"The End of The World as You Know it"


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Am I the only one wondering how WWE are now going to rescue this angle? The only thing Jericho did at the Rumble was get eliminated, he didn't win, he didn't interfere in Punks match, he didn't do anything. Seriously, how's his next promo going to go?

Now I haven't watched this weeks MNR yet, so I don't know if he covered up there, but anyway, I wanna know, how do you feel about Jericho now, has his hypocracy ruined his character and where do you want to see the angle go next?
Watch Raw all you want...it still doesn't explain his end of the world statement predicted for the Rumble...I still believe Jericho was scheduled to win the Rumble until a change was made to Sheamus thus making the end of the world statement meaningless.
Another botched build up by these fucking apes holding thier crayons. What? Did they all of a sudden hire that brain dead dolt, Dixie Carter as the head of creative?

Simply fucking moronic.
What is to explain? I am gonna make this extremely simple:

Chris Jericho is a heel. Heels sometimes make boastful statements that don't come true.

It really could be that simple. Chris Jericho has done nothing but troll the fans since his return, making a boastful statement with no follow through to get the fans whining about it fits perfectly within that persona.
I think it will happen at Elimination Chamber. At some point Jericho will have to talk and until then the WWE could go in any number of directions and possibly another thousand or so potentially just to spite fans who have anticipated the ending
I still think it's too soon to call it a bust, but it's certainly anti-climactic, after the vignettes and Jericho's silent promos.

Jericho should have won the Rumble. It just made the most sense. I don't know why Sheamus had to win it, and I don't really care. I like Sheamus as a babyface; it works much better. But, it really shot Jericho in the foot.

I'm sure that the WWE won't be so stupid as to not tie it back together. It's rare that they're actually that stupid (i.e. The Nexus randomly burying Undertaker at the 2010 Survivor Series,), so I'm sure they won't build that up and then not give us any pay-off. I agree that it's a let down, but I say wait until it's over before we call it a failure.
I'm still betting Vince changed the Rumble plans and either forgot about Jericho's bold statement or said screw it and we'll deal with it on Raw...it made Jericho look weak not like a heel...Lawler & Cole never even mentioned he was the runner-up...the makeup for all of it was having Jericho attack Punk...yes, had he won the Rumble it probably would have lead to a match with Punk at WM 28 anyway...I just don't like when they do things like that...
end of the world as you know it obviously have something to do with cm punk, they both say their the "best in the world", so my guess that was jericho's way of saying he's gonna turn cm punk's world upside down aka the end of the world(cm punk's world). I got a feeling the person Laurinatis was "texting" the whole time will end up being jericho and that Laurinatis was making sure punk remained champion so he can get screwed or something else major happen to him at elimination chamber or so jericho face punk one on one at mania(of course we have to keep watching to see how that one would turn out).
Jericho didn't need to do anything at RR. Have you ever stopped to think that Jericho didn't mean that it would happen DURING the RR?

Maybe Jericho was meant to interrupt the Punk/Ziggler match at RR instead of having JL get heavily involved. Maybe Jericho was meant to win the RR but WWE decided to go a different route.

Hell, while we're at it...

~ Who was responsible for GTV? Supposedly Goldust was behind it.
~ What was the greater purpose for Nexus? Still unanswered.
~ What was Nexus' reasoning for helping Kane bury Taker? Supposedly to setup Barrett/Taker at WM 27 but plans changed.
~ Who was behind the sign falling on Vince during his segment where he "gave away" money? Again...supposedly Undertaker but no real answer given for their plans.
~ Who really was the anonymous RAW GM? Still convinced WWE had no REAL plan.
~ Remember when Vince was supposed to be killed off, but then the whole Benoit thing happened and they canceled it?

WWE changes plans all the time for reasons WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW OR WORRY ABOUT. Usually its for a better payoff...usually.

In this case, Jericho STILL attacked Punk last night, thus kicking off the "end of the world" campaign. WWE has done things to stories that make me scratch my head, but SOMETIMES they pull it all off in the end.

I've said this plenty of times...SHUT THE HELL UP AND JUST WATCH. When its over and doesn't make sense, THEN you can bitch. Watching WWE sometimes is like a movie with a bunch of twists...once you think you see the story going a certain way, they change it up on the viewer.
Have you ever stopped to think that Jericho didn't mean that it would happen DURING the RR?

"This Sunday at the Royal Rumble it will be the end of the world as you know it"

Trust me, Jericho is my favorite wrestler by far, I just don't like it when WWE doesn't follow through...plus I was at the Rumble and expected more...sorry. Yeah, baby!!!
Its hard to believe that Jericho has been back for weeks and hasnt done anything. He hasnt had a real promo. I was excited when he came back, but now I really dont even care. I had no emotion to when he hit punk last night. I didnt even have a reaction to it. The moment punk was hit by Jericho, there should have been an OMG moment. Shocking and amazing moment that we all waited for. I didnt get that at all. I got nothing

With all the build up before he returned, I expected something huge. Waiting a month for something minimal isnt good IMO. Im sure it will get better as it goes on, but I think alot of interest was lost with it.

I laughed when people were talking about how epic and great Jericho was for trolling the fans. Now as weeks go by, its apparent just how dropped the ball was.

As I said though, it will get better and by Wrestlemania hopefully ill have alot more interest in it and they put on a great match. That is even if they have one there. Who knows with WWE anymore.
I guess my biggest point is that Jericho said the world would end as we know it on SUNDAY.

Now, let's look at what Jericho did on SUNDAY:

Get eliminated by Sheamus, a man who's only been able to beat jobbers in recent months.

Yeah, real good way to make your returning superstar look good WWE. For anyone who's saying, "Oh he attacked Punk on Monday anyway", the problem is that Jericho specifically said SUNday not MONday.
Jericho didn't need........

~ Who was responsible for GTV? Supposedly Goldust was behind it.
~ What was the greater purpose for Nexus? Still unanswered.
~ What was Nexus' reasoning for helping Kane bury Taker? Supposedly to setup Barrett/Taker at WM 27 but plans changed.
~ Who was behind the sign falling on Vince during his segment where he "gave away" money? Again...supposedly Undertaker but no real answer given for their plans.
~ Who really was the anonymous RAW GM? Still convinced WWE had no REAL plan..............

~ Who was responsible for GTV? Essa Rios
~ What was the greater purpose for Nexus? To be broken up, form two separate groups to be broken up. Make one a lawyer and the other one on the cusp of the Main Event on SD, leaving the rest to suffer getting beat down by Brodus Clay and compete on Superstars
~ What was Nexus' reasoning for helping Kane bury Taker? They are not fans of people named Mark.
~ Who was behind the sign falling on Vince during his segment where he "gave away" money? Ring crew with poor craftsmanship
~ Who really was the anonymous RAW GM? Whoever was sitting in Section 214 Row D Seat 16 at every arena.

Questions answered. As for Jericho, I'm still excited about a match with CM Punk. Just cause he didn't win the Royal Rumble, doesn't mean the story is wasted.
It's a tag line, that in the reality of WWE holds absolutely no substance.
As VinnieSunshine pointed out WWE starts storylines and pulls them and leaves no reasoning behind the storyline in the first place.

From my perspective I would have The Undertaker turn heel, aligned himself with JL along with Jericho, Jericho going after Punk and Undertaker saving JL is job for now enticing HHH back into the ring for maybe some Streak Vs Career match; That would be my idea, no one would ever think Taker would turn heel especially now and maybe revamp the old corporate ministry but with new members and allow the Undertaker to become a more talking/leader role and get everyone else doing the wrestling, which would allow him to be on TV regularly but wrestling sporadically.
Have you ever stopped to think that Jericho didn't mean that it would happen DURING the RR?

"This Sunday at the Royal Rumble it will be the end of the world as you know it"

Trust me, Jericho is my favorite wrestler by far, I just don't like it when WWE doesn't follow through...plus I was at the Rumble and expected more...sorry. Yeah, baby!!!

Listen here ass clown. The whole point I was making was that...Jericho may have said AT THE ROYAL RUMBLE, but he may not have meant DURING (go back and read) the actual match itself.

I guess my biggest point is that Jericho said the world would end as we know it on SUNDAY.

Now, let's look at what Jericho did on SUNDAY:

Get eliminated by Sheamus, a man who's only been able to beat jobbers in recent months.

Yeah, real good way to make your returning superstar look good WWE. For anyone who's saying, "Oh he attacked Punk on Monday anyway", the problem is that Jericho specifically said SUNday not MONday.

Do you people know how to read, or do you just react right away!

Again...there may have been some sort of plan and WWE scrapped it. Sheamus NEEDS the rumble more than Jericho does anyway.

WHAT DOES IT MATTER WHAT DAY HE ATTACKED HIM ON! The point is, the feud, that the majority of us have been waiting for, HAS STARTED! Does it REALLY matter WHEN it happened?
By the end of the world he means end of Punks run perhaps. Making monday night the start of an end to punk winning (Jericho interferes and punk still loses) And now Jericho starts his mission to dethrone punk and once again become the "best in the world". So Royal Rumble could meant as the last time punk would win with the title.. That is the only way I think you could spin it.
Just like Davi323 said Jericho is a heel, heels say things all the time that don't happen. I don't see how the angle needs saving yet. It really just started last night when he attacked Punk. It's simple his next promo will be about him not Punk being the best in the world, and how Punk's world will end. I'm sure he'll explain his actions since returning in a way to mock Punk. He'll probably go on about how he played the fans,but don't care what they think. Since Punk is the voice of the voiceless Jericho will use that it some way to put Punk and the fans down. While cementing his heel status at the same time. Jericho is way to good and smart for all of this to go nowhere.
I am talking kayfebe here: I agree that Jericho is a heel and he doesn't need to tell everything, but it's not like he intentionally didn't do anything just to piss us off. He tried to win the Rumble and he couldn't. If anything he just made himself look weak. He tried, and couldn't do it.
Now in reality, if someone doesn't speak for weeks and finally says something, and if that doesn't happen, I will be pissed off. Not pissed off as in a heel heat, pissed off as in the Fingerpoke of Doom. You need to do things properly or do something else altogether
...but it's not like he intentionally didn't do anything just to piss us off.

How do you know that for sure? Given his actions of the past month, the celebrated return where the fans went apeshit crazy and all he did was go "YEA! YEA! YEA!" without actually saying anything, then doing it again the next week, then not really doing anything during the Highlight Reel, etc, WHY is it impossible that the lack of anything monumental was deliberate? Everything about his return so far has been all hype with no substance. This fits perfectly within everything else he has done. Since he returned, Chris Jericho has been messing with the fans heads by design. Promising something huge and then not delivering anything even remotely close to how he hyped it is perfectly within that character. When you look at it from the perspective that Jericho is goofing on the fans who don't get the joke, it makes perfect sense.
One of the issues is that Jericho has always been a better heel than face. The WWE needs top heels right now and they now that. One of the problems is that Jericho is such a great worker that people love him. Plus being gone for so long he was bound to get a big pop upon returning it was hard to paint him as a heel. Hell I'm convinced that The Iron Shiek could come back today and get a good pop because a lot of people know he is batshit crazy.

Everyone thought he was going to come back after like a 2 year absence and win the Rumble, I bought into it myself so I won't lay blame on people. When he said "The world as we know it would end Sunday" and it sorta did. Everyone thought they knew what was going to happen and it didn't.
Listen here ass clown. The whole point I was making was that...Jericho may have said AT THE ROYAL RUMBLE, but he may not have meant DURING (go back and read) the actual match itself.

At. During. What does it matter whether he meant AT or DURING. Both the Royal Rumble match and the Royal Rumble PPV are both over now, and nothing happened. So either way, regardless of whether he meant AT or DURING, his "prophecy" failed.
At. During. What does it matter whether he meant AT or DURING. Both the Royal Rumble match and the Royal Rumble PPV are both over now, and nothing happened. So either way, regardless of whether he meant AT or DURING, his "prophecy" failed.

You don't know that. Maybe something happened that we don't know about. Maybe Jericho's plan WASN'T to win the RR. MAYBE...he just wanted everyone to THINK that it was going to happen at RR.

I know this...having him come out last night and attack Punk was a surprise to me. I kept looking at the clock and wondering when they were going to fit him in. Did not expect him to attack like that.
We have to wait and see how this plays out. For all we know it, "The End of the World as You Know It" means Jericho's ultimate intention is to unify the World Titles. So, perhaps he didn't have to win the match for it to begin. Sheamus winning the Rumble still introduces a challenger into the championship picture that could ultimately end up winning the Undisputed Championship (Sheamus vs. World Champ/Jericho vs. Punk/Winner vs. Winner).

Jericho has come out with complete aggression and a no bullshit attitude since his proclomation. At the Rumble, there were zero shenanigans. Last night, again, he just threw Bryan into the barricade and hit the Codebreaker on Punk.

Hell, at the very least, Royal Rumble was the reveal of his true character. Not the guy fake pandering to the crowd. I wouldn't rule out Punk/Jericho being intertwined with Rock/Cena in the build up to WM. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't Kane who pushes Cena completely over the edge. Maybe Jericho gets in his ear and "The End of the World as You Know It" is Cena turning heel.

The point is I don't know. We don't know. And it's useless to bitch this early in the game with 2 months still left to build. It'd be like watching the first 10 minutes of Phone Booth (bear with me) and being like, "This is stupid! Where the fuck is the phone booth? This doesn't add up. This movie is a liar!"

Just calm down, and enjoy the ride. Just think for the next two months RAW will feature talent like The Rock, Undertaker, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, and even Goldust in addition to all the regular young talent. Throw in Masked Kane, Mark Henry, (Edge &) Christian, and William Regal as well. All these old STARS are back to help boost the current generation up. This is a great time. Be patient, even though I know you won't.

Maybe this end of the world talk is the beginning of the torch passing from the Attitude Era to the new one. It has been a decade since those legends were doing the same thing all these new fresh faces are doing.

You have to trust Jericho's creative integrity. This will not be a waste, and I think once this plays out everyone will come to appreciate what all the vignettes, pandering, vow of silence, and grand proclamation have built to. Come WM28, I don't think anyone is going to be bitching about how all this will have played out.
Has anyone considered the possibility that he is referencing the REM song?

Davi is right or as right as anyone can be at this point. He is trolling us for being idiots that forget that he was a huge heel upon his most recent exit, has done nothing to redeem himself and then comes back with the same stupid haircut and yet the fans still cheer for him.
You people who are upset are literally ******ed. Just... dumb people. Let's just say jericho came back and went after punk right away. You same people complaining about him doing nothing would be complaining that he took away from the ziggler vs punk feud. Would that have been better? Would it have been better if the last month was focused on punk and jericho? Or is it good that they let that feud play itself out? Jericho came back for one reason only, to end cm punks world. That doesn't mean he has to do anything right away. It doesn't mean he has to win the royal rumble. They'll get there. Just let it play out. My god.

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