"The End of The World as You Know it"

End of the world as we know it, to me means the following...

#1. Set up a feud with punk over best in the world.

#2. Bring the Undertaker back to distract the Game so Stephanie can be the Raw GM.

#3.Have Steph and Jericho take over Raw, which has become Punk country and turn it back to Raw is Jericho.

#4. Have Jericho become WWEC. and Steph hold down Punks career, hoping he will quit Raw and let jericho and Steph run the top show unchallenged.

#5. Have Punk go to SD. and become the top dog, WHC. Get him to wage war on Raw. Have the Game take over SD GM job.

6. In a bitter battle between brands, have WWEC. Jericho vs. WHC. Punk, in a winner takes all. Their Brand takes over the other brands wrestlers, and there is only 1 undisputed WWEC and one Brand left standing.

This story line would truly live up to the line, End of the world as we know.IMO. The WWE world would truly be changed. Whether jericho and steph are running it or more likely Punk and Triple H. running it. It would be all under one brand and there would be one true WWEC. making the title more significant. they can always throw a swerve in there and have steph and the Game reunite and turn on Jericho and go with Punk as the future. Then, if they wanted to, they could bring Vince back to battle them for leadership of the company by having his boy, John Cena, teaming up with him to have a gigantic battle with C.M. Punk as to see who truly is the top superstar in the WWE.
As much as everyone hates it, this is perfect. It kicked off a feud between Jericho and Punk with 2 months to build. It also added to Daniel Bryan turning heel, not Bryan is gonna have more to be cocky about, saying that he "beat" the WWE Champion on Raw.

And just because he said it was the end of the world as you know it, don't always expect it to be true. How many people have said they were gonna do something at the Rumble and not followed through? I'm sure the original plan was to have Jericho win, but a last minute decision was made. I don't agree with it one bit, but we gotta deal with it. I don't like Sheamus winning the Royal Rumble at all, I think he would've been better off facing Kane or Barrett or someone else at WM. I love Sheamus, but I think he was pushed too soon and belongs as the bad-ass mid-carder for now.

Just wait and see about this Jericho vs. Punk thing. This makes for some kick ass promos leading up to Mania and i'm sure it won't disappoint. Jericho's been around long enough to know how to make a storyline work.
I think a great way to kick off the feud would have been for Jericho to attack Punk during the Ziggler match at RR. Picture this:

Ziggler is down, Punk setting up the GTS..
Jericho runs out, hits the codebreaker and runs out like he finished the job..
Ziggler crawls over for the cover, Punk kicks out..
Punk eventually pulls off the victory.

Later in the night Punk could come out and cost Jericho the Royal Rumble match and boom the rivalry is kicked off with a bang. Open up Raw with them two verbally sparring and hyping the Elimination Chamber.
I guess my biggest point is that Jericho said the world would end as we know it on SUNDAY.

Now, let's look at what Jericho did on SUNDAY:

Get eliminated by Sheamus, a man who's only been able to beat jobbers in recent months.

Yeah, real good way to make your returning superstar look good WWE. For anyone who's saying, "Oh he attacked Punk on Monday anyway", the problem is that Jericho specifically said SUNday not MONday.

Excellent points, Yes he did say Sunday. Wow your dead on about Sheamus as well, that totally killed Jericho for me at the Rumble. And to think I wasted $50. Good luck WWE in trying to save this storyline.
@drobs85 and gwarren - are you really basing a wrestler's ability on a second place finish in a RR? How often are wrestling matches decided by throwing a guy over the top rope? It's not exactly the same thing as pinning a guy. I don't think Jericho deserves our applause (since he appears to be a heel) but he should be seen as a legitimate threat. He is someone who can win clean or get his hands dirty in order to win.

And as far as Sheamus goes, he may not be getting wins over the top talent but he has been consistently looking strong in all of his matches.

I understand being dissatisfied with the outcome of a match or storyline (whether it happened on Sunday or Monday) but the leap in logic that Jericho is weak because of a 2nd place finish at the RR seems presumptious.
I was completely fine with Sheamus winning the rumble even though it seemed pretty clear Jericho was to win it. As many have said, it can easily be twisted into his heel persona on making promises that don't come to fruition because it's been noted on this site that Sheamus winning was a change in plans. However, I sort of wished Jericho would've entered earlier if he was not going to win or if he did something ridiculous like eliminate himself. With all that, the attack on Punk didnt give me the pop i hoped for. But, its still a start and we have two months and another ppv before WM so there's still much to come. Hopefully, by WM we won't even remember questioning all this.
By "this Sunday at the RR, It will be the end of the World as you know it," Jericho actuallly did follow through in a way.

He has been coming out getting fan reactions for three weeks and not saying a word and being straight up silly. Come the RR Jericho doe shis entrance turns around throws the jacket, gets serious, and tries to win, NO MORE GAMES! Then Monday Night he comes out and throws Bryan to the ground and attacks Punk, once again serious. It was the end of the world as you know, he completely changed from what he had been doing and now this is where the fun REALLY begins.
I like alot of people on here was also a little letdown, but after reading some post here, alot you guys also make some good points, the one I did like, was when someone here said that everything Jericho's been doin has kinda been a letdown so in that case that does kinda mesh with what happened at the royal rumble, although I do think that atleast imo it doesnt make jericho look like a threat at all to punk cause he hasnt done anything significant or anything to really make himself relavent, thats the only thing I think the royal rumble loss kinda did to him was cause it showed him trying and then failing. Either way though it was funny on twitter he told everyone to stop whining haha
Jericho is not a force, he never was and he never will be. The whole affair surrounding his build up, return etc has being a clusterfuck if you ask me. Jericho and WWE trying to be too clever and it hasn't worked.

I bet we never find out who 'she' is either. That will be conveniently forgotten about like Raw GM and Nexus higher power!!!!
Haha. I'm so excited. I'm ridiculously confused, but I actually like it. Whatever happens with this angle will happen, and being butthurt and angry about it won't solve anything. Creative isn't AWFUL. It's a hell of a lot better than TNA. I think this whole story needs to take course and we will be happy or unhappy. Yeah, the whole debut and the weeks after were annoying as hell, but Jericho is in matches, and he's speaking, which is already an improvement. :p I think we all believe the world will end because we're the IWC and lord knows we overthink EVERYTHING. Woo! :lol:
Well, I have read several of these posts, and my opinion(keep in mind this only applies to me, not everyone as a whole)I was definitely intrigued about Chris Jericho's return, where it was going to go, with the whole not talking thing, and the over the top excitement etc. The last RAW before the Rumble,the Highlight Reel seemed to be bringing everything together, highlights of his career, his last return, and the most recent "it begins" promos. Then FINALLY a statement from Jericho "This Sunday at the Royal Rumble blah, blah, blah." No interference in Punk/Ziggler's match, loses the Rumble,didn't exactly follow through with the bold statement. Now yes I realize and agree that being the "heel" he can make such proclamations and not follow through, happens most of the time. However in Jericho's case, the situation is much different. This is the FIRST time we were hearing from Chris, after a lengthy absence. Fans were expecting something, but got nothing. Now i'm left feeling like "I don't really care" even after the setup of a feud with Punk this past MNR. I'm not willing to invest, Too much time has gone by. I'll wait to see how it plays out, and quiet my "whining." The mic work between the two will at least be Awesome, unless Jericho opts not to talk and just jumps around like an overly excited fool, but i'm sure that won't be the case! Hoping everything is uphill from here, hopefully with some sort of explanation to everything.
Well, I have read several of these posts, and my opinion(keep in mind this only applies to me, not everyone as a whole)I was definitely intrigued about Chris Jericho's return, where it was going to go, with the whole not talking thing, and the over the top excitement etc. The last RAW before the Rumble,the Highlight Reel seemed to be bringing everything together, highlights of his career, his last return, and the most recent "it begins" promos. Then FINALLY a statement from Jericho "This Sunday at the Royal Rumble blah, blah, blah." No interference in Punk/Ziggler's match, loses the Rumble,didn't exactly follow through with the bold statement. Now yes I realize and agree that being the "heel" he can make such proclamations and not follow through, happens most of the time. However in Jericho's case, the situation is much different. This is the FIRST time we were hearing from Chris, after a lengthy absence. Fans were expecting something, but got nothing. Now i'm left feeling like "I don't really care" even after the setup of a feud with Punk this past MNR. I'm not willing to invest, Too much time has gone by. I'll wait to see how it plays out, and quiet my "whining." The mic work between the two will at least be Awesome, unless Jericho opts not to talk and just jumps around like an overly excited fool, but i'm sure that won't be the case! Hoping everything is uphill from here, hopefully with some sort of explanation to everything.

I can not agree more with what you just said. I was so let down by the Rumble, I used to get excited for ever PPV when I was a kid, now hardly any except the big ones (Rumble, SummerSlam, Mania)

I was seriously pumped for the Royal Rumble this year, and whilst it was not horrible, it certainly did not excite me as expected. Jericho being a heel has nothing to do with what he said on Raw last week.. to those saying that "Heels are known for this type of thing" in my opinion are just "smarking" out.

I totally disagree with that comment, and I agree with what you said about after the build up and finally Jericho speaking after that epic promo, that type of statement is not a typical promo saying " This Sunday I will Win the Royal Rumble " it was way different then that, he was finally (after months of anticipation) giving us some kind of beginning or lead to what he has been talking about, it had an epic feel about it, whether it would work in his favor or not (As in Winning the Rumble) us as the WWE Universe would have had some small answer or direction as to what he was talking about. WWE dropped the ball in my opinion, I left the Royal Rumble Sunday unsatisfied, and for Y2J to attack Punk the next night on Raw and leave me more excited for next week rather then the Rumble doing that for me for Raw? Didn't like it.

The whole Jericho acting like a jackass for weeks after his return make no sense, everyone can say it is playing the crowd, and it may be, but who the hell cares? Do something that makes an impact. This is what happens, you can't keep pumping people up for this long without any kind of direction, it's like giving a balloon to much air, what happens? I will be tremendously surprised if there is a good payoff here, and it may be with the Punk Jericho match, but storyline wise thus far I am not happy, that means nothing to anyone here but just venting my opinion lately.
I have no idea what the OP is talking about, it's almost as if he thinks this shit is real, blaming Jericho and so forth.

Anyhow, yes, this was a steaming pile of shit. My apologies to my friends who believe WWE, no matter, can do no wrong, but this stunk. He made a statement, to close Raw, and nothing happened.

Jericho didn't need to win the Rumble, but he needed to do something outside of being dumped on his head by Sheamus. I'm not sure why they didn't follow through on this, but they should have. No question about it.
I'm not sure why they didn't follow through on this, but they should have. No question about it.

Uh they did follow it through. That is why Jericho attacked Punk on Raw.

Jericho was supposed to win the Rumble and go after Punk. He was so confident about it that he almost announced it before he actually won the thing. Unfortunately for him, the Rumble was the only card up his sleeve and things did not go according to plan. So he had to attack Punk to get his attention.

They haven't messed things up. I think WWE is just approaching this from another angle. I expect that things will be clearer by next week.
Uh they did follow it through. That is why Jericho attacked Punk on Raw.

Jericho was supposed to win the Rumble and go after Punk. He was so confident about it that he almost announced it before he actually won the thing. Unfortunately for him, the Rumble was the only card up his sleeve and things did not go according to plan. So he had to attack Punk to get his attention.

They haven't messed things up. I think WWE is just approaching this from another angle. I expect that things will be clearer by next week.

Bullshit. Jericho said something would happen on Sunday, and it didn't. Nothing. Fucking zero.

If you read what I wrote and somehow came up with me being an impatient fan who can't wait for things to play out, you didn't get it. That's not what I was saying. Jericho (the WWE, by extension) made us believe Jericho was going to do something big that night. He didn't. I'm guessing plans were changed at the last minute (or few days). That's fine, but nothing happened. That's a fact.
Bullshit. Jericho said something would happen on Sunday, and it didn't. Nothing. Fucking zero.

If you read what I wrote and somehow came up with me being an impatient fan who can't wait for things to play out, you didn't get it. That's not what I was saying. Jericho (the WWE, by extension) made us believe Jericho was going to do something big that night. He didn't. I'm guessing plans were changed at the last minute (or few days). That's fine, but nothing happened. That's a fact.

Jericho( and by extension, WWE) told us that he would try to do something big that night. Sorry, but in the realms of kayfabe Jericho ain't God. He tried to win the Rumble, he made it to the last two and failed. It happens. Wrestlers fail to live upto big promises. When faces do so, they apologize to the fans, when heels do so, they throw a bitch fit and attack people. Like Jericho did this week on Raw. I'm just not getting what is so difficult for you to grasp here.
If WWE wants Sheamus/Bryan and Punk/Jericho at WM it is much easier to get Jericho/Punk to feud without the Rumble victory than Sheamus/Bryan.

This doesn't have much to do with Jericho's cryptic messages and trolling but it might explain why WWE ended up going in this direction.
Jericho( and by extension, WWE) told us that he would try to do something big that night.

No, he said the world as we know it was about to end. Nothing specific, but when a wrestling company runs an angle where someone says something similar, something had better take place. Nothing did. There's no real denying that, so I'm not sure why you're wasting so much of your time.

Sorry, but in the realms of kayfabe Jericho ain't God. He tried to win the Rumble, he made it to the last two and failed. It happens. Wrestlers fail to live upto big promises.

When you're running a huge angle, and a huge superstar makes a return, and makes a promise to the crowd, something needs to happen. This isn't like Wade Barrett predicting he'd win the rumble. Jericho had just made a huge return to the WWE, and in turn, said he was going to do something big on Sunday. He didn't.

When faces do so, they apologize to the fans, when heels do so, they throw a bitch fit and attack people. Like Jericho did this week on Raw.

I don't think you understand the idea of booking a returning, big-time heel. Obviously plans originally called for Jericho to win the Rumble. When you close your biggest television show of the week with a returning, mega-star heel predicting something big to happen the following Sunday, something big should probably take place.

He didn't predict he'd win the Rumble match, he said something big would happen on Sunday. Not Monday night, Sunday night. Basically, someone in charge either forgot how big of a deal it was, or just didn't give a shit. Either way, it stunk. Not sure why you can't grasp that.
No, he said the world as we know it was about to end. Nothing specific, but when a wrestling company runs an angle where someone says something similar, something had better take place. Nothing did. There's no real denying that, so I'm not sure why you're wasting so much of your time.

I am not denying at any point that nothing much took place. What I am saying is that there was nothing that was guaranteed to take place in the first place either( despite whatever may be the conventional line of thought) and it's not as much of a let down as you might think.

When you're running a huge angle, and a huge superstar makes a return, and makes a promise to the crowd, something needs to happen. This isn't like Wade Barrett predicting he'd win the rumble. Jericho had just made a huge return to the WWE, and in turn, said he was going to do something big on Sunday. He didn't.

I don't think you understand the idea of booking a returning, big-time heel. Obviously plans originally called for Jericho to win the Rumble. When you close your biggest television show of the week with a returning, mega-star heel predicting something big to happen the following Sunday, something big should probably take place.

He didn't predict he'd win the Rumble match, he said something big would happen on Sunday. Not Monday night, Sunday night. Basically, someone in charge either forgot how big of a deal it was, or just didn't give a shit. Either way, it stunk. Not sure why you can't grasp that.

Well, this huge angle or big time heel return has not been booked the conventional way from the start. Have you seen any other angle in which the returning superstar does nothing but celebrate in an over the top manner? You'd be lying if you said you expected that to happen. So yes, a megastar heel returning and making a promise and living up to that might be the conventional routine but it is not the only thing that can be done out there.

Also I can't see how not winning the Rumble and thereby failing to live up to the promise he made to the fans and then attacking a huge fam favourite would make him seem as any less of a heel than him straight out winning the Rumble and challenging Punk. In my eyes, it makes him look much more heelish and so I do not think that the angle stunk. Different does not always mean bad. And even you, a smart fan, seem annoyed by Jericho failing to live up to his promise. Further evidence that the angle is working.

This angle is all for going against the conventional way things are done.

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