that seems to care about pro wrestling these days; at least not a company that can pay you well. SHIMMER is about your only bet, and they only do the rare DVD taping in Chicago once in a blue moon.

I know the question was about Taryn, but I barely know who she is. It won't matter if/when she wrestles, eventually she'll get frustrated by the lack or care in women's wrestling, and she'll be gone too.
With their ties to OVW, and the ladies who have been through there/have ties, TNA has a great talent pool to draw from........Taryn Shay, Jessie Belle, Heidi Lovelace, Epiphany....all different characters so a diverse pool at that.

Serena Deeb was there (even on a hiatus, she may be back), and Sarita is a terrific wrestler who has yet to be used.
With their ties to OVW, and the ladies who have been through there/have ties, TNA has a great talent pool to draw from........Taryn Shay, Jessie Belle, Heidi Lovelace, Epiphany....all different characters so a diverse pool at that.

Serena Deeb was there (even on a hiatus, she may be back), and Sarita is a terrific wrestler who has yet to be used.

Not only do they they have ties to OVW but they also (the last time I saw) had a working agreement with Shimmer Women Athletes. This company has wrestlers like Cheerleader Melissa, Nicole Matthews, Melanie Cruise and so fourth. All of which are pretty decent in the ring.

In my opinion TNA needs to utilize this working agreement and give the fans what they want not what Bruce Pritchard wants. We all know that he doesn't care for womens wrestling so therefore the fans suffer. Also, by utilizing this ageement it will give a fresh start to the Knockout Division instead of the same old stale matches week in and week out that the Knockouts have.
Since the comments in the thread seem to have gone to more of a "State of women's wrestling" Here is my take on that. I agree with TNA management that there simply should not be much emphasis on women's wrestling. When people like Ken Anderson and Doug Williams not getting much TV time, I can't justify 2 women's matches on the card or a women's match going over 3-5 minutes. I disagree with those that feel women's wresting is what the fans want. No it's not. It may be what a FEW want but I guarantee you it's not what the MAJORITY want. There is a reason the women's match is often called the "bathroom break match" TNA has really only had 3 female wrestlers who were OVER. Awesome Kong was WAY over but that had a lot to do with her size. I'm sorry but Gail Kim was never over. That feud was all about Kong, Kim just happened to be Kong's favorite opponent. The next two were The Beautiful People. A fantastic look and a fantastic gimmick (To my knowledge this is the only concept that WWE has blatantly ripped from TNA and for good reason.) However, neither Angelina nor Velvet were terrific wrestlers. If you disagree with me then name me one 5 star match featuring either one of those 2. Mickie hasn't honestly lived up to the hype in TNA likely due to her pursuing her country music career (and good for her if that's what she wants to do). Also it doesn't help that the knockout division is led by a woman WITH NO WRESTLING BACKGROUND other than watching her daddy.

Onto the post's original question of when will Taryn wrestle. I honestly believe she was brought in solely to be a referee. Some of the Spike TV executives likely condemned TNA for using old man Earl Hebner to referee the matches and especially his brief storyline with Madison likely didn't help TNA in that regard. If you don't think Earl goes overboard in women's matches, try to find videos of him at house shows during the women's match. The entire match he seems to be trying to find ways to get on top of the women or for them to get on top of him. It's quite disturbing. So a women's referee for a women's match makes sense. It doesn't hurt that Taryn is easy on the eyes and can be used for their photo shoots and personal appearances. I do think eventually however Taryn will be used in a wrestling storyline but I don't think that will happen until 2013. She won't be used until we get a heel champion for a long period of time and I just don't see that happening for at least 6 months.
My question would be how much authority did Dixie give Bruce Prichard and why? Who made him an expert on drawing ratings. Last I checked, the Knockout drew pretty well when they were regularly used. I understand that Wrestling is primarily a mans sport but don't forget what helped get you to the dance which included a strong women's division. I think another problem was not utilizing the likes of Sarita, Rosita, Melissa Flash and Velvet.
  1. TNA totaly missed the bout with a Sarita and Gail Kim matchup.(Had classic written all over it in the states and international.
  2. Rosita is a fireball with good charisma and with the proper underdog storyline , she could have been special.Again TNA not pushing her last year during 911 was a missed opportunity.
  3. I know many people are down on Velvet Sky's wrestling ability but, she way super over and I could understand why she left. I'm sure we can go down this list about wrestlers men and women who lacked in skills but could work the draw the crowds. She should have had a longer fued with Gail Kim. TNA pulled the trigger way too early.
  4. If anyone has seen Cheerleader Melissa in Shimmer,Chickfight,etc. you already know.
  5. Finally, the cool thing that TNA gave wrestling fans was an alternative to the watered down very predictable WWE product. About 2 years ago, the TNA took a rising division and turned it into the Divas Division2.0. Let me say, I'm a big fan of Gail,Mickie and Tara.I think they got screwed durning there final days in the WWE and going to TNA was a good move but the pre divas roster that included the likes of Angelina,ODB, Velvet Sky,Roxie, Taylor Wilde, Sarita, Alyssa Flash and even Tracy Brooks have a very good upside.Adding Mickie,Gail,and Tara was a golden opportunity to blow the other women's divisions out of the water and perhaps change the perseption of bathroom break and nacho run matches.

    If your are listening, I think it's time that Dixie has a talk with Bruce Prichard. Bruce Prichard.... I watched wrestling in the 80's and he was an ok wrestler but not relevant then and certainly not now. Dixie, consider rehiring Tracy Brooks or Allison Danger to run the division it would help.
what is the purpose of women's wrestling? seeing their wrestling ability or something hot to look at? IMO they're eye candy, and that's the way it should be. if you're watching half naked/almost naked women interact in the ring and critiquing their wrestling ability, then you're watching them for the wrong reason. the Knockouts used to draw really well, and I bet it wasn't because of how they could "wrestle".
now sure you have to have some wrestling ability, but even if your below average in the ring you're good enough to be a star if you have the looks. one of the most popular Knockouts ever is Velvet Sky, and it's not because of her moves in the ring.
Velvet might be back soon too, her profile has been added back to
what is the purpose of women's wrestling? seeing their wrestling ability or something hot to look at? IMO they're eye candy, and that's the way it should be. if you're watching half naked/almost naked women interact in the ring and critiquing their wrestling ability, then you're watching them for the wrong reason. the Knockouts used to draw really well, and I bet it wasn't because of how they could "wrestle".
now sure you have to have some wrestling ability, but even if your below average in the ring you're good enough to be a star if you have the looks. one of the most popular Knockouts ever is Velvet Sky, and it's not because of her moves in the ring.
Velvet might be back soon too, her profile has been added back to

Actually Velvet's profile has been up for months but her pics are back up now. Though I'm thinking TNA is just doing that to get attention and traffic for their site. Because according PWInsider despite all of the rumors Velvet is 100% done with TNA.
I'm not 100% sold that she is going to wrestle. Having her referee gives Impact something you don't see much anywhere else. Female referees aren't really common.

I'm hoping they use Sarita when she gets back from overseas. I'd like to see her mix it up with Gail Kim and Tara. Since Mexican American Exchange is no longer together and Hernandez is a face now I'm not sure where that leaves her and Rosita.

They have that new girl that got a contract from Gut Check so I'm sure she'll be used at some point.
Mickie James can come back from injury.
They still have Gail Kim, Madison, Tara and ODB.

For as little as they as using the KO's anyway the roster doesn't need to be much bigger than that.
I know the question was about Taryn, but I barely know who she is. It won't matter if/when she wrestles, eventually she'll get frustrated by the lack or care in women's wrestling, and she'll be gone too.

TNA will most likely begin to push her due to her role on the HBO series Treme. That's if they push that point, as I just happened to be reading a new story about her announcing her appearance the second time she was on the screen and put two and to together. She wasn't bad and actually did a full nude scene where her body was banging hard. And it's more than likely a repeat role, as she had lines and a connection with one of the main characters.

As far as pushing her goes, I see them repeating the Referee Shane Sewell storyline where some underused knockout, more than likely Serita and/or Rosita will ignite the wrestler inside of her and she takes action and eventually is fired and rehired as a knockout by Brooke Hogan. Just like Sewell was fired by Cornette only to be hired as a wrestler. It could work, as Taryn is no worse than Christie Hemme, a young Madison Rayne, or Lacey Von Erich, when they first started. But at least she has some experience on the mic, which would put her a little ahead of that pack.

As far as women's wrestling goes, or the death of it, look no further than WWE. With the years of hiring super models, beauty queens, and centerfolds to be center stage on the most watches tv program, (and under utilizing them greatly) it is WWE who has poisoned the once great genre. Due to how WWE has portrayed it to less than religious wrestling fans, people no longer respect a great women's wrestling match. Hell, when was the last time that the Diva's title was defended AT Wrestlemania? Hell, when was the last time that it was defended on ppv? So before you point at Bruce Pritchard as being the culprit, look at how WWE has pushed sex or substance lately and is letting even more actually female wrestlers walk away from their ring without any challenge whatsoever. TNA has at least tried to retain their Knockouts when they want to leave and didn't job them out on their way out of the door or make a mockery of their existence the way they did with Victoria The Extreme Loser, Piggy James, or even ho much of a disgrace they are making out of Beth Phoenix before she leaves. But then again, it's so easy to blame TNA when WWE is the juggernaut that it is.
She seemed like an odd choice to bring in to me. I didn't even recognize her when she first came out, and it wasn't until I read the forums that I even knew who she was. I am sure she will wrestle sooner or later, but I like everyone else think it won't make much of a difference. It isn't looking good for Women's wrestling in TNA or WWE, and I am wondering if the final nails aren't being driven into the coffin.

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