The Doctor

FunKay the Inevitable

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The Doctor


From an ancient race of universe watching aliens know as Time Lords comes The Doctor. Unlike most of his kind however, the Doctor has a wild streak and ran away. Why? Well a number of reasons really, but at the centre of it all; to explore the universe and to be adventurous.

The Doctor’s (about) 900 years old and changed his look plenty of times through his regenerative abilities. In that time he’s been everywhere and seen everything, well just about. From battling cave-men in his first incarnation to staring down an arch-enemy at the end of the known universe in his 10th form, The Doctor has travelled throughout time and space with his trusty T.A.R.D.I.S. breaking any and all Time Lord rules along the way.

As a journeyman of the cosmos, the Doctor has a tendency to interfere in critical and important events and to even bump into himself every so often. Helping as many people as he can, the Doctor will stop at nothing in order to try and make sure everyone lives (unless of course, they’re meant to). He’s got a friends list a mile long, but also an enemy’s list equal in length due to this.

Currently in his 11th form the Doctor travels around with Amy Pond and Rory Williams, a married couple. Though rumour has it the days of his companions are numbered, the Doctor still has some journeys to go on with this pair before their departure. Oh and be careful for his “wife” the ever dangerous River Song. Apparently she killed a good man once. The less said about that, the better.

• Vast Knowledge: As a Time Lord, the Doctor has a brain that can absorb things like a sponge. He knows about countless races and his mind holds the power of the entirety of time and space. He knows just about all, and can normally tell if something’s not right. He’s also the world’s biggest history buff.
• Adaptability: A veteran of wars and conflicts that expand the whole of reality, the Doctor knows most planets, and if he doesn’t, that merely adds to the excitement. Using his intelligence to learn and adapt, the Doctor is arguably the ultimate survivor across all of time and space whether it’s tea and cake with Agatha Christie or battling the Ice Warriors of Mars, the Doctor knows how to survive.
• Regeneration: Cheating death is a specialty of the Time Lords. With their aging process differing to humans, the Time Lords also discovered a way to survive for longer, and when the time comes (either naturally or by other means), a Time Lord can re-write their biology and live again, only with a different face, body and even personality...the same person, but not quite.

• T.A.R.D.I.S.: Short for Time and Relative Dimension in Space, the T.A.R.D.I.S. is the Doctor’s most trusted companion. A living machine, the T.A.R.D.I.S. takes the adventurer anywhere and everywhere he wants to go, though not always correctly. It is ancient in design, but still vastly more advanced than any Earth based technology in the 21st century.
• Sonic Screwdriver: Whenever there’s a fault and the Doctor needs to analyse it, or whenever he needs to break in somewhere, he always has his Sonic Screwdriver. It breaks in and fixes most things, though it doesn’t fix all of the Doctor’s problems, it’s a handy tool for any workman.
• Psychic Paper: While it doesn’t work on those with mild psychic training, the Psychic Paper comes in handy when trying to sneak in, around and out of situations. It’ll show whatever you want it to, just think first and then it’ll appear.

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