The future of NXT


Dark Match Winner
My question is quick and simple where do you see NXT after this season, do you possible see them going into a season 4 or season 5. If WWE continues NXT it will be a much bigger roster which will mean several wrestlers will be fired every 3 or 4 months. I say that the WWE leaves NXT after season 2 for 6 months to build up the NXT season 1 and 2 wrestlers the last thing WWE needs is 20 young wrestlers just stuck in the mid card.

Out of the first years crop only 2 wrestlers seem to have a big future and that is Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan the other 5 seem to have struggled sure in the weekly beatdowns Nexus used to use Skip Shiffeld and Justin Gabriel as the main candiates to make the maxiumum impact, but the other 3 barely anything, but after Nexus lost at Summerslam where are they at now.

This season NXT class seems to have a much bigger future, names such as Michael McGuillitiy, Husky Harris, Alex Riley, Titus O Neil and Kaval (Eli Cottenwood will just be like every other big man in the WWE and Percy Watson NO) These 5 men can make an immediate impact as soon as the season finishes just dont put them up against Nexus or in a tag team called Nexus 2.0 or whatever.

So my question again is where do you see NXT next season/year and do you think the WWE should take a break and let the current NXT graduates chance to develope.

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