The Edge and Cena feud was overrated.


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The wwe by late 2005 was already on the verge of cramming John Cena down your throat no matter how much he sucked, his awful matches with Jericho and angle during this time period were a sign of things to come. at New Years revolution Cena predictably survives against 5 guys in the elimination chamber. So out comes edge the rated r sooooopastar with his money in the bank briefcase long story short he beats Cena. So this leads to a feud between these 2 guys that basically lasts throughout all of 2006.
1. They had a crappy match at the royal rumble with Cena of course taking the title back immediately and being protected in the match by dominating edge. I mean they just had to have Cena win the belt right back they couldn’t even let edge carry the belt into fucking wrestlemania I’m not even a big edge mark but dammit all.

2. Later on down the road they had forgettable match at summerslam with edge cheating to beat Cena of course of course Cena never loses clean breakfast club rules bitches!!

3. Then finally the big blow off match at unforgiven it’s gonna be a tlc match Bah gawd king tlc And if Cena loses he’s gonna go to Smackdown baby!! Yeah sure you obviously knew what was gonna happen there’s no way in hell edge was winning this match and there’s no way in the blue hell Cena was going to Smackdown, a typical predictable match with Cena winning (yawn) this match was slightly better just because it was a tlc match and it hid the many flaws of Cena in the ring.

Bottom line is John Cena and edge was a feud the wwe tried so hard to make epic they tried to cram it down your throats all throughout 2006 and it just didn’t work. They tried it again in 2009 as well oops didn’t work either. Edge is a solid worker I’ll give him that although I’m not the biggest fan but he just didn’t have enough to carry that phony fuck cena and as a result the matches were crappy and this whole feud with stupid and crappy. Oh and let’s not forget I also forgot to mention that the game!!! Hunter himself!! Interjected himself into this feud and hhh and Cena and edge proceeded to have a forgettable triple threat match at backlash can’t believe that I forgot that one.
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The feud was garbage. It was nothing but Edge jobbing constantly to make Cena look invincible.
Wow, you clearly didn't watch the same thing we did, that feud was awesome. The storytelling was the best throughout the whole feud. It pretty made Edge a main event superstars and fans couldn't get enough of theses 2.

They had strong matches from their first match at the rumble to their TLC matches at unforgiven, they didn't have one bad match. They had natural chemistry between the three, i'm adding lita since she was a big part of that feud, and was one of the highest crossing feud of the year. So i get that you might not like the performers or the feud itself but for me, it had everything you need in a entertaining feud and looking back at that time in history, i'm not the only one that thought that,
The wwe by late 2005 was already on the verge of cramming John Cena down your throat no matter how much he sucked, his awful matches with Jericho and angle during this time period were a sign of things to come. at New Years revolution Cena predictably survives against 5 guys in the elimination chamber. So out comes edge the rated r sooooopastar with his money in the bank briefcase long story short he beats Cena. So this leads to a feud between these 2 guys that basically lasts throughout all of 2006.
1. They had a crappy match at the royal rumble with Cena of course taking the title back immediately and being protected in the match by dominating edge. I mean they just had to have Cena win the belt right back they couldn’t even let edge carry the belt into fucking wrestlemania I’m not even a big edge mark but dammit all.

2. Later on down the road they had forgettable match at summerslam with edge cheating to beat Cena of course of course Cena never loses clean breakfast club rules bitches!!

3. Then finally the big blow off match at unforgiven it’s gonna be a tlc match Bah gawd king tlc And if Cena loses he’s gonna go to Smackdown baby!! Yeah sure you obviously knew what was gonna happen there’s no way in hell edge was winning this match and there’s no way in the blue hell Cena was going to Smackdown, a typical predictable match with Cena winning (yawn) this match was slightly better just because it was a tlc match and it hid the many flaws of Cena in the ring.

Bottom line is John Cena and edge was a feud the wwe tried so hard to make epic they tried to cram it down your throats all throughout 2006 and it just didn’t work. They tried it again in 2009 as well oops didn’t work either. Edge is a solid worker I’ll give him that although I’m not the biggest fan but he just didn’t have enough to carry that phony fuck cena and as a result the matches were crappy and this whole feud with stupid and crappy. Oh and let’s not forget I also forgot to mention that the game!!! Hunter himself!! Interjected himself into this feud and hhh and Cena and edge proceeded to have a forgettable triple threat match at backlash can’t believe that I forgot that one.

Gee, you're behind the times.

Cena isn't getting booed anymore, or being shoved down anyone's throat.

I thought you would have moved onto now hating Roman Reigns instead with your fellow smarks.

(PS The only thing that should be shoved down your throat is someone's fist).
he’s not getting booed because he’s barley there anymore, he’s in the acting world now but someone needs to tell him he has no talent in acting either.

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