The Dudley Boyz

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The Cerebral Assassin
The Dudley Boyz, one of the most successful tag teams in pro wrestling today. These two have found success in every promotion they've ever been in (ECW, WWE, TNA)... together... never really on their own.. Do you think it was a good thing that they pretty much stuck together their entire careers, or do you think they should have split a la E&C, Hardys, etc in order to try to achieve singles success, and I dont mean like how they tried during the brand split, but I mean really try over a long period of time. Would you have liked to see it happen? Or do you think it wise for them to stay together? If so, is it because you don't think they're good singles wrestlers? If not, explain why then. They're a great tag team- but thats all they've ever been- Good? Bad?

Them splitting wouldn't make any sense. They're like the Road Warriors: big power guys taht only really could do anything when they were together. Bubba and D-Von just aren't good singles wrestlers. Putting them together was the only way to really get anything out of them. They're a great team no question about it, but they're just not great when they're split up. They're big lumbering guys that got insanely over for their finishing move. Without the other they're just not complete. The split is harder than it seems as well. The Hardys took forever to really take off. Edge took a good while and Christian still isn't there. Only two of the 6 "future leaders" of the company have won world titles, nearly 8 years later. The Dudleyz simply wouldn't have worked as singles guys. They're a team, not two guys that team well together.
none of them would be entertaining without the other it doesnt work if the dudleys are not together its like having a car with no wheels lol
They're together for life I guess. And it's so much better that way.
WWE tried splitting them up, and it was a mess.
Bubba in the hardcore division? Reverend D-Von? It was all pretty difficult to watch.
The only notable thing a Dudley ever did as a singles wrestler was bring Batista to the WWE as D-von's "assistant"

They're one of te best heel tag teams of all time. Why cheapen that legacy by splitting them up or maknig them have a feud? Just doesn't make sense.
The Dudley Boyz just never did anything to distinguish themselves from the tag team. Look at their finishers. They don't really have individual finishers, not in the way the Hardys and E & C did. And lets be honest, they were never gonna be main eventers, so where's the logic to break up a hugely successful tag team, just to give one or both of them a mid-card push? And they have such great chemistry and are so entertaining together, that it seems ridiculous to split them up for the sake of it. Maybe if one of them had become something of a break-out star in their own right, the way it can so often happen in tag teams, then it would make sense, but they never did, and at this stage of their careers, they're certainly not going to?

The only thing that the Dudley Boyz need to do is make a return to the WWE, and there has never been a better time for that. People have complained about them demise of the tag team division, which is a joke at this stage. Can anyone remember the last tag team feud we saw in the WWE? who better to reinvigorate it then the Dudleys. They could really help get so many tag teams over. Plus I'd love to see a Dudleys/Miz&Morrison feud
In 2002 after the very first draft they did split due to the draft, this was in March and they were seperated up until Survivor Series(November) of that year, in this 8 month period they had pretty good singles success, D-Von became a good heel and took on the image of Reverend D-Von(Batista actually got his start in WWE playing his Deacon), and Bubba actually had a short fued with Triple H, so while neither was going to become World Champion or become the next Austin or Rock, they had good high/mid card status
I love the pure tag team. Not two guys thrown together for a few months. I like teams that are TEAMS for years and years. We don't have that anymore. The Road Warriors, Midnight Express (which had a couple incarnations), the Rock and Roll Express, the Fantastics, The Freebirds and others were TEAMS for years. I miss that time...must be getting old. The Dudleyz are about the only team of that kind left. They were horrible as singles wrestlers and I knew they would be. They are decent as a team and hopefully will stay together for a few more years.
Dvon really wants a singles belt on his mantle, and bubba is gonna retire soon so it will happen. Dvon will be TNA champ within a year
Arrynboot...i couldn't disagree more...they have not accomplished anything in terms of singles competition...of course this is the bookers fault not their own...but still you would rather push Dvon then aj, joe, angle, booker, sting, jarrett, and any of the young stars who deserve it?
ok about splitting them up... dont you remember the draft a few years back? when D-von Dudley went to smackdown and became reverend devon, and brought in the Deacon, Deacon Batista.

it failed, terribly, that's why they wont split them up. like i read previous to this, the truly great tag teams namely The Dudleyz or the Roadwarriors, Legion Of Doom, it would ruin them. TNA put the dudleyz in a main event world title match alst month, but honestly who thought that one of them would win the title over Sting or Kurt Angle?
Yeah.Anyone else remember the short lived tag team of Farooq & Dvon?
WWE have a history of splitting up succesful tags,The Bashams,London/Kendrick,La Resistance.Its just natural progression in their eyes ,without it,there,d be no world titles for Edge,HBK,or the Hardys,but when it goes wrong aye-VaH!.
The Dudleys work well together & when theyre nasty AnD funny (BBRs fat & as for Dvons choice of women,,) its a TNA joy..Despite WWE attempts to split them up,it becomes obvious theyre better off together.With all respect,I think if they were permanently seperated when WWEs obsession with hardcore disappeared,with the original ECW.I think we,d be talking about their ShorT LiveD TV career by now.How many fatties are on WWE/TNAs roster,& what difference to them would the Dudleys offer or make,alone .
As long as theyre okay about working together,long may it last.
P.S. Seeing as TNA are acknowledging their Vets.How long before a TNA HoF.To really rub it up Vinces nose.First entry BOOKER T!
I must admit these guys are good tag team guys but what makes them great. Why should they have like 21 reigns as Tag team champions in all the promotions over guys like E&C and Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Heck even The Hardys should have had more reigns than these guys. They have greta chemistry but come one, they don't desverve "HHH" reigns. I also believe that these guys should never split up. They suck in the ring by them selfs ( D-von 2002) and just would be flopping around like fish out of water. It just would not make any sense and would just be plain stupid.

As for saying that, they are pretty good in the ring ( as a team, some times) and play both face and heel great. Can get the crowd going if they are face and can get them to hate them as well.
The Dudleys Are One Of The Greatest Tag Teams In Wrestling History, Long Run As A Team, They Have Had All The Major Tag Team Titles In Wrestling, I Mean Wwe, World Tag Team, Tna, Ecw.....and If They Didn't Break Up Some 5 Or 6 Years Ago, They Shouldn't Right Now... Why? Because If There Was A Right Time To Break Up It Was Some 5 Years Ago, When They Could Have Become And Improve Great Singles Competitors, Right Now They Should Continue Being A Team And Retire Together As A Team.
They tried splitting them up in WWE, and it didn't go over well at all, neither guy can really work well in singles, they've been wrestling as a team for so long that it's really the only way they seem to know how to wrestle anymore, as singles competitors they just don't know how to carry a decent match, Bubba may be able to get a little over as a mid-carder for awhile I remeber his singles push in WWE not being absolute shit, though though it didn't last long and soon they had him back in the tag division but with Spike as his partner this time around, but Devon is just fucked his singles run on SD! as just absolute shit, and nothing good came out of it at all
hey just arent single wrestlers simple as, they have ran there course as a tag team aslo i think they should retire and possibly become commentators (only 1)
First of all The Dudley's aka Team 3D are not one of the most sucessful teams in wrestling they ARE the MOST SUCESSFUL Team in wrestling and why mess with a good thing . Do u ever question "Nature Boy" Ric Flair's GREATNESS Because he never won a ton of WCW Tag Team Gold ?? Or Hulk Hogan for only winning the WWE World Tag Team Titles Once ?? No you don't and if you do ur an idiot . The Dudleys aka Team 3D don't have to prove they are good singles wrestlers .
I don't think Bubba Ray would have survived on his own for any long period of time. Every time I hear some backstage thing about him, it's that he's lazy, and he's a jack ass. I think that if they split up, he would have been fired in the WWE, and D-Von MAY have gone on to be successful. Maybe an Intercontinental Title or the new ECW title...nothing more. In TNA, I think the same thing applies, only they wouldn't fire Bubba...they would keep him around, and he would continue to suck by himself every week.
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