The Elite Bar Room is now open for business

Not that this relates to me, but if the Elite Bar Room is that "Elite" doesn't it deserve its own section instead of being a sub-section to the Insane Asylum?
And if the Insane Asyslum was really insane I'd change every thread title to random symbols.
Uhm, so the Staff is meant to be considered some of the very best posters on the forum - and yet selective Staff members (Lariat, Tdigs) are complaining over not having invites. (yet)

So if this "Elite Bar room" is meant for the very best posters. Wouldn't the Staff have been invited first and foremost, before anyone else?

Therefore, this is either..

A.) a joke.
B.) a special room for the worst posters in hopes they won't post in public anymore.
C.) Lariat, Tdigs and any other Staff member not currently invited - apparently sucks through Sly's eyes. :lmao:
Staff isn't necessarily the best posters though. There are plenty of regulars I consider to be better "posters" than some Staff. For example, I'd consider LigerBomb and Gelgarin far better posters than people like TM or CM.

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