The Future of Chavo Guererro

Hardcore Heathen

Future Legend
Chavo Guerrero.

In My Opinion Except this past Friday Chavos getting underused Massively. Hes a good All Rounder (By all rounder i mean Wrestling) . And hes Not Great on the Mic. This is why i think he would be great in the X Division. You could even have Hector Guer rero as his Manager to not show his lack of Mic Skills and would become a Great X Division Champion. Hes only got a few years left in him and i think should Wrestle while he still can. The only way i can think of it going wrong is joining Mexican America (if its still there 90 days down the line)
What do you Think? Good or Bad?
I don't think Chavo will be going to TNA anytime soon. The X Division is not being given the same attention it was given years ago so in my opinion, Chavo wouldn't really be in a different spot in TNA than he is now. Sure he could join Mexican America but I honestly don't see that stable lasting very long.

Besides, I think Chavo is about to start a sort of respect feud with Sin Cara based on their interaction on Smackdown. I think it's safe to assume that they'll be fighting each other for awhile and maybe even form a tag team. I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do together because I am a big fan of both Sin Cara and Chavo.
Really wish he was used more. I think Chavo can keep working until he decides its time to a backstage role or train the FCW kids. Great family lineage there to work off of. Maybe when Vickie & Eddie's daughter is ready to be brought up to the main roster he manages her.
Chavo would never go to TNA, and hes been a enhancement talent his entire career. The only thing that would have made Chavo ever get over bigger was if he would of got that main event push Rey Mystrio got after Eddies death. Chavo is great in the ring, and decent on the mic, hes been involved in some pretty big story lines over the years as well. He lacks the charisma, and pairing him up with Hornswaggle for the past two years didn't help. Looks like their pushing for a Sin Cara/Chavo feud which should produce some good/possibly great matches. Another large drawback for Chavo is hes old, hes in great shape and probably has a few year left in the tank, but he'll continue to be used to help younger stars get over
hopefully, he will form a tag team with sin cara or put on some great matches with him. Chavo really can do a lot, highfliying, technical, and striking moves. If he holds his own with sin cara, i am sure it would show off his skills and sin cara would get some experience as well. I want them to be a tag team though but i doubt they will because chavo was talking bad about sin caras skills.
Chavo definetly has definitely been underused for the past year, but I think that is all about to change. I see Chavo being Sin Cara's first real ally or enemy, it is quite clear after last weeks Smackdown. During Cara's match with Tyson Kidd Chavo was constantly talking about how Cara was doing alot of the moves that he helped make famous along with his family, he seemed a little frustrated but at the same time was praising Cara. At the end of the match he went into the ring to(i thought attack Cara) actually shake his hand and congratulated him for his win. After that I say that they will team up, and then Chavo will turn on Cara(maybe for getting all the spotlight) and start what I expect to be an exellent feud. Chavo is going to be getting alot more action soon, so be ready for it! ;)
I think Chavo will be in WWE for along time to come in some role even if he stops being active in ring the WWE will still give him a behind the scenes job as a trainer or road agent or something.

I dont want to see him in TNA I just dont want to see TNA period no matter who goes on it.
I think he is setting up to try and put Sin Cara over. I believe that is his sole purpose right now but still I wouldn't put money on him jumping to TNA anytime soon. He has been a WWE man year in and year out, and has gone through a lot of ups and downs (beating former WWE Champion JBL and losing to Hornswoggle repeatedly) and just seems too much of a WWE guy. He lives and breathes the business, how can you disagree if the man would let a little person pin him so many times?

He is there to put new talent over. I think he has done that almost all of his WWE career. I don't see that changing.
Now why the hell would Chavo want to go to TNA? Would (or should) he spit on a buttload of cash just so he will get to wave a few more meaningless belts in front of a small audience?
If Chavo is smart (and I think he is) he will have made peace with his lower card status at the WWE and be happy that he has a steady well paying job. There is such a thing as life after wrestling to consider. And who knows, maybe there is even a second career (agent, spanish commentator) waiting for him. Throw all that away for a few moments of being taken slightly more seriously in TNA for a short while? (And I'm not even sure that would be happening there - even TNA knows he's not a big star.) I don't think so.

Chavo, just stay where you are and keep doing what you're doing. Be the best enhancement talent you can be and get rich doing it.
Why would Chavo go to TNA? He'd be as much of a jobber in TNA as he currently is in WWE only for a fraction of the money. The idea that "underused" WWE talent can go to TNA and become relevant stars is something of a myth. D'Angelo Dinero, Scott Steiner, Tommy Dreamer, Brother Devon & Matt Hardy, for instance, are as much filler in TNA right now as they were when they wrestled in WWE.

Chavo is loyal to the WWE and I'm sure he makes more money than the vast majority of the TNA roster. He's always done whatever WWE has asked of him and that kind of loyalty will keep him drawing a big paycheck. I think that Chavo has known for a long time that he's not going to be a top tier star in WWE and has accepted it. Otherwise, he probably would've left a long time ago.

Chavo will probably have a feud with Sin Cara, it could produce some potentially great matches, but Sin Cara will ultimately be the one elevated rather than Chavo.
hopefully, he will form a tag team with sin cara or put on some great matches with him. Chavo really can do a lot, highfliying, technical, and striking moves. If he holds his own with sin cara, i am sure it would show off his skills and sin cara would get some experience as well. I want them to be a tag team though but i doubt they will because chavo was talking bad about sin caras skills.

This^ IMO

I'd love to see Chavo and Sin go at it and possibly join up after out of respect and chase the tag titles. I have always liked Chavo and after hornswoggle buried him this could be great for him.
Well all Valid Points guys but does he Really need anymore money? Ive never Heard of him Splashing the Cash like Cena and others. And personally if i was in my last few Years of Wrestling id want to Wrestle as much as i can and with the Dwindling X Division (although it seems to be Getting Better) he would be used more Often than he is atm in WWE With that Cara Storyline seemingly ending. So it Really comes down to Wrestling v money v Loyalty.
I feel as though a lot of the members of the IWC had trouble with the concept of jobbers. You need enhancement talents, in a way they’re just as important as main eventers. Chavo Guerrero is good at what he does (I mean, he’s been doing it for years) and he’s obviously satisfied enough with it to continue; plus, his veteran status and in ring work is a good asset to WWE. But no one would benefit from a Guerrero push; especially when his push could go to a young star.

And are you seriously suggesting he jumps to TNA? That’s just bad for everyone. Guerrero’s smart enough to know that jobbing for WWE is better for him than working for TNA, and thankfully for his career he doesn’t have enough IWC fans to tell him otherwise. Plus, I doubt TNA would even want Chavo; he hasn’t been relevant in years. Actually, nevermind. They’ve probably have him beating AJ Styles within a couple months.
Chavo going to TNA would be a terrible idea. He would get lost in the shuffle immediately and they have many guys in the X division more talented and deserving than Chavo. He has a good shot at getting future endeavoured and I am surprised he still has a job at WWE but even still.... He would be better off remaining a jobber to the other jobbers on Smackdown than ever setting foot in TNA because he would accomplish nothing there that he hasn't already done. TNA have better guys to push instead thus Chavo would be a waste of a roster spot over there.
Chavo Guerrero.

In My Opinion Except this past Friday Chavos getting underused Massively. Hes a good All Rounder (By all rounder i mean Wrestling) . And hes Not Great on the Mic. This is why i think he would be great in the X Division. You could even have Hector Guer rero as his Manager to not show his lack of Mic Skills and would become a Great X Division Champion. Hes only got a few years left in him and i think should Wrestle while he still can. The only way i can think of it going wrong is joining Mexican America (if its still there 90 days down the line)
What do you Think? Good or Bad?

No not only is he old enough to retire, but also does he really want to end his legacy in the wrotting coffin of TNA? Even if he can't wrestle in the WWE he can also be a good scouting agent, or even be a manager. He is a Guerrero and Guerreros have a legend name in the WWE so he should never go to TNA. He doesn't seem to have a need for money so I think WWE should be the place where he retires, and stays retired.
He is a Guerrero and Guerreros have a legend name in the WWE so he should never go to TNA.

That's a common misconception of the Guerrero last name. The only blood Guerrero to really have a legacy in WWE was Eddie and even that was simply because he was in the right place at the right time. Chavo is living proof that there's not much respect for the Guerrero family. He's been floating around the jobber scene for years and hasn't even upped his title reigns to an IC or US title to at least make him relevant.
I've said it a dozen times, and I'll stick to my theory... Chavo will never get let go until Vickie Guerrero leaves, but he'll never really get used either. I'd imagine that somebody in management still feels that they owe the Guerrero family some sort of commitment due to Eddie's death, and that's why Vickie got the job when she asked for it. Chavo won't get used past jobbing, but they will not "future endeavor" him. He will sit tight on his weekly paychecks until he retires. I'd imagine he's a great tool to have around as well, because he's a ring veteran and general. He probably calls matches backstage and helps train a lot of the younger guys, especially now that Sin Cara is on board. Also, being in the business his entire life, he has a LOT of friends in high places. You don't just fire a Guerrero...
I would like to see Chavo holding a revived Cruiserweight Title.

Maybe we get Chavo vs. Hornswoggle #734 for the vacant CW Title, which ends with Hornswoggle laying down from a Fingerpoke of Doom, then we have Chavo, Hornswoggle (back to being the Little Bastard) and Titus O'Neil as a new heel stable.
I think Chavo would be dumb to go to TNA. Yes he has a decent name and he helt the CW title in WCW and WWE but he has never got over to the point of some of the guys who jumped to TNA. Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner and Ric Flair were main eventers and all former world champions, Mr. Kennedy would have been a world champion and Matt Hardy and The Dudleys were a part of two of the most successful tag teams of the attitude era and arguably all time. Look at Brian Kendrick he is on TV but he isn't really going anywhere. I'm sure Chavo would get stuck in the group with Hernandez and Anarchia maybe fued with them when they break up and never be heard from again. With WWE he can work with up and coming talent and put them over and I am sure step right into an agent position once he decides to hang up the boots. Chavo seems like a smart guy, he does what he is told when he is told to do it and for that he is probably set up for life.

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