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The EWA Presents PWA Torture

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Shaman of Sexy
Okay everyone, I participate in an online federation called the EWA (Extreme Wrestling Association) and book my show, PWA (Premier Wrestling Authority) Torture from it. I thought I would start putting my shows up in here too to see what you guys thought of them. We have five brands in our fed so after the draft we had my roster is pretty limited but here it is along with other basic information.

- The EWA Presents PWA Torture
- I will be sending my shows out every other Tuesday
- NOTE: I already did one so I will post that ASAP, but they will be every other Tuesday starting on the 24th.
- Announcers: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler
- Interviewer: Jeremy Borash\
- General Manager: "Macho Man" Randy Savage

- Championships:
PWA World Championship: Vacant
PWA North American Championship: Vacant
PWA X-Division Championship: Vacant
PWA World Tag Team Championships: Vacant


Chris Jericho
The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer
Triple H
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Bret Hart
Rob Van Dam
Shelton Benjamin
Charlie Haas
Chris Sabin
Jay Lethal
Buh-Buh Ray Dudley
D-Von Dudley
Scott Steiner
Rick Steiner
Super Crazy
Road Dogg
Billy Gunn
Sean Waltman
Ric Flair
Muhammed Hassan
Kid Kash
Andy Douglas
Chase Stevens
Shane Douglas w/ Francine
Sonjay Dutt
William Regal
Billy Kidman
Chuck Palumbo
Sean O'Haire
Mark Jindrak

Tag Teams:

World's Greatest Tag Team

The Dudley Boyz

The Steiner Brothers

The New Age Outlaws

The Natural Brood (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens w/ Gangrel)

The Natural Born Thrillaz (Jindrak and O'Haire)

Should have the first show posted tomorrow.

Also, in the fed I am in, trades could be made, so if the roster is switched I will be sure to let everyone know, so nobody gets confused.

And finally, I will abide by the if you review my show, I will review yours, so please send me a review when I post it up. Thanks!!
The EWA Presents PWA Torture
Episode 1
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007
live from the Kemper Arena in Kansas City

"Flat on the Floor" by Nickleback starts up as the opening video for Torture starts up.

"Two more" the anthem for the know-it-all

A shot of Stone Cold guzzing beer in the corner is shown

You won't be standing up for long

Clips of Chris Sabin, Super Crazy and Sonjay Dutt are shown diving to the outside

You better learn how to crawl

Jericho is shown with the Walls of Jericho locked in on a jobber

8 minutes from losing it a little bit

Paul Bearer is shown holding the urn with Taker walking behind him

5 minutes your description might be starting to fit

The New Age Outlaws are shown walking to the ring, with a mic

3 to go and I'm forgetting all that I've ever known

The Dudley Boyz are shown giving someone a 3D through a table

I won't be standing up for long

Triple H is shown spitting water in the air on the apron, RVD is shown flying through the air

I better learn how to crawl

Ric Flair is shown locking the Figure Four on someone

Can't stand anymore

Clips of all the Torture wrestlers are flashed through real fast

In 10 minutes I'll be laying out flat on the floor

The last clip shows Torture GM Randy Savage flying with an elbow into the chest of someone

When his elbows lands, the song ends and then the cameras cut to the arena and the stage explodes with a huge fireworks display that goes down the ramp and then up at the top. Cameras pan around the arena but for not long because the first thing we hear after the display is....



King: Not this idiot, his neck is so red that bulls charge at it.

The crowd erupts as "The Texas Rattlesnake" Stone Cold Steve Austin walks down to the ring wearing his traditional jean shorts, long sleeved shirt and camo hat. He goes around the ring and poses at all four posts with his middle fingers held high and proud. The crowd is going crazy as they finally settle down and he is handed a microphone from Tony Chimel.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: (the crowd is chanting "Austin", "Austin", "Austin" they finally settle down and allow him to speak) If all you people here in Kansas City are glad to see Stone Cold Steve Austin back in an EWA ring gimme a big old "Hell Yeah"!! (Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!) Now that we know that I am here for a damn reason, let's cut to the chase, (WHAT?) let's get down to business (WHAT?) let's get this show on the road (WHAT?). Stone Cold Steve Austin is here on Torture for one thing and one thing only (WHAT?) one prize (WHAT?) one possession (WHAT?) The PWA Championship belt! (the crowd erupts in cheers hearing that) Now if our nice GM would come on down and tell me how............

The lights in the building go out!








JR: I have never seen such a cocky and arrogant prick.

A ball flies down a tunnel and then a huge pyro shoots off on the stage as Y2J Chris Jericho is shown standing at the top of the ramp with his arms out as "Break Down the Walls" hits the PA system, he spins and heads down to the ring to some boos from the crowd, he walks to the ring and is talking smack with some fans, he gets even more boos. He walks around and gets a different mic from the timekeeper's table. He stays on the outside of the ring to address Stone Cold.

Y2J Chris Jericho: (crowd is booing very loudly) Now if all you assclowns here in Kansas City would please shut thee hell up, I could say what I have to say!!!!! (crowd boos even louder)

Stone Cold: Hey Chris why don't you step in the ring with me instead of staying out there like a little baby (WHAT?) a coward (WHAT?) a chicken shit (WHAT?) a yellow belly.

Jericho cautiously gets on the apron and then into the ring. He then decides to speak some more.

Y2J: Is this better assclown?! But what I really came out here to say is that you are dead wrong on thinking you deserve to be the PWA Champion (WHAT?) I am the most deserving wrestler on this roster (WHAT?) I am the King of the World!! (WHAT?) SHUT THE HELL UP!!! (WHAT?) (WHAT?) (WHAT?) (WHAT?) (WHAT?) (WHAT?) DAMNIT!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!! MACHO MAN GIMME THE DAMN TITLE!!!! (Austin is cracking up in the ring)

A loud screech is heard over the PA and then it cuts into the familiar of "Hitman" and out onto the stage walks Bret "the Hitman" Hart. He has a mic in hand and stays on stage.

Bret "the Hitman" Hart: I hear all this talk about who "deserves" to be the first PWA Champion, but when you think about it, no one has really earned a shot at that belt. You guys expect to just be handed the belt, I am the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be, if want that belt, you've gotta go through ME!!!

Triple H's old "My Time" theme hits and The Game walks out on the ramp looking pissed off, he goes to Bret and gets up in his face but then gently takes the microphone from him.

Triple H: You all stand here claiming to be the best on this brand, but let me remind you that I have won more titles than any of you have, I am a former 10 time world champion. I am the Game (WHAT?) I am the Cerebral Assassin (WHAT?) and I am that Damn Good! And I am sick of everyone else running their mouths trying to talk their way to MY title!!

Another familiar hum hits and the crowd is getting restless with all these guys coming out.

The hum cuts into "One of a Kind" and "Mr. Tuesday Night" Rob Van Dam makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand.

RVD: There is only one man who deserves that belt and his name is ROB....VAN....DAM!! (crowd chant with him and then cheers)


The JumboTron shows Torture GM "The Macho Man" Randy Savage sitting back in his office.

Macho Man: Now as much as all of you would love for me to just hand the belt over to you, it's not gonna happen that way. Like Bret said, the guy who holds the belt is gonna have to earn that right. And right here tonight, each of you will have that chance because in a match just signed by, well me, THE MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE, in our main event it will be a six pack challenge to determine the first PWA Champion. That match will feature Stone Cold Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, Rob Van Dam, Triple H and... a sixth opponent that will be determined by me later in the night, OH YEAH!!!! Now everyone clear out of there, we got a show to run.

Cameras show Jericho with a cocky smile on his face in the ring, the camera shows the face of Bret, HHH and then RVD and then shows the ring where Austin stands right behind Jericho. He taps him on the shoulder and Jericho turns around, kick, STUNNER!!! Austin's music restarts as he calls for a few beers, the others exit and the cameras go to JR and Jerry "the King" Lawler at ringside.

JR: Did you hear that King?? Right here tonight in Kansas City there will be a six pack challenge to determine the first PWA Champion!!!

King: I can't wait JR, it's Stone Cold, Bret Hart, Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho and a mystery opponent! This is gonna be an historic night JR!

JR: Indeed it is, but we need to take a quick commercial break. when we come back we'll have some awesome X-Division action for you all, stick around!

-- Commercial Break --

-- Bell rings --

Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's opening contest is an 8-man X-Division tag team match scheduled for one fall, where the winning team will advance to the next match of the tournament.


Tony Chimel: Making their way to the ring first, at a combined weight of seven hundred and ninety two pounds, the team of "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Kid Kash and Sean Waltman!!

These four get a mixed reaction from the crowd, but Lethal starts spinning the arm in the air and the crowd is getting behind them now. They get to the ring and all get in, they go to four different corners and each one does a different pose.


Tony Chimel: And their opponents, making their way to the ring at a combined weight of seven hundred seventy seven pounds, this is the team of Chris Sabin, Billy Kidman, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Super Crazy!

JR: Should be a high paced match here King, all these men want to move on to the next match in the series for the X-Division title.

King: These guys are crazy JR, you'd never see me doing any of the moves these guys attempt.

Those four slide into the ring and they stand across the ring from the other four and they stare each other down. All eight men charge and start throwing punches wildly, they break off into pairs and the bell rings, Sabin, Tajiri, Crazy and Kidman all take the advantage on their foes, Sabin tosses Sonjay out of the ring! Kidman knocks down X-Pac who rolls to the outside, Tajiri nails a kick to Lethal that sends him to the outside as well!! Super Crazy knocks Kid Kash to the outside, all four are on opposite sides of the ring, Crazy, Tajiri, Sabin and Kidman all run across the ring and simultaneously dive to the outside of the ring taking out all four of their opponents!!!!!! The crowd is up and going crazy, the ref has no clue what's going on, after about nine seconds, Sabin pulls Sonjay up and rolls him into the ring as the other six start to head to their corners.

So we are now officially underway and in the ring is Sabin and Dutt, Sabin has a front facelock applied to Dutt, he walks back into his corner and Billy Kidman tags into the match, Sabin holds the facelock and Kidman leaps over the top rope and comes down with an elbow across the back of the neck of Sonjay Dutt! Sabin releases and exits as Kidman delivers a couple hard stomps to the back of Sonjay's head. Kidman pulls Dutt up and nails him with a European uppercut the sends Sonjay staggering into a neutral corner, Kidman follows him in and whips him across the ring, Kidman charges after, but Sonjay uses the ropes and dives back with a SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY!! Cover.



Kickout by Kidman!

Sonjay quickly rolls over to his corner and tags in Sean Waltman! Kidman rises and then backs to his corner where Super Crazy decides to tag into the match. These two come to the center of the ring and go to tie up, but Waltman decides not to, he ducks under the attempt and comes back with a high spin kick to the head of Crazy. Sean runs at the ropes and as Crazy rises, Waltman leaps with a running spinning heel kick to the head!! Waltman backs to his corner and tags in Kid Kash. Kash enters the ring and comes at Crazy with three straight kicks to the kidneys! Kash holds his arms out and motions for the crowd to pour it on, but only receives boos. He goes back over to pull Crazy up to his feet, but gets rolled up into a small package!!



Kickout by Kid Kash!!

Crazy rolls back and tags in the only man on his team yet to get in the ring, Yoshihiro Tajiri!! Tajiri comes in and Kash has rolled up to his feet, Kash looks pissed and charges at Tajiri with a clothesline, but Tajiri ducks under it, Kash turns right into a stiff kick to the side of the head, he receives three more consecutive kicks and decides to roll to the outside of the ring to shake off the cobwebs. He turns back to face the ring, but too late, Tajiri had hit the far ropes and comes back across with a SPINNING SOMERSAULT PLANCHA!!! He takes Kash down hard, once these two hit the outside, all hell breaks loose in the ring, as the six others decide to come into the ring at the same time. After about ten seconds of brawling, Kidman, Sabin and Super Crazy were all knocked to the outside, along with Tajiri and Kash. They all rise and as they do, Sean Waltman comes flying over the top with a CORKSCREW PLANCHA!!! HE KNOCKS DOWN ALL FIVE ON THE OUTSIDE, AS THEY RISE AGAIN, SONJAY DUTT COMES RUNNING ACROSS WITH A NO HANDS FLIP DIVE LANDING ON ALL OF THEM!!!!!! LETHAL IS NOW THE ONLY ONE STANDING IN THE RING, HE WALKS AROUND WAVING HIS HAND AROUND AND THE CROWD IS REALLY GETTING BEHIND HIM NOW, HE GOES OVER AND CLIMBS TO THE TOP ROPE, EVERYONE STANDS AND HE JUMPS OFF WITH A DOUBLE AXE HANDLE SMASH?? VINTAGE MACHO MAN THERE BY BLACK MACHISMO AND IT KNOCKS EVERYONE DOWN ON THE OUTSIDE!!!!





Machismo pulls the legal man Tajiri up to his feet and slides him into the ring, he pulls him up and hooks him, taking him over with a picture perfect vertical suplex. He then points to the top rope and the crowd pops, he heads over and climbs up, he stands on the rope, but Chris Sabin hopped on the apron and shook the rope causing him to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle, he climbs into the ring and Tajiri is up, they go over and it looks like they will go for a double superplex here, no, Sean Waltman and Sonjay Dutt enter the ring and nail a shot to the back of Sabin and Tajiri, they now get underneath them looking for electric chair drops. No time though because Super Crazy and Billy Kidman are close behind they get underneath Waltman and Sonjay and lift them up and CONNECT WITH SIMULTANEOUS POWERBOMBS!! IT'S TOWER OF DOOM!! EVERYONE GOES CRASHING INTO THE RING AND THE CROWD IS GOING BALLISTIC!!





After about fifteen seconds, Kid Kash, the only guy not involved in that tower of doom now slides into the ring and pulls Tajiri up to his feet, he kicks him in the gut and then positions his head between his legs, he taunts and then hooks his arms up, looking for the Money Maker, but Tajiri spins out of it and SPITS GREEN MIST IN KASH'S EYES!! He then kicks him in the head, Kash turns and staggers right into the CRADLE SHOCK FROM A STANDING SABIN!! Tajiri falls back to his corner where Kidman tags in (he rolled to the corner and stood on the apron after the move) he climbs to the top rope and jumps off and CONNECTS WITH THE SHOOTING STAR PRESS TO KID KASH!!! COVER!!




Tony Chimel: Here are your winners in 11:51, the team of Billy Kidman, Chris Sabin, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Super Crazy!!

JR: What a phenomenal display put on by those eight!! They had me at the edge of my seat the whole way.

King: And now next week, it will be the four winners paired off in a tag match and the winners of that match will face at All Out Assault live on pay per view, Tuesday, August 7th!!

JR: Yes indeed, but it looks like Billy Kidman wants the microphone, the stipulation stated that the winner got to pick his partner for the next round.

Kidman is handed a mic as his time is standing in the ring and the other four have started to head towards the back.

Billy Kidman: Since I am the guy that scored the pin, I have the honor of choosing my partner for the match next round, and I have decided to choose none other than, CHRIS SABIN!!

Kidman and Sabin hold their arms in the air, but then turn and have a brief staredown with Tajiri and Super Crazy.

JR: Great pick there by Kidman, he has to know about the history between Crazy and Tajiri, they had their wars back in the old ECW.

King: Yeah, but not only that, Chris Sabin is one of the best young wrestlers to emerge in the X-division of the past five years. He is a great choice as a partner with that alone.

JR: Yeah, but he's also one of the cockiest young guns too, something that I think is a little over the top. But right now let's kick things back to Jeremy Borash where he is with the New Age Outlaws before their tag title qualifying match later tonight.

Cameras go backstage where Borash stands along with The Road Dogg Jesse James and The Bad Ass Billy Gunn.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time are none other than the New Age Outlaws, who coming up next will compete in a PWA Tag Team Championship qualifying match against Mark Jindrak and Sean O’Haire, The Natural Born Thrillaz.

"Road Dogg" Jesse James: Listen here Borash, the New Age Outlaws are thee best team here in the PWA, no questions asked and tonight me, the Road D-O-DOUBLE G and my tag team partner, Mister A DOUBLE CROOKED LETTER will go out to that ring, beat the Natural Born Thrillaz and eventually advance to the tag title match at All Out Assault.

"Bad Ass" Billy Gunn: And if you ain't down with the New Age Outlaws, I GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA!! (SUCK IT!!!)

Cameras cut to GM Randy Savage's office.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: Okay guys, now tonight one of you will be going out there and competing for that PWA Championship, and the other one of you will be involved in a #1 Contender's match at our first pay per view on August 7th, All Out Assault. So gentlemen, who's it gonna be?

Cameras turn around to show "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and "The Franchise" Shane Douglas standing there looking at the GM thinking who will take each task.

--- Commercials ---

Cameras return in the office of GM Randy Savage.

Randy Savage: So it's settled, right here tonight it will be Triple H vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Bret Hart vs. Chris Jericho vs. "THE NATURE BOY" RIC FLAIR!! in our main event and at All Out Assault, Shane, you will be involved in a PWA title #1 contender's match, sound good to you two?


Cameras cut back to the ring.

"Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes hits and out on the stage walk Sean O’Haire and Mark Jindrak to some boos from the crowd.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a qualifying match for the tag team championship match, making their way to the ring first from the Power Plant, at a combined weight of five hundred forty seven pounds, Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak, The Natural Born Thrillaz!!!

Jindrak and O'Haire are now in the ring, they both pose on opposite turnbuckles and are getting booed by the crowd.



The New Age Outlaws walk out from the curtains and the crowd is going crazy for them.

Tony Chimel: And their opponents, from Marietta, Georgia, at a combined weight of five hundred and four pounds, "The Road Dogg" Jesse James and Billy Gunn, the New Age Outlaws.

Road Dogg has been talking smack on the mic, they get to the ring and slide in, the crowd quiets down as their music cuts off. Road Dogg stands in the middle of the ring with a mic.

Jesse James: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages..........

Jindrak and O'Haire bum rush the Outlaws from behind and start laying the boots to them.

Bell rings.

The grab Billy and toss him out of the ring, Jindrak goes to the corner and it looks like O'Haire and the Road Dogg will start this one out. O'Haire pulls the Road Dogg up and lays three stiff punches to his head and then he leaps up and takes him down with a viscous spin kick. Sean now pulls James up and backs him into a neutral corner, he gets down and nails three consecutive shoulders into the gut of James, he then whips him across the ring, Road Dogg hits the corner hard and Sean charges in at him, but the Road Dogg gets an elbow up into his face!! O'Haire staggers out of the corner, James charges at him but right into a picture perfect powerslam! Cover.



Kickout by the Road Dogg!

O'Haire rolls up to his feet and tags in Jindrak, O'Haire then pulls James up and lifts him up in the air so James head is even with Sean's but off to the side, Jindrak comes off the ropes and leaps way up with a super high dropkick!!! What elevation!! O'Haire exits the ring and Jindrak covers.



Kickout by the Road Dogg!

Jindrak pulls him up and backs him into his corner, Jindrak nails him with some hard shots and the ref pulls him off, as Jindrak and the ref are arguing in the center of the ring, O'Haire uses the tag rope to choke the Road Dogg, Mr. Ass sees this and gets in the ring to try and stop it, the ref cuts him off and is telling him to go back to his corner, O'Haire gets in the ring and he and Jindrak both hook James, they lift him up and take him down hard with a DOUBLE STALLING BRAINBUSTER!!! Jindrak rolls out of the ring as the ref comes back and sees O'Haire making the cover!



Kickout by the Road Dogg!

Billy Gunn is now banging the turnbuckle with his hand and the crowd joins in, they are trying to rally behind the Road Dogg who has taken a real beating in this match. O'Haire pulls the Road Dogg up and whips him off the ropes, James comes back right into a big back body drop!! O'Haire tags Jindrak back in, Jindrak pulls James up, no small package!!



Jindrak barely gets the shoulder up!!

He immediately unloads with kicks to the back and head of the downed Road Dogg, he pulls him up and whips him towards the turnbuckle, reversed, Jindrak runs into the corner but he leaps out with an impressive SPRINGBOARD CLOTHESLINE!! NO! James ducked it, Jindrak is up and turns into a left hand, another, another, another, Road Dogg does a little dance and then takes him down with a big right!! Road Dogg hits the ropes and comes across with the SHAKY KNEES KNEE DROP!! He covers!!



O'Haire runs in and breaks it up!!

Both Jindrak and Road Dogg are down, they are crawling towards their corners, Billy Gunn is fired up and


Billy Gunn comes in like a house on fire, clothesline to O'Haire, he pops up into another, he pops up into a big hip toss from Billy Gunn!! Jindrak charges but is met with a back body drop!! Jindrak leans on the ropes, the Road Dogg charges and clotheslines him, they both go over the top to the outside!! In the ring, Gunn turns right into a ROUNDHOUSE KICK TO THE FACE FROM SEAN O'HAIRE!! O'Haire signals for the end and heads to the top rope, he leaps off with the SEANTON BOMB!! NO-- GUNN ROLLED OUT OF THE WAY!! O'Haire is leaning over holding his back, Gunn runs at him FAME-ASS-ER!! COVER!!




Tony Chimel: Here are your winners in 10:13, and advancing to the triple threat match next week, the Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, the New Age Outlaws!!

Gunn and James celebrate their win in the ring as the Natural Born Thrillaz head back up the ramp.

JR: An impressive win there for the New Age Outlaws, but Jindrak and O'Haire showed us all something in that match too.

King: They are not a team to be taken lightly, they dominated that match and were unfortunate to not come out on top in the end.

JR: But I understand right now, we are going back to the back where Chris Jericho has requested some camera time.

Cameras cut back and show Chris Jericho who is taping up his wrists, he looks right into the camera.

Chris Jericho: Tonight, I set foot in that ring with five other men to once again fulfill my destiny and become the King....of the World. And in order to do that, I have to beat a 100 year old fossil, a pot head, a guy who says he's "The Game" whatever the hell that means, a beer drinking redneck assclown!! and some guy who claims to be the best there is, was or ever will be. But one thing that none of them are is the Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla!! And after I defeat them all tonight and win the PWA Championship, you idiots will never.....EEEEEEEEEVER have another champ a-gain.

Cameras cut to a video.

"He is here with a mission"

Shows a guy in the desert with the sun overhead.

"He will destroy anyone that steps in his path"

He is shown slamming someone.

"His name is...

The Great



Video ends showing him with his arms crossed wearing a turban with the words "coming to PWA Torture" on the screen.

--- Commercials ---

Cameras return showing Jeremy Borash backstage with a microphone.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time, Rick and Scott, the Steiner Brothers!! (Cameras pan over to show them) coming up next, the two of you will face the Naturals in a qualifying match for the tag titles, what are your thoughts on this?

Borash holds the mic up for them to speak, but neither does, they just stare over the top of Borash, cameras pan out and show the Dudley Boyz in the picture!! The two teams come face to face.

Buh-Buh Dudley: Good luck out there tonight fellas, hope to see ya next week.

Scott Steiner: You are the ones who are gonna need the luck.

The two teams stare down before the Steiners walk off because their match is about to start.

JR: Getting a little heated back there huh King??

King: Well it's gonna have to be that way, we have a very competitive tag team division here on PWA Torture.

JR: And we will showcase more fine tag talent here as the Steiner Brothers will take on the Naturals.

The old Brood music from 1999 WWF hits and a ring of fire lights on the stage, from below rises Andy Douglas, Chase Stevens and Gangrel from below the stage, they walk out and this looks like a darker side of the Naturals.

JR: I had heard earlier that Gangrel had found a new team to take under his wing and now we see that it is the Naturals.

Tony Chimel: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, making their way to the ring first, being accompanied to the ring by Gangrel, at a combined weight of four hundred forty pounds, Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens, The Natural Brood!!

They enter the ring and Gangrel drinks blood from his glass on the steps, they both go to corners and pose to a mixed reaction from the crowd. They hop down and await their opponents.

Dogs barking over the PA is heard and then that cuts into "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses, and out walk Rick and Scott Steiner to a big ovation from the crowd.

Tony Chimel: And their opponents, from Detroit, Michigan at a combined weight of five hundred sixty nine pounds, they are Scott and Rick, THE STEINER BROTHERS!!

They slide into the ring now and are getting a big ovation from this crowd, Andy and Chase exited and are talking strategy with Gangrel on the outside. The Steiners hop down from the ropes and stand in the middle of the ring they remove their accessories and look to be ready. They look out and see the Naturals still discussing, they go out to the outside of the ring, each grabs a Natural and slides him into the ring. They slide in also, the bell rings!

The Steiners start wailing away at the Natural Brood, Scott on Andy and Rick on Chase, Scott lifts Andy up and press slams him in the ring, Rick nails a twisting belly to belly suplex on Chase! Andy rolls up into a back body drop by Scott, he rolls up again into a clothesline from Rick!! They pull Chase up and hook him and take him over with a double suplex! Scott covers Chase!!


Scott gets off and does push ups taunting Chase in the process.

Andy is back up and charges at Rick, but is planted with a SPINEBUSTER!! Scott is up to the middle rope, he jumps off with a front elbow drop across the head of Chase Stevens!! Rick and Scott look at their two downed competitors and start barking to the audience, who start barking back. Scott grabs Andy Douglas and applies the Steiner Recliner, Rick grabs Chase Stevens and applies a Boston Crab!!!

After twenty seconds both members of the Natural Brood tap out!!!

Tony Chimel: Here are your winners by submission in 1:37, and advancing to the triple threat match next week, Rick and Scott, THE STEINER BROTHERS!!

JR: That one was over before it started King!

King: Yeah, those Steiners really took the Natural Brood to school, I thought that would be a lot more competitive.

JR: I guess the Natural Brood has a lot to learn yet. But still to come tonight we have the third tag team match between the Dudley Boyz and the World's Greatest Tag Team!!

King: And don't forget about our huge main event for the evening, that six pack challenge for the PWA Championship!!

JR: And right now, one of the competitors is ready to tell us about that match, let's go to the back with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair!!

Cameras cut backstage where Ric Flair is laid out on the ground in a pool of his own blood. What happened???

--- Commercials ---

We cut back to the back where Randy Savage is with Ric Flair as he is being loaded into an ambulance. Randy Savage looks pissed and looks into the camera.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I don't know who did this, but they will reveal themselves, because later tonight I am entering you into the six pack challenge in his place!!!

Cameras cut to a backstage interview area and show Jeremy Borash standing there with a mic.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time, he is the Cerebral Assassin, TRIPLE H!! (Camera shows HHH) Now Hunter, later tonight you step in the ring with five of PWA Torture's finest in a six pack challenge for the PWA Championship, what are your thoughts going into this huge match?

Triple H: Well, JB those other guys may be fine but if you want to see the finest, look no further than Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Tonight those other guys don't even know what they are getting themselves into, I will walk in that ring, beat their asses and walk out with the PWA Championship around my waist because I am the Game and I am that damn good!!!

(As Triple H starts to walk off the screen, he stops and the cameras pan over and show


Triple H looks up at him and then walks off, Kane watches Triple H as he walks off.

JR: What the hell is Kane doing here!!??? He isn't scheduled for tonight!!

King: Maybe he's the guy that laid out Ric Flair earlier!!

JR: That Kane is a sick demonic monster!!

King: But enough about that, we have more tag team action for everyone, its the Dudleyz and the Worlds Greatest Tag Team, right now!!

The World's Greatest Theme Music hits and out to the ring walk Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas is gold singlets.

Tony Chimel: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, making their way to the ring first, at a combined weight of four hundred seventy nine pounds, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas, the World's Greatest Tag Team!!

The WGTT bounces around in the ring and really look ready to go here in this matchup.

A loud screech is heard and then three pyros drop from the ceiling down to the top of the ramp, the last one explodes big time and the music blasts "Turn the Tables" by Saliva as Buh-Buh Ray and D-Von come out onto the ramp.

Tony Chimel: And their opponents, from Dudleyville, at a combined weight of six hundred three pounds, Buh-Buh Ray and D-Von, the Dudley Boyz!!!

They walk to the ring with their arms up in the 3-D symbol. They slide into the ring and both pose to some decent cheers from the crowd, they go to their corner and talk strategy as do Shelton and Haas.

Shelton and D-Von come to the center of the ring and it looks like we will have our first proper start of the night. The bell rings as both teams appear to be ready to go here.

Shelton and D-Von come to the center of the ring and lock up, D-Von has a power advantage and starts to back Shelton to a neutral corner, but Shelton slips out and behind D-Von with a rear waistlock. D-Von misses with two elbows trying to break the grip, Shelton drops down spins and knocks D-Von's legs out from under him, as soon as D-Von hits the mat, Shelton applies a side headlock! After ten seconds, D-Von is up to his feet and backs Shelton to the ropes, D-Von uses his power to push him off and whip him across the ring, Shelton comes back off with a shoulder block, BUT D-VON DOESN'T EVEN BUDGE!! Shelton looks stunned, he hits the ropes again and comes with another, STILL NO BUDGE!! D-Von hits the ropes and comes at Shelton, but Shelton leaps up and connects with a leg lariat!! He rolls over and tags in Charlie Haas! Haas hops over the ropes and into the ring, he pulls D-Von up to his knees and applies a front facelock, D-Von quickly gets to his feet and drives Haas back into his corner, where Buh-Buh tags into the match.

Haas breaks the hold and scurries back to the center of the ring, getting out of the hostile corner, Buh-Buh enters the ring and heads towards Haas, Haas steps to him and brings him down with a drop toe hold! Nice little move there, he then jumps on Buh-Buh's back and applies a rear choke hold, Buh-Buh rises to his feet and then reaches back and pulls Haas off with a slam to the mat, he rolls up and turns into a clothesline from Buh-Buh, Haas rolls to his feet again and this time he is taken up and over with a big back body drop!! Buh-Buh goes over and tags in D-Von, Buh-Buh pulls Haas up to his feet and takes him back down with a scoop slam and then points up, D-Von goes to the top rope! (WHASSSUP??) D-Von leaps off with a diving headbutt right in the testicles of Haas!!!!! D-Von now stands and starts spinning, Shelton charges, but is tossed over the top to the outside by Buh-Buh!! D-Von makes a cross in the air with his arm and then Buh-Buh smacks him on the chest "D-VON!!!!!!! GET THE TABLES!!!!" D-Von goes to the outside and pulls a table out from under the ring, Buh-Buh joins him and they set it up on the outside by the entrance ramp, as they go around to the opposite side of the ring, Charlie Haas runs and leaps to the outside taking out the Dudleyz with a suicide dive!!!!! Shelton is back up and walks over to the wreckage and pulls Buh-Buh up to his feet and slides him in the ring, Shelton slides in and makes the cover!



Buh-Buh kicks out!!

On the outside, Haas has D-Von and takes him over to the table, Haas beats down on D-Von on the outside, in the ring, Shelton pulls Buh-Buh up and backs him into a corner, he nails a couple shoulders to Buh-Buh's gut, Shelton runs to the opposite corner and then comes back with a head of steam and leaps and CONENCTS WITH A HUGE SPLASH IN THE CORNER!! Buh-Buh drops to his ass and rolls out of the ring, the ref goes out because it looks like Buh-Buh landed funny on that one. Shelton then turns his attention to Haas and D-Von, he yells something to Haas and Haas pulls D-Von up and positions D-Von so that his legs rest on Charlie's shoulders and his head and body are on the table on the outside. In the ring, Shelton leaps up to the top rope and then leaps off with a HUGE SEATED SPLASH ONTO D-VON FROM THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE OUTSIDE!!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! Haas pulls D-Von out of the wreckage and slides him into the ring, he yells for the ref to come in, he does and Haas makes the cover!



Buh-Buh Ray dives in and makes the save!!!!

Haas is up and puts the boots to Buh-Buh, but he fights up to his feet and so does D-Von, Buh-Buh whips Haas across the ropes and D-Von takes him down with a spinning shoulder tackle!! Buh-Buh goes to the ropes and looks like he will attempt a Senton Bomb, but Shelton runs in the ring and to the corner, HE LEAPS UP TO THE TOP ROPE FROM THE MAT! He nails Buh-Buh with a couple punches, but then D-Von comes up and knocks Shelton's legs from under him, Buh-Buh then grabs Shelton and positions him for a powerbomb, Buh-Buh leaps off and nails a SUPER POWERBOMB TO SHELTON ONTO HAAS!! Shelton staggers up to his feet and turns right into 3-D!!! Cover!!




Tony Chimel: Here are your winners in 11:18, and advancing to the triple threat match next week, Buh-Buh Ray and D-Von, THE DUDLEY BOYZ!!!

JR: What a big time win there for the Dudley Boyz!! That sets up a huge triple threat match next week!

King: Three of the best teams to ever set foot in the ring all in there at the same time!

JR: The Steiners, The Dudleyz and the New Age Outlaws!! What a match that will be!!

King: And speaking of great matches, coming up next is our main event!!

JR: Six pack challenge for the PWA Championship!! Don't go anywhere!!

Main Event in next post.
--- Commercials ---

We return and cameras show Stone Cold Steve Austin standing in the back in front of the Torture set.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Right here tonight I step into the ring with five other guys and only one of us will come out as the winner. That will be me, Stone Cold Steve Austin, I will walk in (WHAT?) stomp mudholes (WHAT?) open cans of whoop ass (WHAT?) raise hell (WHAT?) drink beer (WHAT?) deliver stunners (WHAT?) deliver more stunners (WHAT?) drink more beer (WHAT?) and walk out of there with that PWA Championship around my waist!! (crowd cheers) AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE CUZ STONE COLD SAID.....

Cameras pan out and now standing right next to him is the man in pink and black, Bret "the Hitman" Hart!

Bret Hart: WHAT?? I've got all the respect in the world for you Steve, but there's one man out there tonight that I have no respect for, and that's Chris Jericho. What do you say the two of us do whatever we can to get rid of that sonnuva bitch?

Stone Cold: Bret Hart you come around talking to Stone Cold like we're friends (WHAT?) compadres (WHAT?) amigos (WHAT?) buddies EH-EH!! We ain't friends, but you know what I usually Don't Trust Anyone, but I know you and as far as your little deal goes, you got yourself a deal! (they shake hands) AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE CUZ STONE COLD SAID SO!!

Cameras cut back to the ring where Jeremy Borash stands in the middle of the ring ready to do introductions for the main event.

A loud humm is heard over the PA and then pyros shoot off and it cuts into "One of a Kind" as Rob Van Dam heads out from the back as the crowd gives him a solid pop. He hops around and then heads towards the ring wearing a predominantly yellow, multi-colored singlet with a ying yang on it. He gets to the ringside area and slaps some fives with fans there, he hops up onto the apron and poses his "R-V-D" pointing pose and then he gets in the ring and hops around some more awaiting other opponents.

"My Time" starts playing over the PA and out from the back steps Triple H. He wears a t-shirt and short black tights, he carries a water bottle and gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. He heads to the ring and looks extremely focused for this huge world title match. He gets to the ring and hops up onto the apron, he swigs some water and then tosses the bottle into the crowd, he leans over and then throws his arms up and out spitting the water out in the process, he then flexes and enters the ring. He goes across to the other side and climbs to the middle rope and once again poses for the crowd, he hops down and looks ready.

A loud screech is heard over the PA and then it cuts into "Hitman" and out walks Bret "The Hitman" Hart to a huge ovation from this crowd, he has on the traditional pink and black along with a leather jacket and sunglasses. He walks to the ring and hands his sunglasses over to a small child at ringside. He then slides into the ring, removes the jacket and bounces around a little to stay loose.

The lights in the arena go out.







A ball flies through a tunnel and then pyros explode on the stage as "Break the Walls Down" blares over the PA, the lights come on and at the top of the ramp is Chris Jericho with his back to the ring, arms out and wearing a shiny light blue jacket and pants. The crowd pours boos all over him, he spins out and faces the ring, he starts strutting towards it acting cocky and taunting fans on the way to the ring. He gets to the ring and walks slowly up the stairs, he walks across the apron and spins removing his jacket, he then puts his arms out and is begging the crowd to let him hear the boos, and they happily oblige. He enters the ring and spins around to more boos, but the boos suddenly turn to cheers when..........


Stone Cold comes out from the back as the crowd erupts in a huge roar for the Texas Rattlesnake, he wears the vest and black trunks. boots and the big knee braces. He struts to the ring like only he can and then he enters the ring, he goes around to all four turnbuckles to throw those fingers in the air for the crowd, he has one brief staredown with Jericho before he removes his vest and looks ready.

Who is the sixth competitor?

The music starts and the crowd immediately showers with the biggest boos of the night!!!!! Because out from behind the curtains steps MUHAMMED HASSAN!!! Hassan is the one who laid out Flair earlier tonight!! He walks to the ring wearing his turbon and some fans have even thrown empty cups at him they are so upset. He gets to the ring and steps in, he holds his arms out and the crowd showers him with louder boos than Jericho!!! He removes the headdress and appears to be ready for the introductions.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for tonight's PWA Torture main event! This contest is a six pack elimination challenge for the PWA Championship where competitors can be eliminated by pinfall, submission, DQ or count out. First, in the corner to my back right, he hails from Detroit, Michigan and he weighed in earlier at two hundred thirty pounds he is THE GREAT....MUHAMMED....HASSAN!! (the crowd showers him with boos) Next, directly to my right, he hails from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he weighed in earlier today at two hundred thirty four pounds, he is the "Excellence of Execution", Bret "the Hitman" Hart!!!! (crowd pops for him) Next, in the corner to my front right, he hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, he weighed in this morning at two hundred thirty one pounds, he is the "Ayotollah of Rock N Rolla" Y2J Chris Jericho!!! (more boos from the crowd) Next, in the corner to my back left, he hails from Battle Creek, Michigan, he weighed in today at two hundred thirty seven pounds, he is Mr. Tuesday Night Rob....Van....Dam!!! (crowd pops for MR. RVD) Next, he is directly to my left, he hails from Greenwich, Connecticut, he weighed in this morning at two hundred seventy pounds, he is the Cerebral Assassin, TRIPLE H!! (a mixed reaction from the crowd) And finally, in the corner to my front left, he hails to us from Victoria, Texas, he weighs in at two hundred fifty five pounds, he is the Texas Rattlesnake, STONE COLD...STEVE...AUSTIN!!!

Jeremy Borash steps out of the ring and Earl Hebner now stands in the middle of all six guys, he is handed the belt and holds it high for everyone to see. He hands it to the outside and the competitors are deciding who is gonna start this thing off. RVD steps into the center of the ring saying that he wants to start off. Triple H does the same, so it looks like RVD and HHH are gonna start this one off, the other four head to the four corners and Hebner signals for the bell to be rung.

Trips and RVD circle each other and lock up hard, HHH has the strength advantage here and he backs Rob to the ropes, Earl asks for a clean break and receives one. RVD shakes out the cobwebs a little and steps back to the center of the ring, he ties up again with HHH and this time RVD applies a hammerlock, Triple H reverses that hammerlock into a hammerlock of his own, RVD then spins out and has a top wristlock applied to the Game. Triple H loosens an arm and then applies a standing armbar to Van Dam, RVD walks towards the ropes and uses them to flip out of the hold, he holds on though and takes HHH over with an armdrag! They both roll up to their feet and stand off to a decent ovation from the crowd. Both back to a corner, Triple H tags in Jericho and RVD tags in Austin! Jericho walks up to Austin in the center of the ring and SLAPS HIM ACROSS THE FACE!! Stone Cold turns his head and laughs, he comes back with five consecutive right hands to the head of Chris Jericho, staggering him back against the ropes, Austin whips him across and Jericho bounces off but comes flying back with a spinning heel kick!! Jericho rolls over and tags Muhammed Hassan into the match. Hassan walks up to Austin and they have a staredown, Hassan throws the first punch but Austin responds with one of his own, Hassan with a punch, Austin returns the favor, Hassan with a punch, another, another, he gets Austin against the ropes and whips him across the ring, reversed, Hassan hits the far ropes he comes back, LOU THESZ PRESS!! Austin hammers away at the head of Hassan, after a four count from the ref Austin stands and hits the ropes, but Hassan rolls out of the ring a points to his head. Austin has his attention on Hassan, but Jericho runs in the ring and rolls Austin up from behind!



Austin kicks out, the ref goofed there counting for the non-legal man.

Austin rolls up and levels Jericho with a clothesline! He pulls him up and throws to the outside on the opposite side of Hassan. He goes out to join Jericho, as do Bret and Triple H. These four are brawling in a group on the outside when the crowd chants "R-V-D" as RVD perches himself on the top rope, he leaps off and CONNECTS WITH A MOONSAULT FROM THE TOP ROPE ALL THE WAY TO THE FLOOR TAKING DOWN ALL FOUR COMPETITORS ON THE OUTSIDE!!!! The ref goes to check on everyone and Hassan looks really happy on the other side of the ring being the only one standing. The crowd pops huge as they direct their attention to the ramp because....


He runs down and hammers Hassan from behind, knocking him into the apron, Flair grabs him and throws him face first into the steel steps, Hassan falls on the floor, bloodied now!! Flair who has a big bandage on his head pulls Hassan over and applies THE FIGURE FOUR!!!! As Hebner is seeing whats going on on the other side, Flair has jumped Muhammed Hassan. Austin is up after about twenty seconds and rolls into the ring, Flair releases and Hassan is lying there bloodied on the floor. Hebner sees it and starts his count.











Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, Muhammed Hassan has been eliminated by count out!!!

JR: Oh my God!! Flair just enacted revenge from earlier!!! Folks we have to take a commercial break, we'll be right back!!!

--- Commercials ---

We come back and Triple H has a sleeper hold applied to Austin in the middle of the ring, Austin is pumping his arms trying to get out, he rises to one knee, now both and onto his feet!! He nails three elbows to the gut of HHH to break the hold, Trips throws a wild right but Austin ducked it and grabbed him from behind and connected with a rear suplex!! Austin is crawling, he gets to the corner and tags in Bret Hart!! Bret gets in the ring and Triple H is slowly getting up to his feet, Bret is about to go in for him, but he stops and then points to Jericho who is right behind Trips, Trips is about to oblige, but Jericho hops off the apron to avoid the tag!! Trips walks forward into the center of the ring and gets nose to nose with Bret Hart, the two lockup hard, Triple H starts backing Bret to the corner, but Bret spins it and has Trips backed in the corner, the ref asks for a break and receives it. Trips comes forward once again and they lockup another time, this time Triple H quickly goes behind Bret with a waistlock, Bret tries to elbow out, Trips tries to suplex him, but Bret hooks his leg behind Trips to block it. Bret spins with a lariat attempt, but Trips instead uses the spin to lift up Bret and drop him with an inverted atomic drop!! Bret staggers back, Triple H charges, but Bret takes him down with an armdrag!! As Trips rises, Bret connects with a nice dropkick. Triple H staggers back in the corner and shakes out the cobwebs, as he rises Bret approaches him in the corner. Triple H sees him coming and useshis momentum to pull Bret head first into the turnbuckle!! Bret leans against it looking to be knocked out, Trips pulls him by the back of the tights out of the corner and tajes him up and back down with a side suplex!! Trips rolls into a cover!



Kickout by Bret!!

Trips pulls him back up and whips Bret off the ropes, Trips hits the other ropes and comes at him with a running knee into the face!! Bret is down again, Triple H looks over and now Chris Jericho is begging to get tagged in, Trips walks over and tags Jericho into the match!! Jericho climbs in and hops up to the second rope, he looks around and leaps off with a front elbow to the face of Bret!! Jericho just hit the Hart Attack on Bret Hart!! Jericho starts his little foot dance that he does and then cockily covers Bret by placing a foot on his chest and flexing over the top of him!



Kickout by Bret!

Jericho now pulls Bret up and positions him in pre-powerbomb position, Jericho lifts him up turns him and drives Bret back first across his knee!!! Jericho now starts taunting the crowd, he goes to the legs of Bret and steps through, looking to apply the Sharpshooter!! Jericho may have taken too much time though, because Bret rolls him into a small package!!



Jericho barely kicks out!!

Jericho now looks pissed he goes over and kicks Bret square in the back of the head, he then grabs him by the hair and talks some smack, then slams Bret's face into the canvas. He pulls Bret up by the hair and backs him up against the ropes, he whips him across, NO--Bret holds onto the arm of Jericho, turns and pulls him in for a RELEASE NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!!! Both men are down in the middle of the ring, both are crawling to make the tag! Bret lunges out, Jericho tags in Triple H, Bret barely gets the hand of Rob Van Dam!!!

RVD charges in and immediately takes Trips down with a spinning heel kick, Jericho is up and charges into a back body drop from RVD! Triple H is up Rob with a kick to the gut, Trips catches the foot, RVD with a roll through kick to the head!! Triple H falls near the corner, RVD goes up and comes back down with a SPLIT-LEGGED MOONSAULT!! He covers!!



Kickout !! Triple H got the shoulder up!!

RVD stands and is charged by Jericho, RVD dodges and Jericho goes into the corner, RVD runs in and jumps up and grabs Jericho, he rolls back and sends him flying across the ring with a monkey flip over the downed Triple H!! Jericho is down and RVD sees him, he goes to the opposite turnbuckleand climbs to the top, he poses and leaps off with a FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!!! NO--WHILE HE WAS IN MIDAIR TRIPLE H GOT UP, HE KICKS ROB IN THE GUT ON HIS WAY DOWN, HE HOOKS HIM AND PEDIGREE!!!




Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, Rob Van Dam has been eliminated!

JR: RVD was in control, but Triple H can hit that Pedigree out of nowhere!!

King: He showed that it's not about flare or flash, it's about getting the job done and that's why there are now just four remaining competitors in this one.

Austin now gets in the ring and it looks like he and Triple H are now the legal men as Jericho rolls to the outside. Triple H is just getting off of Van Dam when Austin jumps him from behind, Austin knocks Triple H into the corner and lays the boots to him, after about eight, Triple H falls onto his ass and Austin stomps a mudhole on him!! Austin gives him the bird and then adds one more solid kick before backing off. He goes back and rolls Triple H over and leans him on the middle rope, Austin runs and hits the oppostie ropes he comes back across and jumps onto Trips back crushing him between him and the ropes. Trips falls back into the ring on his back, Austin hits the ropes, but Jericho grabs his leg, Austin turns his attention to him, Jericho hops on the apron and pulls Austin across the rope!! Austin staggers back from that, Trips is now up and comes from behind with a hard chop block!! Triple H knows about those weak knees and it looks like he will try and exploit them now. He grabs the leg of Austin and connects with four hard kicks to the back of Steve's left knee!! He then drops a viscious elbow across it, another!! Triple H drops down and slides to the outside, pulling Austin with him. Triple H whips Austin's leg and wraps it around the ringpost, he does this another time. Now he grabs his leg and is gonna try to apply a submission using the post, but Austin uses his legs and pulls Triple H face first into the post!! Austin starts crawling towards Bret, because he desperately needs to make a tag, he is almost there, he lunges out and....


Trips slides back in the ring and pulls Austin back to the center and then tags in Jericho. Jericho comes in and gives the weak knee several stomps, he then drags Steve over to the ropes and puts his leg on the bottom rope, Jericho uses the ropes to elevate himself and come down across the left knee of Austin!! Jericho and Triple H appear to be on the same page here!! Jericho does this move again and then he starts doing the cocky leg dance again, he pulls Austin back to the center of the ring, he goes behind looking potentially for an atomic drop but instead he pulls the knee up and lifts Austin up and drives the knee across his own thigh!! Austin lets out a cry of pain as that knee has really taken some abuse. Jericho now lays him down and applies the Texas Cloverleaf!! Putting a lot of pressure on that knee!! Austin is in the middle of the ring!!

He starts crawling to the ropes!!

He is almost there!!

He reaches out

but Jericho walks back out in the middle of the ring!!!

Jericho now turns over and turns it into a mosdified STF!! Really going at the knee and the neck now!! Austin starts pushing himself back, back more, his foot is really close and he gets it!!


He comes in and runs behind Jericho who had no clue what is going on, he breaks the hold by taking Jericho down with a bulldog!! Hart pulls him up and takes him over with a picture perfect vertical suplex!! Jericho rolls to the outside to get away from Bret, but Bret immediately hit the far ropes, he comes back and flies to the outside with a SUICIDE DIVE!!! He punches away at the head of Jericho on the outside!! Triple H is now down there too, he throws a clothesline at Bret but Bret ducks it and grabs him connecting with a belly to back suplex!! Bret pulls Jericho up and slides him back in the ring, Austin goes after Triple H on the outside, the ref is seeing what going on out there and Bret is pulling Jericho up, but Jericho nails him with a LOW BLOW!! He grabs Bret and tosses him to the outside, knocking down Austin in the process! As Trips, Austin and Hart all stand on the outside, Jericho runs and SPRINGBOARDS OFF THE MIDDLE ROPE AND TO THE OUTSIDE TAKING DOWN ALL THREE COMPETITORS!!! THE CROWD IS GOING CRAZY!!!

JR: Folks, we have to take a commercial break, don't go anywhere!! We'll be right back!!!

When we return, Triple H and Jericho are double suplexing Bret Hart!!

JR: Folks during the break Jericho and Triple H have once again taken control of this match.

Triple H gets on him for the cover



Kickout by Bret!!

Triple H pulls him up and hooks him, he drives him head first into the mat with a solid DDT! He covers again!



Kickout again by Bret!!

Trips pulls him up and pushes him back into the corner of Jericho, he nails a few punches and then tags Jericho back in. Jericho climbs up to the middle rope and grabs Bret by the head, he leaps off and delivers a big time bulldog!! He covers Bret!



Kickout by Bret!!

Jericho pulls Bret up and whips him across to a neutral corner, Bret goes face first into the corner and just sticks there. Jericho comes running in with a big splash to the back of Bret. He then lifts him up and seats him on the top rope, Jericho climbs up behind looking for a super back suplex. He hooks him and leaps back but IN MID AIR BRET TURNS OVER AND COMES DOWN WITH A CROSS BODY ONTO JERICHO!!! Bret needs to make the tag, he crawls towards Austin, but Triple H runs in and pulls Bret across, Austin has had enough, he gets in and sprints across the ring, he tackles Triple H down and they both roll to the outside, the ref is distracted by them. Jericho is now up kind of and rolls to the outside, he grabs a chair and sits next to the apron. Bret is up and he heads over to Jericho, he sticks his head out between the ropes and is gonna pull Jericho into the ring, but CRACK!! Jericho nails him with a viscious chairshot!! Jericho quickly rolls in the ring and covers Bret! The ref sees this and counts!!





Tony Chimel: Bret Hart has been eliminated from the match!!

King: Brilliant move by Jericho!! Bret never even saw it coming!!

JR: I sure hope Chris Jericho gets what's coming to him here!!

Jericho now runs to the outside and attacks Austin from behind, he and Triple H both now work the body of Austin. Jericho grabs him and slides him into the ring, both Jericho and Triple H get in the ring. They stomp Austin for a solid twenty seconds, Jericho runs and delivers a LIONSAULT to the downed Austin!! He then tells Triple H to pull him up for the Pedigree!! He pulls him up, kicks him in the gut, hooks the legs, Austin counters out with a back body drop!! He takes Jericho down with a clothesline!! He turns KICK, STUNNER TO TRIPLE H!!! COVER!!




Tony Chimel: Triple H has been eliminated from the match!!


King: No, C'Mon Jericho you can do it!!!

JR: Folks we'll be right back we must take our final commercial of the night!!

When we come back, Austin has Jericho by the back of the head and is walking him around the ring, Austin slams Jericho head first into the ringpost, and then the steel steps, he takes him over and slams him head first into the announce table!! Jericho leans against the table as Austin rolls into and back out of the ring to break the 10 count, he charges and tackles Jericho across the announce table, Austin is punching away at him behind the table!! Stone Cold grabs Jericho and pushes him back towards the ring, Jericho slides in. Austin goes by the timekeeper's table and opens his cooler and pulls out two beers. He slides into the ring and opens them up, he stomps away at the downed Jericho and then toasts the beers on him, he drinks some and then pours a bunch on the face of Jericho!! Austin hits the ropes and comes back with a knee to the face. He covers



Jericho kicks out!!

Austin pulls him up and backs him into the corner, he connects with three straight right hands to the face and then whips him across the ring, Jericho hits the corner hard and staggers out right into an Arn Anderson Spinebuster in the center of the ring!! Cover!



Kickout once again by Jericho!!

Stone Cold now walks over and hops on the middle rope, he sits on the top rope and jumps off with a forward elbow to Jericho's face!! Austin gives the Hart Attack to Jericho!! Austin pulls Jericho up and backs him against the ropes with more right hands, Jericho is fading fast. Austin whips Jericho across, Austin leans over for a back body drop but Jericho scouted it and hopped over Austin, he turned quick and as Austin turned, he connected with a STEP-UP ENZIGURI!!! That one echoed throughout the arena!! Jericho is slow to his feet, but he pulls Austin up and puts him in pre-powerbomb position. He lifts him up and slams him with a hard powerbomb, but he holds on and lifts Austin up high and SLAMS HIM DOWN WITH A SECOND POWERBOMB!! He holds him in place for a cover!!



Kickout by Austin!!!

Jericho goes to the ref and begs him that that had to have been a three count, but it wasn't as he does this Austin is slowly getting up, Jericho runs behind with a one armed bulldog!! Jericho now runs and connects with a LIONSAULT!!! This has to be it, he covers!!




Jericho is in complete and utter disbelief now. He is almost crying because Austin just will not stay down. He is up and looks at the slow to get up Austin, he runs again for ANOTHER STEP-UP ENZIGURI!! NO--AUSTIN DUCKED IT BUT HELD THE FOOT, HE SPINS JERICHO TO FACE HIM, KICK---STUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!






Eerie music hits over the PA system and then it cuts into heavy music but it's still eerie. Then a purple light shines on the stage and there stands THE UNDERTAKER!!!!!!!

He raises his arms in the air and then points towards the ring as the lights come back on, but now six guy are in the ring assaulting both Austin and Jericho!! They are Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Sean O'Haire and the Natural Brood w/ Gangrel!! They have the two on the outside and then are fighting them in the crowd as the Phoenom now enters the ring along with Paul Bearer!

Undertaker: Now that my Ministry has been assembled, it is time for the seven of us to lead everyone on a path of righteousness and on the path everyone will soon see that they must be below the Lord of Darkness! No one will stop me and my Ministry. (Taker does an evil laugh!)

Taker starts rolling his eyes in the back of his head when THE LIGHTS GO OUT AGAIN!!!



PWA Torture
Copyright 2007
Written by ADS
All Rights Reserved
AWESOME MAN!!!The matches lasted long enough each time,We had some great promos,a great roster,and the world title situation is great.The ministry is a great twist.I love the Kane idea too!JUST PLAIN FREAKING AWESOME,MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome show dude, great promos, wicked matches!!

OPENING PROMO: this was great, it set the tone for the show, and built up all your main characters. And good hype for the main event.

MATCH 1: Great opening match, fast paced, but u kept control of it! Love the idea pof splitting up tag teams to compete!!

PROMO: Nice standard DX promo to build the NAO, and hype for the Main event

MATCH 2: Good solid match, standard tag action, with a good win for the NAO,

PROMO: Godd heel heat for Jericho, nice to see him being well pushed, and awesome intro promo for Hassan!!!

MATCH 3: Sorry to see the Naturals get squashed, but good build up for the Steiners.

BACKSTAGE: Nice touch taking out Flair, Im guessing Kane or Hassan as the attacker

MATCH 4: another good tag match, lots of spots and near falls, looking forward to the conclusion of the tournament next week!

MAIN EVENT: Definately the match of the night! Great to see Hassan as the 6th, good heel heat!! Loved this match, lots going on, and it was easy to follow. I figured u'd end with Austin and Jericho!
Intersting ending, nice build for the BOD's and i guess it means you can build an Austin Jerich fued around the title!!

Great show man, 9.5/10, looking forward to your next one!!
Amazing show man. Great roster, great matches and they lasted long enough. The part i most liked about this show was the way it ended. I can't wait to read the next show
The EWA Presents PWA Torture
Episode 2
Tuesday, July 17th, 2007
live from the Savvis Center in St. Louis

A video starts up showing highlight from the opening segment of Torture, then it shows highlights of the main event.

Including the last portion of the match:

Jericho goes to the ref and begs him that that had to have been a three count, but it wasn't as he does this Austin is slowly getting up, Jericho runs behind with a one armed bulldog!! Jericho now runs and connects with a LIONSAULT!!! This has to be it, he covers!!




Jericho is in complete and utter disbelief now. He is almost crying because Austin just will not stay down. He is up and looks at the slow to get up Austin, he runs again for ANOTHER STEP-UP ENZIGURI!! NO--AUSTIN DUCKED IT BUT HELD THE FOOT, HE SPINS JERICHO TO FACE HIM, KICK---STUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!






Eerie music hits over the PA system and then it cuts into heavy music but it's still eerie. Then a purple light shines on the stage and there stands THE UNDERTAKER!!!!!!!

He raises his arms in the air and then points towards the ring as the lights come back on, but now six guy are in the ring assaulting both Austin and Jericho!! They are Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Sean O'Haire and the Natural Brood w/ Gangrel!! They have the two on the outside and then are fighting them in the crowd as the Phoenom now enters the ring along with Paul Bearer!

Undertaker: Now that my Ministry has been assembled, it is time for the seven of us to lead everyone on a path of righteousness and on the path everyone will soon see that they must be below the Lord of Darkness! No one will stop me and my Ministry. (Taker does an evil laugh!)

Taker starts rolling his eyes in the back of his head when THE LIGHTS GO OUT AGAIN!!!



"Flat on the Floor" by Nickleback starts up as the opening video for Torture starts up.

"Two more" the anthem for the know-it-all

A shot of Stone Cold guzzling beer in the corner is shown

You won't be standing up for long

Clips of Chris Sabin, Super Crazy and Sonjay Dutt are shown diving to the outside

You better learn how to crawl

Jericho is shown with the Walls of Jericho locked in on a jobber

8 minutes from losing it a little bit

Paul Bearer is shown holding the urn with Taker walking behind him

5 minutes your description might be starting to fit

The New Age Outlaws are shown walking to the ring, with a mic

3 to go and I'm forgetting all that I've ever known

The Dudley Boyz are shown giving someone a 3D through a table

I won't be standing up for long

Triple H is shown spitting water in the air on the apron, RVD is shown flying through the air

I better learn how to crawl

Ric Flair is shown locking the Figure Four on someone

Can't stand anymore

Clips of all the Torture wrestlers are flashed through real fast

In 10 minutes I'll be laying out flat on the floor

The last clip shows Torture GM Randy Savage flying with an elbow into the chest of someone

When his elbows lands, the song ends and then the cameras cut to the arena and the stage explodes with a huge fireworks display that goes down the ramp and then up at the top. Cameras pan around the arena as "Flat on the Floor" continues to play throughout the arena. Cameras come around to JR and the King at ringside!!

JR: Hello everyone and welcome to what is sure to be a wild night on PWA Torture, what will happen as a result of last weeks main event? Who will be the champion? So many questions, so little time to answer them.

King: At the close of last weeks show, we saw the Undertaker and his brother Kane standing face to face in the center of the ring, neither of whom were involved in the main event.

JR: Austin had the match won and I am sure he will have something to say about it.


Austin comes stomping out to the ring looking pissed off, he's wearing his jean shorts, t-shirt and a camouflage hat. He heads to the ring and the crowd is going nuts for the Texas Rattlesnake, he hops on the apron and climbs into the ring. He goes around and does his four corner salute to the fans and then asks for a mic.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Last week, I was involved in a six pack challenge for the PWA Championship. I outlasted four other men and it was just me and that stupid Canadian sum bitch Chris Jericho left in the ring one on one. I hit his ass with the stunner, I pin his shoulders to the mat 1..2..and then some Dead bastard has the nerve to shut all the damn lights off in the arena! Now everyone in the arena last week and everyone who was watching at home knows who won that match. But unlike other people, I am not here to bitch or complain or demand that I am to be given the belt. I am out here to issue an open challenge to anyone right here, right now, for me to open up a can of whoop ass and stomp a mud hole in your ass!! So anyone that feels like getting an ass-whoopin, come on down cuz Stone Cold Steve Austin is handing them out for free.

The lights in the arena go out!!!

The Ministry's music hits and the lights are dimmed purple as all the members of the Ministry walk out onto the stage (Undertaker, Paul Bearer, Chuck Palumbo, Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak, the Naturals and Gangrel). They head towards the ring, the Undertaker leads the way, they get to the ring and eventually all enter the ring, taking up half and leaving the other half for Austin.

"The Phoenom" The Undertaker: Austin....last week was just a demonstration of what my Ministry is capable of. You make false claims about being a rightful champion, last week was to show that there is only one man worthy of having the world title bestowed upon him. That man has a following unlike anyone else to support him and most importantly he is your..LORD..AND MASTER. (Taker laughs deeply)

The lights go out again!!






Jericho's music blasts onto the PA system, he heads out and starts walking towards the ring, he has a mic in hand. He gets to the ring and goes face to face with Stone Cold.

Y2J Chris Jericho: Steve, Under-jackass. Little do you know that I, Chris Jericho was ready to kick out of the Stunner last week. I was on my voyage to fulfill my destiny to become the King of the World!! And in order to do that, I need that PWA Championship around my waist! Which is why I stand before you people here tonight, not making demands but politely requesting that at the pay per view on Tuesday, August 7th, I am given a fair shot at the PWA Championship!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You wanna talk about getting a fair shot? Last week you broke every rule in the damn book trying to beat me and EH-EH you still couldn't. What makes you think you can match up with Stone Cold Steve Austin in a fair match?

Y2J Chris Jericho: I know you might think that Steve, but with all due respect, you have to know that you will never be able to match up with me, The Human Hi-Lite Reel, The Hi-Lite of the Nite, but most importantly I can defeat you because me and all these JACKASSES know that I am most certainly the AYOTOLLAH OF ROCK N ROLLA!! And after I become the World champion, it will never eeeeeeeee....

Stone Cold: Yeah, yeah, yeah, never be the same again. Cut the crap, you stupid son of a bitch!! (Kick, Stunner!!!)

The crowd erupts, but the Ministry immediately jumps Austin. The Undertaker looks on happily, they think they are good to go when three familiar words are heard over the PA that get a huge pop out of the crowd!!


From the back running to the ring comes Triple H, X-Pac and the New Age Outlaws!! They run and slide into the ring, its a huge brawl in the ring all seven members of the Ministry and Jericho up against the four DX guys and Austin. After about thirty seconds of mass confusion, order has been restored kind of. Austin, Taker, Triple H and Jericho all stand in the ring as the rest brawl on the outside. They look to start a brawl, but are cut off.


The Macho Man comes out as "Pomp and Circumstance" plays, he is wearing a pair of dress pants with a sport coat, very presentable for the former World champ. He has a mic and is looking very angry.

Macho Man Randy Savage: Now looky here gentlemen, I know how bad everyone wants that PWA Championship belt and you all are deserving of being crowned as the first Champion and that is why I have decided to officially announce the first match for All Out Assault, our first pay per view, on Tuesday, August 7th, it will be a fatal fourway elimination match for the PWA World Championship. That match will feature Stone Cold Steve Austin (crowd cheers), Chris Jericho (crowd boos), The Undertaker (crowd boos) and Triple H (crowd cheers). Now that's in three weeks on pay per view, but right here tonight all four of you will be involved in a match together. Right here tonight, it will be a tag team main event featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H versus The Undertaker and Chris Jericho!! That's not all, we will see our X-Division tag match tonight where the winning team faces one on one at All Out Assault, also the three way tag team match featuring the Dudleyz vs. the Steiners vs. the New Age Outlaws, and in that match the team that gets the victory will have the right to choose the stipulation at All Out Assault when they face the team that didn't get pinned. So tonight is to weed out the weak team in that matchup. Also, regarding your Ministry, Deadman, a few of them will be involved in matches here tonight, it will be Ministry vs. DX when Chuck Palumbo makes his PWA Torture debut against X-Pac!! Also, the Natural Brood will be involved in a Handicapped match against, YOUR BROTHER KANE!!! THE MACHO MAN HAS SPOKEN!!!OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH YEAH!!!!

"Pomp and Circumstance" restarts as the Macho Man exits, the four in the ring continue to stare one another down and the brawl on the outside has died down!

JR: The GM has shown up here tonight and in a big way!! Five huge matches already confirmed by the Macho Man!!

King: But how about that huge fatal fourway at All Out Assault.

JR: That is sure to be a slobberknocker indeed. But folks right now we need to take a commercial break, when we come back we'll give you some quality X-Division tag team action!!

--- Commercials ---

When we come back from the break, traditional Mexican music hits the PA and bouncing out from the back comes Super Crazy!

Tony Chimel: The following X-division tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring first, from Tijuana, Mexico, weighing in at two hundred fifteen pounds, he is SUPER...CRAZY!!!

He is dressed in red, white and green and comes sprinting down to the ring, he slides in and then nips up to his feet. He gets up and bounces around waiting for his partner and opponents.

“Buzzsaw” hits and out from the back walks Yoshihiro Tajiri wearing a blue and white full body garb with a large red circle in the center.

Tony Chimel: And his partner, from Tokyo, Japan weighing in at two hundred four pounds, he is Yoshihiro Tajiri!!!

He walks towards the ring with a serious expression on his face, he gets to the ring, walks up the steps and then enters the ring, he walks over and goes right up to Crazy and gets in his face, he then walks by and goes to the corner, climbs up and does a little pose for the crowd. He hops down and stands side by side with his partner, waiting for their opponents.


Tony Chimel: And their opponents, first making his way to the ring from Hell, Michigan, weighing it at two hundred ten pounds, he is CHRIS..SABIN!!

Sabin is near the ring, he hops in and goes to the corner where he poses for the crowd, to a mixed reaction. He hops down and stares across the ring at his opponents, he awaits his partner.

Kidman’s most recent WWE theme hits and he comes walking out wearing a cutoff t-shirt and blue jean shorts.

Tony Chimel: And his partner, making his way to the ring from Allentown, Pennsylvania, weighing in at two hundred fifteen pounds, he is Billy Kidman!!

Kidman heads to the ring, hops on the apron and then climbs into the ring, he goes up and poses on the middle rope. He hops down and stands side by side with Sabin, awaiting for this match to begin.

The two teams both discuss who will begin the match, and it looks like Kidman will start for his team and Tajiri will begin the match for his team. Everyone heads to where they will begin, the ref sees everything is ready, he signals for the bell to be rung, it is and we are ready to go!!

Kidman and Sabin vs. Tajiri and Super Crazy
Winners face at All Out Assault for X-Division title
The two circle the ring and lock up hard in the center of the ring. They break it off and step back, then quickly lock back up trying to gain the upper hand. They break it again as no one can gain the advantage, Tajiri looks at Kidman and then pushes him back, Kidman staggers and then pushes Tajiri back, Tajiri gets knocked down to the mat, but as soon as he hits he nips back up to his feet, but right into a Kidman clothesline! Kidman with two straight kicks to the back as Tajiri crawls over and gets up by the ropes, Kidman backs him and whips Tajiri across, Kidman with a hip toss, NO Tajiri blocks it! Kidman puts his foot on the back of Tajiri's neck and gets back flipped onto his feet behind Tajiri. They face up, Tajiri with a standing spin kick, but Kidman ducks under it! Kidman with a clothesline, but Tajiri ducks under that! Kidman turns and Tajiri takes him over with an arm drag, both pop up and then Kidman takes Tajiri over with an arm drag of his own! Tajiri backs into the corner to avoid further moves and Kidman approaches, Tajiri is on his knees, but uses Kidman's own momentum against him to take him down face first into the middle turnbuckle! Tajiri stands him up and nails a chop across the chest of Kidman! He grabs him by the head and starts to back to the center of the ring, but Kidman forces Tajiri into the corner, connects with about three punches and then connects with an effective overhand chop to the chest! Kidman whips Tajiri across, reversed, Kidman is sent across, Tajiri comes running in but Kidman gets the boot up into his face, Tajiri turns and staggers out, Kidman runs up from behind and jumps onto Tajiri's shoulders, he then spins and goes backwards for a hurricarana, but Tajiri blocks it, readjusts his arms and then slingshots Kidman into the corner!!! BUT KIDMAN BLOCKS IT BY JUMPING ONTO THE MIDDLE ROPE!! Tajiri stands and turns only to be met by a DELAYED SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK!! Kidman covers Tajiri!



Kickout by Tajiri!

Kidman rolls over and tags in Chris Sabin! Sabin comes in and Tajiri is back up, Sabin connects with a few solid forearms to his head and backs him into the corner, he whips him across, reversed, Sabin sent across, Sabin uses the top rope and leaps back with his legs going high up, they lock around Tajiri's head, he uses the rope to spin out with a nice head scissors, Tajiri rolls out of the ring to avoid more damage. Sabin hits the opposite ropes and comes running across, he dives out through the middle and top ropes, but he runs right into a viscous kick straight to the head!!!! Tajiri pulls Sabin up and slides him back into the ring, Tajiri does the same. He pulls Sabin up and then takes him back down with a scoop slam, he immediately leaps in the air and comes down across his throat with a knee drop, Sabin crawls across the ring, Tajiri grabs him by the hair and places his head across the bottom rope, Tajiri then stands on his neck putting a lot of pressure on it, he holds to a four count from the ref and then hops off. But immediately rolls to the outside, Sabin's head hangs out, Tajiri rears back and drills him with a VISCIOUS KICK TO THE SIDE OF THE HEAD!! He slides in and covers.



Kickout by Sabin!

Tajiri pulls him over and then tags in Super Crazy for the first time in the match. Crazy comes into the match and applies a rear chinlock to a seated Sabin. Sabin is down for a good ten seconds, until he grabs the back of the head of Crazy and flips him forward into a seated position! Sabin then stands and kicks Crazy right in the top of the back, Crazy slowly stands and as he does, Sabin backs him into the corner, his corner and tags Kidman in, Kidman hops in and they both connect with punches to Crazy. Sabin backs to the center of the ring and Kidman drops to all fours, Sabin runs in, uses Kidman as a platform to leap off of, he jumps and connects with a HESITATION DROPKICK! He then slides out of the ring, Crazy staggers out of the corner and Kidman lifts him up in the air and spins with a BK BOMB! NO-- Crazy reversed out of it with a nice head scissors takeover. Crazy then gets up and comes across the downed Kidman with a standing moonsault! Kidman holds his ribs and rolls to the outside in pain, Crazy wastes no time, he hops to the apron, and then goes up and back with a beautiful ASAI MOONSAULT!!! Crazy hops around getting the crowd into this one now, he grabs the downed Kidman and runs him back into the ring, Crazy hops onto the apron and then springs with a somersault over the top across the laying body of Billy Kidman ala Eddie Guerrero. He then covers.



Kickout by Kidman!!

Crazy back somersaults back to his corner and tags in a fresh Tajiri, Kidman is down and Tajiri is waiting for him to get up, as he does Tajiri swings a wild Buzzsaw kick to the head! But Kidman ducked it and rolled up to his feet, Tajiri spins back around, Kidman kicks him in the gut and pulls him in he lifts him up with a powerbomb--NO!! Tajiri reversed it in the air and brought Kidman head first into the mat with a sick DDT! Tajiri rolls up to his feet now and Kidman has rolled towards the corner, Tajiri approaches him and connects with a kick to the side of the torso of Kidman. But Kidman catches the foot between his arm and body, Tajiri though is thinking on his feet, he hops up and over the ropes and applies THE TARANTULA!!! Kidman screams out in pain, but only for a few seconds because the ref makes a four count before Tajiri breaks the illegal hold. Tajiri now slides back into the ring and pulls Kidman up to his feet, he whips him across, no Kidman reverses, Tajiri with a front handspring into the ropes, he leaps back with an elbow into Kidman--NO ! KIDMAN HAD IT SCOUTED, HE NAILS A DROPKICK RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF TAJIRI'S BACK!! Both men are down. Kidman needs to make a tag badly, he slowly crawls towards Sabin, TAJIRI TAGS SUPER CRAZY IN. HE RUNS ACROSS, BUT NOT IN TIME!! KIDMAN TAGS IN SABIN!! Sabin comes into the ring like a house on fire, he takes Crazy down with a clothesline, he pops back up into a back body drop from Sabin. Crazy staggers back into the corner, Tajiri charges but Sabin uses his momentum to toss Tajiri out to the outside. He then sees Crazy standing in the corner, he charges in and connects with a sick kick right across the face!! Crazy staggers out and leans on the ropes, Sabin charges at him and leaps with a cross body block and they both go tumbling out to the outside along with Tajiri.

Kidman is up and sees all three beginning to stand on the outside, he looks out and the crowd starts getting on their feet, Kidman hops up and stands on the top rope, he is balancing well, as they stand he leaps off!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!! Everyone goes down and the crowd is going nuts for that display!! Kidman is up quick and slides Crazy and Sabin, the legal men back into the ring. Sabin is slow to his feet, he points his hands in guns and fake shoots Crazy, Crazy slowly gets up as Kidman tags in, Sabin kicks Crazy and lifts him on his shoulders for the Cradle Shock, Kidman climbs on the top rope in the corner behind him. As he is about to hit it, Tajiri comes running into the ring, he runs and nails a huge kick to the jaw of Sabin that echoes through the arena!! Sabin staggers back and into the ropes, it knocks Kidman off balance and he gets crotched on the top rope!! Sabin drops Crazy off and falls to the outside, Tajiri leaps up using the bottom rope and kicks Kidman in the head, Kidman falls out of the corner on the mat, Crazy runs up and springs back with a top rope moonsault!! He covers.




Tony Chimel: Here are your winners, in 10:51, they will face at All Out Assault for the X-Division Championship, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Super Crazy!!!

Crazy gets up to celebrate, he turns, but Tajiri spits mist in the face of Super Crazy. Crazy drops to his knees and Tajiri with an absolutely sick BUZZSAW KICK TO THE HEAD!!! Crazy is out like a light!!

JR: What an incredible match that was and now I can see there were no allegiances between Tajiri and Super Crazy, all business there.

King: Did you hear that kick? It was absolutely sick!

Sabin slides in the ring and helps Kidman up to his feet, the fans applaud their effort in the match. But their applause turn to boos when Sabin kicks Kidman in the gut, he then lifts him up and CRADLE SHOCK!!! He then fake shoots the downed Kidman, he then goes and demands a mic.

Chris Sabin: Oh what the hell are you people booing for? Did you really think I was gonna help the man that failed me on my quest to greatness? He was the weak link on our team, I had to prove a point!! I had to show everyone that I am not here to be involved in tag matches to earn shots at single's titles! I am here in the PWA for one reason and one reason alone and that is to achieve great things and that will start at All Out Assault! Because I am officially throwing my name out there as the guy everyone needs to go through to win the North American Championship!!

Sabin drops the mic and exits the ring, but not before he pulls Kidman's head up by the hair and he talks some smack to him, then he exits the ring.

JR: That Chris Sabin is one cocky son of a gun, I really thought he was classier than that. I would like for nothing more than Billy Kidman to get back at him in the future.

King: JR, that is our future North American Champion that you're talking about! That is no way to talk about a champion!

JR: It is if that champion is a cocky, arrogant prick! But folks, we have so much still to come tonight, we'll be right back!!

--- Commercials ---
When we return, cameras show William Regal walking around the backstage area, he walks up to a crew guy, shakes his hand and introduces himself. He then walks over where the World's Greatest Tag Team are sitting around passing the time.

William Regal: Hello gentlemen, my name is William Regal and I am here on PWA Torture to represent my motherland with dignity and grace.

Haas and Benjamin look at him and start laughing.

William Regal: The two of you have no respect whatsoever. Later tonight I am going to that ring to issue a William Regal open challenge and I would formally like to invite one of you out there to try me.

Haas and Benjmain stand and get in the face of Regal.

Haas: You can count on it old man.

The WGTT leave and Regal stands there looking pissed off.

Cameras cut back to the ring and show the stage, there is a huge explosion and then it cuts into "Slow Chemical" as Kane walks out from the back wearing his old full body attire. He gets about halfway down the ramp when THE LIGHTS IN THE ARENA GO OUT!!

Kane's music cuts into the old Brood music and camera flashes see that many bodies are attacking Kane, when the lights come back on, after about fifteen seconds, everyone is gone and Kane is standing there covered in BLOOD!! Kane just got a blood bath at the hands of THE BROOD!!! He is breathing very heavily, he walks back up the ramp and looks like a man on a mission as he chases down his assailants.

JR: Well ladies and gentlemen, we were scheduled to see Kane vs The Naturals there, but due to the festivities prior to the match, it appears as though that will now no longer happen.

King: Umm, well I guess we will move on, I'm not sure what we are gonna have happen right now. But ummmm.....

The King is cut off by traditional Arab music and out from the back walks The Great Muhammed Hassan! The crowd immediately showers him with boos as he heads to the ring, he has a mic in hand and talks as he walks down towards the ring.

The Great Muhammed Hassan: Ladies and gentlemen, last week I proved a point to each and every one of you. I showed you all that one of your true American icons in this sport is nothing more than a weakened and crippled old man. Last week when I assaulted Ric Flair backstage, I didn't even break a sweat, he went down like a sack of bricks. He bled so easily that it made me laugh. I showed to everyone that here on PWA Torture, I will take matters into my own hands. I will no longer allow myself to be held back by the prejudices of the powers at be. I will show to everyone that I am worthy of being a champion!


Flair's music hits and he comes out to the ring in dress slacks, a nice shirt and a sport coat, he has a mic.

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair: Muhmammed Hassan, you come out here in front of all these people and talk tough. But last week, you assaulted me from behind! You are a coward, you were never held back by the powers at be, you just find whiney little excuses so that you can keep telling yourself that you are "great". But let me tell you something, you are nowhere near great, you will never accomplish anything in this business until you learn something about respect! That's right, respect and I propose that in three weeks time on Tuesday, August 7th on pay per view, I teach you a little respect at All Out Assault!! (the crowd pops for that one)

Muhammed Hassan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, not so fast Ric, I can see through this already, I see this as another opportunity for me to get screwed over. So, I accept that match, but under one condition, we bar everyone on the roster from ringside, we throw out the rule book, you and me go out at it in a No Disqualification match!! (crowd pops again)

Ric Flair: Boy, do you know who you're messing with, I am the WHOOOO Nature Boy and I am the Dirtiest Player in the Game!! And come All Out Assault, I am coming to get your ass!!!

"Also Sprach Zarathustra" restarts and Flair plays to the crowd a bit before leaving.

--- Commercials ---

JR: Well, folks before the break we saw our third confirmed match for All Out Assault unfold, it will officially be Ric Flair and Muhammed Hassan going at it in a No Disqualification match!

King: Boy do I hope Ric Flair beats some sense into that idiot Muhammed Hassan.

William Regal's current WWE theme hits and the Blue Blood from England walks out on the ramp in black tights.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring first, from Blackpool, England, weighing in at two hundred forty one pounds, William Regal.

He hops up and throws some shadow punches in the air, looking to be ready for this match.

The World's Greatest Theme Music hits and both Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas come bouncing around onto the stage.

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, from Edmond, Oklahoma, weighing in at two hundred thirty five pounds, Charlie Haas!!

Haas and Benjamin now approach the ring and Haas slides into it and poses to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He removes his ring jacket and appears to be ready to go. They look ready when "The Macho Man" appears on the screen.

Macho Man: Chris Sabin brought up an interesting point earlier when he threw his name out there to be the North American champion, and it got me thinking. So officially, there is now a tournament underway for the PWA North American Championship and you two will be competing in the first match of it. Thanks, and good luck to everyone.

JR: Wow! That announcement just added a lot more importance to this matchup.

The ref sees that both participants and signals for the bell to be rung in this opening round match of the North American Championship tournament.

William Regal vs. Charlie Haas
North American Title Tournament Match

The two head toward the center of the ring and circle it twice, they go in hard with a collar and elbow tieup. Haas goes for a headlock, but Regal unloads with four stiff forearms to the head, rocking Haas back into the corner. Regal comes in and connects with four stiff knees right into the gut, he pulls Haas out but right into a European uppercut, that once again rocks Haas back into the corner. Regal pulls him out and then hooks him and takes him over with a double underhook suplex! He rolls over into a lateral press.



Kickout by Haas!

Regal pops up quick and grabs Haas by the leg, he drops an elbow across the knee of him. He pops up, but Haas uses his free leg to push Regal off of him. Regal stumbles back and bounces off the ropes back toward a now standing Haas, Haas connects with a beautiful dropkick! He rolls over to make the cover.



Kickout by Regal!!

Haas now grabs him and goes behind with a hard crossface forearm, Haas then grounds Regal with a side headlock on the mat. After about fifteen seconds, Regal fights his way up to his feet and backs Haas against the ropes, he breaks the grip and whips Haas across to the other side, Haas bounces back with a cross body block --NO! Regal catches him and nails a devastating powerslam! Regal pops up and hits the ropes, he comes back and drops a knee right across the throat of Haas! Regal with a lateral press!



Kickout by Haas!

Regal wastes no time pulling Haas up to his feet, but Haas drives the feet and lifts Regal up and takes him back into the corner, Haas nails several kicks to the gut of the now hunched over Regal. Haas then chops Regal right across the chest! He sends him across into the other corner, Haas charges in behind him but Regal gets an elbow up into the face of Haas. Haas staggers out of the corner, he turns and Regal nails a big clothesline, NO! -- Haas ducked it and has him gripped, GERMAN SUPLEX!! HE BRIDGES FOR A COVER!



Regal grabs the bottom rope!! What great ring savvy there by William Regal.

Haas cannot believe it! He pounds the mat and pulls Regal back to the middle of the ring and mounts him with some solid rights to the head, Haas stands and then pulls Regal up. But Regal was playing opossum, he lifts Haas up on his shoulders in fireman's carry position, he drops him down and knees him right in the side of the head, A MODIFIED VERSION OF THE GO TO SLEEP THERE!! He puts Haas on his feet and applies a full nelson, then bridges back with a DRAGON SUPLEX!! HE BRIDGES FOR A COVER!




Tony Chimel: Here is your winner in 7:37, and receiving three points in the North American Championship tournament, William Regal!!

JR: Very impressive display there by William Regal in his PWA Torture debut, I am interested to see how this tournament will shape up.

King: But ladies and gentlemen, we still have three huge matches scheduled for later tonight and who knows what else might happen on this explosive edition of PWA Torture.

JR: Yes indeed, but ladies and gentlemen coming up next, we will have triple threat tag team action as the Dudley Boyz, the Steiner Brothers and the New Age Outlaws hook up to see who will go to All Out Assault and who will be left out of the picture. We'll be right back!

--- Commercials ---
When we come back, cameras are focused on Jeremy Borash who stands backstage.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time are none other than former twenty time tag team champions of the world, Buh-Buh Ray and D-Von, The Dudley Boyz! (They step into the picture) Gentlemen, coming up next you will have an opportunity to earn your spot in the PWA Tag Team Championship match at All Out Assault. What are your thoughts heading into this match?

Buh-Buh Dudley: Well you see Jeremy, it's this simple, tonight me and my brother D-Von care about three things, death, taxes and tables. And ya know what? Tonight someone is getting that third one, whether it be Scott Steiner, Billy Gunn or the damn referee, someone is getting wood here tonight. Me and D-Von will do whatever it takes to make it to the tag title match at All Out Assault.

D-Von Dudley: Oh my brother, TESTIFY!!!!

Cameras cut back to the ring area.



The Road Dogg and Mr. Ass come out from the back, the Road Dogg has a mic and is playing to the crowd on the way to the ring.

Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a triple threat tag team match scheduled for one fall. Making their way to the ring first, they represent D-Generation X. At a combined weight of five hundred four pounds, The Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad Ass Billy Gunn, the New Age Outlaws.

The Outlaws get to the ring and hop up onto the apron and then get into the ring, they go and pose in the corners and the crowd is really behind these two. They hop down and Road brings the mic up to his mouth.

Road Dogg Jesse James: LLLLadies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, D-Generation X proudly brings to the future TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WWWWWWWWWWORLD...THE ROAD DOGG JESSE JAMES AND MY BUDDY MR. A DOUBLE CROOKED LETTER, BILLY GUNN! AND TOGETHER WE COMPRISE THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!!

Bad Ass Billy Gunn: And if you ain't down with the New Age Outlaws..I got two words for ya......(SUCK IT!!!).

Dogs barking over the PA system cuts into "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses and out onto the stage walk Rick and Scott Steiner wearing leather jackets and headgear.

Tony Chimel: And their opponents, first, from Detroit, Michigan, at a combined weight of five hundred sixty nine pounds, Rick and Scott, The Steiner Brothers!!

They get to the ring and waste little time going to corners, Rick barks out to the crowd and Scott flexes, they get a decent pop here as the crowd likes all three of these teams. They hop down and remove their jackets wearing traditional amateur wrestling gear now.

Suddenly, three separate explosions go off on the ramp and then that cuts into "Turn the Tables" by Saliva as the Dudleyz walk out from backstage.

Tony Chimel: And their other opponents, from Dudleyville, at a combined weight of six hundred three pounds, Buh-Buh Ray and D-Von, the Dudley Boyz!!!

The Dudleyz get probably the biggest pop of the three as they slide in, no posing, all three teams now stand in a tight circle and look around at each other, preparing for this match. The ref tells them to back off, they decide to and then it looks as though Scott Steiner and Billy Gunn are going to start this one off, anyone can tag anybody here in this one, but only two in the ring at a time. The bell is rung and we are officially underway here.

Dudleyz vs. Steiners vs. New Age Outlaws
Tag Title Determination Match
Winning Team picks stip, losing team is knocked out

Scott and Billy circle and then lockup hard collar and elbow style, Scott goes behind and hooks a rear waistlock on Gunn. Gunn with a couple elbows to the head of Steiner and that breaks the grip, Gunn turns and goes towards Scott, but Scott delivers a version of the STO! Scott kept the top arm across Gunn, he goes up and applies a grounded side sleeper to Billy Gunn. A unique looking move here from the former Michigan Wolverine. After a solid twenty seconds of the hold applied, Billy fights up to his feet and then takes Scott up and over with a rear suplex! Gunn rolls over to his corner and tags the Road Dogg into the match. Scott rolls to his feet and looks at James, they come forward and as they go for a collar and elbow tieup, Scott sidesteps and takes him down with a drop toe hold. He then clubs across the back of the Road Dogg with some hard blows, he pulls him up and applies an abdominal stretch, he hops back and tags Rick Steiner into the match now. Rick hits three hard kicks to the exposed mid-section of James, he then grabs the Road Dogg and lifts him up. but then drives his stomach across his knee with a sick gutbuster, he covers!



Kickout by the Road Dogg!

Rick pulls him and up pushes him back into his corner, where he tags Scott back in, Rick pulls the Dogg up and holds his arms behind his back, Scott steps in and nails a solid kick to the gut, Dogg hunches over into a double underhook suplex from Scotty. Scott rolls over and covers.


Steiner gets off and does some pushups, mocking the Road Dogg and then he stands and the crowd starts to boo the big man. Scott wastes a little too much time though because when he turns around, the Dogg is out of the ring, via a tag to D-Von Dudley! Dudley points his hands out and tells big Scotty to bring it, Scott comes in and as they lock up, Scott once again is quick enough to immediately take Dudley down with a side Russian legsweep! He stands over him and flexes, but D-Von rolls him up!!



Kickout by Steiner!!

As they roll back up, D-Von runs and knocks Scott down with a twisting shoulder tackle. D-Von tags in Buh-Buh, he comes in and nails a few hard punches to the head of Scott, he is rocked back into the corner, Ray goes in and mounts him, he unloads with punches, after ten, he is about to hop down, but instead Scott blocks him in and carries him out and then flattens him down with a huge SPINEBUSTER!! Scott crawls over and tags in his brother, Rick comes in and lands a few good punches to a downed Buh-Buh, Rick pulls Buh-Buh up and then whips him off the ropes, he swings with a lariat--NO! Buh-Buh blocks it and turns it into THE BUH-BUH BOMB!! He rolls over and tags D-Von back into the ring, D-Von comes in and pulls Rick up to his feet. D-Von hooks him under and leaps up high in the air, he drives Rick into the mat with a big time Impaler DDT! He rolls him over and covers!



Scott comes in and breaks up the three count.

Buh-Buh then runs in and spears Scott and mounts him with punches, Billy Gunn comes in and goes behind D-Von, he lifts him up and then nails an atomic drop! D-Von hops around holding his ass, Road Dogg has Rick hooked for the Pumphandle Slam, but Rick spins out of it, he pulls Dogg into a knee to the gut and puts him in position for a piledriver, but Billy leaps and dropkicks Rick sending him out to the outside!! The ref is trying to restore order here as everyone has broken down into a brawl!! Dogg and Gunn turn, but are met by a double shoulder tackle from D-Von! The Outlaws tumble to the outside, D-Von turns and is run at by Scott, he nails the Cactus Clothesline, all five are on the outside now!! Buh-Buh sees everyone and goes to a corner near them, he climbs and stands on the top rope, BUH-BUH LEAPS OFF AND CONNECTS WITH A HUGE SENTON BOMB TAKING OUT EVERYONE ON THE OUTSIDE!!! THE CROWD IS GOING BONKERS!!! THAT WAS INSANE!!

After thirty seconds of everyone down, the legal men, D-Von Dudley and Rick Steiner, find their way back into the ring as the other four head back to their respective corners. D-Von has the slight advantage as he got less of the blow than Rick. D-Von whips Rick into his corner and tags Buh-Buh into the match, Buh-Buh comes in and nails the tip of his elbow right into the head of Rick Steiner. Steiner staggers back a little and then Buh-Buh grabs him and whips him into the only neutral corner, Buh-Buh charges in with a huge BODY AVALANCHE! But Rick got out of the way at the last minute, Buh-Buh slams into the corner hard, Rick grabs him as he staggers out and takes him up and over with a German suplex!! Rick slowly crawls over, but makes the tag eventually to Scott.

Buh-Buh is still down, Scott goes over and pulls him up, he immediately traps the arms and takes him down with a twisting belly to belly suplex! Cover.



Kickout by Buh-Buh!

Scott pounds the mat in frustration and immediately applies a grounded side headlock to Ray, Ray is out of it and looks like he may need to tag out. Scott is wrenching the headlock in nice and tight, Buh-Buh is fading fast, but he gets a sudden burst of energy, he pulls himself up to one knee and now to his feet, he has Scott up and he takes him down with a Sidewalk Slam!! Both lay there and need to tag out, Buh-Buh is crawling towards D-Von, and Scott is crawling towards the closer Outlaws.

Scott gets there and tags Billy Gunn into the match.


D-Von comes charging in and nails a clothesline on Billy Gunn. He pops up and D-Von takes him up and over with a big back body drop. Gunn rolls up to his feet again and this time he is the one on the offense, he gets D-Von with a big hip toss. Dogg sees a little scuffle on the outside between Buh-Buh and the Steiners, Road Dogg runs around the apron and then when he gets to them he leaps off taking them all down. The ref is now looking over here at this on the outside. In the ring, Gunn with a kick to the gut, he then nails D-Von with the FAME-ASS-ER!! He covers.

The ref isn't looking, he is busy with the fight on the outside.

NO!! Jindrak and O'Haire come running to the ring they slide in behind Gunn, Jindrak grabs him and connects with the REFLECTION OF PERFECTION!!! O'HAIRE IS UP TOP, HE LEAPS OFF WITH THE SEANTON BOMB!!!

They pull D-Von over on top of Gunn and quickly leave the scene through the crowd, the ref turns and sees D-Von on top of Gunn.




Tony Chimel: Here are your winners, in 13:31, Buh-Buh Ray and D-Von, the Dudley Boyz!!!


King: I guess they did, that rivalry is starting to brew, Ministry vs DX, I can't wait to see what that will lead to.

JR: I just can't believe that, but anyway's, it will now be the Dudley Boyz taking on the Steiner Brothers at All Out Assault and since the Dudleyz scored the pin in this match, they have the right to choose the stipulation for that match.

King: The card for All Out Assault is starting to shape up pretty nicely I'd say.

JR: Folks, we'll be right back, we still have our huge tag team main event scheduled for later. DON'T GO ANYWHERE!!

Before we go to commercials, cameras cut backstage to the Office of Randy Savage.

Bret Hart is shown walking into the office.

Bret Hart: Hey boss, how's it going? (No response from Savage) Well anyways, I know that you announced the main event for All Out Assault and saw that I am not apart of it. (Savage look up at him curiously) But then last week you promised Shane Douglas a #1 contender's match at All Out Assault, well I was talking with Shane earlier today and we think that since I was the man who went the farthest in the 6 pack challenge last week without being put in the title match at the pay per view, that I should be the one in the #1 Contender's match.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage: I was thinking of that myself, and have decided that there is no better man than you to challenge for that #1 Contender spot. So, you got yourself a deal!!

Bret Hart: Thank you sir, I greatly appreciate this opportunity.

Hart exits the office and Macho Man looks back at him tired from the night's work.

--- Commercials ---
We return and sparks shoot out of the stage as "I Don't Wanna Stop" by Ozzy Osbourne hits and out onto the stage walks "The Franchise" Shane Douglas, along with Francine.

Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome "The Franchise" Shane Douglas and Francine.

They walk to the ring arm in arm, they go up the steps and Shane holds the ropes open for Francine to get into the ring, Douglas then steps in as well, the two pose together to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Shane walks over and asks for a mic from the timekeeper. The crowd is buzzing and finally stop allowing Shane to speak.

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas: I thought that I would come out here and introduce myself to those of you morons that don't know who I am. I am the Franchise. My name is Shane Douglas, and I have come here to PWA Torture to once again fulfill my once dominant role in the world of professional wrestling. And tonight, I have been sent out here to compete in a match in the newly formed North American Championship tournament. Now, Mr. Savage has informed me that this will be a tournament where the true champion will be determined and crowned. So if you wanna know who the first North American champion will be, look no further than The Franchise. And after I beat Bret Hart at All Out Assault in that #1 Contender's match, you folks could be looking at a double champion! But now I wanna see what piece of trash they have decided to send down here to be fed to the Franchise!!! (the crowd is now booing him after some of the comments he made)

A familiar hum is heard over the PA and the crowd immediately starts cheering as it then cuts into "One of a Kind" by Breaking Point and out walks "Mr. Tuesday Night" Rob Van Dam! He has a mic as well, he starts talking as he walks to the ring.

"Mr. Tuesday Night" Rob Van Dam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, did I just hear that right, Shane Douglas is running his mouth and making false promises? Boy does that bring me back to old times, those were the good old days. But I cannot believe that you recommended Bret Hart to face you at All Out Assault for the #1 Contender spot. But Shane, bro, we go way back, I thought you would offer me that spot. But now I am gonna have to come out here and make a proposition to you. Right now, you and I face in a North American title tournament match, but I wanna up the stakes a little bit. If I beat you right here tonight, I get a spot in the #1 Contender's match at All Out Assault. So that means it would be a triple threat match, you, Bret and me, for that title shot. What d'ya say?

Shane Douglas: You talk a big game for a guy who has achieved so little, but you know what, I am confident that I will beat you right here, right now, so you got yourself a deal!!!

Douglas drops the mic and removes his t-shirt, RVD does the same and the bell is rung by orders of the ref as Francine exits to the outside.

Rob Van Dam vs. Shane Douglas
North American Title Tournament Match

RVD and Shane circle around each other and tieup hard in the center of the ring, Shane uses his slight power advantage to back Rob into the corner, the ref asks for and receives a clean break. Shane backs to the center of the ring, RVD walks back towards him, they lockup again, this time Shane wrenches around with an armbar applied to RVD. He kicks RVD's legs out and Rob hits the mat hard, but immediately nips up to his feet and twists Shane around into an armbar of his own. Shane uses the power to flip RVD over, but Rob lands on his feet, he hits the far ropes and comes back, but right into a DISCUS LARIAT BY SHANE DOUGLAS!! That almost knocked Rob's head off!! Shane covers.



Kickout by RVD!!

Shane pulls Rob up by the hair and backs him against the ropes, Shane rears back and nails a loud chop, that echoes through the arena! He then whips Rob across to the other side of the ring, Shane stands in the middle of the ring, but then lays flat, Rob jumps over and hits the other side, he comes back and Shane leaps over Rob. One more time he comes back into a hip toss by Shane, but Rob lands on his feet! He then hits a side kick into the chest of Douglas, who staggers back into the corner. Rob charges in for a shoulder tackle to the gut, but Shane kicks him square across the face!!! Rob staggers back out of the corner. Douglas hops up to the second rope, he leaps off with an elbow to the head of Van Dam. He goes down, covers by Douglas.



Kickout by RVD!!

Shane stands and nails two solid kicks to the chest of the downed Van Dam, Rob rolls over to the ropes and starts pulling himself up to his feet. Shane goes over and slaps him across the back of the head, and then laughs and is taunting him, he grabs him in a reverse waistlock, but Rob rolls forward and Shane is dumped to the outside. Rob rolls to his feet and hits the far ropes as Shane stands, Rob comes running and leaps over with a CORKSCREW SUICIDE DIVE TO THE OUTSIDE!! He takes Shane down, Rob is back up fast and looks to be trying to shake the cobwebs out a bit, he lifts Shane up and drops him chest first across the guardrail. Rob then goes and stands on the apron, no taunting, all serious, he leaps off with a SPINNING LEGDROP ACROSS THE BACK OF SHANE DOUGLAS ON THE GUARDRAIL!! Rob pulls up the body of Douglas and slides him into the ring, RVD follows and makes the cover.



Kickout by Douglas!!

RVD wastes little time now, as Shane is starting to get up, Rob now slaps him across the back of the head and is taunting. Rob pulls him up, but Shane Douglas pokes Rob right in the eye!! Rob staggers out and around, swinging, he walks back into the grip of Shane Douglas, who nails him with a side Russian legsweep. Shane rolls up and then he leans over and grabs the head of Van Dam off the mat and then he spits right in the face of Rob Van Dam. Shane then mounts him and wails away with punches right to his head. The ref pulls him off and tells him to watch the closed fists, Shane then hits the ropes and runs back, with a fist drop straight to the head of RVD!! Shane pulls Rob up by the hair and takes him over by the ropes, he hooks him for a suplex, he takes him and over and has the head of Rob while Rob's legs are rested on the top rope, Shane then jumps out with a sick HANGMAN'S NECKBREAKER WITH THE ADDED HEIGHT FROM THE ROPES!! He rolls over with a cover.



Kickout by Rob Van Dam!!

Rob is trying to stay in this one but his chances to fight back are decreasing, Shane rolls Rob onto his stomach and then slams his head into the mat four consecutive times. He rolls him back over and then takes his boot and rakes it across the head of RVD!! He drags Rob over by a corner and sets him for a slingshot, he rolls back and slings Rob into the corner, Rob goes headfirst into the ringpost, he staggers out and is bleeding now!! Shane hooks him and then takes him up and over with a Fisherman's suplex!



Kickout again by RVD!!

The crowd really starting to get behind Rob now as he crawls over to the corner, and starts pulling himself up, Shane grabs Rob by the head and slams it into the middle turnbuckle. He then pulls him up and back first against the corner, he then whips Rob across to the other side, Rob gets there and scales the ropes, he leaps off and connects with a MOONSAULT CROSS BODY!! He is on him with a cover!!



Kickout by Shane Douglas!!

What a desperation move by RVD, Shane is up first and pissed about his misstep, he starts to pull RVD up, but Rob shoulder lifts and runs Douglas into the corner, Rob with three shoulders to the gut, he then back handsprings out and then hops onto the middle rope straddling Douglas about to hit the monkey flip, but Shane blocks it, he lays Rob on the mat and covers!!


Douglas puts his feet up on the ropes!!


RVD still manages to kick out!!

Shane is now pleading with the ref that that had to be a three count, to no avail, RVD from behind, he kicked Shane right in the back of the head, Shane gets knocked down near the corner, Rob runs over and hops over him and connects with the SPLIT-LEGGED MOONSAULT!! Cover!



Kickout by Shane Douglas!!

Rob now decides to go up top again, maybe the Frog Splash this time. He gets up there, but Shane is rising to his feet. RVD thinks on his feet, right when Douglas turns, Rob leaps off with a FROG SPLASH CROSSBODY BLOCK!!! BUT DOUGLAS ROLLED THROUGH!!






Tony Chimel: Here is your winner, in 12:49, he receives three points in the North American championship tournament, as well as a spot in the #1 Contender's match at All Out Assault, ROB...VAN...DAM!!!

JR: Impressive victory there for RVD, he was bleeding and really took a lot of abuse in that match.

King: And now he has earned three points in the North American title tournament as well as a spot in that #1 Contender's match at All Out Assault.

JR: Speaking of that tournament, we have just been filled in as to how that will all work out.

King: That's right, there are twelve total participants that have been separated into three groups, with four guys in each group.

JR: From there, it is round robin, you face each person in your group once and have one crossover match against someone from another group.

King: Once everyone has competed in their four matches, the three group winners and one wild card will go onto the semi-finals, where it is single elimination from there.

JR: Points are awarded in the following manner, 3 points for a win by pinfall or submission, 2 points for a win by DQ or count out, 1 point for a draw, and 0 points for a loss.

King: Here are the group layouts as well as the current point totals.

JR: We have also been told that the X-Pac vs. Chuck Palumbo match scheduled for later tonight is now a tournament match as well.

As we go to a commercial, these brackets pop up:

Group A:
William Regal --------- 3
Shelton Benjamin ----- 0
Charlie Haas ---------- 0
Shane Douglas ------- 0

Group B:
Rob Van Dam -------- 3
X-Pac ------------------ 0
Chuck Palumbo ------ 0
Kane ------------------- 0

Group C:
Chris Sabin ----------- 0
Billy Kidman ---------- 0
Ric Flair --------------- 0
Muhammed Hassan - 0

--- Commercials ---
When we come back, Kane is shown pacing the halls, taking very deep breaths, he looks pissed off, he is still covered in the blood from the blood bath earlier. He grabs a large wooden crate backstage and chucks it into a wall, it shatters into pieces, we cut back to the ringside area.

A weird hum is heard and then "X-Pac" and then the old DX music hits. X-Pac comes bouncing around out onto the stage, wearing his old DX singlet.

Tony Chimel: The following North American title tournament match is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring first, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at one hundred ninety six pounds, he represents D-Generation X, X-PAC!!

X-Pac is now in the ring, he does three crotch chops and pyros shoot off, he does a jumping one for the fourth and a big one shoots off. He then goes and stands on the bottom and middle ropes and the crowd is getting behind him.

The Ministry of Darkness theme hits and out walks Chuck Palumbo, he is wearing a white tank top and jeans and has his hair dyed jet black, out behind him walk the Natural Born Thrillaz. They all walk towards the ring.

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by the Natural Born Thrillaz, he represents the Ministry of Darkness, from Providence, Rhode Island, weighing in at two hundred eighty pounds, Chuck Palumbo!!

Palumbo gets into the ring, but the NBT stay to the outside in his corner, Chuck removes the tank top and throws it at X-Pac. X-Pac, grabs it and then looks at it and throws it back, he then charges and comes at Chuck throwing a ton of wild rights and lefts taking him back into the corner. The ref calls for the bell.

Chuck Palumbo vs. X-Pac
North American Title Tournament Match

Chuck is trying his best to block the blows, but instead he throws X-Pac off and out of the corner, X-Pac rolls to his feet and runs back in, but Chuck comes out with a hard clothesline that takes X-Pac down. Chuck pulls him up to his feet and then slaps him across the face! He pulls X-Pac in and takes him over with a gutwrench suplex. Chuck then takes the tip of his elbow and slams it into the forehead of X-Pac, three straight times. Chuck then pulls him up and whips him into the corner, X-Pac hits hard and staggers out, right into a bigtime Sidewalk slam from Chuck Palumbo!!



Kickout by X-Pac!!

Chuck now grabs X-Pac by the hair and drags him over and leans him across the middle rope, Chuck then presses down with his knee across the back and neck of Pac, after a five count from the ref, he releases and walks back to the center of the ring talking it over with the ref. While he does this, Jindrak and O'Haire each get a stiff kick to the head of X-Pac in!! The crowd is booing big time now for this three on one assault. Chuck now goes back over and hooks X-Pac, he takes him over with a side suplex! Cover.



X-Pac shoulders out.

He starts pumping his fists trying to get the crowd into this one, Chuck pulls X-Pac up and applies a side headlock. X-Pac is taken down to one knee, but he will not quit now. He keeps those arms pumping and is trying to fight up to his feet. He gets back to his feet and he nails an elbow to the gut, another, another, he has broken the grip and he bounces off the far ropes, he runs and leaps with a spinning heel kick, but Chuck catches him out of mid-air!!! Chuck lifts X-Pac up into position for a powerbomb, but X-Pac rolls out with a hurricarana!! Both are down now. After about eight seconds, X-Pac and Chuck both rise, X-Pac leaps up and takes Chuck down with a nice spin kick. Pac, hits the ropes and then runs and nails a running seated senton across the chest of Chuck. He pulls him up and then backs him into the corner. Pac with a kick to the chest, another, another, he then uses the bottom rope to spring up and nail a kick right to the face. Chuck falls into a seated position in the corner. X-Pac runs to the opposite side of the ring. Jindrak hops onto the apron an has the ref distracted, X-Pac runs into the corner with the BRONCO BUSTER!! HE CONNECTS......FACE FIRST INTO THE STEEL CHAIR THAT SEAN O'HAIRE HAD PLACED IN HIS PATH!!! X-Pac falls out in a heap, but from the back here come the New Age Outlaws. They run down and start brawling with the Natural Born Thrillaz, these four on the outside, the brawl comes into the ring now. The ref sees everyone in the ring brawling and calls for the bell.

This match has been declared a no contest by the referee!!!

All six brawl in the ring now, DX starts to get the upper hand, but then from the crowd it's the Natural Brood, they slide in and now it's a six on three. DX is reeling, but they are saved because


Kane gets to the ring and takes over, one by one, he chokeslams each and every member of the Ministry that was out there!! DX gets out of there before Kane starts chokeslamming them too. Kane raises his arms in the air and throws them down as pyros shoot out of the ringposts. As he exits the ring, he looks back at the carnage he created, and then just leaves, the crowd is giving him a big ovation as he just manhandled six other guys in there.

We cut to the back to Randy Savage's office. He looks at the camera and appears to be very tired after a long nights work.

Randy Savage: Folks, we are just three short weeks away from PWA Torture's first solo brand pay per view event, All Out Assault. And I would like to make a couple announcements regarding the show. Alright confirmed by me are the PWA Championship fatal fourway match, the X-division and tag title matches and Ric Flair vs. Muhammed Hassan in a No Disqualification match was confirmed earlier tonight. After events from this evening's show I would like to confirm four other matches to take place on the show. First, I am going to address the Ministry, Taker, you are already involved in the main event, and now I am telling you that the other six members of your group will all be involved in a match at All Out Assault. Firstly, Chuck Palumbo, Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak will team up in a 6-man tag team match against X-Pac and the New Age Outlaws!! (pop heard from the crowd) The other 3 members, The Natural Brood, will be involved in a 3 on 1 Handicapped match, and their opponent will be...KANE!!! Also, two weeks ago, I confirmed to Shane Douglas that he would be competing in a #1 Contender's match at the pay per view and he will, in a triple threat match involving him, Bret Hart and because he lost to RVD tonight, RVD will also be involved in that match. Now this fourth and final match is being put there because there is one guy on this show that needs an attitude adjustment, and that man is Chris Sabin. Sabin, at All Out Assault, you will be involved in not only a North American title tournament match, but a match that should be quite personal as well. Because you're opponent is BILLY KIDMAN!!! (big pop from the crowd) In my honest opinion, this pay per view appears to be shaping up very nicely!!

--- Commercials ---
We come back and The Undertaker and Paul Bearer are backstage, Taker looks into the camera and speaks.

Undertaker: Randy Savage, you can throw whatever you want in the destiny of my following, but remember this, when push comes to shove, I am the Lord of Darkness. Nothing will stop me, no challenge is too great, not Triple H, not Stone Cold Steve Austin and not even Chris Jericho. I will go out there tonight and show everyone what I am capable of, and then in three weeks, at All Out Assault, I will win the PWA World Championship!! (creepy laugh)

The crowd is booing, but then those turn to cheers as the cameras cut to Jeremy Borash who stands along with Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, he will be involved in tonight's main event, as well as the PWA Championship match at All Out Assault, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Now Steve, do you have any final thoughts heading into this huge tag team match later tonight?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Well, you see here Borash, tonight I team up with Triple H to face the Undertaker and Chris Jericho. And let me start off by saying, I don't like a damn one of em. My motto has always been DTA, Don't Trust Anybody and that applies to you tonight Hunter. I am gonna have eyes in the back of my head and if you even think about anything EH EH bam Stunner, it's as simple as that! AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE CUZ STONE COLD SAID SO!!

Austin exits and then we head back to the ring where a countdown is already on the JumboTron.





The ball flies through the tunnel and then pyros explode on the stage as Jericho stands there with his arms out, he spins and starts walking to the ring.

Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's main event is a tag team contest scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring first, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at two hundred thirty one pounds, he is Y2J Chris Jericho!!

Jericho is now on the apron, he hooks it and then climbs into the ring, he spins around with his arms out and is totally showered with boos by this St. Louis crowd. He goes to the corner and flexes, to more boos, he hops down and bounces around a little awaiting his partner/opponents.

The lights in the arena go out and now only a few black lights are lighting the stage purple as the Undertaker walks out from the back to the Ministry of Darkness theme. Paul Bearer walks closely behind him.

Tony Chimel: And his partner, from Death Valley, being accompanied to the ring by Paul Bearer, weighing in at three hundred twenty six pounds, he is the leader of the Ministry of Darkness, THE UNDERTAKER!!

Taker now slowly walks up the steps, he gets to the top of them and raises his arms up and rolls his eyes back as the lights in the arena come back up. He enters the ring and bounces off the ropes a few times, he then goes over and says something to Jericho. They both are doing their own thing as we hear the words.


The DX music hits and out from the back comes Triple H, he wears black trunks and has a personalized t-shirt on, he carries his water bottle and walks to the ring looking focused.

Tony Chimel: And their opponents, first, from Greenwich, Connecticut, he represents D-Generation X, weighing in at two hundred seventy pounds, he is the Game, Triple H!!!

Triple H hops on the apron and spits water into the crowd, he then climbs in the ring and goes to the opposite turnbuckle to pose for the crowd. As he steps up, he is jumped from behind by both Jericho and the Undertaker. They are stomping away at Trips on the mat, trying to soften him up. After fifteen seconds, the crowd has started a loud "Austin, Austin, Austin" chant as they continue to lay the boots to Triple H. Then..it happens.

Austin and HHH vs. Jericho and Undertaker


Austin comes running down the ramp, he takes his vest off on the way down, he gets to the ring and slides in. He goes up and turns Taker around and nails three straight punches to him, Jericho then turns, but Austin blocks his punch attempt and nails three punches to Jericho as well. He then grabs Jericho by the arm and whips him right into the Undertaker!! Jericho staggers back and Taker gets knocked into the corner, Austin then clotheslines Jericho from behind, knocking him down to the mat. Austin then goes into the corner and hits a bunch of kicks to the gut of the Undertaker, Taker falls into the corner seated, Austin continues to stomp away at him and then flips him the bird and delivers one last solid kick into his chest! Jericho is back up and is coming up behind Austin, but Trips stops Jericho, turns him and nails a punch to the head, Austin turns and nails a punch to Jericho as well, they are volleying Jericho back and forth between them. Finally Triple H knocks him down with a clothesline and sees that Taker has exited the ring so he goes back to his corner. So now just Austin and Jericho are in the ring and we are now officially underway as the bell is finally rung.

Austin pulls Jericho up and hammers away with three punches, knocking Jericho back against the ropes, Austin then whips him across to the opposite ropes, he comes back and ducks an Austin clothesline, they both hit the ropes and come back, Austin with a Lou Thesz press!! He mounts with a bunch of punches, he pops up and hits the ropes, he comes back with waving middle fingers and then drops an elbow across the face of Jericho.



Kickout by Jericho!

Austin pulls him up by the hair and backs him into his corner, Triple H tags into the match now. He gets in and hammers away at Jericho in the corner as well, he pulls him over to the middle of the ropes and whips him off the far ropes, Jericho comes back with a spinning heel kick taking Triple H down. Jericho pulls him up and applies a front facelock, he then backs into his corner where the Undertaker tags himself in. He steps in and nails to solid kicks to the exposed ribs of Trips. Jericho lets go and exits the ring, Taker nails Trips with a huge uppercut that sends him back into the corner, Taker comes in and nails Triple H with a flurry of lefts and rights. Trips staggers out of the corner and flops right on his face on the mat!! Taker pulls him up and backs him against the ropes, he whips him across the ring, he leans over for a back body drop, but Triple H scouted in and nails him with a facebuster across the knee!! Trips then hits the ropes and runs for a clothesline, but Taker takes him over with a big time powerslam!! Cover.



Kickout by Trips!!

Taker pulls him up to his feet by the hair and then pushes Trips back into the corner and tags Jericho back in, Jericho comes in and throws a punch to Triple H, he then dances his legs around and throws another, he cockily dances some more and throws a third, he then pulls Trips and double underhooks him, he lifts him up and drills him with a beautiful double underhook backbreaker! Jericho pulls Triple H's head up and applies a rear chinlock to the seated Trips. The crowd is trying to get behind Triple H now, he starts to fight up to his feet, he is on both feet and connects with an elbow to the gut, another, another, he then takes Jericho over with a back suplex--NO! Jericho lands on his feet, he grabs Trips by the head and takes him down with a bulldog!! Jericho then runs off the ropes, LIONSAULT!! NO!! Triple H rolled out of the way, but Jericho lands on his feet, Triple H turns but right into a LEG LARIAT FROM JERICHO!! Jericho dives over and tags Taker back in, Taker pulls Trips up and puts him on his shoulder, he walks him to the corner and drops him head first into the top buckle, Taker then runs and hits the far ropes, he comes back with a NO!! Triple H had it totally scouted, he took two powerful steps out of the corner and then drilled Taker with a running knee lift to the head!! Both hit the mat hard and look over toward their partners. Triple H is farther away but is crawling faster.

They are both close, Taker makes the tag first, Jericho comes running across and leaps to knock Austin off the apron! HE does!!!


Austin got knocked to the outside, but is standing on his feet, he grabs Jericho by the leg and pulls him out to the outside of the ring. Austin unloads with punches to the face, HHH then slides out, he and Austin start volleying Jericho back and forth between them with punches. After about four from each, Jericho just falls down, Austin and Trips both go to pull him up, but in that instant, THE UNDERTAKER COMES OVER WITH A HUGE NO HANDS DIVE OUT TO THE OUTSIDE TAKING OUT BOTH STONE COLD AND TRIPLE H!!!!!

JR: There is absolute carnage on the outside, folks we have to take our final commercial break of the night, we'll be right back with this huge main event!!

--- Commercials ---

When come back and in the ring, the Undertaker has a modified version of the Dragon sleeper applied because Austin is fighting hard to avoid that lethal maneuver. Austin eventually fights up to his feet after about twenty seconds of pain. He nails Taker with an elbow to the gut, he nails another, he has been released, Austin grabs the arm of the Deadman and pulls him in for a Short Arm Clothesline!! Austin grabs the Undertaker and pulls him up, he lifts him and nails him with an awesome piledriver. He rolls him over and covers.



Kickout by Taker!

Austin pulls him over to his corner and tags in Triple H, Trips comes in and pushes Taker into the corner,, he unloads with about five hard rights to the head and then pulls Taker out towards the center, he hooks him and connects with a nice DDT! He rolls him over for the cover!



Kickout by Taker!!

Triple H is pulling Taker up, but is drilled with a hard uppercut, Trips backs against the ropes and then charges with a clothesline, but Taker ducks it, both of their momentum take them off opposite ropes they are running at each other and Taker leaps up and nails Triple H with a vintage Undertaker flipping clothesline. Taker stands and pulls Triple H up and twists his arm around, he walks to the corner and then rises to the top rope, Taker walks out across the ropes and then jumps off with a huge shot across the back of the head of Triple H taking him down. Taker now looks at Trips and rolls his eyes back and motions his thumb across his throat. Triple H starts to rise up to his feet, Taker grabs him, but Triple H instinctively throws a huge forearm shiver that rocks Taker back. But right to his corner, Jericho tags in. He immediately runs at Trips and nails a STEP-UP ENZIGURI!! He covers!



Kickout by Triple H!!!

Thought it may have been over right there and then. Jericho goes over and says something to Austin, Steve steps into the ring, but Hebner is there to stop him and order him back into the corner, Jericho sees this, he pulls off some of his wrist tape and is using it to choke Triple H behind the refs back!! Jericho then makes a really tight closed fist, but leans over because Trips kicked his leg back with a lowblow. Triple H turns and kicks Jericho in the gut, he hooks him, PEDIGREE!!!! Triple H covers!




This causes Austin to run into the ring, he runs and takes Taker over with a clothesline to the outside. Austin then turns and is saying something to Triple H. They both go over and pull Jericho up, Austin is talking a lot of smack, but he is spun around from behind the Undertaker, he goozles Austin!! Jericho with a spinning heel kick to Triple H!! Austin, is trying to break Taker's grip, but he can't!!! TAKER LIFTS HIM UP AND SLAMS HIM DOWN WITH A HUGE CHOKESLAM!!! He now turns his attention to Triple H as Jericho is talking trash to Austin, Taker waits for Trips to be up, he turns right into a goozle!! But Triple H kicks him in the gut, hooks him, PEDIGREE!!!! Jericho with a bulldog to Triple H from behind!! He runs off and nails the LIONSAULT!! He rolls backwards up to his feet, and then is taunting the crowd and that was a HUGE mistake! He turns, KICK, STUNNER!!!! AUSTIN HAS STRUCK!!! JERICHO IS DOWN, TRIPLE H CRAWLS OVER FOR THE COVER!!!




Tony Chimel: Here are your winners, in 16:41, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H!!!!

JR: What an awesome match that was, and boy am I glad to see Austin and Triple H come out on top!!

King: That was a fluke!!! I cannot believe the highway robbery we have just witnessed!!!

JR: Oh come on give me a damn break!!! They won that match fair and square and you and me and everyone else damn well knows it!!! Folks we are out of time for tonight!! Join us in two weeks once again here on PWA Tuesday Night Torture!!!

In the ring, Austin and Triple H are celebrating their huge win. Triple H is in the corner posing, he hops down and then turns right into KICK, STUNNER!!!


An ADS/EWA/PWA Torture Production
Copyright 2007
All Rights Reserved


Confirmed for two weeks on Torture:

We will have three huge matches in the North American title tournament.

Torture GM Randy Savage has confirmed that one more match will be added to pay per view card (below)

Also, two huge main event style matches have been decided upon. One of which will open the show!

Tune in next week for the final Torture before All Out Assault, as it is sure to be a wild ride heading for that huge pay per view!!


Current Card for All Out Assault
from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX
Tuesday, August 7th

Main Event:
Fatal Fourway Elimination Match:
PWA World Championship Match:
Triple H vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho

PWA Tag Team Championship Match:
Stipulation TBD:
The Dudley Boyz vs. The Steiner Brothers

PWA X-Division Championship Match:
Tajiri vs. Super Crazy

North American Title Tournament Match:
No Disqualification Grudge Match:
Muhammed Hassan vs. Ric Flair

#1 Contender for PWA World Championship Match:
Shot received at Halloween Havoc:
Shane Douglas vs. Bret Hart vs. Rob Van Dam

6-Man Tag Team Match:
The Ministry (Chuck Palumbo and the Natural Born Thrillaz)
DX (X-Pac and the New Age Outlaws)

3-on-1 Handicapped Match
Kane vs. The Natural Brood

North American Title Tournament Match:
Grudge Match:
Chris Sabin vs. Billy Kidman
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