The End of The Brand Split


Occasional Pre-Show
So after reading a headline that was posted on the front page here at WrestleZone, I immediately got high hopes that the brand split, would finally be over, and all shows would merge again.

It is rumored that Dave Batista will be on the cover of an upcoming issue of WWE Magazine when he makes his comeback from injury. The concept is entitled "I've Created A Monster" and will have Batista in a laboratory inside a "Wolverine-like" water tank with monitoring pads on his body, as well as trainer Marrese Crump standing by and monitoring his progress with a clipboard. This seems fitting for the training Batista has received from Crump that has aided him after his last injury and successful comeback. It is also rumored that when Batista makes his comeback, he will be on the road to uniting the Heavyweight and WWE Championship Titles next year at Wrestlemania. Marrese Crump is rumored to possibly sign with the WWE as well and accompany Batista to the Ring as his manager.

With that in mind, and under a year to go, I think this is a great decision by WWE. The ratings keep going down, and the product isn't as fresh as it was before. What do you guys think?
I think its a great idea but the wrong guy. I wanted this to happen this year and you could have had a pretty decent storyline. HHH would have been one participant and you could have had some of the veterans and the McMahons behind him. Edge would be another with vickie and the famila w/christian & big show behind him. Orton could have been behind the youth/legacy movement. It could have simply been a champions of champions after the elimination chambers happen have teddy long get into a fight with Swagger and say he isn't a worthy champion so he set him up to face the biggest challenge of his reign and then just have orton come out and win a pretty competitive contest to win the ECW title. Then Orton goes on a power hunger trip and decides to challenge both champions at wrestlemania. If you want to make it a 4 corners match you could also put cena into it saying he represents the fans. I just think its a very good idea to not only unify the titles but develop deep issues between rival stables
I like the idea of the titles being unified as that way more importance and prestiege would be returned to them. Perhaps stars from all three brands could challenge for them at different times. Though as much as I would like the end of the brand split, I don't think it would be the best option for WWE to build its future around as younger stars not yet over would find it more difficult to catch a break as the main guys would predictably dominate most likely. It's difficult enough to get over as it is. But yeh, unifying the titles might be the way to go and besides so many guys appear on all 3 brands now anyway that it doesn't really matter!!
At first when I read this, I was considering the number of superstars in the WWE..but considering how WWE is trying to focus more on specific stars, I would support the end of the brand extension. For the last 5 years or so, there has been really strong brand feuds..some examples are HBK-HHH, Batista HHH, Cena-JBL, Taker-Edge, Taker Orton etc etc etc...but as of late, there's so much overlap with the superstars..theres just too many cross-branded right now..its HHH (SD) vs Orton (Raw), Edge (SD, right?) vs Show (SD) vs Cena (Raw) and HBK (Raw) vs Taker (SD)..its really going to a point where I think its pointless to have separate brands, the WWE doesnt seem to focus on the midcarders as much as they used to back in the day, so it would be most suitable if this whole draft crap ended..BUT I would have ECW as more of a show to represent the rising stars (or underdevelopment wrestlers) of the WWE

AND Im all for unifying the titles, considering the majority (if not all titles) are an absolute joke, at its current state..considering the fact that Edge has won 8 world titles in 3 sure thas a record of some sort
At first when I read this, I was considering the number of superstars in the WWE..but considering how WWE is trying to focus more on specific stars, I would support the end of the brand extension. For the last 5 years or so, there has been really strong brand feuds..some examples are HBK-HHH, Batista HHH, Cena-JBL, Taker-Edge, Taker Orton etc etc etc...but as of late, there's so much overlap with the superstars..theres just too many cross-branded right now..its HHH (SD) vs Orton (Raw), Edge (SD, right?) vs Show (SD) vs Cena (Raw) and HBK (Raw) vs Taker (SD)..its really going to a point where I think its pointless to have separate brands, the WWE doesnt seem to focus on the midcarders as much as they used to back in the day, so it would be most suitable if this whole draft crap ended..BUT I would have ECW as more of a show to represent the rising stars (or underdevelopment wrestlers) of the WWE

AND Im all for unifying the titles, considering the majority (if not all titles) are an absolute joke, at its current state..considering the fact that Edge has won 8 world titles in 3 sure thas a record of some sort

couldn't agree with you more. another thing this would do is get rid of alot of these bums that are just fillers and we would be able to see a little more of a solid line-up throughout a the show (i would hope)
I think that unifying the 2 major titles would be a great idea just because it would give everyone a reason 2 bring back the Cruiserweight title and maybe even another mid-card title in ECW like the Hardcore Championship or maybe even the ECW TV Championship.
I also think it would give the WWE a chance to put more focus on the superstars that THEY want to really emphasize before they get a chance to retire or even quit the business. Superstars like The Undertaker, HHH, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, John Cena, Edge and Big Show, and maybe even Chris Jericho.
If they did a major Rivalry I could see them making a major inter-brand match at No Mercy, they could do the Chanpionship Scramble be the end all match of the Year. It would also give them a chance to show someones talent off and it not be at Wrestlemania.
Sorry, unifying won't work. Too many names, too many stories, too much bs. They are doing enough mixing show to show as it is. I think a better Idea would be to get a big feud going for either the IC or Euro title (sorry JBL and Mysterio, not big, just embarassing) and have a vacancy with a big tournament for the other. You guys remember when stars held titles? That should apply for all titles. The reason the brand breakup is getting boring is because the only titles that see to matter anymore are the world titles...and to be honest, the ecw title is no longer on that list. I noticed you guys talking about big feuds...well shows don't really stop those (guys can apparently change show whenever they want). Oh yeah, keep Matt Hardy on ecw, I understand the jealousy towards Jeff, even though it is a storyline, Matt you are just awful. I think thats enough for one post....
Reuniting the brands would be a great idea. Possibly leave ECW out of it unless they build it up to a major brand because lets face it, right now, it isn't. What makes it so great is that it give more opportunities to build up better and longer story lines. This worked in the past and was most likely the reason smackdown became a show in the first place.
The idea of unification for the World Titles is a good one, if done properly. What needs to be done is to bring back some of the old school feel to the product. Bring back the days where the up-and-comers were battling for the IC title instead of jobbing out at the Royal Rumble.

They have regressed the edge of the product to make things more PG, and thats fine...if done properly. Bring back some of the elements from before the Attitude Era, like Tag Team Wrestling. We know not everyone will be a singles star some day, so let them keep their job and be in a tag team. Bring back the prestige in having 1 main belt, 1 mid card belt, and 1 tag championship. I do like the idea of bringing in the brand only belts, like Cruiserweight, Hardcore, TV, and Womens.

Start making some more characters instead of just guys with a gimmick. Hogan was a character, and a story teller. Flair has been that. Piper. Slaughter. Andre. Dibiase. What do we have now? Edge is a "cool heel" that will do anything for a win. Orton is an annoying heel who feeds on personal problems. Cena is a regular guy who supports the troops. Bring back the costumes and wrestling attire, bring back some face paint. Wrestling now a days is just showcasing your average Joe, (Cena in jean shorts and sneakers), against your average schoolyard bully (Edge).

Gone are the days of Savage, Warrior, Hogan, Flair, Sting, Luger, Razor Ramon, and whatnot, but bring back some of the elements. Dont just keep guys around to make them such a "more realistic wrestler, just exaggerated". It worked for Austin, but that was a completely different era, and not a PG one by any means.
i dont understand why everyone is jumping the gun and assuming the brand extension will end.i think they will unify the titles though they are making a big mistake if its batista,the guy is should be orton who unifies the titles but the brand extension will remain,it will just mean that the champions can appear on all 3 shows and this way they can reduce the number of titles and keep the brands split.i would love to see them merge the brands again but i just dont think its gonna happen within the next year or so
I think it's a small possibility that WWE will try and keep ECW its own brand, and have all the other titles unify. The Undisputed Tag Team champions will be crowned at Wrestlemania. THe Diva's Title isn't working at all, and I can see an Undisputed Women's Champion in the future, possibly by next Wrestlemania. And can you image how awesome it would be to kill the U.S. title and create an Undisputed Intercontinental Champion. It has nothing to do with the belts, just the guys competing for them. It would finally make it worth it. Imagine being able to see Shelton Benjamin, CM Punk, JBL, Rey Mysterio, MVP, Hurrican Helms, William Regal, Kofi Kingston, etc. all competing for the same title. The prestige would go WAY up real fast, once people realized that there was only one mid card champion, and that he was second only to the Undisputed World Champion. I don't really count on this happening, but I would really enjoy it.

I would love to see a Battle Royal at Summerslam or something. Or just a Fatal Four Way between MVP, Rey Mysterio, Hurrican Helms, and CM Punk. I would like to see Shelton maybe move up in the rankings and fight for the World or ECW title a bit. He deserves it. I think another lengthy run as U.S. Champ or Undisputed Intercontinental Champion could give MVP that bump he needs to get over the mid-card hill.
We've essentially seen a mess of a brand split ever since the draft. Superstars from every brand are always on every show and even before the Wrestlemania build up where the brand split seemingly has temporarily ended, there was still a ton of interbrand storylines and rivalries going on that the brand split really didn't seem significant at all and that made each brand having its own title even less significant.

You can either unify all the titles and get rid of the brand split all together, OR, stick with a distinct brand split. If you're a part of Raw, you're ONLY on Raw. You aren't just on Raw, but every month you appear on ECW and Smackdown! at least once or twice. Raw is strictly Raw, Smackdown! strictly Smackdown!, and even ECW has to be strictly ECW.

How about brand only PPV's again? The midcard titles actually meant something because when there were brand only shows, there was a ton of emphasis usually put into the IC Title or US Title feuds because they helped carry a show! Heck, now with every PPV representing all 3 brands, the IC and US titles hardly ever get represented at the PPV's!

Remember when we'd see Chris Jericho vs. Christian in a Ladder Match for the IC Title on Unforgiven years ago? Or when the US Title was arguably just as hotly contested on Smackdown! as the World Title? The days where the midcard titles had any importance ended when PPV's became tri-branded.

If WWE is sticking with the tri-branded PPV's, which they will because they apparently sell more, just unify the titles! One World Champion, an Intercontinental Champion, a Tag Champion, and a Women's Champion. That's it.

Even if the brand's remain split, just do it so the champions can appear on every show! It doesn't mean that they will. Let's say HHH is feuding with a Raw guy, it makes no sense for him to appear on Smackdown!. But after his feud with a Raw guy ends, if the storyline drifts him over to Smackdown!, then so be it!
WWE needs to get rid of Smackdown and stick with RAW and ECW. If they went back to 2 shows then they would get alot better feuds, resulting in much better ratings. ECW could be moved to Friday nights and become a 2 hour show (pretty much replacing Smackdown). The WWE and the World Heavyweight titles could be unified into the WWE World Heavyweight title. The Intercontinental title could move to ECW, the US title move to RAW, the Diva's title to RAW, and the women's title to ECW. Since at WM25 the tag titles will be unified, the new WWE World Tag team titles would go to RAW and ECW would reveal the new ECW world tag titles. So now we have Monday Night RAW with: WWE World Heavyweight Championship, WWE United states Championship, WWE Worl Tag Team Championships, and the WWE Divas Championship. Now, Friday Night ECW with: ECW World Heavyweight Championship, WWE Intercontinental Championship, ECW World Tag Team Championships, and WWE Women's Championship. (ECW could also add the brand's name to the IC and Womens ECW Intercontinental Title and ECW Women's title. (Note: IC and US title could be on either show...) Now, all the former Smackdown superstars are "randomly" drafted to either show. 2 shows=better ratings, better feuds, more prestigous titles, better matchs and lower costs for WWE overall. What do you think?
We've essentially seen a mess of a brand split ever since the draft. Superstars from every brand are always on every show and even before the Wrestlemania build up where the brand split seemingly has temporarily ended, there was still a ton of interbrand storylines and rivalries going on that the brand split really didn't seem significant at all and that made each brand having its own title even less significant.

You can either unify all the titles and get rid of the brand split all together, OR, stick with a distinct brand split. If you're a part of Raw, you're ONLY on Raw. You aren't just on Raw, but every month you appear on ECW and Smackdown! at least once or twice. Raw is strictly Raw, Smackdown! strictly Smackdown!, and even ECW has to be strictly ECW.

How about brand only PPV's again? The midcard titles actually meant something because when there were brand only shows, there was a ton of emphasis usually put into the IC Title or US Title feuds because they helped carry a show! Heck, now with every PPV representing all 3 brands, the IC and US titles hardly ever get represented at the PPV's!

Remember when we'd see Chris Jericho vs. Christian in a Ladder Match for the IC Title on Unforgiven years ago? Or when the US Title was arguably just as hotly contested on Smackdown! as the World Title? The days where the midcard titles had any importance ended when PPV's became tri-branded.

If WWE is sticking with the tri-branded PPV's, which they will because they apparently sell more, just unify the titles! One World Champion, an Intercontinental Champion, a Tag Champion, and a Women's Champion. That's it.

Even if the brand's remain split, just do it so the champions can appear on every show! It doesn't mean that they will. Let's say HHH is feuding with a Raw guy, it makes no sense for him to appear on Smackdown!. But after his feud with a Raw guy ends, if the storyline drifts him over to Smackdown!, then so be it!

That would be a good idea, bringing back the brand only PPVs, but again how long will some PPVs last..lets face it, in most cases its the RAW main event ppl care about more, over the SD storylines so I question how buyrates will be affected

But if that did happen again, WWE should keep the rumble, WM, and possibly survivorseries/summerslam as the inter-branded events..heck add a little cross branded fights, but as of right now its just so god damn confusing you ask yourself if there was a brand extension to begin with
I believe there should be three brands. Essentially every show has their title. Raw has an I.C belt, Smackdown U.S belt, ECW with their belt. Then one world champ who competes on all, same with tag titles and womens champ. Have Brand PPV's lets say 3 each and the 4 main one combined. and lets not foget just one PPv where all champs fight on. But lets see a distinctive diff on all three brands. we need to see more of a push of allowing younger blokes to be more creative and allow them to feel comfortable with what there doing
If the brand split end, it could actually be a blessing in disguise ...... for TNA

For the WWE to combine rosters, obviously a talent purge would have to occur.
And while it would trim the fat as far as jobbers, it would probably cause a few decent workers to lose their jobs as well.

Regal,Kennedy,Henry come to mind.

And also it would cut down the time that mid carders get on the show, so i could see some of them leaving as well.


The brand unification could also boost smackdown and ecw as well.
Ill be honest with you.
I watch smackdown when edge is on thats it.
And i quit watching ecw when miz and morrison started showing up on raw.
like others have said, good idea but wrong guy. I would love to see the brand split end but it would hurt other superstars chances of being in the main event. If the brand split were to end, then guys like Cena, Edge, HHH would always be in the title picture. Guys like the Hardys Punk Christian would get screwed
I have said this so many times. There is plenty of time to get 50+ guys on five hours of TV. There are 15 main event guys. Some will wrestle on one show and promo on the other. You can use six in one six man tag, 15 minute segment. Two more do promos only, and then you have one tag match, and you have used maybe one of the five hours of WWE TV. The rest can be used for filler videoes, mid carders, and a couple of extra segments featuring the headliners. More feuds, IC title elevation, and a fresh new start are just a few of the benefits. If you get both belts on one show, you could even end the split with an invasion style angle, done right, and a purge of useless talent.
I think WWE needs to go back to two shows only...and not WWECW. I refuse to call that mockery ECW. I love Teddy Long as a GM of Smack Down or Raw and get someone creative on the other show. I think it the split worked with two shows but now WWE has too many shows and are putting on crap wrestlers and spreading creative way too thin. Raw vs. Smackdown is the way to go. As far as unifying the belts...I agree on the Tag and World Championships...but I think the IC and U.S. should be brand exclusive to give the good mid-carders something to shoot for. far as unifying the titles for an Undisputed Championship...I think it should be Jericho vs. Orton as heels. It would be different...and Jericho could be the one to make the push to 'reclaim his past glory.' As far as the WWECW Championship...I think throwing Christian or Evan Bourne in as the ECW Champion would be a nice mix-up...I just want to see Orton RKO Bourne during a mid-shooting star press...that would be sick.
I don't see the point in unifying the two main titles. The reason for a title unification should be that you don't have enough people to focus on 2 titles, so you merge them into 1 and combine your efforts. That's why the tag team and divas/women's titles could be merged, but the rest shouldn't be. Having the brand split makes sense because it allows people to ascend the ranks much easier than when everybody was competing to get on TV every week. But this has been discussed a million times, so I'm leaving that section of my reply to that.

The other issue here is...BATISTA being the guy to do it? Now, I don't put much stock into that article at all, and even if its true, we all know how plans change even within a day in the WWE, let alone a full year. But let's just say, for argument's sake, that that's 100% true and they never change their mind. Why would you possibly make Batista be the guy to unify the titles? That's a horrible option. This guy has flat out said that he plans on wrestling for one year more and that's it. You'd effectively be giving a major boost to someone who quits right afterwards. If they were to unify the titles next year at WrestleMania, they would need to use that as a platform for one of 2 potential booking options:

1) Use it to get someone over. You give it to a guy, similar to Jericho's unification, who isn't exactly the very top guy yet. This has the potential to skyrocket someone.

2) Give it to someone who is trustworthy enough to really get a firm hold on it and be officially declared "the guy". Naturally, there are only about 6 options for people that could do this, and you could still narrow that down. HBK and Taker could fit that, but their futures are questionable, so its not wise to risk it. Jericho, as much as I like him, it just wouldn't seem right to me. Edge could only work if they stopped booking him as a guy who can't successfully defend his title for more than a month. HHH, fuck him, he doesn't need it and he's not as great as he thinks he is, and it would bore the hell out of me. Orton is a definite possibility, but still not the best option. Love him or hate him, we all know the right man for that title unification job would be John Cena...outside of the fact that it would be BEYOND obvious that he would be the one to win it.

This is all random speculation though. I highly doubt they're planning on unifying the titles next year, for real, and if so, I doubt even more that they'd choose Batista out of everybody else to be the guy to get the honor.

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